人教pep六上英语 Unit 5 The sixth period第六课时教案

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The sixth period(第六课时)

Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up & Part C Story time




Let’s check



Let’s wrap it up


Story time















Step 1: Warm-up & Revision

1. Greetings.

2. Revision.

Show some pictures on the PPT. Help students review the sentences. (课件出示:一些职业人物、上班地点及上班方式的图片)

A: What does he/ she do?

B: He/ She is a/ an…

A: Where does he/she work?

B: He/ She works…

A: How does he/ she go to work?

B: He/ She goes to work by/on…

3. Free talk.


Students talk about their parents as the above sentence structures.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Let’s check.

(1) Look and predict.

Show the pictures and the phrases of “Let’s check”. Lead students to predict the listening content.(课件出示:教材P54 Let’s check板块的内容)

(2) Listen and match.

Play the recording for the first time.(课件出示:教材P54 Let’s check板块的音频)

Students listen and grasp the key information of the listening content, then match the pictures to the phrases according to the listening content.

(3) Listen again and answer the questions.

Students read the three questions by themselves.(课件出示:教材P54 Let’s check板块的三个问题)

Play the recording again. Students try to answer the questions and then write down the answers.

4Play the recording and check the answers.

5Talk about the listening material.

Students talk about the listening material with their partners.

2. Let’s wrap it up. 

1Show a photo of a person.(课件出示:教师朋友的图片)

T: This is my best friend. Do you want to know something about her? You can ask me. For example, what does she do?

S1: What does she do?

S2: Where does she work?

S3: How does she go to work?

Students ask some questions to the teacher.

Write down the answers and other information about the person on the blackboard. Make a model:

She has a dog. She goes to work on foot. She works in an office…

2Describe the person.

Lead students to describe the person according to the above information.

3Ask questions.

Lead students to ask questions based on the above information.

4Analysis and summary.

Ask students to work in groups to talk about “how they ask the questions”. Lead students to observe the change of verbs in questions. Then help them sum up and make a report to the class.

(5) Fill in the blanks.

Students try to fill in the blanks in “Let’s wrap it up” in the book. Then check the answers.

(6) Play the game “I didn’t hear you”.

A: Mary has a cat.

B: Sorry, I didn’t hear you. What does Mary have?

A: Mary has a cat.

Students work in pairs.

Step 3: Consolidation & Extension

Story time”

1. Create a situation.

Use the PPT to show some pictures of the jobs.(课件出示:学过的不同职业的图片)Students say the words of the jobs one by one.

T: There are many jobs around us. But there are also some unusual jobs. Look, this is a job ad of the zoo. What unusual jobs does it have? Let’s go and have a look.

2. Show some unusual jobs.

Use the pictures to help students understand some unusual jobs. (课件出示:驯狮员、蜂农、电脑游戏测试员和魔术师助手的图片)

3. Talk about the unusual jobs.

Talk about these unusual jobs to students.

T: What do you want to be? Do you want to be a/an…?


T: Why do you want to be a/an…?/Why not?

Ss: Because…

Lead in some descriptions of the attitude about the jobs.

Help students understand the phrases “too dangerous, get stung”.

4. Look and predict.

Show the pictures to students.(课件出示:教材P55 Story time板块的配图)Let students look at the pictures carefully. Ask some questions to lead them to predict the main idea of the dialogues.

Questions: Who are they?/What jobs are they talking about?/What job does Zip want to do?/…

5. Watch and answer.

Play the cartoon.(课件出示:教材P55 Story time板块的视频) Ask students to try to answer the questions.

Q1: How many unusual jobs does Zoom think of? What are they?


Q2: What job does Zip want to do?

Check the answers.

Then ask students to read the story by themselves and answer the question.

Q3: Why doesn’t Zip like those unusual jobs?

Play the cartoon again. Check the answer.(出示课件)

6. Read the story.

Play the cartoon.(出示课件)Students read after it. Pay attention to the pronunciation, the intonation and the emotion.

7. Practice and act out the story.

Students practice the story in groups, and act it out.







Read the story and enjoy it.



