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高中英语教案全英 篇1

一。教材解读(Material Interpretation) 通常人们忌讳“只见树木,不见森林”,然而这里我们姑且就一个单元这只林片木来想象一下那片充满神奇的森林。从某种意义上说,这或许正是这套教材的编写者们的用意所在。高一英语新教材的编写依然以单元为单位,但每个单元打破了呆板的块状设计,换之于流畅的线型流程,为课堂教学的灵活组织留下了更大的空间。

整个教材体现了Communicative Curriculum的指导思想。每个单元以功能为主题,话题为支撑,结构为平台,任务为载体,意义交流为目的,充分体现了语言运用的基本思路,为任务型课堂教学构建了框架,注重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力,发展学生与人沟通和合作的能力。

本单元的主题是Technology,中心话题为Hi-tech,话题本身具有强烈的时代气息,贴近学生的实际生活,符合学生的认知水平,在学生中有较强的认同感。这一单元的交际功能项目(Functional Item)有两个:

1、 Describing things

2、 Expressing agreement & disagreement。

结构项目(Structure)为The Present Continuous Passive Voice;主要能力项目为Reading 和Writing,其中一个阅读正篇,两个Language Input, 要求学生学会阅读并在阅读中培养根据上下文或构词法理判断词义的能力,同时学会写信并在信中阐述问题的症结,发表自己的观点。拓展�

二 教学目标(Instructional Objectives) 通过教学,学生能描绘一些日常用品(如第一课时的A Guessing Game 和Describing and Drawing),发现一些问题,发表个人观点,努力解决问题(如第二课时的Problems and Solutions,Role Play和A TV Chitchat Program: Help is on the Way);能学会与他人交流和合作(如第三课时中的Designing and advertising a new model of cell phone for Chinese high school students);能学会寻找适当渠道解决实际问题(如第四课时中的A Letter of Complaint to the Headmaster);能自己学会学习,在学习中建立输入假设,在实践中验证假设,并最后修正假设(如第四课时的对The Present Continuous Passive Voice的学习);能懂得基本的一些学习策略,并运用这些策略提高在一定的context 中对一些较难词义的推断能力(如第五课时中的Word and Strategy);能运用高科技获取更多英语信息,提升自己的英语学习(如第三课时中的Story Sharing和第六课时的Essay Writing);能探究高科技为人类带来文明和便利的同时可能存在的负面影响以及消除这些影响的解决办法(如第五课时中的Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of cellphones, robots, computers etc.);能在研究性的学习中进行自我反思,培养公民意识、社会责任感和全球观念(如第五课时中的A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction to Cyber Café和第六课时中的To Be a Technology-driven Human or not to Be);能在不断的反思中领悟并懂得人类追求高科技的根本目的,倡导人与人之间的友爱和真情(如第六课时中的写给未来控制了人类的巨能电脑Q12 的题为Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World的信)。

Unit 9 (SEFC 1A) Notion Technology Topic Hi-tech Functional Items 1. Describe things 2. Expressing agreement & disagreement Structure The Passive Voice (3) The Present Continuous Passive Voice Tasks Guessing Game Describing things and how they work 2. Describing and Drawing Topic Touch 2. Role play Solving problems by giving opinions 3. A TV Chitchat Program Help is on the Way 4. A Project Designing and advertising a new model of cell phone for Chinese high school students 5. An Investigation Teaching and Living Facilities of the School 6. A Discussion Damage That Is Being Done to the Earth 7. An Interview Voice of Students 8. A Letter of Complaint 9. A Hi-tech Show 10. A Survey A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction to Cyber Café 11. A Debate To Be a Technology-driven Human or Not to Be 12. A Letter to Q12 Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World 13. An Essay Big Thing Moral Goals 1. Creative Thinking 2. Communication and Cooperation 3. Love and Caring 4. Environmental Protection 5. Social Awareness 6. Global Sense 三。教学设想(Teaching Assumptions) 在整个单元的教学中我们突出以话题为纲,交际功能为主线,兼顾结构,适当拓展。在教学方法上坚持以Communicative Approach为主,辅以其他多种有效教学方法。充分运用任务型教学途径,精心设计各种任务,以任务为载体,搭建意义交流舞台,创设各种情景途径,创建各种情感体验机会。通过教学,进一步发展学生基本语言运用能力,激活学生的英语思维,保持英语的学习热情,使精心设定的Moral Goal 的完成能水到渠成。例如,提高用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力,发展学生与人沟通和合作的能力;激发学生对事物深入了解的探究心理,逐步养成研究性学习意识; 通过自主学习和社会调查,和与发展国家在科技方面的比较,了解社会,增强社会责任感((Social Responsibility),强化祖国意识(National Awareness),培养全球观念(Global Sense)。 1.话题拓展 (Extended Topics) 以Technology为主题,由中心话题衍生出六个Sub Topics, 分别是New Uses of Things, Problems and Solutions, Life in a Technological Era, Teaching & Living Facilities of the School, Controversy about Technology 和Attitude towards Technology。

高中英语教案设计 篇2

一、First–reading 采用自上而下模式,侧重培养快速阅读理解能力






附SEFC Book IA Lesson 26 & Lesson 27 阅读理解问答题:

1) Which was the USA's strongest earthquakes ?

2) How many people lost their lives and how many people lost their

homes in the 1906 earthquake ?

3) How many people lost their lives in the 1989 earthquake?

4) When the 1906 earthquake happened, how many metres did the Pacific

plate jump to the north ?

5) How many measures(措施) can we take in order to deal with

earthquakes ?

6) What is " The Big One"?


二、Second–reading 采用交互作用模式,侧重培养阅读理解综合能力

语言心理学的图式理论认为,阅读过程是读者通过视觉器官接受以文字符号形式输入的外部代码,再结合大脑中的内部代码(即图式)进行编解码认知加工,从而理解并提取信息的过程。根据鲁姆哈特(D·Rumelhart)1977年提出的交互作用模式,这个过程实际上也即是读者大脑中自下而上与自上而下认知加工交互作用的过程。相互作用模式(the interactive model)也可称为图式理论模式(the schema theory model)。按图式阅读理论,读者的阅读能力由三种图式决定:语言图式、内容图式和形式图式。语言图式是指读者对构成阅读材料的语言的掌握程度。内容图式是指读者对文章所讨论的主题的熟悉程度。形式图式是指读者对文章的体裁的了解程度。在阅读过程中,读者大脑中的这三种图式与文章的语言、内容和形式相互作用,其结果决定了读者对文章的理解程度。

阅读的关键在于理解,尤其是深层理解。交互作用模式对提高学生的英语阅读综合能力能起关键的作用。借助形式图式模式,教师可引导学生弄清文章的文体思路,了解各种不同体裁的课文的结构特点。例如教"Earthquakes" 时引导学生归纳出文体思路是accidents--- causes --- solutions---- prediction。借助文章体裁结构帮助理解文章实际上也是一种阅读策略,同时也有助于学生下一阶段完成重建语篇的表达训练。借助内容图式,教师可启发学生寻找或利用文章上下文线索去激活自己大脑中相应的背景知识内容图式。例如教“Earthquakes”时引导学生回忆“板块学说”(plate tectonics)相关内容,将文章内容与大脑中的相关信息联系起来有助于学生更深刻理解文章的细节内容、中心思想、作者的写作态度、写作意图及文章的“弦外之音”。语言图式在阅读理解中起着基础的作用,没有语言图式,内容图式和形式图式就发挥不了作用。教师应结合课文内容提高学生识别文章中词、短语和句子的能力。例如教“Earthquakes”时引导学生理解“shook”、“jumped”、“stay up”等在文章中的意思。这样做,学生读懂文章的能力才会逐步提高,下一阶段进行语言知识的学习和应用才会有基础。总之,综合利用形式图式、内容图式、语言图式来指导二读课文,对提高学生阅读综合能力是必不可少的。这一阶段的教学设计主要如下:




附SEFC Book 1A Lesson 26 & Lesson 27阅读理解问答题:

1) What do the first three paragraphs talk about ?

2) What does the writer try to explain in the last paragraph of Lesson 26 ?

3) What does the writer intend to do in the first paragraph of Lesson 27 ?

4) Why does the writer mention "The Big One" ?

5) If we compare the 1986 earthquake with the 1989 earthquake, what can we find ?

6) If the 1989 earthquake had happened in the centre of town, what would have happened?

7) Why can't we stop earthquakes ?

8) Do you think that San Francisco is now in danger ? Why ?

9) How does the writer make each paragraph of the two lessons coherent (连贯的) ?

10) What have you learned from the lessons ?

