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Strength also has a strong “bad” : can bully. Look, the little squirrel was jerked him, fell down. The turtle was struck, he a tumble; The little hedgehog was he tripped, lie prone on the ground...

The elephant satisfiedly say: “who call my energy so big? Alas!”

Love to bully people, of course, no one is willing to play with him, stay small like a person every day.

Then, in the rainy season, it rained every day.

The animals suddenly discovered that, for several days did not see the elephant.

The little squirrel said: “may the elephant is sick?”

“No, his body so great.” The turtle said, “I see what he is at home.”

“Oh, I see!” Little hedgehog said, “all these days of rain, he had no umbrella, can't come out!”

Night, a shadow in front of the elephant house, down, left; For a moment, and a shadow in front of the elephant house, put down his things and left; Another shadow...

The next day, the elephant opened the door, oh, the door filled with an umbrella!

The elephant see, his heart was touched. The umbrella is too small for the elephant, cannot use. In the afternoon, brought a extra large umbrella umbrella company. The elephant open umbrella, just right.

The next morning, the rain has stopped, the sun came out. Quick to noon, the sky overcast, and it's going to rain.

The elephant snatched up extra large umbrella, ran out of the door, ran to the hillside.

On the hillside, animals have played all morning.

The elephant came to the hill, said: “it's going to rain soon, you fast to my umbrella!”

Small animals just to small like umbrella, “hua -” it rained heavily.

The elephant with a big umbrella, back covered with small animals.

That way, it's like brother led the brother and sister.















本节课的主要日容是谈论喜好,再导入新课时开采用播放课件复习电影种类:action movie , thriller,comedy ,documentary ,beijing opera.并询问:do you want to go to a movie? what kind of movies do you like?


1、通过复习what kind of movies do you like ? i like?..等句型引导学生阅读3a 部分的句子,然后选择适当地连词and和but填空,练习i like?and i like?.she likes?.but she doesn’t like??等谈论喜好的目标举行完成3a部分的教学任务。

2、引导学生展开pairwork活动,完成3b部分口语交际教学任务。让学生根据部分的图画和文字说明,依次谈论人物的喜好,复习巩固所学的i like??and i like?.she likes?.but she doesn’t like??等目标语言。

三、第三教学环节:合作交流,巩固提高。一到学生进行游戏活动,让学生互相询问和谈论喜好。通过只能种方式,练习运用所学目标语言what kind of movies do you like ? i like?..do you like??? yes , i do . no ,i don’t 完成第4部分的'教学任务。


unit 9 do you want to go to a movie?

i like thrillers and i like action movies.

i like comedies but i don’t like documentaries .

maria likes thrillers but she doesn’t like comedies .


1、__ she want to go to a movie?

a. do b. is c. dose d. are

2. __ kind of movies do you like ?

b. what’s c. how d. which

like thrillers, ___i don’t like documentarie.

4. she likes english ___she likes math.

5. my father likes comedies, ____ he doesn’t like action movies.

a. and b. so c. or d. but

6. helen likes documentaries , her sister doesn’t .helen____ _____

_____ her sister ______ ______ _______.




1. 名词:action movie,comedy,documentary,thriller(附加相关的单词:tragedy,science fiction,cartoon,romance)

2. 形容词:scary,funny,exciting,sad(附加相关的单词:instructive,useful)


1. do you want to go to a movie?

yes, i do. / no, i don't.

2. does he want to go to a movie?

yes, he does. / no, he doesn't.

3. does she want to go to a movie?

yes, she does. / no, she doesn't.

4. what kind of movies do you like?

i like ...

5. what kind of movies does he like?

he likes ...

6. what kind of movies does she like?

she likes ...

7. i like ... and ...

i like ... but i don't like ...

8. she likes ... and ...

she likes ... but she doesn't like ...



课堂学习及课外活动中去。使学生的听。说 .读。写能力得到全面提高,在愉快轻松的氛围中掌握知识。与此同时,带来的问题是:每个学生接受知识,获取知识的方式与快慢存在着差异,这就决定了在学习成效上的差别。为此,老师要对每个学生作深入了解,并制定相应“水平线”以鼓励学生超越。


Have a yellow balloon, shoulders rise to jump up, he broke free of the small plait that child's hand. He's gone with the wind ah, gone with the wind ah, float to the sky.

He floated halfway up, stretched out a huge pine tree, a thick arm to pull his balls, he can't float up. Heard that he is going to fly to outer, pine said: “you so small, you can't fly up will be dead tired. You stay here and do my adopted son.”

“I don't do your godson! I want to be the king, the king of the hill.”

“Ha ha! You are great!” Pine trees on the yellow balloon laughed said: “I'll have to put all the birds of the mountains, the rabbit, tiger, lion, trees, and flower, call to ask them, between whether you consent to the king.”

“I am not!” Yellow balloon shook his head and said, “I do my big king, which they are willing to don't want to!”

