人教pep六上英语 Unit 1 The second period第二课时教案

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The second period(第二课时)

Part A Let’s learn & Make a map and talk




Let’s learn

· 通过图片、课件等方式,能够听、说、读、写有关城市设施的单词和词组:science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital



·能够在情景中恰当运用句型“—Where is the? It’s…”开展有关问路和指路的表达

Make a map and talk





能够在情景中恰当运用句型“—Where is the…? —It’s…”开展有关问路和指路的表达。







Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

Greet the class.

TIn this class, I hope you can be confident(), open-minded(☆☆), and especially creative(☆☆☆).

2. My favourite cartoon—Big Hero.

T(课件出示:《超能陆战队》中大白的图片)This is my favourite cartoonBig Hero. He is Baymax. Do you know where he lives?

SsHe lives in(Students guess.)

TLook, he lives in a city. Today we’ll learn something about a city. A city is a big town with many streets and buildings where people live and work.

3. Lead-in.

TNow let’s watch a video. What can you see in the city? (课件出示:《超能陆战队》视频剪辑)

SsHouses, policemen

TGood job! We can also see a police station, BRT


Step 2: Presentation

  1. Learn the word “cinema”.

TGood job! We can watch a monster film on TV. Where else can you watch films?

S1: I can watch films on the computers./I can…

TYes. We can watch films at home. We can watch films at a cinema.

Teach the new word “cinema”. (课件出示:cinema的相关内容)

Write down “cinema” on the blackboard.

Students read the word in syllables.

  1. Learn the sentence structures “—Where is…? —It’s…”

Present the picture of the cinema on page 5. (课件出示:教材P5 cinema的图片)

TWhere is the cinema? (Ask a student to come to the front to point it out on the picture of the main scene.)

S1It’s here.

Write down “—Where is…? —It’s…” on the blackboard.

Lead students to understand the meaning by highlighting the popcorn and the film recorder on the picture.

TThe cinema is near the bookstore.

Present the positions of “next to” and “near”. Compare the locations between these two words.

  1. Learn the word “bookstore”.

Present the pictures of a bookstore and a library. (课件出示:bookstorelibrary的图片)

Lead students to observe and compare the two pictures of “bookstore” and “library” on the main scene. Present the new word “bookstore”. Divide the word into two words of “book” and “store”. Students read the word after the recording and learn its regulations of word-formation. (课件出示:bookstore的单词合成方式、图片和读音)

Write down “bookstore” on the blackboard.

  1. Learn the word “hospital”.

TWe can store many books in a shop. We can also store many books in robots. So, robots know lots of things and give people lots of help. (课件出示:带有医疗功能的大白图片)

TBaymax is a medical robot. He is a “walking hospital”.

Teach the new word hospital. Students read the word in syllables and pay attention to its stress in pronunciation. (课件出示:hospital的相关内容)

Write down “hospital” on the blackboard.

  1. Learn the phrases “science museum” and “post office”.

THiro is a 14-year-old boy. He is Baymax’s best friend. He likes science very much. His favourite place is the science museum. (课件出示:《超能陆战队》里的阿宏和科学馆)

Present the phrase science museumon the PPT. Lead students to learn the meaning and the pronunciation. Let students read in groups, in boys and girls. (课件出示:science museum的相关内容)

Write down “museum” on the blackboard.

TWhat can you see in a science museum?

SsI can see

TWow, that’s great! It sounds interesting. I want to go and have a look. Where is the science museum?

Present the main scene. Lead students to spot the science museum on the picture. (课件出示:Unit 1主情景图)

SsIt’s near the post office.

Present the phrase post office. Lead students to learn the meaning of postand office. Help them get to know its regulations of word-formation. Students read after the recording and practice by themselves. (课件出示:post office的相关内容)

Write down “post office” on the blackboard.

TWhere’s the post office?

SsIt’s next to the library.

Step 3: Practice

1. Word games.

(1)Read and point.

Present the main scene on page 2. (课件出示:Unit 1主情景图)  Ask students to find out what places Wu Binbin and Robin see.

Lead students to read the words while pointing. Then students practice in pairs.

(2)What’s missing

Ask students to observe the main scene carefully and remember the buildings in the picture. Then let students name the buildings quickly when the buildings disappear. (课件出示:Unit 1主情景图,利用PPT动画,使情景图上的建筑物逐一消失)

(3)A two-man act.

Firstly, the teacher makes a model. Read the word, but in silence. Students guess the word according to the teacher’s shape of the mouth. Then ask a student to come to the front of the class, and play the game together.

