人教pep六上英语 Unit 1 The third period第三课时教案

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The third period(第三课时)

Part B   Let’s try & Let’s talk




Let’s try



Let’s talk

·通过观察、谈论Let’s talk板块的图片,并在PPT和老师的帮助下理解对话大意,并能回答对话下面的问题


·能够听、说、读、写并在情景中恰当运用句型“—How can we get there? Turn left/ right at…”问路或作答

·能够在语境中借助图片等帮助理解新词“interesting, Italian, restaurant, pizza, street, get”的意思,并能正确发音重点




能够在情景中恰当运用句型“—How can we get there? —Turn left/right at…”问路并作答。







Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

Greet students. Divide them into several groups and tell them, If you can be brave, active and open-minded in class, your group can get more points. The group which gets the most points will be the winner.

2. Let’s sing.

T Let’s watch the cartoon and sing the songWhere is the hospital?(课件出示:歌曲《Where is the hospital?》的视频)

3. Lead-in.

Present the main scene on page 2 and ask questions according to the scene. (课件出示:Unit 1主情景图)

TWhere is the hospital?/Where is the library?


TThe school is on the left side of the library./The post office is on the right side of the library.

Present the new words left, right. Lead students to learn the new words by hand gestures and read them after the recording. (课件出示:leftright的相关内容)

Write down “left, right” on the blackboard.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Tick or cross.

(1)Lead students to read the text content in Let’s try. Play the recording. (课件出示:教材P6 Let’s try板块的音频)

Ask the questions:

Do Wu Binbin and Mike want to go to the bookstore?/Where do they want to go?

(2) Play the recording for the second time and ask students to tick or cross. Then check the answers with students. (课件出示:教材P6 Let’s try的音频及答案)

(3)Present the listening material. Students read the dialogue.  (课件出示:教材P6 Let’s try板块的听力材料)

(4)Highlight the key phrase turn leftin the listening material. (出示课件) Lead students to express the meaning of the phrase through gestures. Help them learn the new phrase.

2. Look and predict.

(1)Show the main picture of Let’s talkon the PPT. (课件出示:教材P6 Let’s talk板块的图片)

THere we can see Wu Binbin and Mike. Where are they?

SsThey are at the cinema.

TThey look very happy. The film must be very interesting.

Present the first sentence of the dialogue. Students listen to the recording and imitate the intonation. (出示课件)

Teach the exclamatory sentence “What an interesting film!” and the new word “interesting”.

(2)Lead students to predict what will happen next.

TAfter watching the film, where will Wu Binbin and Mike go? What do they want to do?

SsThey will go to theThey want to(Students guess.)

3. Watch and talk.

Watch the cartoon of “Let’s talk” for the first time. Answer the questions. (课件出示:教材P6 Let’s talk板块的视频并呈现问题)

TWhere will Wu Binbin and Mike go? What do they want to do?

SsThey will go to the restaurant. They want to find something to eat.

TYes. Because they are very hungry.

4. Read and find.

(1)Watch the first part of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示:教材P6 Let’s talk板块的视频及问题) Answer the question: Do you know any Italian food?

Present the pictures of an Italian restaurant and some Italian special food: spaghetti, pizza, toasted bread, sausage. (课件出示:意大利餐厅及意大利美食图片) Lead students to learn the new words “Italian, restaurant, pizza”. (课件出示:restaurantpizza的相关内容)

Write down “Italian, restaurant, pizza” on the blackboard.

Talk about the Italian food with students.

TOK. Let’s see how we can get to the Italian restaurant.

Present and teach the key sentence “How can we get there?”

(2)Students watch the second part of Let’s talk. (课件出示:教材P6 Let’s talk板块的视频及问题) Then answer the questions: Where is the restaurant? How can we get there?

TWhere is the restaurant?

SsIt’s next to the park on Dongfang Street.

Teach the new word  street. (课件出示:street的相关内容)

Write down “street” on the blackboard.

THow can we get there?

SsTurn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital.

Step 3: Practice

1. Read and act.

(1)Let students watch the cartoon of Let’s talkfor the third time. Then let them read after it and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. (课件出示:教材P6 Let’s talk板块的视频)

(2)Work in pairs. Students read the dialogue in roles.

(3)Let students read the dialogue together. Boys play the role of Mike, and girls play the role of Wu Binbin.


2. Order the sentences.

Make the sentences in the dialogue in disorder. Ask students to number the sentences. Then check the answer with them. (课件出示:打乱顺序的排序练习及答案)

3. Make a comparison.

TCompare the following phrases. What’s in common? What’s the difference?

Lead students to observe the forms and summarize the regulations.

Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

  1. Ask for directions.

Present the main scene of this unit. (课件出示:Unit 1主情景图)

Let students work in pairs and ask for directions according to the scene as the model. (引导学生把一块橡皮放置在地图上代表自己所在的位置,根据主情景图上的建筑物和方位开展问路和描述路线的对话。)

TExcuse me. Where is the hospital?

S1: It’s near the park.

THow can I get there?

S1: Turn left at the bookstore. It’s on your right.

  1. Share your favourite place.

TTalk about a cinema or restaurant you like. Draw a map to show how you can get there. Work in groups and then act out. You can make a dialogue with the structure. (课件出示:对话练习的框架)








  1. Practice the dialogue.
  2. Write down your new dialogue.










Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s try

·Be able to understand the questions and predict the key points of the listening part.

·Be able to understand the recording and finish the exercises.

Let’s talk

·Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue  and answer the questions below the dialogue.

·Be able to read the dialogue correctly and fluently, and act out in groups.

·Be able to listen, speak, read, write and use the sentence structures “—How can we get there? —Turn left/right at…” properly to ask the way and give directions in scenes.

·Be able to understand and have a good command of the new words “interesting, Italian,

restaurant, pizza, street, get”.

Teaching Priorities

·Be able to understand and master the key words and sentence structures of this lesson.

Teaching Difficulties

·Be able to use the sentence structures “—How can we get there? —Turn left/right at…” properly to ask the way and give directions in scenes.

Teaching Procedures

Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students Activities

Teaching Purposes






1. Greetings.

2. Let’s sing.

3. Lead-in.

Present the main scene and ask questions.

Teach the words “left, right”.

1. Greet the teacher.

2. Watch the cartoon and sing the song—Where is the hospital?

3. Answer the questions according to the scene.

Learn the new words “left, right” and read them after the recording.

Lead students to participate in the class quickly and actively.

Lead in the new class through the main scene and get students prepared for the following learning.


1. Tick or cross.

(1)Play the recording. Then ask questions.

(2)Play the recording again and check the answers.

(3)Present the listening material.

(4)Highlight and teach the keyphrase “turn left”.

(1)Read the text content in

Let’s try” and listen to the recording. Then answer the questions.

(2)Listen again and tick or cross.

(3)Read the listening material.

(4)Learn the phrase “turn left”.

Create the background information of characters and scenes for “Let’s talk”. Get them ready for the next part.

2. Look and predict.

(1)Show the main picture of “Let’s talk” on the PPT.

Teach the exclamatory sentence and the new word “interesting”.

(2)Lead students to predict what will happen in the dialogue.

(1)Talk with the teacher about the picture of “Let’s talk”. Learn the exclamatory sentence and the new word.

(2)Predict what will happen in the dialogue.

Cultivate students’ observation ability and logical reasoning ability, and promote their imagination and language using ability.

3. Watch and talk.

Play the cartoon of “Let’s talk” for the first time and ask the questions.

Watch the cartoon and answer the questions: Where will Wu Binbin and Mike go? What do they want to do?

Verify the prediction through the video. Lead students to get the key information with the questions.

4. Read and find.

(1)Play the first part of the cartoon and ask the question. Teach the words “restaurant, pizza”.

(2)Play the second part of the cartoon and ask the questions.

Teach the word “street”.

(1)Answer the question.

Observe the pictures and learn the words “restaurant, pizza”.

(2)Answer the question. Find out where the restaurant is and how to get there, and learn the word “street”.

Stimulate students’ curiosity and the interest in learning.

Help students understand the dialogue step by step. Lead them to learn how to ask the way and give directions.



Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students’ Activities

Teaching Purposes



1. Read and act.

Play the cartoon of “Let’s talk”.

(1)Watch the cartoon again and read after it.

(2)Work in pairs. Read the dialogue in roles.

(3)Read the dialogue together.

Lead students to read the dialogue with correct pronunciation and intonation.

2. Order the sentences.

Disorder the sentences in the dialogue and let students number the sentences. Then check the answer.

Number the sentences and check the answers with the teacher.

Improve students’ language comprehension ability and lead students to judge according to the context.

3. Make a comparison.

Show some phrases on the PPT. Lead students to observe the forms and summarize the regulations.

Compare the following phrases. Observe the forms and summarize the regulations.

Let students know how to use “at + a small place” and “on+ a street”. Master the correct ways of describing locations.




  1. Ask for directions.

Present the main scene of this unit.

Work in pairs and ask for directions according to the scene.

Effectively consolidate the key expressions of this lesson by creating the new dialogues.

2. Share your favourite place.

Talk about a cinema or restaurant they like. Draw a map. Work in groups and then act out.

Create scenes through the hand-drawn map and describe the directions to improve students’ comprehensive language using ability further.


  1. Practice the dialogue.
  2. Write down your new dialogue.
  3. Do the exercises.




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