人教pep六上英语 Unit 5 The second period第二课时教案

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The second period(第二课时)

Part A Let’s learn & Listen, match and say




Let’s learn


  会听、说、读、写有关职业的单词及词组:factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer

·能够熟练运用上述单词及词组,并通过多种活动运用句型“What does he/she do?”来谈论


Listen, match and say




   能够听、说、读、写并熟练运用下列有关职业的单词及词组:factory worker, postman, 

   businessman, police officer









Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

2. Revision.

Show some pictures of the jobs on the PPT. Help students review the words of the jobs.(课件出示:一些与职业相关的人物图片,如:driver, cleaner, writer, singer, farmer, dancer, basketball player等)

T: There are some jobs around us. Let’s see. What does he/she do?/ What do they do?

Ss: He/ She is a/ They’re

3. Lead-in.

T: What other jobs do you know?

Ss: Teacher, doctor, nurse

T: Cool! There are lots of jobs around us. What do you want to be?

S1: I want to be a doctor.


T: Today is Career Day. What career will you act? First let’s learn some more jobs. They’re so cool! Let’s go!

Step 2: Presentation

1. Look and learn.

Present the pictures of “Let’s learn” on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P49 Let’s learn板块的四幅图片)Lead students to learn the new word “businessman”.

T: It’s Career Day. Zhang Peng and Oliver are talking about their fathers in front of the display. What does Oliver’s father do? Do you remember? Please circle the right picture.

Students look at the pictures carefully and find the right picture.

Write down “business + man=businessman” on the blackboard. Use the picture and the recording to teach the word.(出示课件)

Point to Picture 3 and lead students to practice the word like this:

A: What does he do?

B: He’s a businessman.

Show a picture of a businesswoman on the PPT.(课件出示:一个女商人图片)

T: She’s a woman. What does she do? Can you guess?

Lead students to say the word “businesswoman”. Show the word on the PPT.(出示课件)

Show two pictures on the PPT.(课件出示:一个男商人和一个女商人图片)

Point to the pictures and practice the words like this:

A: What does he/ she do?

B: He’s/ She’s a businessman/businesswoman.

2. Learn the new word “postman”.

T: There is another man in the pictures. Can you find? What does he do?

Students look at the pictures carefully and find the right picture.

T: Yes, he’s a postman. He works in a post office.

Write down “post+ man=postman” on the blackboard. Teach the new word.(出示课件)

Ask students to read the word one by one.

Point to the picture to practice the word like this:

A: What does he do?

B: He’s a postman.

Teach the word “postwoman” with the picture and the recording. (课件出示:postwoman的相关内容)

Show two pictures on the PPT. Let students practice the words with the sentences “—What does he/she do? —He’s/ She’s a postman/ postwoman.”(课件出示:一个男邮递员和一个女邮递员图片)

Point to the pictures to practice the words like this:

A: What does he/ she do?

B: He’s/ She’s a postman/postwoman.

3. Learn the new phrase “factory worker”.

T: There are some other jobs in the pictures. Look at Picture 1. What does the woman do?

Students look at the picture carefully and try to spell the phrase.

T: She works in a factory. Work—worker. Yes, she’s a factory worker.

Write down “factory worker” on the blackboard. Teach the word “factory” and the phrase “factory worker” with the recording.(出示课件)

Ask students to read the phrase one by one.

Point to the picture and practice the phrase in pairs like this:

A: Is she a head teacher?

B: No, she isn’t.

A: What does she do?

B: She’s a factory worker.

4. Learn the new phrase “police officer”.

T: Look at Picture 4. There is a woman. What does she do?

Students look at the picture carefully and try to spell the phrase.

T: She works in a police office. Police—police, office—officer. Cool! She’s a police officer.

Write down “police officer” on the blackboard. Use the recording to teach the phrase.(出示课件)

Let several students read the phrase one by one.

Point to the picture to practice the phrase same as above.

Step 3: Practice

1. Flashing cards.

Use the word cards to play a game. Students read the words or the phrases as fast as they can.

2. What’s missing?

Use the word cards to play this game.

The teacher hides one card and asks “What’s missing?” The student who raises his/her hand fastest has a chance to answer. If he or she is right, the teacher gives a prize to him or her. Then the teacher shows the card to students and asks.

T: What does he/ she do?


Ss:  He/ She is a/ an…

3. Listen, match and say.

1Show the part of “Listen, match and say” on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P49 Listen, match and say板块的内容)

T: Chen Jie and John are talking about the jobs of their parents. What do they do? Now let’s listen and match.

