人教pep六上英语 Unit 3 The first period 第一课时 教案

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Unit 3 My weekend plan


本单元学习的主题是周末活动计划。教学内容主要是通过展示陈杰和Amy的对话,以及张鹏朋友们的周末活动展开的。教学重点是能够听、说、读、写并运用核心句型“—What are/isgoing to do? We’re/I’m going to/He/ She is going to…”“—Where are/isgoing? We’re/I’m going/He/ She is going…”“—When are/isgoing? We’re/I’m going/He/ She is going…”;听、说、读、写单词和词组:take a trip, go to the supermarket, visit my grandparents, see a film, tonight, this morning, this afternoon, this evening, next week, postcard, dictionary, comic book, word book



· 能够听、说、读、写句型“—What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to have an art lesson“—Where are you going? I’m going to the cinema.”“—When are you going? Next Wednesday.

·能够在情景中运用句型“—What are/isgoing to do? We’re/I’m going to/He/ She is going…”“—Where are/isgoing? We’re/I’m going/He/ She is going…”“—When are/isgoing? We’re/I’m going/He/ She is going…”谈论活动计划的内容、地点和时间


·能够听、说、读、写单词和词组:take a trip, go to the supermarket, visit my grandparents, see a film, tonight, this morning, this afternoon, this evening, next week, postcard, dictionary, comic book, word book











第一课时: Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk

第二课时: Part A Let’s learn & Make a plan

第三课时: Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk

第四课时: Part B Let’s learn & Role-play

第五课时: Part B Read and write

第六课时: Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up & Part C Story time

The first period(第一课时)

Part A Let’ s try & Let’s talk




Let’s try



Let’s talk

·通过观察、谈论Let’s talk板块的图片,并在PPT和老师的帮助下理解对话大意


·能够听、说、读、写并在情景中恰当运用句型“—What are/isgoing to do? We’re/ I’m going to/He /She is going to/They are going to…”提问及作答



1.能理解和掌握本课重点句型“—What are you going to do? I’m going to…”并在真实情景中灵活运用。



正确运用“be going to”谈论自己和朋友的活动计划并与他人进行交流。







Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

2. Play a game: Sharp eyes.

Show some verbs and verb phrases draw a picture, swim, dance, see a film, do homework, have a lesson, watch TV, cook, wash clothes, clean the room, go for a picnic, read books, play football, go shopping, play computer games…” quickly on the PPT. (出示课件) Students try to speak out the right word or phrase as soon as possible when it shows up.

3. Enjoy a chant together.


4. Lead-in.

(1)T: Do you like today’s chant?

Ss: Yes.

TAre you going to draw a picture/see a filmthis weekend?

Ss: Yes./No.

T: The weekend is coming! Zhang Peng’s friends are going to different places and do different things. Let’s go and have a look.

(2) Show the picture of the main scene in this unit on the PPT. Ask students to observe it carefully and try to think about three questions:

(3) Check the answers together. (课件出示:前两个问题的答案)

Encourage students to think out more answers about the last question.

T: Zhang Peng’s friends have different plans for this weekend. What are you going to do this weekend? Today we are going to make a weekend plan.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Listen and circle.

(1) Show the two questions of “Let’s try” on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P24 Let’s try板块的两个问题) Let students read the questions and guess the answers.

T: Can Mike go swimming today? What do you think of this question?

Ss: Yes, he can./No, he can’t.

T: Why do you think he can/can’t go swimming today?

Ss: Because…

Encourage students to think out more reasons.

2Play the recording of “Let’s try”. (课件出示:教材P24 Let’s try板块的音频) Ask students to get the key information. Then ask them to choose the right answers.



3Check the answers. Show the listening material to help students understand further. (课件出示:教材P24 Let’s try板块的答案及听力材料)

4After checking the second answer, provide one more question: What is Mike going to do this afternoon? Lead students to choose the right picture and speak out the sentence: He is going fishing this afternoon.

2. Look and say.

Take out a calendar of this month and show it through the video display desk.

T: What day is it today?

S1: It is Monday/…

Ask this student to circle the day of today on the calendar. Then write down the word “today” beside the circle.

