人教pep六上英语 Unit 5 The third period第三课时教案

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The third period(第三课时)

Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk




Let’s try


·能够运用基本听力技巧完成Let’s try板块的听力任务

Let’s talk

·能够通过观察、谈论Let’s talk板块的图片,在图片、PPT和老师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答对话后面的问题


·能够在情景中运用句型“Where does he work?”“How does he go to work?”询问他人工作地点和交通工具

·能够在语境中借助图片等帮助理解“stay healthy, work hard, study hard”的意思,并能正确发音



能够在情景中运用句型“Where does he work?”“How does he go to work?”询问他人工作地点和他们上班的交通工具。









Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

2. Revision.

Show some pictures of the jobs on the PPT. Help students review the words of the jobs.(课件出示:A部分的职业名词及图片)

T: What does he/ she do?

Ss: He/ She is a/ an…

3. Lead-in.



T: My father is a teacher. My mother is a nurse. What about your father and mother?

S1: My father is a/an…

T: In Part B we’re going to continue to talk about “jobs”.

Write down the topic “What does he do?” on the blackboard.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Listen and circle.

(1) Show the picture of Mike and Xiao Yu on the PPT. (课件出示:MikeXiao Yu的图片)

T:  Mike and Xiao Yu are going home now. Mike sees a man coming towards them. He is Xiao Yu’s uncle. They’re talking about Xiao Yu’s uncle.

(2) Show the questions to students. Ask students to predict the main idea of the listening content.

(3) Play the recording.(出示课件)

Students listen to the recording and try to circle the answers.

(4)Play the recording again and check the answers.

(5)Talk about the appearance, and workplace of Xiao Yu’s uncle with students. (课件出示:教材P50 Let’s try板块的听力材料).

2. Look and predict. 

Show the picture to students. (课件出示:教材P50 Let’s talk板块的图片) Let students look at the picture carefully. Ask some questions to lead them to predict the main idea of the dialogue.

Questions: Who is the man that Mike and Xiao Yu are talking about?/ Where is the man? What does he do?/…

3. Watch and answer.

Show the questions on the PPT.(出示课件) Play the cartoon. Ask students to watch the cartoon and try to answer the questions. Then check the answers.(课件出示:教材P50 Let’s talk板块的视频)

Q1: Who is that man?He’s Mike’s uncle.

Q2: What does he do?He is a fisherman.

Write down “fish +er +man=fisherman” on the blackboard. And teach the word.

Write down the questions on the blackboard.

4. Read and answer. Learn the new sentences.

Show the questions on the PPT. (出示课件) Students read the dialogue and try to answer the questions.

Q3: Where does he work? (He works at sea.)

Q4: How does he go to work? (He goes to work by bike.)

Show a picture of a sea on the PPT. (课件出示:sea的相关内容)

T: He sees lots of fish every day!

Use gestures and exaggerated tones to help students understand.

Write down the key sentences “He works at sea.” and “He goes to work by bike.” on the blackboard. Lead students to read and practice the sentences in pairs.

A: Where does he work?

B: He works at sea.

A: How does he go to work?

B: He goes to work by bike.

T: What else do you know about Mike’s uncle? He works hard and stays healthy.

Teach the phrases “work hard” and “stay healthy”.

Make sentences to help students understand them.

Let students look at the last sentence of the dialogue and lead them to say out the right answer.

T: What should we do?We should study hard and stay healthy.

Help students understand “study hard”. Then teach the phrase.

T: Yes, we should study hard and stay healthy. It’s good for us.

Ask students to make sentences with the word “should”.

5. Read and act.

1Students read after the recording. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.(出示课件)

2Let students practice the dialogue in groups and act out.

3Lead students to make a new dialogue as the model. (课件出示:对话练习的框架)

Step 3: Practice

1. Read the words.

Show some words on the PPT line by line.(课件出示:逐行出示词汇)

Students read the words and the phrases.

2. Find and classify.

Ask students to find out the different type of vocabulary in each line. Then lead students to classify the words and phrases into three sorts. (课件出示:分类结果) Lead students to find the special question words “What, Where, How”.

3. Ask questions.


T: How can we ask?

Show the questions on the PPT.

4. Practice in pairs.

Show the model of the dialogue. (课件出示:对话练习的范例)

5. Show time.

Ask several students to show to the class. The other students listen and make evaluations to them.

Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

Make a survey”

1. Create a situation.

T: Mike and Xiao Yu are talking about their uncles’ jobs. How about you? What does your father or mother do? Where does he or she work? How does he or she go to work? Let’s make a survey.