经过二读课文及完成一些深层阅读理解问题后,学生对文章有了深刻的理解,吸收信息或利用所获得信息来分析问题和解决问题的能力也得到培养。阅读吸收信息, 吸收是为了表达。因此,教学活动的设计不应只停留在输入的层次上,应该使语言输入(听与读)和语言输出(说与写)之间产生一种平衡。运用所学语言知识以及题材信息重建语篇、提高学生语言表达能力势在必行。

三、Post–-reading 采用自下而上模式,侧重培养知识综合运用能力






附SEFC Book 1A Lesson 26 & Lesson 27 读后重建语篇训练题:

1) Why do you think San Francisco are easily shaken by earthquakes ?

2) Give a speech on what we should do in order to deal with earthquakes.

3) Write a passage to report the 1989 earthquake in San Francisco.

4) Write a short article on the 1999 earthquake in Taiwan.




高一英语必修二全册教案 篇3




1、重点词汇flood;figure;rebuild;mark;face(v.);in danger;date from;make agood effort

2、重要句型figure;rebuild;mark ;face(v.);in danger;date from;make a good ef-fort

3、语法定语从句(5):1)The project,which lasted four years,cost$ 1 )Bob’s father,who worked on the project,spent four years in Egypt.

4、日常交际用语 提出建议(Making suggestions):1)Well,there are several thingswe could )Maybe we could go shopping this )I think we should do that an- other )You’d better take a sun will burn you if you’re not careful.

关于新疆高中英语教案 篇4



同学们将通过本单元的阅读课文“Milu Deer Return To China”, 深刻认识并了解保护野生动物的重要意义。



四会单词和词组:at present , nature , common , recently , alive , year by year , greatly , one day , sick

三会单词和词组:increase , similar , equipment , disappear , period , research , protect , paint , deer , performance , put on performance , one after another

Ⅱ. 交际英语


1. Why are you making this journey ?

2. We are trying to collect the memory for a wildlife project .

3. We want to do … so that …

4. What is the purpose of your new project ?

5. We want to do … very much .

6. That sounds a great idea .

7. Good luck with your trip !

Ⅲ. 语法学习

在本单元,同学们要理解并初步掌握现在进行时被动语态的用法。现在进行时的被动语态是由“由be的现在式 (am , is , are ) + being + 过去分词”构成。现在进行时的被动语态是表示“某人或者某事此时正在被……”。如:A teaching building is being built in our school .



1. deer鹿

I saw four deer in the forest .

〖点拨〗deer的单复数一样。单复数形式一样的名词还有:sheep , aircraft , police , cattle等。

2. increase增加;繁殖

Travel increases one’s knowledge of the world .

The number of tourists has increased . = Tourists have increased in number .

〖点拨〗增加了百分之几常用介词by连接。The population of this town increased by five percent last year .

另外,on the increase是“不断增加,正在增加中”。如:Traffic accidents in cities are on the increase this month .


The two of them are similar in character .

A cat is similar to a tiger in many ways .

〖点拨〗be similar to与……相似。又如:Gold is similar in colour to brass (铜) 。

4. recently近来

The recently completed , 35-story , four-star hotel is the tallest building in the city .

〖点拨〗recently在句中时,句子常用现在完成时。如:Have you been very busy recently ?

5. alive活着的;存在的

Who’s the greatest man alive ?

〖点拨〗alive ; living ; live ; lively ; life ; lives 这些词都有“活着”之意,它们的用法各不相同。

1)alive 意为“活着”,侧重说明生与死之间的界限,既可指人,也可指物;可用来作表语,后置定语或宾补。虽有死的可能,但还活着。例如:

The badly wounded soldier was still alive when taken to the hospital .

He is dead , but his dog is still alive . 他死了,但他的狗仍然还活着。

No man alive is greater than he . 在活着的人中没有人比他更伟大了。(注:此时 alive 含有“在所有活着的……之中”)

He wanted to keep the fish alive . 他想让鱼活着。


Comrade Wang is really a living Lei Feng in our country .

My first teacher is still living . 我的启蒙老师仍健在。

English is a living language . 英语的活的语言。

A living language should be learned through listening and speaking .

He is regarded as one of the best living writers at present . 他被认为是当代活着的的作家之一。

注意:living 前加上 the , 表示类别,指“活着的人们”。例如:The living must finish the work of those dead . 活着的人必须完成那些死去的人的事业。

living 还可用于短语,例如:make a living 谋生。

3)live “活着的”,通常指物,不指人,常用来作定语放名词的前面。还指“实况转播的”。例如:

a live wire 有电的电线,a live fish 一条活鱼。

Do you like a live show or a recorded show ? 你是喜欢直播还是录音 。

He said he had seen a live whale . 他说他看见过活鲸鱼。

make a / one's living by + ing 通过干……谋生

4)lively 则意为“活泼的”,“活跃”,“充满生气的”,可作定语、表语或宾补,既可指人,又可指物。例如:

Jenny is a lively girl . 詹妮是个活泼的女孩。

Everything is lively here . 这儿一切都生机勃勃。

He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting . 他有一种奇特的方法,使他的课生动有趣。

5)life 是名词作生命可数,作生活不可数。其复数是 lives 。类似把 -fe 变为 -ves 的还有:wife , shelf , leaf , half , loaf , thief , knife , wolf , self .

I prefer country life to city life .

These children are full of life . 这些孩子充满火力。

Many people lost their lives in the accident .

all one's life 一生 ,true to life 栩栩如生,in one's life 在……的一生中,come back to life 苏醒过来,live / lead a happy life 过着幸福的生活。


1. make a trip to到……旅行

They are leaving tomorrow to make a trip to Hangzhou .

注意:“去……旅行”还可以用take a trip , have a trip , go on a trip , make a journey 。

2. collect money for= raise money for 为……筹集资金;为……募捐

These Young Pioneers are trying to collect money for a wildlife protect .

3. put on performances演出

You have put on a fine performance .

The performance put on by the senior class was a dance .

4. at present= for the time being 目前;现在;如今

How many research center are there at present for milu deer in China ?

5. do with处理;对待

What do people plan to do with the milu deer in future ?

注意:do with常与what连接使用,deal with常与how连接使用。

6. too many of太多的

Too many of the deer had been killed and they disappeared .

注意:so many和too many的顺序。too much修饰不可数名词。如:Too much of such rain will ruin the crop .

7. year by year年复一年

They liked the cool wet weather there and their number increased year by year .

We should do everything possible to enable the peasants to raise their personal incomes year by year .

注意由“名词 + by + 名词”的短语还有:step by step逐步地,two by two两个两个地,little by little逐步地。

8. south of = to the south of在……以南

The zoo is three miles south of the city . 动物园在城南三英里处。

Hunan Province lies to the north of Guangdong .

9. one day总有一天;有一天

该词组可以指过去,也可以指将来。但some day指将来。

One day last summer I made a trip to the country .

You will come to see the importance of English one day (= some day) .

10. in the wild在荒野;在旷野

These animals had to live in the wilds of northwest China .

11. once more = once again再次;重新

The facts showed once more that he was not interested in music .

12. one after another = one after the other = one by one 一个接一个;相继

The students left the theatre one after another after the play . 13. in the past year在过去的一年中

A lot of work has been done in the past year .

注意:类似的还有,in the past few years在过去的几年中,in the last few months在过去的几个月中。出现这样的短语时,句子常用完成时态。而in the past (在过去) 却需要使用过去时。

14. be similar to和……差不多,和……相近

If one thing is very similar to another thing , they look almost the same .

Cameras are similar to the human eye .

15. make a study of对……加以研究

She gave us some advice on how to make a study of teaching methods .

16. set free释放

The girl set the pretty birds free .

高中英语教案 篇5


Students are to be able to

predict what to hear.

use the group of words related to stress.

tell the ways to deal with the stress.





1) Listen to an interview concerning stressful situations

2) Predict before listening


1) To identify stressful situations.

2) To use stress related words and expressions.

3) To learn about ways of dealing with stress.

4) To predict before listening.





