人教pep六上英语 Unit 5 Part A 第一课时教案

好学生 分享 时间:


1.能听、说、读、写主要句型:What does your father/mother/he do? He/she is a/an,并能在实际情景中熟练运用。

2.能够掌握三个单词“country, head, teacher,理解三会句子:Do you want to be a head teacher, too?并能在情景中正确运用。

3.能完成“Let’s try”部分的练习。

能掌握四会句型:What does your father/mother doShe/ He is a/an



Step 1:Warm-up



T: What’s his/her job?

S: He/ She is a farmer/doctor/cook/nurse.

Step 2:Presentation

1.教师介绍“Let’s try”的背景,引导学生带着问题听“Let’s try”部分的听力,并核对答案,再次播放听力,让学生能听懂问题的关键信息。

2.教师出示“Let’s talk”部分的挂图,让学生猜一猜。

T:Who’s that man?

S:He is Oliver’s father.

T:What is his job?

S:He is a businessman.

T:What does he do?

S:He is a businessman.

教师板书“What does he do? He is a businessman.”,并用拆分法讲解businessman=business +man

T:Which country is he from?

S:He is from England.


3.教师边出示其他职业的图片,边和学生对话,并进行单词讲解,如:She is a head teacher,运用意思分解的方法讲解head teacher=head()+teacher(教师)=校长。

T:Do you want to be a head teacher? 引导学生回答:Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

4.教师播放“Let’s talk”部分的录音,并思考:

(1)What does Oliver’s father do?

(2)What does Oliver’s mother do?


Step 3Consolidation and extension


2.出示不同的图片和不同职业的单词,如taxi driver, cleaner, writer, singer, dancer, football player, 要求学生将图片和对应的职业单词或短语相连。

3.二人一组运用句型:What does he/she do? He/she is a/an…操练对话。

Step 4:Homework

跟读“Let’s talk”部分的对话,并向他人介绍自己父母的工作。

Unit 5   What does he do?

Part A: Let’s try & Let’s talk

What does he do? He is a businessman.

What does your mother do? She is a head teacher.

Country  businessman



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