1.在本课时的Let’s check板块中注重引导学生通过看图和相关文字信息,学会从中推测考查点,做到有目的地听录音,听后完成匹配任务。并且通过活动培养了学生听前预测的习惯,帮助学生逐渐提高了听力水平。

2.Let’s wrap it up板块中,逐步引导学生通过活动,找出需要注意的语法要点,进行归纳,总结规律。并在游戏活动中进行操练,激发了学生的学习兴趣。

3.Story time板块中,利用问题逐步引导学生在语境中借助图片等帮助理解故事大意,利用多媒体帮助他们正确发音,并表演故事,激发了学生的学习兴趣。


Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s check

·Be able to learn to infer the test points by looking at the pictures and the relevant text information. Listen to the recording purposefully and complete the matching task after listening.

·Be able to develop the habit of pre-listening prediction and help students improve their listening ability.

Let’s wrap it up

·Be able to find out the grammar points that need to be paid attention to, and summarize the rules through the activities.

Story time

· Be able to review and consolidate the language learned in this unit by reading the interesting story, and increase students’ language input.

·Be able to understand the story with the help of pictures and the teacher.

·Be able to read the story according to the correct pronunciation, intonation and meaning group.

·Be able to act out the story and communicate by using the language of the story appropriately.

Teaching Priorities

· Be able to review the sentence structures of this unit and lead  students to sum up the grammar points and summarize the rules.

Teaching Difficulties

· Be able to understand the story with the help of pictures and the teacher, and can read the story aloud with correct pronunciation and intonation.

Teaching Procedures

Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students Activities

Teaching Purposes




1. Greetings.

2. Revision.

Show some pictures on the PPT. Help students review the sentences.

3. Free talk.

1. Greetings.

2. Review the sentences.

3. Talk about their parents by using the sentence structures in this unit.

Help students review the relevant sentence structures to prepare for the following study.


1. Let’s check.

(1) Look and predict.

(2) Listen and match.

(3) Listen again and answer the questions.

(4) Play the recording and check the answers.

(5) Talk about the listening content.

(1) Look at the pictures and the phrases. Predict the listening content.

(2) Listen to the recording and match the pictures to the phrases according to the listening content.

(3) Listen to the recording again.

   Try to answer the questions and then write down the answers.

(4) Check the answers.

(5) Talk about the listening content with their partners.

Help students learn to guess the test points from the pictures and the relevant text information. Listen to the recording purposefully. Develop students’ habits of predicting before listening. Improve their listening ability.

2. Let’s wrap it up.

(1) Show a photo of a person. Lead students to ask some questions. Write down the answers and other information about the person on the blackboard.

(2) Describe the person.

(3) Ask questions.

Lead students to ask questions based on the information.

(4) Analysis and summary.

(5) Fill in the blanks.

(6) Play the game “I didn’t hear you”.

(1) Look at the photo and ask some questions to the teacher.

(2) Try to describe the person according to the above information.

(3) Ask questions based on the above information.

(4) Work in groups to talk about “how they ask the questions”. Observe the change of verbs in questions. Then sum up and make a report to the class.

(5) Try to fill in the blanks in the book.

Check the answers.

(6) Work in pairs to play the game “I didn’t hear you”.

Lead students to find the grammar essential points which need to be paid attention to. Let students summarize and master the grammar knowledge through self-observation. Stimulate students’ interest. Cultivate students’ learning ability.




“Story time”

1. Create a situation. Show some pictures of the jobs on the PPT.

2. Show some unusual jobs.

3. Talk about the unusual jobs. Lead in some descriptions of the attitude about the jobs.

  Help students understand the phrases “too dangerous, get stung”.

4. Look and predict.

5. Watch and answer.

6. Read the story.

7. Practice and act out the story.

1. Say the words of the jobs one by one.

2. Understand some unusual jobs with the pictures.

3. Talk about the unusual jobs. Try to understand the phrases “too dangerous, get stung”.

4. Look at the pictures.  Predict the main idea of the dialogues.

5. Watch the cartoon and try to answer the questions.

6. Read after the cartoon. Pay attention to the   pronunciation, the   intonation and the   emotion.

7. Practice the story in   groups. Then act it out.

Use questions to lead students to understand the story with the help of pictures. Use the cartoon to help them pronounce correctly, and act out the story.


1. Read the story and enjoy it.

2. Do the exercises.





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