时间 教具



Lead in

Ask questions

Write down key words on the Bb Answer the questions

Get familiar with the topic 2’ Pictures

Computer Title

New words and key sentences Ss might not use the target words



Items in


Write down model sentences on the Bb Brainstorm and talk about stressful situations 3’

Textbook Model sentences Differences between

very, quite vs.

a little

Check point Ex. 2 Page 10 Focus on the form, meaning and use of the lexical items 3’

Textbook Key words Ss might have difficulty producing the answer:

stress pressure

Prediction Introduce the technique of prediction Ss use the technique to predict answers individually

Justify their opinions in pairs 5’ Textbook

computer No Ss’ individual differences


Play the cassette

Highlight the strategies

Play the cassette

twice Listen for general information to check the answers 10’ Computer

Textbook No Some Ss might feel depressed after checking, then they need encouragement

Listening Play the cassette for the third time

Encourage Ss to choose suitable ways to answer the 3 questions based on their ability

Help Ss to find the right answers Listen for specific information to answer the question

Get enough information on stress and learn the ways to deal with stress 12’


Answer sheet

Computer No

Ss might over or under- estimate their own ability to answer the questions

Ss might not be able to collect enough specific information to finish the task

Give Suggestions Offer a chance for Ss to evaluate their study Solve practical problems in their life in groups


Evaluation 10’ Answer sheets Evaluation form

The suggestions might be quite different based on individual differences, whatever the results everyone should be awarded

Homework Read Supplementary Reading on P7 & P9

关于新疆高中英语教案 篇6



知识目 标 1. To help students fully understand the passage.

2. Encourage students to retell the story.

能力目 标 1. Improve students’ reading skills of skimming and scanning.

2. Encourage students to cooperate with others.

情感态度价值观 1. Help students to appreciate the qualities of Nelson Mandela and learn from him.

2. Develop students’ social responsibility.



难点 1. Improve students’ reading skills of skimming and scanning.

2. Conclude and appreciate Nelson Mandela’s qualities.

students’ reading skills of skimming and scanning.

students to retell the story.


Step I: Warming up

Listening to a song: You raise me up.

设计意图:通过课前一首歌,让学生明确当我们身处逆境的时候,我们都需要一个helper甚至是一个hero,引出modern hero曼德拉。

Step II: Pre-reading

Task is the writing style of the passage?

A. Narrative(记叙文)B. Expository(说明文)C. argumentative(议论文)

Task is the writing order of the passage?

A. Time order B. Space order

Task is the relationship between Nelson Mandela and Elias?

设计意图:迅速引导学生思考本文的文体和写作顺序, 为下一环节的阅读做准备。引导学生根据题目大胆猜测, 旨在培养学生预测文章主题、把握中心的能力。

Step III:While – reading

1. Skimming

Task1. What is the main idea of the story?

Task2. What is the structure of the story?

(Para__——Para___)Part 1 main idea:_____________________________________

(Para__——Para___)Part 2 main idea:_____________________________________


2. Scanning

Para 1&2,

Task 1:

Timeline Elias’ life






Task2. Use an adjective to describe his feeling before he met Mandela. Why do you think so?


Task 1:.Answer the following questions:

1).What did Mandela do to help Elias?

2).What unfair stage did black people face in South Africa?

3).What did they do to fight against the government?

Task2. What about his feeling after he met Mandela? Why do you think so?


3. Appreciating the sentences.

1.“The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.

2.“…we were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the Government. We first broke the law in a way which was peaceful, when this was not allowed… only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.”


Step Ⅳ:Post-reading (Group work)

Task 1: Retelling the story in the third person.

My grandfather was a poor black worker. ...


Vocabulary and structure for you to refer to.

the time when…, lawyer, went to ... for advice, offer guidance, generous, leave school, no passbook, out of work, hopeful, join, equal , a stage where…, be decided by ,

answer violence with violence, blew up ... achieve our dream of…,

Task qualities do you think Nelson Mandela have according the passage?


Step V: Assignment

1. Turn to the Internet or other materials for further information about Nelson Mandela.

2. Read the passage aloud to appreciate the important sentences and learn the new vocabulary.


高中英语教案 篇7

Good morning/afternoon, my dear judges. I'm number ___. It's my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. My presentation consists of the following aspects.

Analysis of the teaching material

First of all, let’s come to the analysis of teaching material. This lesson is from New Senior English for China Book5 module 3, the reading part. The topic of this unit is about adventures. It is excerpted from Mark Twain’s work “ The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”。 The story is about two teenagers who find a steamboat and board on the steamboat.

Analysis of the students

Secondly, students are the subject of our class. After many years of English studying, they’ve known many words, sentences and some skills to solve English problems. They not only study the words and phrases, but also learn the meaning and the culture. So I would introduce them more knowledge above the passage to arouse their reading interest.

Analysis of the teaching aims

By the analysis of the New Curriculum Standard in English, teaching material and the students in my class, I set the following three teaching aims.

The first one is knowledge aims:

1)Students learn and grasp the following important useful new words and expressions: pour down; sail down; climb on to; panic; curious; tie up…

2) Learn the language and grasp the meaning in this passage.

The second one is ability aims:

Through reading, students reading ability and word-guessing ability will be improved.

The last one is Emotional aims:

Students will be more interested in the literature and cinema in English and enjoy the famous works.

Analysis of the key and difficult points

According to the analysis above, I set the key points and difficult points as follows.

Teaching key points:

Member and master new words and phrases and understand the passage.

Teaching difficult points:

Foster students’ interest of reading passage and improve their reading ability.

Analysis of teaching and study methods

Now, I would like to talk about the teaching methods and studying methods. As to the teaching methods, Communicative Approach and Task-based Teaching Method will be adopted in this lesson. I will lead them to study by themselves, and through answering my questions, they will have a good understanding of the passage.

Analysis of the teaching procedures

Now, let’s come to the most important part of this lesson: the analysis of the teaching procedures. This lesson is divided into 5 stages, that is, warming up, pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading and summary & homework.

Step 1 warming up

In my warming up stage, after greeting with the students I will Introduce Mark Twain and his works, such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Running for Governor,The Prince and the Pauper. Then tell students today we will learn adventure, a passage from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Mark twain is a famous American writer. Through the introduction, students will have more interest in reading famous works. And they will be curious about the passage and I can move to the next step smoothly.

Step 2 Pre-reading

In pre-reading, I will ask them to have a free talk about adventure.

Ask them talk about adventure. For example: What is adventure? Would you like to go? Adventure is an exciting trip. Perhaps sometimes you feel bored, you could imagine going on a great adventure, such as caving, climbing, sailing and canoeing.

Then lead students to predict the passage, ask them to Look at the picture in the book and discuss the following questions:

1. Who are they? 2. Where are they? 3. What are they doing? 4. What is the boy pointing at?

In this way, students will be familiar with adventure and lay a foundation for reading the passage.

Step 3 While-reading

In this period, there are two activities: global reading and detailed reading. Firstly, global reading, I would like to give students 5minutes to have a global reading to check their ideas what they predict during the pre-reading. At the same time, they find out and circle the difficult words.

Fast reading can help students understand the whole passage quickly and practice their logic thinking. Then I will explain the difficult words, such as fantasy, identify, and account. For example

Fantasy n. the activity of imaging things

phrase: live in a fantasy world fantastic adj.

identify v recognize sb or sth

identify the criminal

identity n. ID identity card

Next, it should be detailed reading. I will ask them to read the passage again and do the exercise2 on the book. Number the events in the order they happen. Then I check the answer.

After this reading, students will grasp the whole passage. In order to create more chance for students to read, I will ask students read the passage paragraph by paragraph. Answer the following questions showed on the PPT.

Paragraph1. Discover a steamboat

What was the weather like that night?

What did they see and what were they doing then?

Paragraph2-5 board the steamboat

How did Huck and Jim get to the sinking steamboat?

How did they get on it?

Paragraph6-8 in the steamboat

What did Jim do when they heard someone was going to kill another?

Paragraph9-11 leave the steamboat

What did Huck decide to do after he heard they would leave the man on the steamboat?

Students will get more detailed information, and more interested in this story. Furthermore, they would like to read more works of Mark Twain.

Step4 Post-reading

Now it should be post-reading. In order to make sure that students will master the new words, I will ask them to do the exercise 4 and 5. Encourage them to member the verb words and phrases during the exercises.

After the exercise, I will give them 5 minutes to prepare, then to retell the passage according to the event orders. During the oral English time, I will encourage them to open their mouth and give them more positive evaluation. It benefits students for practicing their speaking and having more confidence in learning English.

Step 5 Summary and homework

At the end of the class, I’d like to make a summary about this lesson and present my homework to consolidate what the students have learnt in this period. I will conclude with my students together what we’ve learnt. The home work is to remember the key words and phrase and write a short passage about what will happen next.

