人教pep六上英语 Unit 1 The first period 第一课时 教案

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Unit 1 How can I get there?


本单元学习的主题是问路。教学内容主要是通过吴一凡和机器人Robin去参观科学博物馆途中问路的情景来展开的。教学重点是能够听、说、读、写核心句型“—Where is the museum shop? It’s near the door.”“—How can we get there? Turn left at the bookstore.”;能够听、说、读、写单词和词组: science, museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital, crossing, turn, left, straight, right



·能够听、说、读、写句型“—Where is the? It’s near the door.”“—How can we get there?

 Turn left at the bookstore.

·能够在情景中运用句型“—Where is the? It’s…”询问地点并作答

·能够在情景中运用句型“—How can we get there? Turn left/right at the…”问路并描述路线


· 能够听、说、读、写单词和词组: science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital, crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right






·了解英国代表性建筑“伦敦眼”,著名河流泰晤士河以及特色快餐“Fish and chips




第一课时:  Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk

第二课时:  Part A Let’s learn & Make a map and talk

第三课时:  Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk

第四课时:  Part B Let’s learn & Be a tour guide

第五课时:  Part B Read and write

第六课时:  Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up

The first period(第一课时)

Part A Let’ s try & Let’s talk




Let’s try



Let’s talk

·通过观察、谈论Let’s talk板块的图片,在PPT和老师的帮助下理解对话大意,并能够回答对话下面的问题


·能够在情景中恰当运用句型“—Where is the? It’s…”询问地点并作答

·能够在语境中借助图片等帮助理解新词“museum, bookstore, post office, ask, sir”的意思,并能够正确发音





能够在情景中恰当运用句型“—Where is the? It’s…”询问地点并作答。







Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

Greet students. Divide them into several groups. The group which gets the most points will be the winner.

2. Quick review.

Review the words and the phrases of the locations in front of, near, next to, behind, betweenwith the pictures. (课件出示: 表示方位介词的图片)

3. Read and guess.

Read the sentences and guess what places they are.

4. Lead-in.

Present the main scene on page 2.(课件出示: Unit 1主情景图)

T: What can you see in the main scene?

Ss: We can see a hospital, a park, a restaurant…

T: Here are Wu Binbin and Robin. Wu Binbin likes robots very much. Where can Wu Binbin go?

Ss: He can go to the science museum.

T: Where is the science museum? How can he get there? Today we’ll learn “Unit 1 How can I get there?”

Write down the title of “Unit 1” on the blackboard.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Let’s try.

1Freely talk about robots.

In a science museum, we can see many interesting things of hightech. Present some pictures of hightech robots on exhibition. (课件出示: 能做各种不同动作的机器人的图片及相应的动词词组)

T: These robots are so cool! What can they do?

Ss: They can

2Listen and tick.

Ask students to read Let’s tryand predict the content of listening and the answers to the questions. Then students listen and tick the right options for the questions. At last, check the answers together. (课件出示: 教材P4 Let’s try板块的习题、音频及答案)

3Read the listening materials.

Learn the key sentences underlined. (课件出示: 教材P4 Let’s try板块的听力材料)

2. Watch and answer.

Wu Binbin and Robin are at the science museum now. Wu Binbin has something to do. Watch the video of Let’s talkand answer the questions. Lead students to get the main idea of the dialogue. (课件出示: 教材P4 Let’s talk板块的对话视频和问题)

Q: What does Wu Binbin want to do? He wants to buy a postcard and send it.

Compare the differences between buyand sendwith pictures. (课件出示: 买明信片和寄明信片的图片)

3. Get more details.

Watch the video of Let’s talkagain and answer the following questions. (课件出示: 问题①②,配图museum shoppost office

Where can Wu Binbin buy the postcard? Where is the museum shop?

Where can he send the postcard? Where is the post office?

Highlight the sentence structure Where is?Make brief talks with students while checking the answers. (课件出示: 问题①②的答案)

Write down “museum shop, post office” and the sentence structure “Where is…?” on the blackboard.

Key: He can buy the postcard in the museum shop. The museum shop is near the door.

T: What else can you buy in a museum shop?

Ss: I can also buy some toy robots/soft toys/toy machines/books

Key: He can send the postcard in the post office. The post office is next to the museum.

T: Does Robin know where the post office is?

Ss: No, he doesn’t.

T: So how can they find the post office?

Ss: They can use a map./They can ask other people.

T: Yes. If you need help, just try to be brave and ask for help.

Learn the key words ask, sirin detail. (课件出示: asksir的相关内容)

Write down “ask, sir” on the blackboard.

T: Robin asks a man where the post office is. The man is so surprised that Robin can talk. It is a talking robot. He thinks the museum is a great museum. Simply explain a talking robotand What a great museum!”)

T: Where is the post office?

Ss: It’s next to the museum. (课件出示: 对比nearnext to的区别)

Step 3: Practice

1. Read and act.

1Students read after the recording. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

2Let students practice the dialogue in roles in groups.

3Act out.

2. Draw a map for the museum.

Students read the dialogue and try to draw a simple map for the museum. Work in pairs to make a brief introduction of their maps. Then choose two students to come to the front to share their maps. They can say like this:

The museum shop is… You can…there.

The post office is… You can…there.

Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

  1. Create a new dialogue.

T: If you are Wu Binbin, what gift do you want to buy? You can be in a supermarket or anywhere you want to be. Create a new dialogue and let’s find out more ideas. You can do it like this:

Wu Binbin: Robin, where is the…? I want to buy…

Robin: It’s…

Wu Binbin: Thanks. Where is the…? I want to…today.

Robin: I don’t know. I’ll ask. Excuse me, sir.

Man: Wow! A talking robot! That’s interesting!

Robin: Where is the…?

Man: It’s…

Robin: Thanks.

The teacher makes a model with two students first. Then ask students to work in groups. Choose one or two groups to act out.

  1. Talk about your city.

T: Now we’ve known something about Wu Binbin’s city. Can you talk about something about your city/town/village?

The teacher sets a model and makes a brief conversation with a student first. You can use these words: park, library, zoo, post office, school, museum… (课件出示: 对话练习的框架)

 Then students work in groups and talk about the places in their city/town/village.

  1. Make a summary.

Lead students to make a summary of this class. Let them conclude the key words and sentence structures they’ve learned. Encourage students to be brave and ask for help if they need.







  1. Practice the dialogue.
  2. Write down your new dialogue.


1. 热身环节快速复习方位介词以及有关建筑物和场所的词汇,为下面即将要学习的对话做好词汇铺垫。通过主情境图创设情境,为即将学习的Let’s try板块设置话题背景。

2. 呈现活动由浅入深,注重培养学生听前预测的习惯。以学生为本,引导和启发学生思考,注重对学生思维能力的培养。

3. 基于课本基础,设置多元化的教学活动,适当拓展,丰富学生表达,提高其语言综合运用能力。

4. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。

Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s try

·Be able to predict the main content of the listening part by reading the questions.

·Be able to understand the recording and tick the right answers.

Let’s talk

·Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing the pictures and answer the questions below the dialogue.

·Be able to read the dialogue correctly, fluently and emotionally, and then act out in groups.

· Be able to listen, speak, readwrite and use the sentence structures “—Where is the?It’s…” properly to ask and answer about the locations in scenes.

·Be able to have a good command of the new words museum, bookstore, post office, ask, sir.

·Be able to learn to ask for help politely.

Teaching Priorities

·Be able to understand and master the key words and sentence structures of this lesson.

Teaching Difficulties

·Be able to use the sentence structures “—Where is the…? —It’s…” properly to ask and answer about the locations in scenes.

Teaching Procedures

Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students Activities

Teaching Purposes




1. Greetings.

2. Quick review.

3. Read and guess.

4. Lead-in. Present the main scene on page 2 on the PPT.

1. Greet the teacher and understand the mode of evaluation.

2. Review the words of locations.

3. Read and guess what places they are.

4. Talk about the main scene on page 2.

Review the words and the phrases of prepositions and buildings through the guessing game. Get students prepared for the following learning, and set a topic background for the dialogue.


1. Let’s try.

(1)Present pictures and talk with students.

(2)Ask students to listen and tick.

(3)Present the listening materials and teach the key sentences.

1Freely talk about robots.

2Listen and tick.

3Read the listening materials.

Stimulate students’ interest in learning and attract their attention through a variety of robots with different functions.  Cultivate students’ habit of making predictions before listening.

2. Watch and answer.

Play the video of “Let’s talk” and ask the questions. Lead students to get the main idea of the dialogue.

Watch the video of “Let’s talk” and answer the questions.

Get the main idea of the dialogue.

Lead students to get a whole perception of the dialogue and the main idea of it with questions.

3. Get more details.

Play the video of “Let’s talk” again and ask students to answer the questions.

Teach “museum, shop, post office” and “—Where is…? —It’s…”

Talk with students and teach the words “ask, sir” in detail. “It’s time for…”

Teach the sentence “Time to go home.” and the word “kid”.

Contrast “It’s time for…” with “It’s time to…”

Watch the video of “Let’s talk” again and answer the questions.

Learn “museum, shop, post office” and“—Where is…? —It’s…”

Talk with the teacher about more details. Learn the words “ask, sir” in detail. Understand the sentence “Time to go home.” and the word “kid”. Learn the difference between “It’s time for…”and “It’s time to…”

Make corresponding extension based on the context to improve students’ pragmatic ability. Penetrate the emotional aim. Lead students to ask for help from others when they encounter difficulties.



Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students’ Activities

Teaching Purposes



1. Read and act.

(1)Read after the recording.

Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

(2)Practice in roles in groups.

(3)Act out.

Lead students to read the dialogue in correct pronunciation and intonation and act it out in groups to practice the dialogue.

2. Draw a map for the museum.


Read the dialogue and try to draw a simple map for the museum. Work in pairs and make a brief introduction of the maps.

Help students go deeper into the text. Lead students to describe the locations, as well as activities that can be carried out there. Enrich students’ expression.




1. Create a new dialogue.

Work in groups. Create a new dialogue and find out more ideas.

Lead students to reconstruct the text. Consolidate the key words and sentence structures by creating new dialogues.

2. Talk about your city.

Set a model and make a brief conversation with a student first.

Talk about the places in their city/town/village.

Extend students’ expression of their preferences and frequent activities. Improve their comprehensive language using ability.

3. Make a summary.

Conclude the key words and sentence structures they’ve learned.

Get an overview of the class and penetrate the emotional goal.


  1. Practice the dialogue.
  2. Write down your new dialogue.
  3. Do the exercises.




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