人教pep六上英语 Unit 5 Part A 第二课时教案

好学生 分享 时间:


1.能听、说、读、写“factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer”。

2.能运用句型“Is your father a postman? No, he isn’t. What does he do? He is a businessman.”与别人沟通交流。

3.能完成“Listenmatch and say”部分练习。

听、说、读、写“factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer”。



Step 1:Warm-up

1.播放歌曲“What do you want to do?”学生跟唱,男女生比赛唱。

2.师生“Free talk”,如:

T: What does your father do? (展示商人的图片)

Ss: He is a businessman.

T: What does your mother do? (展示校长的图片)

Ss: She is a head teacher.

Step 2: Presentation

1.展示一个工厂的图片,并介绍:This is a factory;展示工人并介绍:This is a worker;展示工厂里的工人图片,引导学生回答:factory worker

2.展示邮递员的图片,并介绍:This is a postman.板书“postman,并教读。

T: What does he do?

S1: He is a postman.

T: Is your father a postman?

S2Yes, he is./No, he isn’t.

3.展示上一课时Oliver父亲的挂图,TWhat does he do? Ss: He is a businessman.板书:businessman,并教读。

4.展示警察的图片,SsWhat does he do? T: He is a police officer.板书“police officer”并教读。

5.播放“Let’s learn”部分的录音,学生先听一遍,然后跟读,学习正确的语音语调。

Step 3Consolidation and extension

1.运用所学句型听“Listen, match and say”部分的内容,将人物所对应的职业选出来并核对答案,师生可运用句型对话,如:

T: What does Jiao jie’s mother do?

S1She’s a businesswoman.

T: What does Ge Nan’s father do?

S2: He’s a police officer.

2.搜集所有已经学过的职业图片,同桌二人开火车,运用句型:What does he/she do? He/she is a/an… 。


 (1)What   C   your father do?

A. are B.do C. does

(2)Our maths   B   is Miss Green.

A. student B. teacher C. doctor

(3)My friends   A    in Suzhou.

A. work B. works C. working

(4)My brother likes   B   pictures.

A. draws B. drawing C. draw

Step 4:Homework


Unit 5 What does he do?

Part A:Let’s learn & Listen, match and say

factory worker   postman   businessman    police officer

Is your father a postman? No, he isn’t.

What does he do? He’s a businessman.

本课时是在学习重点句型的基础上,学习有关职业名称的单词。老师以图片的方式直观呈现学习的单词,并将单词融入句子中,在学习句子的过程中进一步巩固单词。本课时的重点突出,老师把握重点,不断练习句型“What doesdo? He /she is a/an…”,并通过开火车问答、师生问答巩固重点。


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