人教pep六上英语 Unit 3 The third period第三课时教案

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The third period(第三课时)

Part B   Let’s try & Let’s talk




Let’s try




Let’s talk


·能够听、说、读、写并在情景中恰当运用句型“—Where are/isgoing? —…is going to…”“When are/isgoing?”谈论计划的时间与地点


·能够听、说、认读单词:space, travel, half, price



2.能够听、说、读、写并在情景中恰当运用句型“—Where are/is…going? —…is going to…”“When are/is…going?”谈论计划的时间与地点。


能运用what, where, when引导的特殊疑问句进行真实的交流。







Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

2. Enjoy a song—Where are you going? (课件出示:本歌曲的视频)

3. Play a game: Watch out for the tiger!

Show the rules of this game. Rules


(游戏说明:PPT以随机的顺序呈现上节课所学的重点单词和词组:this morning, this afternoon, this evening, tonight, tomorrow, next week, visit my grandparents, see a film, take a trip, go to the supermarket。 在此过程中,一只淘气的老虎会偷偷出现,同学们在看见单词和词组出现的时候大声读出它们,当老虎出现的时候集体用手抱住头部,并大喊: “Ah!”

4. Lead-in.

TYou’ve done a good job! Here is a special apple and a special ice cream for you! Do you want to have a look?

Ss: Yes…

Show the pictures of “Let’s try” on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P26 Let’s try板块的两幅图片) Let students answer who is in the apple and who is in the ice cream.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Listen and answer.

T: John is on his way home. He sees Amy. What are they talking about?

(1) Show the questions of “Let’s try” on the PPT. (出示课件) Let students predict the answers.

(2) Then play the recording of “Let’s try”. (出示课件) Ask students to catch the key information. And ask them to pay attention to the changes in person and number. Then ask them to answer the two questions.

(3) Students read the dialogue and check the answers with the teacher. (课件出示:教材P26 Let’s try板块的听力材料及答案)

2. Find some information from the poster.

(1) Show a picture of John and Jack. (课件出示:JohnJack的图片)

T: Look. He is John’s cousin Jack. John and Jack are going to do something interesting. What are they going to do? Please guess!

Ss: They are going to…

Encourage students to say more possible activities.

(2) Let students watch the poster of Travel to Mars. (课件出示:电影《火星之旅》的海报) And ask students to try to find the answer to the question: What are John and Jack going to do?

Check the answer together: They are going to see a film.

Ask another question: What film are they going to see?

Ask students to watch the poster carefully. Lead students to find the answer: They are going to see a film about space travel. Write down the key phrase “space travel” on the blackboard.

T: Do you know what space travel is?


Play a short video about space travel. (课件出示:一段关于太空旅行的简短视频)

T: Do you like the film about space travel? Why?

Encourage students to say their own opinions. Then lead students to read the phrase “space travel” for three times.

The teacher can provide another question: What’s your favourite film? Let students discuss and answer it.

(3)T: Try to get more information from this poster. Can you say more information about this film?

Lead students to find the key phrase “half price”.

Use a real half-price price tag to teach what “half price” is.

T: We usually see this kind of price tag in the supermarkets, shoe stores, clothes shops and every kind of big or small malls. Who can tell us what it means?

After students express their explanations, the teacher can act as a sales assistant and sell some things at their half price to students. Students need to speak out the right price.

Then lead students to read the phrase “half price” for three times.

At last, point to the word “Tuesday”.

T: When is the film half price?

Ss: It’s on Tuesday.

T: Clever!

3. Learn the dialogue.

(1)T: We know that the film is half price on Tuesday. So when are you going to see it? Why?

Ss: I’m going to see it on Tuesday. Because it is cheap on that day./…

T: How about John and Jack? When are they going to see the film?

S1: I think they are going to see it on Tuesday, too./S2  I don’t think so…

T: It seems that we have different opinions. John is talking with Amy about what he is going to do with Jack. Let’s watch the cartoon of “Let’s talk” to find the answers to the following questions. You can underline the answers in the dialogue.

Let students watch the video of “Let’s talk” and try to answer the three questions. (课件出示:教材P26 Let’s talk板块的视频) Then check the answers.


Where are they going?They are going to the cinema.


What are they going to do?They are going to see a film about space travel.

When are they going? Why?Next Tuesday. Because it’s half price then.

T: John and Jack are going to see the film next Wednesday. Amy suggests them seeing it next Tuesday. The film is half price on that day. Movie theaters usually charge half price on Tuesday. So what does Amy say?

Ss: Why not go on Tuesday?

T: That’s right! Boys and girls, why not study hard in class? Then we can get more free time to do interesting things.

(2) Show the chart below on the PPT. Let students watch the video of “Let’s talk” again, and fill in the chart. Check the answers and write down the key special question words “where, what, when” on the blackboard. Lead students to read them for several times.

Step 3: Practice

1. Practice the dialogue.

(1) Ask students to read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

(2) Let students practice the dialogue in pairs.

2. Retell the dialogue.

Ask several pairs to retell the dialogue by filling in the blanks. (出示课件)

Each pair can get two stickers as a reward.

