人教pep六上英语 Recycle 1 The second period第二课时教案

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The second period(第二课时)

Page 34 & Page 35




Page 34 & Page 35

·学生能够在情景中运用句型“—What/Where/When are/isgoing(to do)?

I’m/He /She is going to…”询问并回答计划的活动、地点和时间

·能够通过活动归纳总结出be going to be与人称的搭配,以及be going to 后面接动词原形的相关知识












Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

2. Free talk.

Show the chart below on the PPT. Talk freely about the teacher’s calendar with students.

Lead students to read the chart and guess: Where is the teacher going at different time? Make a model:

T: At 10 o’clock in the morning, I’m going to the supermarket.


S1: At 6 o’clock in the afternoon, you’re going to the cinema.

S2: At 9 o’clock in the evening, you’re going to stay at home.

T How about your weekend plan? Where are you going? What are you going to do? And when are you going?


3.Role play: Find the missing cat.

 Present a map on the PPT. There is a cat on the map. Two students work in a group. One acts the kid who can’t find his/her cat. The other student acts the policeman/policewoman. The kid comes to the police office to ask for help. They can make a dialogue like this:

Kid: Where is my cat?

Policeman: Look! It’s at the hospital. It’s near the post office.

Kid: How can I go to the hospital?

Policeman: You can go straight. Turn left at the post office. It’s near the post office.

Kid: Can I go there on foot?

Policeman: Yes. It’s not far. You can also take the No. 5 bus.

Kid: Thank you very much.

Policeman: You’re welcome.


T: Do you still remember what Wu Binbin is going to do this weekend?

SsHe is going to visit his grandparents.

TDo you still remember the little boy on the street?

SsYes. He is crying.

TGood memory! The little boy is waiting for his mother. Robin is singing a song to him.

Play the song and see what Robin is singing.

Play the recording of the song Hush, little boy. (课件出示:歌曲《Hush, little boy》的音频及歌词) Students listen to the song and feel the rhythm. Ask students to circle the words and the phrases they don’t understand.

Step 2: Presentation

1.Robin is singing a song to the little boy.

(1) Help students understand the words and the phrases they circled in their books, such as hush, if, ring, lost, looking glass, fall down and sweetest. The teacher can use body language and some pictures to help students understand.

(2) Lead students to read the song sentence by sentence. Then the teacher plays the recording of this song again. (出示课件) All students sing the song together after the recording.

Encourage students to add some actions.

(3) Let the boys PK with the girls to sing the song Hush, little boy.

(4) After the PK, ask students to answer the question: In the song, what is Papa going to do?

Ask three students to stand up and read the three sentences.

Check the answers together. Ask students to correct the mistakes.

(5) Ask students to read the song again. And circle the right answers in the book.

Ask two students to stand up and say the two answers.

Check the answers together. (课件出示:教材P34 Read and circle板块的答案) 

 2. The little boy’s mother is on the phone.

(1) Play a sound of the traffic car. Let students guess: Where is the little boy now? (课件出示:一段警车的声音)

Lead students to answer: He is in the police station.

TWu Binbin and Robin take the little boy to the police station. Now, the little boy’s mother is talking with the policeman on the phone. Can you guess what they are talking about?

Lead students to say more possibilities.

(2)Show the map on page 35. (课件出示:教材P35的地图)

TThe little boy’s mother is going to the police station to find her son. Let’s go and see how she can get to the police station.

Lead students to observe the map carefully. Ask them to draw a route to the police station on the map. Then lead students to say the route together in English and write it down briefly at the bottom of the map.

Show the dialogue part on page 35. (课件出示:教材P35的对话) Ask students to fill in the blanks individually.

Ask one or two students to speak out their sentences. Provide some corrections if there are some mistakes. 

(3) Check the answers together. (课件出示:教材P35的答案)

Lead students to read the dialogue in pairs.

(4) Ask students to read the dialogue by themselves. And try to finish the exercises in the part of “Read, answer and do”. Encourage students to write down more kinds of transportation.

Ask students to say their answers. The teacher can provide some examples, such as by subway, by train, by plane, by taxi, by bike. (出示课件)

(5) Ask students to pay attention to the intonation of the sentences in the part of “Listen and read aloud”. Lead them to read in the correct intonation. Then play the recording of this part. (出示课件) Ask students to listen and read after the recording.

Ask students to practice reading the dialogue in pairs. Then ask several pairs to read the dialogue loudly. Then check their intonation and give help when necessary.

Step 3: Practice

1. Play a game: Challenge the repeater.

Students challenge the recording of the text in the English book. Ask several students to stand up and read the text. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. Find out who does the best work. The best student can get a “Gold microphone” medal.

2. Retell the whole story.

Lead students to retell the whole story in Recycle 1. Try to describe all the things happened on the way to Wu Binbin’s grandparents’ new house. In this way to review the key language points from Unit 1 to Unit 3. Encourage students to retell the whole story to the class.

Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

1. Do a survey.

Talk about the plans of students, and ask them to finish the chart. Show the chart.课件出示:调查活动的表格)

Make a model with one student. Then divide students into several groups. Ask students to ask and answer these questions in groups. And try to finish the chart. If some students in the group have the same plan, they can go to the same place together.

Ask one or two groups to report the results of the survey.

Make a model:

XXX is/XXX and XXX are going to… He/ She is/ They are going to… He/ She is/ They are going to…with… They are going at… They are going there by…/on foot.

2. Evaluation.

Show a proverb to students. Cultivate students’ quality of helping others.

Gifts of roses, hand there are lingering fragrance.








Review the key words, phrases and sentences from Unit 1 to Unit 3.









Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

·Be able to use the sentence structures “—What/Where/When are/is…going(to do…)? —I’m/He /She is going to…” in situations to ask and answer questions about planned activities, places and times.

·Be able to summarize the collocation of beand personin be going to, and learn the related knowledge that be going tois followed by the verb prototype.

·Cultivate the excellent quality of helping others.


Teaching Priorities

·         Ma Consolidate and expand the key knowledge points from Unit 1 to Unit 3.

Teaching Difficulties

·         Be able to flexibly use the key language knowledge of Units 1~3 in communicative activities.

Teaching Procedures

Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students’ Activities

Teaching Purposes




1. Greetings.

2. Free talk.

Show the chart.

Let students talk about the teacher’s calendar.

3. Role play: Find the missing cat.

4. Lead-in.

Play the recording of the song Hush, little boy.

11. Greetings.

2. Free talk.

Talk freely about the teacher’s calendar.

3. Role play: Find the missing cat. Role play and make a dialogue.

4. Lead-in.

Listen to the song and feel the rhythm. Circle the words and the phrases they don’t understand.

Through the activities, review the knowledge in Units 1~3 and improve students’ comprehensive language ability. The usage of listening and singing the song can stimulate the enthusiasm of students.


1. Robin is singing a song to the little boy.

(1) Help students understand the words and the phrases they circled in their books.

(2) Lead students to read the song.

Play the recording of this song.

(3) Let the boys PK with the girls to sing the song Hush, little boy.

(4) Ask students to answer the question: In the song, what is Papa going to do?

(5) Ask students to read the song again. And circle the right answers in the book. Check the answers together.

(1) Try to understand the meaning of the song.

(2) Read the song after the teacher and sing the song together after the recording.

(3) Boys and girls PK.

(4) Complete the exercise: In the song, what is Papa going to do?

(5) Read the song again. And circle the right answers in the book. Check the answers.

By learning this part of the song in a variety of ways, students can not only feel the melody of the song, but also take the song as a reading material to train and improve their reading ability.





Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students’ Activities

Teaching Purposes



2. The little boy’s mother is on the phone.

(1) Let students guess what the people are talking about on the phone.

(2) Show the map and the dialogue on page 35. Ask students to fill in the blanks.

(3) Check the answers together.

Lead students to read the dialogue in pairs.

(4) Ask students to read the dialogue and try to finish the exercises in the part of “Read, answer and do”.

(5) Play the recording. Ask students to listen and read after the recording and practice the dialogue in pairs.

(1) Guess what the people are talking about on the phone.

(2) Observe the map carefully, draw and say the route to the police station. Then fill in the blanks.

(3) Check the answers together. Read the dialogue in pairs.

(4) Read the dialogue and try to finish the exercises in the part of “Read, answer and do”.

(5) Listen and read after the recording. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation of the sentences.

Practice the dialogue in pairs.

Cultivate students’ ability to read and recognize pictures, and improve students’ ability to summarize knowledge. Training students’ good pronunciation and intonation can enhance students’ confidence in learning English, and also can improve their enthusiasm to express in English.


1. Play a game: Challenge the repeater.

1. Challenge the recording of the text in the English book.

The retelling process is actually an integration and induction of what they have learned, so that students can have a process of language production and have an opportunity to present themselves.

2. Retell the whole story.

Lead students to retell the whole story in Recycle 1

2. Try to retell the whole story in Recycle 1




1. Do a survey.

Ask students’ plans. Ask students to ask and answer these questions in groups. And try to finish the chart.


2. Evaluation.

Show a proverb.

Gifts of roses, hand there are lingering fragrance.

Through the investigation, all the contents of the three units were integrated together. Avoid learning the knowledge in one-side.

Cultivate the excellent quality

of helping others.

1. Do a survey.

Ask and answer these questions in groups. And try to finish the chart. Report to the class.

2. Evaluation.

Learn to help others.


1. Review the key words, phrases and sentences from Unit 1 to Unit 3.

2. Do the exercises.




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