人教pep六上英语 Unit 4 The fifth period第五课时教案

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The fifth period(第五课时)

Part B Read and write




Read and write

·能够正确听、说、认读单词:shall, goal, join, club, share
















Step 1: Pre-reading

1. Greetings.

Greet students. Divide them into several groups and tell them, “If you can act bravely, actively and be open-minded in class, your group can get more points. The group which gets the most points will be the winner.”

2. Free talk.

T: I like cooking noodles and making salad. (课件出示:cooking noodlesmaking salad的相关内容) What are your hobbies?

Ss:I like…and…

T: (课件出示:一些爱好图片) What about these boys and girls? What are their hobbies?

Ss: He/She/They like(s)…

3. Talk and write.

T: Work in pairs. Talk about your hobbies and your partner’s hobbies. Finish this table with your partner. Write it down on your book. (课件出示:Read and write板块的表格)

4. Lead-in.

T: There are many clubs in our school. Do you know these clubs? (课件出示:club的相关内容以及不同社团的图片)

 Teach the new word “club”.

Ss: They are the singing club, dancing club, football club, basketball club, reading club, robots club and cooking club…

Write down the sentence “Join our football club!” on the blackboard.

T: Do you want to join the clubs? (课件出示:join的相关内容)

Ss: Yes.

Teach the new word “join”.

T: In the clubs, we can share our hobbies. That will be great fun!  (课件出示:share的相关内容)

Teach the new word “share”.

Write down the words “club, join, share” in turn on the blackboard.

Step 2:While-reading

1. The Notice Board. (课件出示:教材P42 NOTICE BOARD的内容)

Ask students to read the notices quickly, try to get their main ideas and circle the writers of these notices.

T: What are the topics of these notices? Who writes them?  (课件出示:句型提示)

S1: The topic of the first notice is… …writes it. (Shall we dance? Amy.)

Write down the word “shall” and the sentence “Shall we dance?” on the blackboard.

Highlight the new word “shall”. Present its pronunciation and show students how to use the word. (课件出示:shall的相关内容)

S2: The topic of the second notice is… …writes it. (Goal! Goal! Goal! John.)

Write down the word “goal” on the blackboard.

Highlight the new word “goal”. Present its pronunciation and show students how to use the word. (课件出示:goal的相关内容) 

S3: The topic of the third notice is… …writes it. (Let’s read together! Mike.)

S4: The topic of the fourth notice is… …writes it. (Science Club, YOUR club! Robin.)

2. Careful reading. (课件出示:先出示句型提示,再出示答案)

Ask students to read the notices carefully and try to understand the content in details.

(1)T: What are the notices about?

Offer proper guidance and help while students answer the questions.

S1: In the first notice, Amy needs… (a partner in the dance class)

S2: In the second notice, John wants you to… (join the football club)

S3: In the third notice, Mike wants to share… (his books)

S4: In the fourth notice, Robin wants you to… (come to the science room to learn to make robots)

(2)T: Do the four people in the text want pen pals?

Ss: No, they don’t.

T: How do you know?

Ss: (Give the reasons.)

(3) Ask students to find out the hobbies in the text.

3. Read the notice board.

(1) Read after the recording. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

(2) Practice reading in pairs.

(3) Retell the notice board. Write down no more than five key words. Then try to retell.

4. “Tips for pronunciation”.

(1) Present the part of “Tips for pronunciation” first.  (课件出示:教材P43 Tips for pronunciation的内容) Lead students to guess the function of these squares under the words. Make a model first. Show students how to identify the stress in pronunciation.

(2) Students read the text after the recording. (课件出示:教材P43 Tips for pronunciation的音频) Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation,  especially the words stressed. Try to read correctly, fluently and emotionally and underline the words stressed.

(3) Learn the regulations. (课件出示:句子重读的主要规律)

(4) Read the sentences in “Tips for pronunciation”.

Ask students to try to read these sentences first, and then act out. Choose the group which reads the best.

T: Can you find out more sentences like these? Please show us how to read them.

Step 3: Post-reading

1. Finish this ad for a cooking club. (课件出示:教材P43 Let\'s cook!的内容)

(1)T: Here is an ad for a cooking club. Choose the right words to complete the text.

