人教pep六上英语 Unit 1 Part B 第一课时教案

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1.能、说、认、读单词“interesting, Italian, restaurant, pizza, street, get”。


3.能听、说、认、读句型“What a/ an+ adj.+物体?”“I like…”“Where is?”“It’s+方位介词”。

能听、说、认、读单词“interesting, Italian, restaurant, pizza, street, get”以及句型“How canget to …”“Turn right/left”“Go straight.”“What a/an adj.+物体!”“I like…”“Where is?”“It’s+方位介词(短语)”。

能在日常交际用语中用英语询问怎样到达某地,并能回答到达某地的指令,即:“How canget to the ?”“Turn right/left.”“Go straight.”。


Step 1:Warm-up

1.Sing the song:Where is the hospital?”一起进入英语学习氛围。



T: Where is the hospital/science museum/bookstore/cinema/post office?

Ss: It’s…

Step 2: Presentation

1.播放电影《熊出没之夺宝熊兵》,并问学生这个电影有趣吗?引出单词interesting,教师教读新单词interesting;教师接着问,“What can we eat in Italian restaurant?Ss:Italian noodles, pizza…” 教师依次引出新单词,并板书新单词:“interesting, Italian restaurant, pizza, street, get”。

2.教学句子:复习“多么了不起的博物馆!”“What a great museum!”,请学生翻译“多么有趣的一部电影!”“What an interesting film!”教学句子“How can I/we get to the?”“Turn right/left at…”

教师出示自己绘制的学校周边示意图,学生二人一组依照“Let’s talk”,进行对话。

3.情景介绍:Mike and Wu Binbin want to eat pizza, but how do they get to the restaurant? 听对话,听第一遍时,模仿正确的语音、语调,听第二遍时学生们思考并回答以下问题:

(1)What does Mike like?

(2)Where is the restaurant?

(3)How can they get to the restaurant?

(4)Who is hungry?


Step 3: Consolidation and extension


2.Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like,并询问对方怎样到那儿。

3.完成“Let’s try”部分听力任务。


(1)What C interesting film!

A. a             B. the           C. an

(2)C is the restaurant?

It’s near the cinema.

A. Who           B. What         C. Where

(3)—How can we B there?

Turn left at the hospital.

A. arrive          B. get             C. go

(4)—Turn left C the bookstore.

A. on             B. in             C.at

Step 4: Homework

跟读并背诵“Let’s talk”部分对话,学习正确语言语调。

本课时继续学习询问别人“如何到达某地”以及回答“到达某地的指令”即“How can I/weget to the?”“Turn left/right at…”“Go straight”,同时继续复习询问别人“某地在哪儿”以及回答“某地具体位置”的句子,即“Where is?”“It’s+方位介词”。学习时不要搞混淆句型,要多说多练。



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