T: Clever! Who knows what day it is tomorrow?

S2: It’s Tuesday/…

T: Super!

 Ask that student to circle the day of tomorrow on the calendar. Then write down the word “tomorrow” beside that circle. Lead students to read the word “tomorrow” three times.

3. “Let’s talk”.

1Show the pictures of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示:教材P24 Let’s talk板块的图片)

T: Sarah is on the phone with Mike. What are they talking about this time?

S1: They are talking about tomorrow’s plan.

T: Good answer! They are talking about their plans for tomorrow. What are they going to do tomorrow? Look at the pictures and guess the answers.

Ss: Mike/Sarah is going to…

2Show the first question: What are Mike and Sarah going to do tomorrow? Let students watch the video of “Let’s talk” and try to fill in the blanks. (课件出示:教材P24 Let’s talk板块的视频)

Check the answers together. (出示课件)

3)①Show the picture of “have an art lesson” to help students review the phrase. (课件出示:have an art lesson的相关内容)

Provide another question: What is Sarah going to do in the art lesson?

Ask students to answer the question and check the answer together.

Put the word card of “draw some pictures” on the blackboard. Do the action of “draw some pictures” to help students review this phrase. And lead students to read it for three times. Then ask students to read the dialogue for two times.

Show the picture of “see a film” to help students understand its meaning better. (课件出示:see a film的相关内容)

4Lead students to read these three phrases for three times. Then ask them to read the three sentences.

Ask students to observe the sentences carefully and try to find out the same part by discussing with their deskmates.

Ask some students to stand up and share their answers. When the student says “is going to”, the teacher takes out the word card of this phrase and puts it on the blackboard. Lead students to read it in the way of “high-low voice”.

T:Why do all these three sentences have “is going to”?

S1: They are talking about tomorrow.

S2: They will do these things tomorrow. 

T: I like your answers. You are brilliant! They are talking about the plans for tomorrow. These things didn’t happen before. They are not doing these things now. They will do these things tomorrow.

Provide some sentences. Ask students to divide them into two groups.

Check the answers together.






Lead students to conclude the rules of the two groups.

T: Group One is about the structure of “be going to”. They are all about plans for the future. Group Two is about the structure of “be+ v-ing”. They are all about doing something now.

4. Read and act.

1Students read after the recording. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

2Let students practice the dialogue in pairs.

3Act out the dialogue.

Step 3: Practice

1. A matching task.

Show different pictures and phrases: go ice-skating, wash clothes, draw pictures, make a snowman, go for a picnic. (课件出示:上述动词词组及其图片的连线题) Ask students to complete the matching task.

2. Pick apples.

Divide students into several groups. Show a big apple tree and a question on the PPT: What am I going to do tomorrow? Each apple has a phrase in it, such as go ice-skating, wash clothes, draw pictures, make a snowman, go for a picnic. (课件以摘苹果的方式出示上述动词词组) The teacher picks one apple each time. Students try to make a sentence with the phrase in it to answer the question. Make a model

T: What am I going to do tomorrow?

S1: You’re going to draw pictures.


The first student who speaks out the right sentence can get a score for his/her group.

3. Look and say.

Show some pictures of the phrases on page 24 on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P24下方词组及其相应的图片) Lead students to talk about the pictures with the sentence structures “— What is/are…going to do? —…is/are going to…” Make a model.

T: What is he going to do?

S1: He is going to go ice-skating.

The first student who speaks out the right sentence can get a score for his/her group.


Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

Weekend Plan”

1. Play a game: A Miming Game.

Each time ask one student to come to the front of the platform. Give him/her a picture about an activity. Let him/her mime it. Through the miming activity, the others try to guess: What is this student going to do this weekend? And try to describe the plan with the sentence structure “You’re going to…” The winner can get a score for his/her group.

2. Do a survey.

Ask students to talk about the weekend plan by using the sentence structures “—What are you going to do? —I’m/We\'re going to…” in groups. Write down the result on the paper.

The leader in each group collects all the answers. Fill in the chart below. (课件出示:调查表模板)

3. Show time.

Ask two or three groups to give reports like this: I’m going to see a film. Student 1 is going to read books this weekend. Student 2 and Student 3 are going to play basketball…

The group which does a good job can get a score.

