人教pep六上英语 Unit 4 Part B 第一课时教案

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1.能够听、说、读、写句子“Does he live in Sydney? No, he doesn’t. Does he like word puzzles and going hiking? Yes, he does.”并能在实际情景中正确运用。

2.能正确听、说、认、读单词“amazing, Canberra”。

3.运用一般现在时的一般疑问句句型:Does he/she ?来进行提问。

能够运用一般现在时的一般疑问句型“Does he/she …?”来进行提问,并能作答。



Step 1:Warm-up

1.播放歌曲“My new pen pal”,在欢快的旋律下进入本课的学习。


Step 2: Presentation

1.完成“Let’s try”部分的任务。先介绍背景



Hello, I’m Caroline, Miss Chen’s pen pal. I live in Shang hai. I like singing and swimming. We often send emails to each other.

(1)根据所播放的视频,教师提问:Does she live in Beijing? 引导学生作回答:No, she doesn’t. T: Does she live in Guangzhou? S: No, she doesn’t.

(2)要求学生提问:Does she like dancing/singing/reading stories/doing kung fu? 教师可以一一做答,肯定:Yes, she does.否定:No, she doesn’t.

(3)老师引导谈自己的“pen pal”的兴趣,并展示两张图片:doing word puzzles, going hiking,带入句型练习:Does she like doing word puzzles/going hiking


Does he live in Sydney? No, he doesn’t.

Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking? Yes, he does.

4.播放“Let’s talk”录音,边听边画出不理解的句子、单词,并思考问题:

(1)What do the two Johns like?

(2)What is Wu Binbin doing?

(3)Where does Wu Binbin’s pen pal live?

核对答案,并讲解需认读的单词如(Canberra, amazing);再放一遍,学生跟读,然后同桌二人分角色练习,表演对话。

Step 3: Consolidation and extension

1.Make a report。可依次采访自己组内笔友的爱好以及住址,采用一般现在时的一般疑问句来提问:Does he/she ?

2.Write the message。给远方的笔友写一个“message,介绍自己的爱好。


Do you have a pen pal?                

What are your hobbies?                

Does your mother like singing?                 

Where do you live?                 

Step 4:Homework

向自己的父母介绍自己“pen pal”的基本情况。




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