人教pep六上英语 Unit 2 The sixth period第六课时教案

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The sixth period(第六课时)

Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up

& Part C Story time




Let’s check



Let’s wrap it up


Story time








  1. 能够巩固本单元所学的目标语言。
  2. 能够了解中国和英国在交通规则上的差异。







Step 1: Warm-up & Revision

1. Greetings.

2. Sing the song—How do you get there? (出示课件)

  1. Review the words and the sentences.

(1) Show the game rules of passing words on the PPT. (课件出示:游戏规则) Students read and play. (Review the words and the phrase “plane, train, taxi, ship, subway, on foot”. )

(2)TLook at the screen. Let’s see what is missing. (Review the sentences.)




Step 2: Presentation

1. Look at the pictures. Listen and number.

Show the pictures of “Let’s check” on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P20 Let’s check板块的四幅图片)

Let students observe and talk about the pictures and discuss the questions.

TLook at the pictures. How many pictures can you see?

SsFour pictures.

TYes! Look at the pictures one by one carefully. Try to tell me what’s in the pictures.

S1In Picture 1, there are Amy and John. They are walking.

S2In Picture 2, …

TWow! You are so smart! Now, let’s listen and number the pictures.

(1)Play the recording. (课件出示:教材P20 Let’s check板块的音频)Let students listen and number.

(2)Check the answers.

2. Listen again and answer the questions.

(1)Let students look at the questions below the pictures.

(2)Play the recording again.  (课件出示:教材P20 Let’s check板块的音频) Let students listen and fill in the blanks.

(3)Check the answers. Pay attention to the spelling of the words. (课件出示:教材P20 Let’s check板块的答案)

3. Let’s wrap it up.

(1)Show the part of “Let’s wrap it up” on the PPT. (课件出示:教材P20 Let’s wrap it up板块的内容)

TBoys and girls, do you know where Mike is?

SsI don’t know.

TLet’s see what Mike says and guess where he is.


TLook at the first sentence. Who can read it?

S1Go to the cinema.

TGood! Mike says, “Go to the cinema.” So, is he at the cinema?

SsNo, he is not at the cinema.

TGood job! Now you can read the sentences one by one and tick the right answers.

Do the exercise and check the answers. (课件出示:教材P20 Let’s wrap it up板块的答案)

(2)Teach the difference between “come” and “go”.

Say “Come here.” to one student and use body language to let him/her come to the front of the platform. Then use body language to show “come” and say “Come, come, come here.” to help students understand the meaning of “come”. Let students do actions and say “Come, come, come here.” Use some sentences “Go to school./Go to the zoo./Go to the playground./…” to show the meaning of “go”.

 (3) Ask students to make sentences with “come” or “go”. Make a model:

It’s so cold, because winter is coming./I go to school on Monday.

Step 3: Practice

“Traffic signs and traffic rules”

Show some traffic signs on the PPT.

Let students try to say the traffic rules according to the pictures.

Help students know these traffic signs.

TTraffic signs of different colors have different meanings.

Red means forbiddance and danger. Yellow means warning. Green means the indicator.

Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

1. Look and discuss.

Show the pictures of “Story time” on the PPT.  (课件出示:教材P21 Story time板块的图片) Let students observe the pictures and discuss the questions.

TLook, Amy’s friend Annie comes to China. Do you know where Annie is from?

SsShe is from the UK.

TYeah! Look at Picture 1 carefully. Can you guess where they are?

SsAt the airport.

TYes! Now let’s listen and see what happened.

  1. Let’s listen.

Let students listen and get the main idea of the story.

Play the recording. (课件出示:教材P21 Story time板块的音频)

THow do they go home?

SsBy bus.

TWhich side do the drivers drive in China?

SsIn China, people drive on the right side.

TWhat about the drivers in the UK?

SsIn the UK, drivers drive on the left side.

TYes! The road and the steering wheel in the UK are different from China. So, we have different traffic rulestoo. Let’s listen to the recording again and find out the differences.

  1. Listen and learn.

(1) Play the recording again. (课件出示:教材P21 Story time板块的音频)Ask students to listen to the recording sentence by sentence. Help them understand the story and learn the different traffic rules between China and the UK.

(2)Help students learn the key words.

Use some sentences to help students understand the word “miss”. Make a model:

Lucy went to Beijing last month. I miss her so much.

Lead students to learn the word “different”. Compare the teacher’s desk with students’ desks. They are all made of wood, but they are different.

Show a picture of people crossing the road to help students understand the word “cross”. (课件出示:人过马路的图片)

Point to Picture 5 and help students understand the word “double-decker”.