4. Evaluation.

Count the total scores of each group. Find the best group. Give each member of this group a big hug.








Practice the dialogue.










Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s try

·Be able to understand the questions and predict the key points before listening.

·Be able to use basic listening skills to complete the listening task in this section.

Let’s talk

·Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the pictures with the help of the teacher.

·Be able to read the dialogue with the correct pronunciation and intonation and act it out in groups.

·Be able to listen, speak, read, write and use the sentence structures “—What are/is…going to do? We’re/I’m going to…/He/ She is going to…/They are going to…” to ask and answer questions.

·Be able to talk about the weekend plans freely.

Teaching Priorities

·Be able to understand and master the key sentence structures in this lesson, and use them flexibly in real situations.

·Be able to talk about the weekend plans freely.

Teaching Difficulties

·Use the sentence structure “be going to” correctly to talk about plans for activities and communicate with others.

Teaching Procedures

Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students Activities

Teaching Purposes




1. Greetings.

2. Play a game: Sharp eyes.

Show some verbs and verb phrases on the PPT.

3. Enjoy a chant together.

1. Greetings.

2. Try to speak out the right word or phrase as soon as possible when it shows up.

3. Enjoy a chant together.

Review the verbs and the verb phrases learned before. Lay a foundation for the following study.

4. Lead-in.

Freely talk and provide some questions.

Check the answers together.

Think about and answer the questions about the main scene.

Check the answers together.

Lead in the topic of this lesson.


1. Listen and circle.

(1) Show the two questions. Let students read them and guess the answers.

(2) Play the recording.

(3) Check the answers.

Show the listening material.

(4) Provide one more question.

(1) Read the two questions and guess the answers.

(2) Listen to the recording and choose the right options.

(3) Check the answers.

(4) Think about and answer the question.

Lead students to predict the answers to the exercises before listening. Then listen to the dialogue with questions. Enhance the purpose of listening, and train students’ listening ability effectively.

2. Look and say.

Use a calendar to teach the word “tomorrow”.

Observe the calendar and answer the teacher’s questions to learn the word “tomorrow”.

Help students understand the word “tomorrow” through the physical display and the dialogue. Lay a certain foundation for further study.

3. “Let’s talk”.

(1) Show the pictures.

Ask students to guess the answers.

(2) Show the first question and ask students to watch the video and fill in the blanks. Check the answers.

(3) Teach the key phrases.

(4) Lead students to learn the structure of “be going to”.


(1) Look at the pictures and guess the answers.

(2) Watch the video and fill in the blanks. Check the answers.

(3) Learn and practice the key phrases and sentences.

(4) Find out the same part of the key sentences.

Classify the sentences into two groups and conclude the rules of the two groups.

Let students perceive the dialogue as a whole and process the local language step by step. Help students to get a deep understanding of the dialogue and a practical understanding of the key phrases, sentence structures and grammar points of the lesson.


4. Read and act.

Read after the recording. Practice and act out.



Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students’ Activities

Teaching Purposes



1. A Matching task.

Show different pictures and phrases on the PPT.

2. Pick apples.

Show a big apple tree and a question on the PPT. Pick one apple each time.

3. Look and say.

Show some pictures of the phrases.

1. Finish the matching task.

2. Make sentences with the

phrases in the apples.

3. Talk about the pictures with the sentence structures.

Help students master the key sentence structures of this lesson step by step, and further understand the verb “be”.




Weekend Plan”

1. Play a game: A Miming Game.

Ask students to mime the activities on the pictures.

2. Do a survey.

Let students ask and answer in groups and fill in the chart.

3. Show time.

Ask two or three groups to show their works.

4. Evaluation.

1. Guess and try to describe the plan in the structure of “You’re going to…”

2. Talk about the weekend plan with the sentence structures in groups and fill in the chart.

3. Show their works.

4. Evaluation.

Apply the key phrases and sentence structures to the real situation. Achieve the purpose of language output, and further consolidate the use of the simple future tense.


1. Practice the dialogue.

2. Do the exercises.




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