2Play the recording.(课件出示:教材P49 Listen, match and say板块的音频)

Students listen to the recording and match by themselves.

3Check the answers.

Play the recording again. Check the answers.(出示课件)

4Work in pairs.

Students ask and answer in pairs.

A: What does Jiao Jie’s mother do?

B: She’s a businesswoman.

Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

1. Create a situation.

T: Today is Career Day. What career will you act? Now let’s play a game.

(游戏说明:选四至五名学生到讲台前面,播放一段音乐,让他们想象自己要扮演的职业并做出相关动作,在老师说出口令“Freeze!”之后,这些学生必须立刻像被冰冻一样迅速停止动作。教师逐个指出并向其他同学提问“What does he/she do?”,并要求他们根据台上学生的动作用“Is he/she a/an…?”来猜测其相关职业,表演者则用“Yes/No. I’m a/an…”来公布答案,猜中的学生给予奖励。)

2. Make a demonstration.

Choose four or five students to the front of the platform to play the game to give a demonstration.

3. Work in groups.

Students work in groups to play the game.






Copy the words and the phrases 3 times.



1. 通过师生间的自由谈话复习上节课学过的句型,为后面的学习做好铺垫。

2. 充分利用图片来进行词汇教学,帮助学生直观地了解所学知识。

3. 遵循学生的认知规律,学习单词、词组、句型先是知其义,再是音和形,让学生在理解中去学习、去运用。

4. 通过图片对比,引导学生试着说出businesswomanpostwoman,帮助学生进行有效拓展,对学生进行学习方法上的指导。


Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s learn

·Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words and phrases “factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer” by talking about the pictures and the PPT.

·Be able to talk about the jobs by using the sentence structure What does he/she do?

Listen, match and say

·Be able to listen and get the information to complete the task with the help of the teacher.

·Be able to ask and answer about their parents’ careers.

Teaching Priorities

·Be able to listen, speak, read, write  and use the new words and phrases “factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer”.

Teaching Difficulties

·Be able to talk about other people’s careers by using the language they have learned.

Teaching Procedures

Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students Activities

Teaching Purposes






1. Greetings.

2. Revision.

Show some pictures of the jobs on the PPT. Help students

review the words of the jobs.

3. Lead-in.

1. Greetings.

2. Review the words of the jobs.

3. Free talk.

Stimulate students’ interest in learning and lead in the topic of jobs. Review some words about the jobs. Prepare for the following study.


1. Look and learn.

Present the pictures on the PPT.

Teach the new word “businessman”.

Use the PPT to show a picture of a businesswoman. Lead students to learn the word “businesswoman”.

Look at the pictures carefully and find the right picture.

Learn and practice the words “businessman, businesswoman”.

Lead in the new word properly. Help students learn the new words through the pictures and the questions.

Pave the way for later activities.

2. Learn the new word “postman”.

Let students find the right picture and teach the new word “postman”. Ask students to practice the word.

Lead students to learn the word “postwoman”.

Show the pictures and let students practice the words.

Find the right picture. Learn and practice the new word.

Look at another picture and try to say “postwoman”.

Point to the pictures and practice.

Use the pictures to teach the new words. Lead students to learn and practice.

3. Learn the new phrase “factory worker”.

Teach the phrase and ask students to read the phrase one by one and practice in pairs.

4. Learn the new phrase “police officer”.

Teach the phrase.

Ask students to read the phrase one by one and practice in pairs.

Look at the pictures carefully and try to spell the phrases.

Practice the phrases in pairs.

Lead in the new phrases properly. Lead students to learn new words through the pictures and the questions. Practice the new phrases in pairs.







Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students’ Activities

Teaching Purposes


1. Flashing cards.

2. What’s missing?

Use the word cards to play this game.

3. Listen, match and say.

(1) Show the part of “Listen, match and say” on the PPT, and ask student the question.

(2) Play the recording.

(3) Play the recording again.

Check the answers.

(4) Ask students to practice the dialogues in pairs.

1. Read the words or phrases as fast as they can.

2. Play the game.

3. (1) Look at the words and the phrases carefully.

(2) Listen and match.

(3) Listen and check the


(4) Practice the dialogues in pairs.

Make classroom atmosphere active.  Help students practice the new words and phrases. Stimulate students’ learning interest.




1. Create a situation.

2. Make a demonstration.

3. Work in groups.

Give a demonstration.

Work in groups of four or five.

Use the sentence structures they have learned to play the game.

Create a real situation to motivate students to use the words and the sentence structures and develop students’ comprehensive language using ability.


1. Copy the words and the phrases 3 times.

2. Do the exercises.





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