人教pep六上英语 Unit 2 The second period第二课时教案

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The second period(第二课时)

Part A Let’s learn & Write and say




Let’s learn

·能够听、说、读、写词组:by plane, by train, by taxi, by ship, by bus, by subway, on foot

·能够正确运用句型“How do we/you get there?”询问出行方式,并能够用“By…”进行回答

Write and say



1. 能够理解和掌握本课的重点词组和句型。

2. 能够在现实生活中灵活运用句型“How do we/you get there?”来询问出行方式,并能够用句型“By…”进行回答。


能够在情景中灵活运用句型“How do we/you get there?”询问出行方式,并能够用句型“By…”进行回答。







Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

2. Let’s sing—How do we get there?

3. Lead-in.

(1)Look and say.

Show the world map on the PPT. Let students point and say the names of these countries: China(中国), USA(美国), Canada(加拿大), Russia(俄罗斯), Australia(澳大利亚). (出示课件)

(2)Free talk.

Show the words and the pictures one by one on the PPT. Let students look and say.



THow do we go to Canada? By car? By plane?

SsBy plane.

TYes, maybe we go by plane. How do we go to Wuhan?

SsBy car/bus.

TCool! We can go by car or by bus. How do we get to school?

SsBy bike/bus./On foot.

THow does Mrs Smith go to school?

SsSometimes by car.

TYeah! Today Mrs Smith and the students are going to the nature park. Let’s see how they get there!

Step 2: Presentation

1. Look and discuss.

(1)Show the picture of Let’s learnon the PPT.  (课件出示:教材P15 Let’s learn板块的图片)

(2)Let students observe the picture and discuss the questions. (课件出示:教材P15 Let’s learn板块的相关问题)

Questions: Who are they? What are they talking about? What are they going to do?

(3)Let students answer the questions on the PPT.

2. Learn the new sentences and phrases.

(1)Show a mind map of Let’s learn. (课件出示:教材P15 Let\'s learn板块的思维导图)

Play the recording.   (课件出示:教材P15 Let’s learn板块的音频) Let students listen and circle the traffic tool that they have heard in the book.

(2)Check the answer and teach the sentence structures “—How do we get there? —By…”

(3)Learn the phrases.

Draw a picture of a plane on the blackboard. Point to the picture and teach the word. Then write down the phrase by planeon the blackboard and let students point and say.

Plane, plane, by plane.” “How do you get there?” “By plane.

Use the same method to teach by bus, by taxi. Then ask students to practice the phrases.

Play the sound of a train.  (课件出示:火车行驶的声音) And ask students to guess the traffic tool. Write down the word trainon the blackboard and teach the word. Then let students point and say.

Train, train, by train.” “How do you get there?” “By train.”

Show a picture of a ship on the PPT.   (课件出示:轮船图片)

Then write down the word “ship” on the blackboard. Encourage students to spell the word by themselves. Then teach the phrase “by ship.” Let students point and say.

Ship, ship, by ship.” “How do you get there?” “By ship.”

Show a video about the subway on the PPT. (课件出示:一段地铁短视频) Write down the word subwayon the blackboard and teach the word. Then teach the phrase by subway. Let students point and say.

Subway, subway, by subway.” “How do you get there?” “By subway.”

Point to the foot and say foot, foot, on foot. I go to school on foot.

Write down the phrase “on foot” on the blackboard and teach it to students.

Then let students point and say.

Foot, foot, on foot.” “How do you get there?” “On foot.”

3. Read and act.

(1)Students read after the recording. (课件出示:教材P15 Let\'s learn板块的音频) Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

(2)Let students practice the dialogue in groups.

(3)Act out the dialogue.

Step 3: Practice

1. Practice the phrases and the sentences.

(1)Use the word cards to practice the phrases: on foot, by plane/bus/taxi/ship/subway/train.

(2)Play the chain game.

(游戏说明:学生把本课时的单词卡片正面朝上放在课桌上,随意抽取一张。教师也从自己的单词卡片中抽取一张,然后和学生同时说“How can you get there?”。教师迅速向学生展示自己的卡片,和教师选同一张卡片的学生起立,根据卡片内容回答“By… ”。)


2. Write and say.

(1)Show the part of Write and sayon the PPT. (课件出示:教材P15 Write and say 板块的内容)

(2)Students look at the model. Write down the origins and destinations. Then choose the traffic tools and match them.