3. Make your own dialogues.

(1) Show a model on the PPT. Ask students to fill in the blanks according to their own situations and thoughts. (出示课件)

(2) Ask several pairs to show their own dialogues.

Each pair that completes their dialogue can get four stickers.

Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

Interview and report”

1. Complete the mind maps.

Lead students to complete the mind maps according to what they have learned in this lesson.

2. Interview your classmates.

Show the chart in the book. (课件出示:教材P26 下面表格) Let students ask and answer with each other in pairs and write down the results in the chart.

3. Show time.

Ask students to work in pairs to show their dialogue according to the three questions in the chart. Make a model:

A: Where are you going this afternoon? B: I’m going to the nature park.

A: What are you going to do there? B: I’m going to play basketball.

A: When are you going? B: I’m going at 4:30 this afternoon.

The best pair can get five stickers. The second pair can get three stickers. The third pair can get one sticker.

4. Evaluation.

Count the total stickers of each pair. Find the best pair. Give them two film posters as rewards.








1. Practice the dialogue.

2. Interview your family members’ plans for short future.








Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s try

·Be able to understand the requirements of the questions and predict the key points before listening.

·Be able to predict the subsequent story by completing the listening exercises.

·Be able to use basic listening skills to complete the topic and the detail questions.

Let’s talk

·Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue and read the dialogue according to the pronunciation, the intonation and the correct sense group.

·Be able to listen, speak, read, write and use the sentence structures “—Where are/isgoing? —…is going to…” “When are/isgoing?to talk about planned time and place in scenes.

·Through the dialogue, get to know that movie theaters usually offer halfprice tickets on Tuesdays.

·Be able to listen, speak and read the words space, travel, half, price.

Teaching Priorities

·          Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue and be able to read the dialogue according to the pronunciation, the intonation and the correct sense group.

·          Be able to listen, speak, read, write and use the sentence structures “—Where are/isgoing?is going to…” “When are/isgoing?  to talk about planned time and place in scenes.

Teaching Difficulties

·          Be able to use the sentence structures “What…?” “Where…?” “When…?” to communicate in real situations.




Teaching Procedures

Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students Activities

Teaching Purposes






1. Greetings.

2. Enjoy a song—Where are you going?

3. Play a game: Watch out for the tiger!

4. Lead-in.

Show the pictures of “Let’s try”. Lead students to meet two friends.

1. Greetings.

2. Enjoy the song.

3. Play the game. If they see a word or a phrase, read it out. If they see a tiger, hold their heads and say “Ah!”

4. Meet two friends

The song previews the new knowledge in this lesson. The game makes students review the words and the phrases they’ve learned in the last lesson in a pleasant environment.


Listen and answer.

(1) Show the questions of

Let’s try” on the PPT.

(2)Play the recording of “Let’s try”

(3) Check the answers.

(1) Predict and guess the answers.

(2) Listen and answer the questions.

(3) Pay attention to the changes in person and number. Read the dialogue and check the answers.

Lead students to predict the listening content before listening to the recording with the questions. Diverge students’ thinking and strengthen their listening skill training.

2. Find some information from the poster.

(1) Show a picture of John and Jack. Encourage students to say more possible activities.

(2) Use a short video to teach the phrase “space travel”.

(3) Teach the phrase “half price”.

(1) Say more possible activities that John and Jack are going to do.

(2) Answer the teacher’s questions and learn the phrase “space travel”.

(2)   Learn the phrase “half price”.

By observing the film poster, answering the   questions, watching the video and other ways, try to let students learn the new phrases in an imperceptibly way.

3. Learn the dialogue.

(1) Give students three questions. Play the video.

(2) Show a chart.

Check the answers and lead students to read the key special question words for several times.

(1) Watch the video of “Let’s talk” and answer these three questions.

(2) Watch the video again and fill in the chart.

Check the answers and read the key special question words for several times.

By solving the problems in the forward direction and then finding the problems in the reverse direction, students have a deep understanding of the dialogue. Cultivate students’ logical thinking ability.




Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students’ Activities

Teaching Purposes



1. Practice the dialogue.

Play the recording.

2. Retell the dialogue.

Ask several pairs to retell the dialogue by filling in the blanks.

3. Make your own dialogues.

Show a model on the PPT.

1. Read the dialogue after the recording. Practice the dialogue in pairs.

2. Retell the dialogue by filling in the blanks.

3. Fill in the blanks according to their own situations and thoughts and act out their own dialogues.

From mechanical training to replacing the key parts according to students’ situations, gradually train their learning ability and the ability of using English.




Interview and report”

1. Complete the mind maps.

2. Interview your classmates.

3. Show time.

4. Evaluation.

Find the best pair and reward them.

1. Complete the mind maps.

2. Ask and answer with each other in pairs and write down the results in the chart.

3. Show their work in pairs.

4. The winner pair can get rewards.

Reduce the difficulty of the consolidation and extension with the help of the mind maps. Enable students to use the key sentence structures flexibly and replace the key words to expand, effectively achieving the learning aims of this lesson through the interview.


1. Practice the dialogue.

2. Interview your family members’ plans for short future.

3. Do the exercises.




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