高中英语精选教案 篇8

百万英镑The Million Pound Bank Note 的教学设计(Warming Up)

陈美杏 文昌实验高中 英语 序号13

I. 教学内容分析

本单元课文百万英镑是根据美国短篇小说家马克吐温写的小说改编的剧本。因为本课文是高中阶段学生接触到的第1篇英文剧本,所以在Warming Up 阶段应该对剧本的相关知识做一下介绍,让学生了解英语戏剧的特色和要素。

Warming Up 是对马克吐温及其作品的讨论,以及关于他本人生平的简要介绍。这部分是本单元的背景知识,并没包括生单词,只是作一个导入。

II. 环节教学目标

1. 使学生对马克吐温及其作品, 有个初步的了解。

2. 使学生对英语剧本有初步的了解,引发学生学英语戏剧即课文的兴趣,可以通过模仿戏剧配音提高英语语调感知水平。

III. 环节教学手段


IV. 环节教学用时:10分钟

V. 环节教学过程


步骤二:让学生自己阅读 的Warming Up小短文,完成旁边的Note。(3分钟)




高中英语教案 篇9












高中英语教案ppt 篇10

Unit 5 Theme parks

The fifth period Words and expressions


theme n. a favourite theme for poetry, a theme park

amuse v. amuse oneself by …, be amused at [by, with]…

amusement n. find much amusement in…, an amusement park

various a. too various to form a group, various opinions

variety n. for a variety of reasons, have a great variety to choose from, in a variety of


ride n. give sb. a ride, go for a ride, take a long ride

shuttle n. the space shuttle Columbia broke up over Texas, carry shuttle audio during

space shuttle missions.

charge v. charge double for… 对……加倍收费,charge a fee for a service,He is charged

with heavy responsibility.

admission n. Admission by ticket only. Grant sb. admission, gain admission to/ into…

profit ① n. bring a handsome profit to…, divide profits 分红利,increase profits ② v.

make big profits (on sth.), sell sth. at a profit, do sth. for profit

souvenir n. This book ekes out souvenir of my life in the United States. 这本书帮助我追


involve v. You'd like to meaningfully involve students., the right of Congress to involve the

nation in war

athletic a. an athletic meeting, athletic sports

brand n. Do you like this brand of coffee? a famous brand, the most popular brand on the


equipment n. lab equipment, military equipments, the necessary equipments for a trip

sneaker n. wear a new pair of sneakers

minority n. The minority is subordinate to the majority. 少数服从多数

fantasy n. fantasy sports and gaming site, the work of fantasy artist Amy Brown

Fantasyland n. living in a fantasyland, the Guide to Fantasyland

settler n. the early settlers of America, the first white settlers, The settlers were soon acclimated.

marine a. develop a mercantile marine 发展商船

experiment n. attempt the experiment of…, carry out an experiment, make an experiment on sb., prove sth. by experiment

imaginary a. an imaginary enemy, imaginary number 虚数

advanced a. most advanced branches of science and technology, a man advanced in years 老年人

technique n. developed a technique for remotely fingerprinting, a Swimming Technique

Magazine, developing a practical technique for solving voice problems

II. Words for Learning about Language(Word formation)

imagination n. have a good/ poor imagination

test n. provides test preparation services for college admissions, Preparing for a test isn't

easy. do well on the test

vary v. Opinions vary on this point. vary with… 与……一起变化

cloth n. lay the cloth 铺桌布、准备开饭, cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth量布裁衣



jungle n. Jungle refers usually to a forest. It originated from a Sanskrit word jangala, meaning wilderness. In many languages of the Indian subcontinent, including Indian English it is generally used to refer to any wild, untended or uncultivated land, including forest, scrub, or desert landscapes.

creature n. The term creature refers to an term can be used to dehumanize a person. For example, in the fictional novel Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley, Dr. Frankenstein’s hideous construction is often referred to as a "creature." The term literally means "a created thing," and is sometimes used in theology to contrast a created object with a divine Creator under discussion.

volunteer n. a. v. A volunteer is a person who performs or offers to perform a service out of his or her own free will, often without payment. The year 2001 was the International Year of the Volunteer. 2005 is the UK Year of the Volunteer

People may volunteer to perform some work, , of charitable character. Some volunteer for clinical trials or other medical research, and may even donate their bodies to science after their death

高中英语优秀教案参考 篇11

课题:Module 5 Unit3 Life in the future

Reading: First impressions


本单元的中心话题是谈论未来生活,本节课时本单元的第一节阅读课,是1篇科普文章,主要是由一个故事来呈现,通过讲述LiQiang 因为中奖来到30亲身经历了在未来生活中交通,环境,住房等方面发生的巨大变化,第一印象和感受。










The students will be able to

1. sum up the main idea of the story and each paragraph.

2. make inference about the writer’s attitude towards the future life and to identify the evidence used to infer them.

3. describe the future life by using the language from the text and talk about their imaginations of the future life


1) 学生利用上下文猜测的阅读技巧,图片和flash等方式的资源,理解未来生活进行描述的细节信息。


关于新疆高中英语教案 篇12










lawyer, guidance, legal, fee, out of work, hopeful, vote, attack, violence, as a matter of fact, blow up, equal, in trouble, unfair, turn to

掌握征求意见和表达意见的基本功能语句(详见课本39页Speaking and writing部分提供的功能语句。)














2.教师向学生明确本节课任务:读故事,了解Nelson Mandela。

设计意图: 复习的环节起着承上启下的作用,帮助学生温故而知新;明确学习任务使学生在一开始就非常清楚自己的任务,对教学的顺利开展是必要的铺垫


1. 给学生播放香港乐队Beyond为纪念Nelson Mandela而创作的歌曲“光辉岁月”的MV,让学生根据MV中的片断、歌词以及已有的知识谈论对曼德拉的认识。教师提出问题:How much do you know about Nelson Mandela?


设计意图: Nelson Mandela虽然是当代著名人物,但毕竟离学生的现实生活有一定距离。通过一首耳熟能详的流行歌来了解这一人物,使学生感到亲切,对Mandela产生兴趣,并能从歌词和画面中感受到世界人民对Nelson Mandela的敬意。教师在介绍人物的过程中不断复现或呈现部分新词汇,不仅减少了学生阅读过程中的障碍,还可以加深学生的词汇记忆,并为后面的复述环节埋下伏笔










5. 教师引导学生再次阅读并思考故事中引用的Mandela所说的话,更深刻地体会当时黑人的生存状况和Mandela事业的意义所在(课本第35页练习4),理解后朗读这两句话。

设计意图: 整个阅读过程的设计体现了预测——求证的思路,目的在于激发学生读的欲望;阅读的任务训练了学生在细节的获取和整理及猜测词义方面的微技能,培养他们的阅读策略和词汇学习策略。最后一步对文中重要句子的理解,有助于学生更深刻的理解单元主题。




设计意图: 这一步骤是对阅读文章的信息和语言进行复习整理的过程,使学生得以及时回顾课堂学习的内容,也可算是课堂小结的一个部分。双人轮流说的形式使每个人在有限的时间内都能有说的机会。







高中英语教学教案 篇13

Period One(第一课时)

Introduction;Reading and Vocabulary

一。 学习目标:




2、 能力目标:



3、 情感目标:

(1) 通过小组活动或二人合作提高自身合作意识;

(2) 培养自己的对音乐的兴趣,丰富自身精神或情感生活;

二。 学方法:




1、 重点:


(2) 提高自身阅读能力。

2、 难点:


(2) 能否处理一些语言难点与语法难点。

四。 基础自学:

1、 认知词汇: 拼读记忆单词(from ”audience” to “tour” on P114 Word List)

2、读前问答: Questions 1—6 ( P21 Activity One )

3、快速阅读: (1) Read the passage and choose the best title.( P22—P23)。

(2) Read the passage again and answer the questions (P23 Activity 3 No1----No8)

五。 课文学习:

(P 21 Vocabulary and speaking)

1、 Match the phrases to Chinese(连线):

A. Play the drum 1.弹吉他

B. Play the erhu 2.弹钢琴

C. Play the piano 3.打鼓

D. Play the guitar 4.拉二胡

E. Play the saxophone 5.拉小提琴

F. Play the violin 6.吹萨克斯风

2、 Some famous musicians who play the next instruments(著名的乐手):

Violin: 梅纽因,帕尔曼,吕思清,盛中国,俞丽拿,陈美

Guitar: Jimi Hendrix,Jeff Beck,Jimmy Page,hide,木村好夫(木吉他)

Piano: 鲍蕙荞,朗朗,李云迪,Richard Clayderman,

Saxophone: Kenny 。G,

Erhu: 华彦钧,刘天华,闵惠芬,宋飞,

3、 Audience听众,观众: audience在作为集合名词大多以单数形式出现,既可以表示单数意义,也可以表示复数意义。作主语时,若看作一个集体谓语动词用单数;指集体中的成员时,谓语用复数。

(1) There __________(be) a large audience at the pop concert.

(2) 200 audience _________________(watch) the match at this time yesterday>

(3) The audience ____________/___________(be) very excited by the show.