2. Words in groups.

Present the words of places and buildings that students have learned. Ask students to put them into two groups according to their regulations of word-formation. A group of words are like schooland a group of words are like bookstore.

Then lead students to make a summary of the regulations. Students learn about the word-formation of the compound words.

Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

  1. Make a map and talk.

TMake a map of Sarah’s city. Talk about the buildings and their locations in the city. Work in pairs. You may talk like this:

  1. Describe your own city.

TMake a map of your own city and describe it. You may talk like this:

This is my city. There is… It’s near/next to… I often…there.

Ask students to introduce their city to the class.

3. Make a summary.

Lead students to make a summary of this class. Let them conclude the key words and sentence structures they’ve learned. Lead students to learn to read the pictures and guess the meanings of the compound words.








  1. Read and remember the words and the phrases that you have learned in this class. Write down your new dialogue.
  2. Draw a map and write about your city.



1. 利用学生喜爱的动画短视频导入,引出city的概念,用简单的英英释义帮助学生理解词义,有助于培养学生的英语思维。

2. 呈现环节的活动易操作,由词到句,丰富学生对核心词汇的理解。不同的活动之间过渡自然,环环相扣,逐层深入。

3. 操练和巩固环节活动形式多样,通过词汇认读、寻找消失的建筑物和双簧三个不同形式的游戏,不仅能加深学生对词汇的记忆和理解,还能培养学生的观察能力。

4. 根据地图创设的语言情境提高学生语言运用能力,以绘制地图描述建筑和方位的活动,巩固本课的核心词汇和句型,使学生能够熟练运用所学词汇介绍场所的方位,实现本课的教学目标。

Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s learn

·Be able to listen, speak, read and write the words and the phrases science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital.

·Learn some simple rules of word-formation.

·Learn some simple pronunciation rules, such as the stress on two-syllable words, multi-syllable words and phrases.

·Be able to use the sentence structures “—Where is the? It’s…” to ask  the way and give directions skillfully in scenes.

Make a map and talk

·Be able to make maps and describe the locations independently with the words and the phrases that students have learned.

Teaching Priorities

·Be able to understand and master the key words and sentence structures of this lesson.

Teaching Difficulties

·Be able to understand and master the key words and sentence structures of this lesson.

Teaching Procedures

Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students Activities

Teaching Purposes






1. Greetings.

Greet the teacher

Present the cartoon character of Baymax to establish the context and background for the following learning.

2. My favourite cartoon—Big Hero.

Freely talk with the teacher about the video.

3. Lead-in.

Play a video and talk with students.

Watch the video and talk with the teacher.

Attract students’ attention with the video. Enrich students’ expression through brainstorming.


1. Learn the word “cinema”.

Talk about the screenshot of the video. Learn the word “cinema”.

Lead in the new word through a screenshot of the cartoon video. Present the key sentence structures by using the main scene.

Lead in the activities of asking for directions and giving directions.

2. Learn the sentence structures “—Where is…? —It’s…”

Talk about the main scene. Learn the sentence structures “—Where is…? —It’s…”

3. Learn the word “bookstore”.

Learn the word “bookstore” by comparing with “library”.

Lead students to compare the two words and learn the difference.

Master the simple rules of word-formation.

4. Learn the word “hospital”.

Talk with the teacher about Baymax and learn the word “hospital”.

Help students understand the meanings with simple

English-English explanations to develop students’ English thinking.

5. Learn the phrases “science museum” and “post office”.

Talk with the teacher about Hiro and learn the phrases.



Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students’ Activities

Teaching Purposes



1. Word games.

(1)Read and point.

(2)What’s missing?

(3)A two-man act.

Deepen students’ memory and understanding of the words, and cultivate their observation ability through various activities.

2. Words in groups.

Put the words of places and buildings that students have learned into two groups.

Make a summary of the regulations and learn about the word-formation of the compound words.

Lead students to observe word forms, learn to distinguish compound words and get to know some simple rules of word-formation and pronunciation.




1. Make a map and talk.

Talk about the buildings and their locations in the city.

Lead students to reconstruct the text. Consolidate the key words and sentence structures by creating new dialogues.

2. Describe your own city.

Make a map of their own city and describe it.

Consolidate the key words and sentence structures of this lesson. Improve students’ language using ability, and enable them to use the target language to introduce locations skillfully.

3. Make a summary.

Conclude the key words and sentence structures that they have learned.

Help students get an overview of the class and lead them to read the pictures and learn to guess the meanings of compound words.


  1. Read and remember the words, and the phrases that you have learned in this class.
  2. Draw a map and write about your city.
  3. Do the exercises.




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