2. Make a demonstration.

Show a chart to the class. (出示课件) Make a demonstration with a student.

T: …, what does your father do?

S1: He is a doctor.

T: Where does he work?

S1: He works in a hospital.

T: How does he go to work?

S1: He goes to work by car.

Write down the answers in the chart.

3. Work in groups.

Lead students to work in groups of four. Students ask and write down the answers in the chart.

4. Make a report.

Show the chart to the class and make a model.

T: …’s father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He goes to work by car.

Students try to make a report. The other students listen and make evaluations to them.







Practice the dialogue.








Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s try

·Be able to predict the main content of the listening part.

·Be able to use basic listening skills to complete the listening tasks.

Let’s talk

·Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the pictures. Be able to answer the questions below the dialogue.

·Be able to read the dialogue correctly, fluently and emotionally,  and act out in groups.

·Be able to use the sentence structuresWhere does he work?”“How does he go to work?to talk about where others work and how they go to work properly.

·Be able to understand and read the new phrasesstay healthy, work hard, study hardcorrectly.

·Be able to help students establish the consciousness of studying hard and living healthily.

Teaching Priorities

·Be able to use the key sentence structures “Where does he work?” “How does he go to work?”  to talk about where others work and how they get to work in situations.

Teaching Difficulties


·Be able to use the key sentence structures to talk about where others work and how they go to work.

Teaching Procedures

Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students Activities

Teaching Purposes






1. Greetings.

2. Revision.

T: What does he/she do?

Ss: He/ She is a/an

3. Lead-in.

1. Greetings.

2. Review the words of the jobs.

3. Free talk.

Review some words of the jobs.

Prepare for the next part.


1. Listen and circle.

(1) Show the picture of Mike and Xiao Yu on the PPT.

(2) Show the questions to students. Let them predict the main idea of the listening content.

(3) Play the recording.

(4) Play the recording again and

check the answers.

(5) Talk about Xiao Yu’s uncle.

(1) Look at the picture.

(2) Read the questions of

Let’s try” and predict the main idea of the listening content.

(3) Listen to the recording

and try to circle the answers.

(4) Listen again and check

the answers.

(5) Talk about Xiao Yu’s


Lead students to predict the listening content before listening. Cultivate students’ logical reasoning ability.

2. Look and predict.

Show the picture to students. Ask some questions to lead them to predict the main idea of the dialogue.

Look at the picture carefully.

Answer the questions. Predict the main idea of the dialogue.

Cultivate students’

observation ability and logical reasoning ability.

Activate existing knowledge, extract knowledge related to the text.

3. Watch and answer.

Show the questions on the PPT.

Play the cartoon.

Check the answers.

Teach the word “fisherman”.

Watch the cartoon and try to answer the questions.

Check the answers.

Learn the word “fisherman”.

Use the questions to lead students to understand the dialogue and lead in the new word.


Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students’ Activities

Teaching Purposes


4. Read and answer. Learn the new sentences.

Show the questions on the PPT.

Teach the key sentences.

Teach the word “sea” and the phrases “work hard, stay healthy, study hard”.

Read the dialogue and try to answer the questions. Read and practice the sentence in pairs.

Try to understand and learn the phrases “work hard, stay healthy, study hard”.

Help students to understand the phrases and read them correctly.

Help students build up awareness of working hard and living a healthy life.

5. Read and act.

(1) Let students read after the recording.

(2) Let students practice the

dialogue in groups and act out.

(3) Lead students to make a new dialogue.

(1) Read after the recording.

(2) Practice the dialogue in groups and act out.

(3) Make a new dialogue.

Make sure students are able to read the dialogue correctly and fluently.


1. Read the words.

Show some words on the PPT line by line.

2. Find and classify.

3. Ask questions.

4. Practice in pairs.

5. Show time.

1. Read the words and the phrases.

2. Find out the different

words in each line. Then try to classify the words.

3. Ask questions.

4. Practice in pairs.

5. Show time.

Prepare for the next part.

Present some words of occupations, places and transportation tools on the PPT to help students practice the key words and sentence structures.




“Make a survey”

1. Create a situation.

2. Make a demonstration.

3. Let students work in groups.

4. Make a report.

Work in groups of four.

Ask and write down the answers in the chart.

Then try to make a report.

Create a real situation to develop students’

comprehensive language

using ability.


1. Practice the dialogue.

2. Do the exercises.





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