4、 different (adj)-___________________ (adv) -________________________(n)

与…不同_________________________ 在…方面不同_____________________

(P22-23Reading and vocabulary)

1、 Fast Reading(快速阅读): Read the passage quickly and choose the best title:

Three Great Austrian Composers.

2、 Three Great Composers of the Eighteenth Century(世纪)。

3、 Three Great Children Composers.

II. Fast Reading :Read the passage quickly and fill in the table about the three great composers:

Name Birthplace(出生地) Date of birth and death Family background(家庭背景)

高中英语教案精选 篇14


县三中 覃巧

Time: October 21 ,

Class: Class 1,Grade 2

Teaching Aims:

1. Train the students’ reading ability

2. Learn more about English poetry through the passage

Teaching important and difficult point:

How to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the text better.

Teaching methods:

1. Discussion reading 3. Careful reading

Teaching aid: Computer

Teaching Procedures:

StepI Greetings and Duty report

StepII Lead—in

1. Play a Chinese poem for students and then ask students to think about

the Chinese poets who the students have known.

2. Use five minutes to discuss them with students together.

StepIII Read the new words of this unit

Step IV Reading1. Play the Mp3 of the text and ask students to read the text

quickly .Then find out how many English poets are mentioned in the passage? Who are they ?

2. Read the passage again carefully and then do the exercises on the


3. Ask some students to give their answers.

Step V Summery

Step VI Homework

1. Ask the students to the text as much as possible and then pay

attention to the new words in the text.

2. Find out the answers what do the words in bold refer to in the


高中英语电子教案 篇15


高中英语电子教案 Topic Music(Reading) 授课教师 师立云 Teaching aim the biographies of three famous composers in the world. the usages of several words. students to act as great composers. Emotion goal From the stories of the composers, help students realize everyone can succeed if we work hard and have confidence no matter what shortcomings we have. Teaching method Discussion and students performances. Teaching steps Step and emotional communication.   Lead in: composer Step 2. Reading and discussion.   1. Read the text by way of “Reading―listening to the tape--reading”   2. Ask-answering questions by students’ activities. Step 3. languages learning.   1. be known as = be famous as   be known for = be famous for  be known to sb.   2. impress  v.   be impressed with / by / at sb/ sth.   We were impressed with/ by his speech. Step 4. Role-play Two topics: 1. Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven meet together…… died, Haydn and Beethoven attend M’s funeral……   (Mozart is a bit deaf and he can’t hear clearly) Step 5. Discussion: What can we learn from the story of the three composers. Goal: Encourage students to be confident no matter what kind of difficulty they meet.  Tomorrow is another day! Blackboard: Composers   Father Fame H M B   Topics:  1. H. together……  2. H meets B on M’s funeral… Words and expressions: 1. be known as  be known for  be known to sb. 2. impress  v.   be impressed with / by sb./sth.   impression  n.   make an impression on

高中英语教学教案 篇16

Unit 16 Lesson 63

Hello, everyone. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is life in the oceans taken from Lesson 63 of Unit 16 in SEFC(2)。 It is made up of four parts.

Part 1 My understanding of this lesson

The analysis of the teaching material:

This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. Lesson 62 and Lesson 63 are a whole unit. By studying Lesson 63, Ss can improve their reading ability, learn more about the sea and the life in the oceans. At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the passage better. The Ss should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the Ss should receive some moral education. Let the Ss understand the sea better, love the sea and save the sea and the life of the sea. Teaching aims:

1、 Knowledge aim: Understand the main idea of the text.

2、 Ability aim: Retell the text in their own words.

3、 Emotional aim: Make the Ss love the life of the sea and do something to stop it being polluted. Key points / Teaching important points:

How to understand the text better.

Teaching difficult points:

1、 Use your own words to retell the text.

2、 Discuss the pollution of the sea and how to save the sea.

Something about the Ss:

1、 The Ss have known something about the sea and sea life through the Internet and other ways

2、 They are lack of vocabulary.

3、 They don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others.

4、 Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.

Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aids

Before dealing with this lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.

Teaching method:

Double activities teaching method

Question-and-answer activity teaching method

Watch-and-listen activity

Free discussion method

Pair work or individual work method

Teaching aids:

1、 a projector

2、 a tape recorder

3、 multimedia

4、 the blackboard

Part 3. Teaching steps / procedures

I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading ability.

The entire steps are:

Greetings, Revision, Lead-in and preparation for reading, Fast reading(scanning), Listening, Intensive reading, Preparation for details of the text, Consolidation, Discussion, Homework Step 1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2. Revision

1、 Ask students some questions to revise the last lesson(show them on the screen)。

a. How much salt do the oceans contain per thousand parts of water?(35 parts of salt. % by weight)

b. What is coral? Why are corals not found in deep water?

c. Why is the Dead Sea called the Dead Sea?

2、 Check the homework(made a survey about the sea or sea life by surfing the Internet or asking for help from other people)。 Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their survery results and prepare for the new lesson.

Step 3. Lead-in and preparation for reading

Show them some pictures and let them talk each other, and then use the pictures about sea and life in the oceans to learn new words, for example, Antarctica, huge whale, sperm whale, squid and so on.

Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study.

Bring in new subject: Life in the oceans.

Step 4. Fast reading

Read the passage as quickly as they can. I show the questions on the screen and let them get the

main idea of each paragraph:

1、 Why can living things live in such oceans around the Antarctica?

2、 What does the whale feed on?

3、 What is the difference between the sperm whale and other whales?

Method: Read the text individually, use question—and—answer activity.

Purpose: Improve the students’ reading ability.

Understand the general idea of each paragraph.

Step 5. Listening(book closed)

1、 Listen to the tape then do an exercise(wb page 90, part 1)

2、 True or false exercise.(on the screen)

Train the Ss’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises.

Step 6. Intensive reading

Read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen.

1、 How much does a whale eat at a time?

2、 Do all the whales feed on small fish?

3、 How deep can a sperm whale dive?

It is also called depth reading or study reading. It means reading for detailed information.

Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some different sentences and details of the text.

Step 7. Preparation for details of the text on the screen

1、 。.。its heart slows to half its normal speed.

slow-v. to become / make slower.

2、 。.。using sound wave

Present participle used as adverbial.

3、 provide sth. for sb.

provide sb. with sth.

4、 at a time: each time

5、 grow to a length of.。.

Purpose: Train the Ss’ ability of understanding and using laguage.

Step 8. Consolidation

1、 Find out the topic sentences.

2、 Retell the passage according to the topic sentences.

Purpose: I want to know if my students understand the whole text really and if they master what I mean to tell them in this class. What’s more, I want to let them have the ability of introducing and analyzing expression. At the same time, I will write down the topic sentences on the blackboard according to what the students find, so they can retell it easily.

Step 9. Discussion

Show them some pictures about the polluted sea and many living things which are in danger and ask them: What are their opinions about it? In order to let them have free choice, I give them another topic: The sea is being polluted. What should they do?

Purpose: I mean to give them emotional education. I give them multi-media pictures to arouse their interest of study and their love for life. I mean to make them realize: The sea is in danger! I teach them to do their best to help it and do something from now on. Everyone should do something to love and protect our home.

Step 10. Homework

Write an article Saving the sea. I want to improve the ability of their writing. At the same time, train the ability of do-it-yourself and looking up the information by themseleves.

高一英语必修二全册教案 篇17




1、 语言知识

语音 感叹句的语音


语法 Adverbs of frequency and place

Adverbs and adverbial phrases

功能 Talking about how often you do things

话题 从背景、情节、角色、演员和评论等方面讨论电影

2、 语言技能

听 能听懂广播、电视中比较简单的英语节目。

说 能在老师指导下参与角色扮演等活动并能正确使用语音、语调。

读 能连贯、流畅地朗读课文,并能根据上下文猜测生词的意思。

写 能够描述简单的人物或事件并表达自己的见解。

高中英语教案英文 篇18


1、 player and team, game

and lost

能力目标:1. Demonstrate “win” and “lose” after the game is done

a game of “spelling Bee”

情感目标:When you get lose, you don’t lose your heart. Try it again and again. You will win at last.

教学重点、难点:1. words about the game

and lose

教具、学具:A big picture of this lesson and a tape


Class opening and review

Play “Charades” to review occupations the students mastered in Levels 1, 2 and 7: teacher, clerk, cashier, waitress and bus driver. After the students have guessed these occupations, add “doctor” and “police officer”。 The students mastered these words orally in Level 1, but they haven’t seen them for a long time. Whisper the translation for these occupations to the students acting them out, and help the class guess the occupations with lots of prompts and encouragement. You can, for example, draw blanks on the blackboard and slowly write in the letters as you sound

out more and more of each occupation.