(3)Let students practice the dialogue in pairs with the sentence structures“—How do you get to…from…? —By…/On foot.”

Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

“Choose and say”

1. Do a survey.

(1)Make the word cards of some placessuch as Beijing, Shanghai, …

(2)Show the chart on the PPT. Let students use the sentence structures to make dialogues according to the cards they choose. Make a model

THow do you get to Wuhan from Beijing?

SsBy plane.

2. Show time.

3. Make a summary together.








Practice the dialogue.




1. 在本堂课中,以课标为理论指导,以学生为主体、训练为主线,利用词汇卡片,使学生在学中用,在用中学,学用结合,激发学生的多元智能学习能力。

2. 本节课以词汇教学为主,配以简单的句型来运用所学词汇。采用卡片、chant、“接龙”游戏等多种形式来逐步引导学生操练单词、词组、句型,有效地帮助学生巩固重点词汇和句型。

3. 呈现活动设计丰富,易操作,且具备层次感,有效地提升了学生的核心素养。以学生为本,以解决问题为导向,引导学生自主学习。

4. 突出语用功能,联系学生和班级的实际情况,设置多个环节,环环相扣,层层深入,帮助学生在真实情景中自然地使用所学语言。

5. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。



Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s learn

·Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new phrases “by plane, by train, by taxi, by ship, by bus, by subway, on foot”.

·Be able to use the sentence structure How do we/you get there?to ask about ways of travelling and use By…” to answer.

Write and say

·Be able to fill in the origins and destinations in the box, match according to the actual situation, and then talk about their own ways of travelling.


Teaching Priorities

·Be able to understand and master the key phrases and sentence structures of this lesson.

·Be able to use the sentence structures “How do we/you get there? By” to ask and answer

the question about each other’s ways of travelling.


Teaching Difficulties

·Be able to use the sentence structures “—How do we/you get there? —By…” to ask and answer the question about each other’s ways of travelling.


Teaching Procedures

Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students Activities

Teaching Purposes






1. Greetings.

2. Let’s sing—How can we get there?

3. Lead-in.

1. Greetings.

2. Sing the song.

3. Lead-in.

(1)Look and say.

(2)Talk to the teacher.

Penetrate the key sentence structures and the expressions of a variety of travelling tools in advance and create a real and effective teaching situation.


1. Look and discuss.

(1)Show the picture of “Let’s learn” on the PPT.

(2)Show the questions.

(1)Observe the picture.

(2)Discuss and answer the questions.

Lead students to understand the context in which words are used.

2. Teach the new sentences and phrases.

(1)Show the mind map ofLet’s learn”. Play the recording.

(2)Check the answer and teach the key sentence structures.

(3)Teach the phrases “by plane, by bus, by taxi, by ship, by subway, on foot”.

(1)Look at the picture, listen and circle.

(2)Check the answer and learn the sentence structures “—How do we get there? —By…”

(3)Learn the new phrases and practice them.

Use the mind map to let students have a preliminary understanding of the situation and pave the way for the following study. Use different tasks to lead students to learn the new vocabulary and sentence structures, so as to reduce the difficulty of learning.

3. Read and act.

Read after the recording. Practice in groups and act out.

Make sure students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.



1. Practice the phrases and the sentences.

(1)Use the word cards to practice the phrases: on foot, by plane /bus /taxi /ship /subway /train.

(2)Play the chain game.

Improve students’ interest in learning English, create opportunities for students to speak and practice English, and develop students’ ability of independent thinking. Prepare for the next part.





Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students’ Activities

Teaching Purposes


2. Write and say.

(1) Show the part of Write and sayon the PPT.

(2) Ask students to write, choose and match.

(3)Let students practice the dialogue in pairs.

(1)Look at the pictures of “Write and say”.

(2)Write down the origins and destinations. Then choose the traffic tools and match them.

(3)Practice with partners.





Choose and say”

1. Do a survey.

2. Show time.

3. Make a summary together.

1. (1) Make the word cards of some places.

(2)Do a survey and make dialogues.

2. Show the dialogues.

3. Make a summary.

Develop students’ comprehensive language using ability. Let students make a conclusion about the ways of travelling to enrich students’ inductive learning ability.


  1. Practice the dialogue.
  2. Do the exercises.




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