人教pep六上英语 Unit 3 The sixth period第六课时教案

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The sixth period(第六课时)

Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up& Part C Story time




Let’s check

·通过完成Let’s check的听力活动,检测学生对本单元的核心句型的掌握



Let’s wrap it up

·归纳本单元一般将来时的三个核心问句“What are you going to do?”“When are you going?”“Where are you going?”的句法特点


Story time














Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

2. Play a game: Cube Challenge. (出示课件)

(游戏说明:该游戏分两轮进行。每一轮的开头PPT上都会出现魔方的一面,共九个格子。教师随机点击任意的格子,显示出格子背后的内容。第一轮要求大家根据格子后面的图片说出其对应的单词或词组:comic book, see a film, dictionary, take a trip, visit my grandparents, word book, go to the supermarket, half price, Mid-Autumn Festival;第二轮要求学生以最快的速度读出格子后面出现的单词、

词组或句子:We are going to draw some pictures. / What are you going to do tomorrow? / Where are you going? / next week/tonight/I’m going to buy a new comic book. / this evening/We’re going to the cinema. / When are you going?

3. Lead-in.

Show the sentence structures.

Ask several students to show their dialogues.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Listen and tick.

 (1) Show the pictures of “Let’s check” on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P30 Let’s check板块的图片) Let students observe these pictures carefully. And try to describe them in their own words. Try to predict the listening content. Make a model:

In Group 1, the first picture is a cinema, and the second picture is about the post office. Maybe it means we should choose the right place in this part.

(2) Then play the recording of “Let’s check”. (课件出示:教材P30 Let’s check板块的音频) Students listen to it and tick the right pictures.

(3) Ask students to say the right answers. Check the answers together. (课件出示:教材P30 Let’s check版块第一题的答案)

2. Listen and fill in the blanks.

(1) Show the four sentences below the pictures. (出示课件) Ask students to read them together. Try to know the missing parts. Think of the possible answers before listening to the recording.

(2) Then play the recording of “Let’s check” again. (出示课件) Students listen and write down the right words in their books.

(3) Ask four students to read the sentences one by one. Check the answers together. (课件出示:教材P30 Let’s check板块第二题的答案) Ask students to pay attention to the spellings of the words and correct their mistakes.

(4) Present the listening materials to help students train their listening skills(课件出示:教材P30 Let’s check板块的听力材料)

3. Let’s wrap it up.

(1) Show a sentence: What are you going to do? (出示课件) Ask students to observe this sentence carefully and divide it into five parts.

(2) Show the correct division of the sentence. (出示课件) Take the word “what” as an example. Ask students to think about the substitute words of it. Let students write them down under the word “what”. Then let students discuss with each other: How about the other four parts? What can each part be substituted with?

(3) Ask students to share their opinions. Check the answers together.

Write down the rule on the blackboard: Special question word + be +subject +going to +original verb (+others)? Stress that “be” varies according to the person and number of the subject.

(4) Ask students to look at “Let’s wrap it up” in the book and compare with the words on the five Russian nesting dolls.

(5) Show the pictures of the five Russian nesting dolls. (课件出示:教材P30 Let’s wrap it up板块俄罗斯套娃的图片) Divide students into several groups. Let them make sentences by using the contents on the dolls. Encourage them to make as many sentences as possible and write them down on the paper.

(6) Check the sentences. If students can make sentences like these “Are you going…? Is he going…? He/ She is going…”, praise and encourage them.

Step 3: Practice

1. Show the scenes and the three questions: Where are you going? What are you going to do? When are you going? (出示课件)

Ask students to make dialogues in pairs according to different scenes. Make a model:

Scene 1: A boy and a girl are going to the bookstore to buy comic books this afternoon.

Scene 2: Mike is going to see a film in the cinema tomorrow evening.

2. Ask several pairs to show their works. Try to find the best pair.

Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

Story time”

1. Free talk.

Ask students to observe the pictures of “Story time”. Then let students freely talk about swimming. Provide some questions. Make a model: Can you swim? How did you learn to swim? Let several students answer the questions.

2. Watch and answer.

Show some questions: Can Zoom swim? What will happen?

Lead students to think about and answer the questions. Then play the cartoon of “Story time”. (课件出示:教材P31 Story time板块的视频) Ask students to listen and watch the cartoon carefully to get to know the main idea of the story.

3. Answer the questions.

Ask a question: How does Zoom learn to swim first? Ask one student to answer this question. Then check the answer by showing the second picture on the PPT. (出示课件) Then continue to ask: Where are they going later? Lead students to find the answer: Swimming pool. At last, ask: Can Zoom swim at last? Why? Lead students to get the answer: Learn by doing. Ask several students to explain the meaning of “Learn by doing”. Then make a conclusion.

4. Read the story after the cartoon.

Play the cartoon of “Story time” again. (课件出示:教材P31 Story time板块的视频) Let students read after it. Then role-play the story. 对话练习帮助学生进一步巩固本单元的重点词组及句型,达到语言输出的目的。通过阅读故事,增加语言的输入, 使学生明白实践出真知,坚持就是胜利的道理。

5. Evaluation.

Where there is a will, there is a way. Success belongs to the persevering. No pleasure without pain. A good beginning is half done. (出示课件)






Sort out the key words and sentence structures in this unit.