Demonstrate “player” “team” “game” with six volunteers and a game of “spelling bee” divide the volunteers into two teams of three. Give player a sheet of coloured paper to hold, the same colour for each team.

Demonstrate “win” and “lose” after the game is done. Point to the teams and as you say “You win/lose”

Use the student book

Pause after Number 1 in the student book.

Review the story so far. Li Ming and Jenny have been learning about sports. Look at the pictures in the student book. What are they doing now?

Note some of the idiom in this lesson: Bob plays basketball “for fun” Jenny and Li Ming “jump up and down” Li Ming asks Jenny “What’s the score?” What do the students think these phrases mean?


Divide the class into small groups. In each group. Some students pretend that they want to learn a game that the other students know how to learn a game that you play in class.

Do the activity book

Class closing

电子教案 篇19














本节课核外电子排布的初步知识,是在学习了第二章分子和原子的基础上进行的,核外电子排布的初步知识与原子构成。形成了原子结构理论的知识体系,本节之所以放在第三章讲述,目的为了分散知识难点,使学生的空间想象力得以充分的发挥。通过对前18号元素的核外电子排布情况的介绍。使学生了解前18号元素原子的核外电子排布规律,进一步了解元素性质与其原子结构的关� 因本节课的内容抽象,学生难理解,在高中化学的学习中还会进一步讲述原子结构理论,所以本节课知识只要求学生达到了了解的水平即可。



























高中英语教案设计 篇20

Understanding each other-Reading教案

Teaching aim:Knowledge aim:

Students can master the expressions about cultural differences。

Students will get familiar with the topic of culture and learn how to talk about different cultures and customs。

Ability aims:

Students can master the reading strategy to understand the use of examples。

Students will be able to get the main subject of the conversation through fast reading and the detailed information through detailed reading。

Students can talk about cultural differences in their daily life。

Emotional aim:

Students will learn to respect different cultures and customs。

Students will be more confident in speaking English in public。

Key and difficult points:

Key points:

Students can get the detailed information through careful reading。

Difficult points :

Students can apply the expressions into daily munication。

Students can show respect for different cultures。

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming up

Show some pictures of different wedding ceremonies in different countries and ask students to guess the country。

Justification: Attract students’ attention and lead students into the class naturally。

Step 2:Pre-reading

Show the title of the reading passage and ask students to predict what aspects of cultural differences the passage involves、For example:

T: Dear students, what is the title of our reading passage?


T:Yes、Correctly、It’s Cultural Differences、What kinds of cultural differences do you know?


T: Food, marriage and festival and so on、Excellent、You all have a broad knowledge、Of all these kinds of cultural differences what do you think the passage talks about?


T: Good job、Now let’s read the passage and find out if our prediction is right or not。

Justification : Arouse students’ interest in this lesson by asking them to predict what the passage is mainly about and help students to have a basic understanding of the topic in the reading text。

Step 3:While-reading

1。Global reading

Read the conversation quickly and find out the cultural differences the passage talks about、Later, ask some volunteers to share their answers。

Justification: Train the skimming ability of students and enable them to get the general idea of the passage as quickly as possible。

2、 Detailed reading

Read the passage carefully with the following questions。

Q1: In the west, when is the polite rime to open a present? Why?

Q2:What surprised Peter about the wedding ceremony in Korea?

Q3: what drink is not permitted in Brunei?

Q4: What kind of food do Brits eat at Bonfire Night?

Justification: Improve students’ reading strategies to find out the detailed information and understand the use of examples。

Step 4:Post-reading

Divide students into groups of four and ask them to have a discussion about cultural difference in 7minutes、And the discussion should be related to the following questions。

Q1: What do you know about cultures that are different from our own?

Q2: Why do we need to find out about other cultures’ traditions?

Justification: Help students to have a better understanding of cultural differences and improve their speaking abilities。

Step 5:Summary and Homework

1、Ask students to make a summary of the cultural differences mentioned in the text。

2、After the class, ask students to write a paragraph about how people can understand each other’s cultures better。

Justification: Consolidate what they have learned in this class and broaden their horizon。

高中英语教案 篇21

Teaching Aims

Knowledge a nd Skills:

1. Ge t to know about Canada.

some reading skills.

the Ss’ interest and love for learning about foreign countries.

Strategy and Method:

the students’fastreading ability.

the students’ ability to co operate with others.


Main points:

1. Introduce the information of Canada to the students.

the students’reading ability ―skimming,and listening ability

Difficult point:

Learn different reading skil ls for different reading purposes.

Teaching procedures and ways


Step1. Readin g&Greeting (2`)

Step2. Leading in and Warming Up (5`)

talk: Do you like to go sightseeing?

Which country do you like to visit?

What can you see in these countries?

Step3. Fast reading (10`)

is“the true north”?

It refers to “the crossCanada train.”

the route of the two girls’ traveling across Canada

Step4. Careful reading(T&F) (15`)

Step5. Consoli dation (7`)

Listening & Summary

Fill in the blank and retell the story



Surf the Internet to find more information about Canada

Chalkboard Designing

Unit5Canada C the “the true north”

A thip “ on the true north”

Vancouver Rocky Mountains Thunder Bay

Calgary Lake Superior Toronto

高中英语优秀教案参考 篇22

1 occupation【课文原句】

occupation工作/ 职业

他的职业是什么?What is his occupation?

辨析:occupation, job, work和profession 这四个名词都有“工作”之意。





选词填空 occupation, job, profession, work

a. Please state your name, age and_________ below.

b. I have a few _____ to do in the house this morning.

c. Looking after children all day is hard____.

d. His ability carried him to the top of his ____

& submit【课文原句】

1)cover在这里是“报道”的意思,此外还有“覆盖,涉及,包含,掩饰”之意 。

This event will be covered live by TV.

Do not try to cover a mistake.

Mary covered her face with her hands.

She laughed to cover her anxiety.

His reading covers a wide range of subjects.

We covered about 30 miles a day.

2)submit v. 提交,呈递(文件等);使服从,顺从

常见搭配:submit sth (to sb).(向某人)提交某物 submit(oneself)to 听任

①请提交你的申请表。Please submit your application form.

②我不肯听任他的控制。I refuse to submit(myself) to his control.

& concentrate课文原句】

1) assist v. 帮助,协助 常见搭配:assist (sb) with/in sth.帮助(某人)做某事

assist sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事 assist (sb) in doing sth帮助(某人)做某事

①他叫我来帮助他实施他的计划。He asked us to assist him in carrying through his plan.

②一组护士协助那个医生进行手术。A team of nurses assisted the doctor in performing the operation.

辨析:aid, assist, help这些动词均有“帮助”之意。

aid: 正式用词,指帮助他人脱离危险或战胜困难,着重强者对急需帮助的弱者的帮助。

assist: 强调在提供帮助时,以受助者为主, 所给的帮助起第二位或从属的作用。

help: 最普通用词,含义广泛。指一般性的或迫切需要的帮助,侧重积极地为他人提供物质、精神或其他方面的帮助。

2)concentrate vt. 集中; 聚集 常见搭配:

concentrate on (doing) sth 专注于(做)某事

concentrate the /one’s mind 集中注意力; 聚精会神

concentrate one’s effort/attention on sth 集中力量/注意力于某事

concentration n. 专心;聚集


talking and ________________________.(专心工作 )

b. Nothing ____________________ ( 集中注意力 ) better than the knowledge that you could die tomorrow.

c. I decided to ________________________ ( 全力以赴 ) finding somewhere to live.


acquire vt. 获得,取得

1)他是如何获得他的财富的。How did he acquire his wealth?

2)我们逐步获得了做这项工作的经验。Gradually we acquired experience of how to do the work.

辨析:acquire, obtain, gain, get, win, earn, secure这些动词均含“获得、取得、得到”之意。

acquire: 强调通过不断的、持续的努力而获得某物,也指日积月累地渐渐地获得。书面语用词。

obtain: 较正式用词,着重通过巨大努力、要求而得到所需或盼望已久的东西。

gain: 侧重指经过努力或有意识行动而取得某种成就或获得某种利益或好处。

get: 普通用词,使用广泛,可指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要经过努力。

win: 主要指通过努力、斗争、比赛等而获得胜利。

earn: 侧重指依靠自己的劳动或因付出价与有功而获得。

a good nose for sth课文原句】

have a good nose for sth = have an eye for …/ have an ear for .. 有眼光/ 对。感兴趣;对…很敏感;很善于发现

1)她对音乐感兴趣。She has an ear for music .