“No!” Pine trees also shook his head, “they are the host of here, they do not allow, you do not become king of judah, understand?”

Yellow balloons nodded and agreed, the pine tree there for the night; Bottom edge of a woods, lived a raven. They like to meddle.

In the dim light of night, they saw the yellow balloon, everyone is surprised to stretched out his neck look, don't know what is the yellow thing. Some say it's an orange, some melons, some said it was a strange thing.

Crow mother likes adventure, want to fly to the hillside to see to understand, and she told the crow and the father said, “I flew to the other side look a look, if it is a big orange, back to let everyone have a full, how wonderful!”

After a while, the crow mother flew to the hillside. At that time, the pine tree have sleep, yellow balloons also start in a dream, he dreamed that he really did king, tiger, lion came and worshipped him, rabbits, squirrels, not to mention the little fellow. He want to marry a the world's most beautiful queen, he thought, make the queen is called chrysanthemum.

Crows zheng big eyes looking at mother, approached a few steps, go straight ahead to the yellow balloons, sharp mouth, on yellow balloons pecked at the hard, listen to “pa” like a gunshot to the raven's mother scared quickly open wings to fly home. But didn't fly far away, she turned to the pine a look, ah, the yellow balloon disappeared, only a long, thin, small plait also pinch tightly by the hand of the pine tree. She laughed, flew back to sleep. If (raven's mother also know the yellow balloons fly to space, to do the news of the king, not smile to break belly!





3、学习单词Snake Tiger ,掌握其发音。





2、利用课件,认识Snake Tiger,激发兴趣,感知发音。







同学们,当你阅读完“My Teacher”一课后,你一定会被主人公身残志不残、自强、自立和诲人不倦的光辉形象所打动。


Ⅰ. 词汇学习

simple-minded , patience , laughter , burst into laughter , look back upon , wisdom , human being , priceless , gifted , throat

Ⅱ. 交际英语

Asking for permission and responses (征求许可与应答)

1. May / Can / Could I do … ?

2. I wonder if I could do … ?

3. Would / Do you mind if I … ?

4. Do you think I could do … ?

5. I was wondering if I could

6. Will you allow me to do … ?

7. Do you have any objection ?

8. I should like to do …

9. With your permission , I should like to …

10. I hope you don’t mind , but wouldn’t it be possible for me to do …… ?

11. As you wish . / If you like .

12. I don’t mind , just as you like . / I don’t mind your doing … .

13. Not at all , please . .

14. You are welcome to use …

15. Of course . / Yes . / Sure . / Certainly .

16. Go ahead . That’s OK . / That’s all right .

17. I’m sorry , you can’t . / I’m sorry , but … .

18. You’d better not do… .

19. Out of question , I’m afraid .

20. I’m afraid it’s not possible for you to do … .

Ⅲ. 语法学习

在这一单元,同学们要掌握句子结构中的表语功能,表语在句中作为谓语动词的一部分,用来说明主语的身份、性质、形状、状态、特征等。那么,什么可以作表语呢 ?

可以说系动词也是考试的热点,它用来表示状态;它跟形容词、名词、介词短语、动词-ing形式、过去分词等合用构成系表结构。常见的系动词有:become , look , sound , smell , taste , seem , appear , prove , turn , go , remain , stay , fall等。


at birth , at a birth , by birth , from birth , of…birth 与 give birth to

birth 是中学英语教材中的一常用词,也常见于 birthday ( 生日 ) 、birthplace ( 出生地 ) 、birthrate ( 出生率 ) 和 birth control ( 计划生育 ) 等一些复合名词或短语之中。从字面看,这些复合词和短语意义容易理解,但下面一些含 birth 的介词短语和动词短语对于中学生来说就不那么容易理解了。现将 at birth , at a birth , by birth , from birth , of…birth 与 give birth to 的用法作一总结,供同学们参考。

1 . at birth 意为 “ 出生时 ” ,相当于 when one was born 。例如:

She weighed 8 pounds at birth . 她出生时重 8 磅。

2 . at a birth 表示 “ 一胎生育…… ” 。例如:

Cats sometimes have four or five young at a birth . 猫有时一胎产四、五只幼仔。

3 . by birth 意为 “ 按血统,论出身 ” 。例如:

He was a Swede by birth , a German by education . 他具有瑞典血统,受的是德国的教育。

4 . from birth 意为 “ 一生下来就,从一出生下来 ” 。例如:

She has been blind from ( her ) birth . 她从一生下来就双目失明。

5 . of…birth 意为 “ 出身于……之家 ” 。例如:

He was a man of noble birth . 他出身名门望放。

6 . give birth to 意为 “ 生出,生产 ” 。例如:

She gave birth to a second chile in January . 元月她又生了一个孩子。

The Chinese nation has given birth to many national heroes and revolutionary leaders . 中华民族孕育出了许多民族英雄和革命领袖。

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