1. 整个教学设计侧重于培养学生自主学习的能力,为学生创设了使用英语的环境,力争最大限度地为学生创造展示才能、发挥才智的空间。

2. 在听力活动和学习对话之前,让学生对所学内容进行了预测。听录音时给出问题,让学生带着问题去听听力,阅读对话,使学生的学习目的明确,因而更加能够集中注意力,主动去探究、学习。

3. 保持学生的课堂主体地位,鼓励、引导学生主动观察,主动思考,主动合作,主动回答,促进学生全面能力的提高。

4. 实施单元的整体教学,把握了单元教学目标的整体性。


Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s check

·By completing the listening activities in the first part of “Let’s check”, check students’ mastery of the key sentence structures in this unit.

·Be able to infer the examination points from the picture information, listen to the recording purposefully, and then complete the corresponding listening task.

·Cultivate students’ good listening habits to continuously improve their listening levels.

Let’s wrap it up

·Summarize the syntactic features of the three key questions in the future tense: What are you going to do? When are you going? Where are you going?

·Inspire students’ thinking, and lead students to observe more and learn to summarize by themselves.

Story time

·          Be able to read the interesting story, review and consolidate the language they have learned in this unit, and increase their language input.

·          Be able to understand the content of the story and read the story according to the correct pronunciation, intonation and sense group.

·          Be able to act out the story and use the language of the story properly.

Teaching Priorities

·Review the grammar points of the future tense.

Teaching Difficulties

·Be able to use the future tense to ask and answer in real situations.






Teaching Procedures

Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students Activities

Teaching Purposes






1. Greetings.

2. Play a game: Cube Challenge.

3. Lead-in.

Show the sentence structures.

Ask students to ask and answer with the sentence structures

1. Greetings.

2. Complete two rounds of challenges.

3. Lead-in.

Ask and answer with partners. Talk about the plans for the festival.

Show the dialogues to the class.

Make a comprehensive and systematic review of the key words, phrases and sentence structures by playing the game. Liven up the class atmosphere. Focus on dialogues and writing practice training.


1. Listen and tick.

(1) Show the pictures of “Let’s check”.

(2) Then play the recording. Ask students to listen and tick the right answers.

(3) Check the answers together.

(1) Observe the pictures carefully and try to describe them before listening to the recording. (2) Then listen and tick.

(3) Check the answers together.

Let students observe the pictures and the questions carefully to predict the content of the listening part before listening. Attention is paid to the cultivation of students’ listening skills and listening strategies.

2. Listen and fill in the blanks.

(1) Show the four sentences below the pictures.

Ask students to read the sentences and think of the answers before listening to the recording.

(2) Then play the recording again.

(3) Ask four students to read the sentences and check the answers.

(4) Present the listening materials to help students train their listening skills.

(1) Read the sentences and think of the answers before listening to the recording.

(2) Then listen and fill in the blanks.

(3) Read the sentences and check the answers.

(4) Read the listening materials.








Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students’ Activities

Teaching Purposes


3. Let’s wrap it up.

(1) Show a sentence.

(2) Show the correct division of the sentence.

(3) Ask students to share their opinions.

Check the answers together.

Write down the rule on the blackboard.

(4) Ask students to compare with the words on the five Russian nesting dolls.

(5) Show the pictures of the five Russian nesting dolls. Divide students into several groups.

(6) Check the sentences. Praise and encourage the good behaviors.

(1) Observe the sentence on the PPT carefully and divide it into five parts.

(2) Think about the substitute words of the five parts.

(3) Share opinions.

Check the answers together.

(4) Compare with the words on the five Russian nesting dolls.

(5) Make sentences by using the contents on the dolls in groups.

(6) Listen to the teacher’s comments.

The induction and the summary of grammar points in this part are not the unilateral teaching of the teacher, but the design process. Lead students to observe, inspire their thinking, let them summarize the knowledge of grammar by themselves step by step.


1. Show the scenes and three questions. Ask students to make dialogues in pairs according to different scenes.

2. Ask several pairs to show their work. Try to find the best pair.

1. Make dialogues in pairs according to different  scenes on the PPT.

2. Show their work.

Making dialogues can help students to further consolidate the key phrases and sentence structures and achieve the purpose of language output.




“Story time”

1. Free talk.

Show the pictures of “Story time”.

Ask some questions.

2. Watch and answer.

Show some questions.

Play the recording.

3. Answer the questions.

Teach the story by asking the key questions.

4. Read the story after the cartoon. Let students read the story after the cartoon.

5. Evaluation.

1. Observe the pictures, then talk freely and answer the questions.

2. Think about and answer the questions.

Listen to the recording carefully. Get to know the main idea of the story.

3. Answer the questions.

4. Read the story after the cartoon and then role-play the story.

5. Understand that genuine knowledge comes from practice and that persistence means victory.

Through reading the story, increase the input of language, so that students can understand that genuine knowledge comes from practice and that persistence is the truth of victory.


1. Sort out the key words and sentence structures in this unit.

2. Do the exercises.




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