2) 他是个善于收集丑闻的记者。He is a reporter who has a nose for 【课文原句】

assess vt 评价,评定;估算 常见搭配:assess sb./sth(as sth) 评定某人或某物(为… )assess+wh-从句 评定…… assess sth (at sth)将某物估价(为……)

1) 他这么懒很难评估他的能力。He’s so lazy that it’s difficult to assess his ability.

2) 一栋建筑物是否值得保存有这个委员会来评定。The committee assesses whether the building is worth preserving.

3) 他们将这所房子估价为25万美元。They assessed the value of the house at $25,000.

知识链接:assessment n. 看法,评定assessor n评判员


inform vt.通知;告知 常见搭配:inform sb. of /about sth通知某人某事

inform sb. +从句…告知某人……keep sb. informed 随时告知某人

1) 他向警察报告了那起抢劫案。He informed the police of /about the robbery.

2) 我通知他必须12点出发。I informed him that he must start at 12o’clock.

3) 有事随时通知我。Keep me informed of what happens.


depend on 依赖,依靠,取决于,随 ... 而定

常见搭配:depend on/ upon sth/wh-从句 依靠/取决于某事/…depend on/upon sb./sth. doing。。。 相信/指望…做某事

1)一切生物都依赖太阳生长。All living things depend on the sun for their growth.

2) 你不要指望他准时来。You can’t depend on his/him coming on time.

3)我们的成功取决于我们是否努力工作。Our success depends on whether we work hard or not.

知识链接:dependence n.依靠,依赖 dependent adj.依靠的,依赖的

That depends./ It (all )depends 视情况而定。

$ accuse…of 【课文原句】

1) case n.情况;病例;案例;容器;箱子

① 他总是这样。That is often the case with him.

② 这位病人是流感的病例。The patient is a case of flu.

③ 博物馆中的展品常摆放在玻璃橱里。Exhibits in museums are often displayed in glass cases.

常见搭配:in case 即使;免得;以防万一(引导的状语从句常用一般现在时表示将来或用should+do) in case of… 即使……;万一…… in no case 决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装) in this/that case即使这样/那样 in any case无论如何

①带上伞以防下雨。Take the umbrella with you in case it rains/should rain.

②我决不会背叛我的祖国。In no case will I turn against my motherland.

③听说星期天得加班,那样的话我们就没法去看电影了。It is said that we’ll have to do extra work on Sunday. In that case, we can’t go to a movie.

2)accuse sb. of (doing )sth.因……而指责/控告某人

①警察指控他犯了谋杀罪。The police accused him of murder.

②她控告他偷了她的表。She accused him of stealing her watch.


charge sb. with (doing) sth 指控某人犯……罪

blame sb. for (doing) sth /blame sth on sb.因……而责怪某人

as to【课文原句】

so as to 为的是,以便

1)为了赶上最后一趟车,他跑得很快。He ran quickly so as to catch the last bus.

2)他练习讲英语是为了提高口语。He practised speaking English so as to improve spoken English.

in order to +动词原形、so as to +动词原形和to+动词原形都可以引导目的状语。有时为了表示强调,也可以将in order to do、to do 等放在句首,而so as to do 一般不放在句首,也比较口语化。表达否定的目的时,可以用in order not to do和so as not to do 这两种结构。


① In order to /To catch the train, I got up at five

② I got up at five in order to / so as to /to catch the train.

③ I got up at five in order that I could catch the train.

11. guilty【课文原句】

guilty adj有罪的,犯罪的;内疚的

常见搭配:be guilty of 有……罪 be guilty 对……内疚

1) 这个美国男子被证实犯了谋杀罪。The American man was proved guilty of murder.

2) 他因没有常去看望父母而感到内疚。He felt guilty about not visiting his parents more often.

12. demand 【课文原句】

demand 1)vt (强烈)要求;需要 常见结构:demand sth. 需要……;要求 ……

demand to do sth. 要求做某事 demand that…(从句谓语要用should +do)需要/要求…….

① 这种工作需要极大的耐心。The work demands great patience.

② 我坚决要求见经理。I demand to see the manager.

③ 反对派要求把所有事实公之于世。The opposition have demanded that all the facts should be made public.

2)n. 要求;需求,需要;所需之物 常见结构:in demand 需求大 on demand 一经需求 make demands on对……提出需求

他们拒绝了工会的需求。They rejected the demands of the union.

1. 一位专业摄影师___________________2. 随身携带_____________________

3. 渴望做…… _______________________4. 集中精力于___________________

5. 专修一门课程______________________6. 以后______________________

7. 获得你需要的所有信息__________________________

8. 有对新闻非常敏感的 “嗅觉”_________________________9. 依赖 _________

10. 职业诀窍_________________________11. 有证据支持我们的故事_________

12. 说出全部真相_____________________

13. 查明故事被遗漏的部分___________________

14. 完全搞错了_____________

15. 指控某人做某事__________________________16. 事情是这样的。_________

17. 为了___________________18. 理应做过某事__________________________

19. 安排采访_______________________________________

20. 盼望做某事_______________________________

21. 当记者的首次任务______________________________

22. 故意地_____________________________________

23. 为某人辩护_____________________

24. 润色语言风格 ______________________________

25. 被印制成胶片____________________________________

26. 在……前头_______________________________

27. 最后_______________________________

28. 与某人约会______________________________________

29. 对……做调查____________________________

30. 从事_______________________

31. 把……传递给……_________________________

32. 着手做某事_________________________________________

1. a professional photographer 2. bring with 3. be eager to do 4. concentrate on

5. take a course 6. later on all the information you need to know

8. have a nose for a story 9. depend on 10. a trick of the trade

11. have the evidence to support our story 12. tell the whole truth

13. find out the missing part of the story 14. get the wrong end of the stick

15. accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 16. This is how the story goes. 17. so as to

18. be supposed to have done 19. arrange an interview 20. look forward to (doing) sth.

21. the first assignment as a reporter 22. on purpose 23. defend…against…

24. polish the style 25. be processed into film negatives 26. ahead of 27. last of all

28. make an appointment with sb. 29. do some research on 30. work on 31. pass… on to… 32. set (out)to do/ set about doing

高中英语教案 篇23












高中英语教案设计 篇24




base, command, request, recognize


because of, come up, at present, make use of, such as, play a part (in)


…because of that, English began to b spoken in many other countries.

Actually all languages change and develop…

The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling.


■ To help students get to know about English development

■ To help students better understand “learning English”

■ To help students understand and use some important words and expressions

■ To help students identify examples of Indirect Speech (II): request & commands in the text




⑴Warming up by listing

Good morning, class. We have been learning English for several years. But how many English-speaking countries are there in the world? Now let’s make a list of them on the blackboard.

English Countries Explanation

Mother tongue the United Kingdom

the United States of America



South Africa


New Zealand The people in these countries are native speakers of English. In total, for more than 375 million people English is their mother tongue.

Second language India



the Philippines These people speak the language of their own country at home but the language of the government, schools, newspapers, and TV is English.

Foreign language China



etc. The number of people who learn English as a foreign language is more than 750 million.

⑵Warming up by answering questions about English

Good morning, class. Today we shall start learning Unit 2 English around the world. But how much do you know about English?

●What is Standard English?

Standard English is the form of English that most people in Britain use, and that is not limited to one area or group of people.

●What is a dialect?

A dialect is a variety of a language spoken only in one area, in which words, or grammar are slightly different from other forms of the same language.

●Do we have standard Chinese? What is it?

In China there’re so many dialects that the government encourages the whole nation to speak Putonghua, which is regarded as standard Chinese.

⑶Warming up by giving reasons

Unit 2 English around the world is what we are going to learn today. We are all learning English now because English is so popular in the world. But do you know why it is so? How many reasons could you giving for the spread of English around the world?

x English is one of the official languages of the Olympic Games and the United Nations.

x English dominates international websites and provides nearly all of the new computer terminology.

x Tourism and trade from Western Europe and North America has contributed to the spread of English.

x Satellite TV, radio programs like Joy FM, CDs and, of course, Hollywood films all broadcast English into China. Also, a number of Chinese films include English subtitles.

We are learning English here. But why are we learning it? Could you suggest to the class as many reasons as you can think of, why people in the world learn English?

for work, as a hobby, to learn about other people, to travel, to read literature in the original, to read research papers, to meet foreigners, to surf the Internet, to pass exams, etc.

Go on with your reasons. I shall write your suggestions on the board as you make them.

3. Skimming the text for general ideas

Now we go to page 9 to skim the text for the main idea of each paragraph.

Paragraph 1: The spread of the English language in the world

Paragraph 2: Native speaker can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.