(2) Check the answers. Lead students to pay attention to the forms of the verbs after the singular third person.

Answers: talkscooksmakesdoes

(3) Let’s read it together.

2. Make your own ad.

(1)T: Do you want to make friends through an ad? Do you want to find someone who has the same hobbies as yours to join the club? Make your own ad. You can choose one to complete and do it like this:

T: If you can create more in the ad, that will be greater and better.

(2) Share the ads. Choose the best and the most attractive ad.

3. Summary.

Make a brief summary according to the blackboard design. Evaluate students’ group work and select the best group.






1. Recite the new words of this class.

2. Practice reading the passages. Try to read the stress correctly.









Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Read and write

·Be able to listen, speak and read the words: shall, goal, join, club, share.

·Be able to discuss the hobbies and activate the relevant background knowledge and the reserved vocabulary.

·Be able to capture information in details through questions and train the ability of thinking and reasoning.

·Be able to write one’s own club ads according to the demonstration in the textbook.

·Be able to find out the words pronounced in stress and read them correctly.

Teaching Priorities

·Be able to activate the relevant background knowledge and the reserved vocabulary by discussing their own and partner’s hobbies.

·Be able to capture detailed information in the text. Train the ability of thinking and reasoning through questions while reading.

Teaching Difficulties

·Be able to write one’s own club ads according to the demonstration in the textbook.

Teaching Procedures


Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students Activities

Teaching Purposes


1. Greetings.

Greet students. Divide them into several groups.

Greet the teacher. Acquire the evaluation rules of group work.

Encourage students to express their ideas bravely in class and keep open-minded.

2. Free talk.

Talk with students about hobbies.

Talk with the teacher about hobbies.

Review the key sentence structures in this unit.

3. Talk and write.

Lead students to finish the table with their partner.

Work in pairs. Talk about their hobbies and their partner’s hobbies.

Create scenes to introduce new words. Clear some barriers of words and make a preparation for the upcoming reading. Activate students’ relevant background knowledge.

4. Lead-in.

Talk about the clubs in school. Lead in the new words “club, join, share”.

Talk about the clubs with the teacher. Learn the new words “club, join, share”.



Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students’ Activities

Teaching Purposes


1. The notice board.

Lead students to read the notices quickly.

Teach the new words.

Try to get their main ideas. Circle the writers of these notices.

Learn the new words.

Read the four ads quickly to get a preliminary understanding of the content and the writers.

2. Careful reading.

Lead students to read the notices carefully and understand the content in details.

(1) Find out what the notices are about.

(2) Think about whether the four people in the text want pen pals.

(3) Find out the hobbies in the text.

Lead them to capture the detailed information in the text through questions, and deepen their understanding of the text.

3. Read the notice board.

Lead students to read, practice and retell.

(1) Read after the recording.

(2) Practice reading in pairs.

(3) Retell the notice board.

Lead students to read the text with the correct pronunciation and intonation. Improve their oral expressing ability through retelling the text.

4. “Tips for pronunciation”.

Lead students to read the words in stressed correctly.

(1) Guess the function of the squares under the words and identify the stress in pronunciation.

(2) Read after the recording and underline the words stressed.

(3) Learn the regulations.

(4) Read the sentences and act out.

Lead students to understand the main rules of sentence stress. Cultivate their phonological awareness and let them be able to read the words stressed correctly in the reading text.


1. Finish this ad for a cooking club.

(1) Complete the text.

(2) Check the answers.

(3) Read it together.

Lead students to pay attention to the forms of the verbs following the singular third person.

2. Make your own ad.

Lead students to make their own ads.

(1) Make their own ads according to the texts.

(2) Share the ads. Choose the best and the most attractive ad.

Consolidate the key words and sentence structures, and improve students’ comprehensive language using ability.

3. Summary.

Make a brief summary of this class. Evaluate students’ group work and select the best group.

Have an overview of the class according to the blackboard design.


1. Recite the new words of this class.

2. Practice reading the passages. Try to read the stress correctly.

3. Do the exercises.




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