Point to the left and the right to teach “left” and “right”. Do the actions and let students look and say. Teach another meaning of the word “right” by an object. Take out a Chinese book and say, “It is an English book.” Students answer and say, “No, it’s wrong.” Then take out the English book and say, “This book is right.”

  1. Make a summary.

After reading the story, let students discuss about the traffic rules in the UK. Then lead them to make a conclusion:

In the UK, people must drive on the left side.

In China, people must drive on the right side.

In the UK, people must…

In China, people must…

  1. Let’s read.

Play the recording for the third time. (课件出示:教材P21 Story time板块的音频) Let students read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

  1. Act out.

Let students read the story in roles. Then lead them to act out.






Enjoy the story.



  1. 在本堂课中,以学生为主体、训练为主线,开展多类型的小组活动,使学生在学中用、用中学。学用结合,激发学生的多元智能学习能力。
  2. 这节课以复习巩固为主,配以简单的习题检测和情景故事来运用所学句型。采用传递词汇、填词游戏等多种形式来逐步引导学生操练词汇、句型,有效地帮助学生巩固重点词汇和句型。



  1. 呈现活动设计丰富,易操作,且具备层次感,有效地提升了学生的核心素养。以学生为本,以解决问题为导向,引导学生自主学习。
  2. 突出语用功能,联系学生和班级的实际情况,设置多个环节,环环相扣,层层深入,帮助学生在真实情景中自然地使用所学语言。
  3. 通过设计不同的问题来降低学习难度,且在每次听录音前布置一定的任务,培养学生处理听力文本信息和捕捉关键信息的能力。多种形式的词汇练习,极大地激发了学生学习的兴趣,使学生在玩中学、学中用。



Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s check

·Be able to predict the examination points of listening by observing the pictures one by one.

·Be able to understand the recording, then number the pictures and answer the questions.

Let’s wrap it up

·Be able to summarize the sentence structures of this unit.

Story time

·Review and consolidate the target language learned in this unit and increase the input of students by reading the interesting story.

·Be able to understand the story for all students.

·Be able to read the story with correct pronunciation and intonation and sense groups.

·Be able to act out the story and use the language in the story properly for a part of students.


Teaching Priorities

·Be able to review and consolidate the target language learned in this unit and be able to use the language to describe the ways of traveling.


Teaching Difficulties

·Be able to consolidate the target language of this unit.

·Be able to understand the differences between China and the UK in traffic rules.


Teaching Procedures

Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students Activities

Teaching Purposes





1. Greetings.

2. Sing the song—How do you get there?

3. Review the words and the sentences.

1. Greetings.

2. Sing the song.

3. Review the words and the sentences.

Stimulate students’ interest in learning and motivate students to participate in the activities in class.

Review old knowledge to pave the way for later tasks.


1. Look at the pictures. Listen and number.

2. Listen again and answer the questions.

3. Let’s wrap it up.

(1)Ask students to do the exercises and check the answers.

(2)Teach the difference between comeand go.

(3)Ask students to make sentences with “come” or go.

1. Observe and talk about the pictures and discuss the questions. Listen and number the pictures.

2. Listen and fill in the blanks. Check the answers.

3. (1)Do the exercises and check the answers.

(2)Learn the difference between “come” and “go”.

(3)Make sentences with

“come” or “go”.

Lead students to predict the content before listening to the recording.

Cultivate students’ observation ability and logical reasoning ability.

Design different tasks to reduce the difficulty of learning.


“Traffic signs and traffic rules”

Show some traffic signs on the PPT.

Ask students to try to say the traffic rules according to the pictures.

Help students know these traffic signs.

Look at the traffic signs and try to say the traffic rules according to the pictures. Know these traffic signs.

Review and consolidate the language learned in this unit.



Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students’ Activities

Teaching Purposes




1. Look at the pictures and discuss the questions.

2. Let's listen.

3. Listen and learn.

Play the recording again. Lead students to learn the different traffic rules between China and the UK.

4. Make a summary.

5. Let’s read.

6. Act out.

1. Look at the picture and

discuss the questions.

2. Listen and get the main idea of the story.

3. Listen to the recording

sentence by sentence.

Understand the story.

Learn the key words.

4. Discuss about the traffic rules in the UK. And make a conclusion.

5. Read after the recording. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

6. Read the story in roles.

Act out the story.

Help students understand the story. Make sure some students read the story correctly and fluently. Stimulate students’ interest in learning. Develop students’ ability to process the listening text and capture key information.



  1. Enjoy the story.
  2. Do the exercises.




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