Paragraph 3: English changes and develops when cultures meet and communicate with each other.

Paragraph 4: By the 19th century English is settled.

Paragraph 5: English is spoken as a foreign language or second language in South Asia.

4. Reading and filling

Read the text to complete the chart below.

Time English is influenced by…

AD 450-1150 German

高中英语教案设计 篇25

课题: Unit1 Festivals around world




1)To get the students to talk about festivals

2) To learn about how festivals begin and howto celebrate festivals so as to enable them to learn more about differentcultures while learning different language 。



festival, celebrate, celebration, lunar, takeplace, on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, beauty, harvest, relatives,custom, admire, decorate, origin, separate, dress up, parking lot, luck money,family reunion, get together, Christmas,solar calendar, carnival, parade,Christian, Easter, Lantern Festival, Arbor Day, Pure Brightness Day, JesusChrist, the Easter Bunny, hot cross buns, the best bands

Sentence structures: (句子)

1)、Festivals are meant to celebrateimportant times of year。

2)、Discuss when they take place, whatthey celebrate and what people do at that time。

3)、Cara suggests that Li Mei change hershoes to something more fortable, wear some lighter and cooler clothing andalso take a hat。

4)、Easter customs include making andeating hot cross buns, coloring and searching for eggs supposedly hidden by theEaster


Letstudents to know how to get the key words from the conversation about thecarnival parade, and how to talk about sth、happened。


Letstudents to know and pare Chinese festivals and customs with westernfestivals and customs。


1、How to talk about the Chinesefestivals and social customs at festivals。

2、How to get the key words tounderstand the conversation about the carnival parade, to talk about sth。happened。


Step 1 Warming up

Step 2 Pre-reading

Lookat the pictures and discuss in pairs what kind of information you think will beintroduced in the passage。

Step 3 Reading and prehending

1、Ask the students to skim the passage and find out what festivals are mentionedin each paragraph。

Paragraph 1:__________________

Paragraph 2:__________________

Paragraph3: __________________

Paragraph4: __________________

Paragraph5: __________________


Paragraph1: Ancient festivals: celebrate the end of the winter, planting in spring andharvest in autumn; celebrate when hunters catch animals。

Paragraph 2: Day of the Dead;Halloween。

Paragraph3: Dragon Boat Festival; Columbus Day; October 2。

Paragraph 4: Harvest andThanksgiving festivals;


Paragraph5: Spring Festival; Carnival; Easter;

Cherry Blossom Festival。

2、Read the passage carefully and answerthe true or false questions。

( ) 1)、The ancient people needn't worry about their food。

( ) 2)、Halloween used to be a festival intended to honor the dead。

( ) 3)、Mohandas Gandhi helped gain India's independence from the USA。

( ) 4)、ThanksgivingDay is held to celebrate harvest。

( ) 5)、Eastercelebrates the birth of Jesus。

Suggested answers:

1)F 2)T 3)F 4)T 5)F

3、 Work in pairs、Imagine that somestudents are celebrating a festival、Use the information given in the text tohelp them make up a dialogue。

Step 4 Language study

Dealing with some language problems to helpthe students to have a better understanding of the text。

1、At that time people would starve if foodwas difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months。

2、Some festivals are held to honor the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, whomight return either to help or to do harm。

3、 The country, covered with cherry treeflowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow。

Step 5 Study the text

1、 Find out a sentence in the text whichhas a similar meaning with the following one。

As long as the neighbors don't give anysweets, the children will make a fool of them。

2、Translate the followingsentence。

Itis now a children's festival, when they can dress up and go to theirneighbour's homes to ask for sweets。

Step 6 Listening, reading aloud and underlining

Ask the students to read the passage aloudto the tape and let them pay attention to the pronunciation of each word andthe pauses within each sentence、Tell them to pick out all the usefulexpressions or collocations from the passage while reading and copy them intothe notebook after class as homework。

Step 7 Groupwork

Discussin pairs which festivals you think are the most important and which are themost fun、Then fill in the chart with your ideas。

Type of festival

Example of festival

Reasons for your choice

Most important

Most fun。

Step 8 Retelling

Let the students try to retell the passageaccording to the key words and expressions given on the blackboard。

Step 9 Homework

1、 Findout useful words and expressions, beautiful sentences and finish the exercisesin Learning about Language accordingly。

2、Write an introduction of the festivalyour group have created。



高中英语教案通用 篇26

Good afternoon, everyone, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson content of my lesson is Senior English for China Book1B Unit 16 Scientists at work. I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the

teaching procedure,and Blackboard , let me talk about the teaching material.

Part 1 Teaching Material:

This unit is about science and scientists. By studying of this unit, we’ll Enable the students to know the serious attitude towards science and develop the interest in science. At the same time ,Let the students learn how to give instructions. this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in this is an important lesson in Book One. From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each passage. Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material. If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this we all know ,reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing . According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学

大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind,I think the teaching aims are the followings:


a)The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns b)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.

c)The Ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in the proper situation.


(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(3) To Improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

or moral objects:

a)By completing the task,the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in science;

b)Teach the Ss what is “science”, put the moral education in the language study.

now,let’s come to the Important points and the Difficult points.

Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stress

the important points and break through the difficult points? As is known to us all,The modern teaching demands the teacher should improve the students’ ability. A good teaching method requires that the teacher should have the leading effects. According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’learning background ,I will use the following methods .

Part 2 Teaching Methods:

In my opinion,the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” Approach(交际教学法), “Whole language

teaching” (整体语言教学法)and “Task-based” language teaching (任务教学法). That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. According to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论), I adopt the TSA method(情景教学) and TBLT method (语言任务教学)in my teaching, namely Total Situational Action and Task-based Language former is a “scene —

activity” teaching method .It establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss . The latter offers the Ss an opportunity to complete the tasks in which Ss use

language to achieve a specific outcome. The activity reflects real life and learners focus on meaning, they are free to use any language they the same time, I’ll make use of the modern electricity teaching equipments and all kinds of t

高中英语精选教案 篇27

Unit 9 Technology


1. toothpick n. 牙签 (short, pointed piece of wood, etc, for removing bits of food

from between the teeth)

2. press vi, vt. (push sth. strongly; push steadily against)

1) 压;按;推 He pressed the doorbell. 他按了门铃。

“Just press this button, and you'll start the engine.”


2) 熨;熨平I've pressed your trousers with the iron. 我用熨斗熨了你的裤子。

3)(常与up, round连用)挤 He pressed his way through the crowd. 他挤过人群。

4)(常与on, upon连用)迫;迫使;进逼 The debts pressed on him. 债务威逼着他。


She pressed her guests to stay a little longer.她极力劝说客人们再呆一会儿。

6)(常与on, upon连用)紧迫 Time presses. 时间紧迫

The problem of fuel presses for solution.这个燃料的问题急待解决。

We'll let you know if anything presses.“如有紧急情况,我们会通知你的。”

3. teenager n. (十三到十九岁的)少年(a young person between 13 and 19 years old; aboy

or a girl in his or her teens)

Sandy is a very busy teenager.山迪是个非常忙碌的少年。

4. throughout adv, prep 各处,到处;遍及;从头到尾;全部时间

He is famous throughout the world. 他闻名于世界。

It rained throughout the night. 雨下了一整夜。

5. add vt. vi.

1) 增加 to add more hot water 多加点热水

Add a few more names of labourers to the list.名单上再加上几个工人的名字。

2) 加;加起来 If you add 4 to 3 you get 7. 四加三得七。

Add up these figures, please.请把这些数字加起来。

3) 补充说; 又说

I should add that we are very pleased. 我要补充的是我们非常高兴。

I should like to add that we are pleased with the test result.


6. latest adj. 最后的, 最迟的; 最新的, 最近的 the latest news最近的消息; the latest fashion 最新式样

7. calendar n.

1) 历法

From January 1st to February 1st is one calendar month.


2) 日历;月历

Their five-year-old son is able to use the calendar to count how many days it

is until his birthday. 他们五岁的儿子能用日历数出离他的生日还有多少天。

8. remind vt. (常与of, to + inf, that连用)使想起;使记起;提醒

1) remind sb. Of / about sb. / sth 使某人想起某人/某事

2) remind sb. To do sth.提醒某人做某事

3)remind sb. That clause提醒某人某事; 使某人想起某事

Remind me to write to Mother. 提醒我给妈妈写信。

This reminds me of last year. 这使我想起去年的事。

Please remind me that I must call her up before nine.请提醒我九点前给她打个电话。

The film reminded him of what he had seen in China.


9. appointment n.

1) 约定(会面时间或地点)

I made an appointment to see the doctor. 我约定好时间去看医生。

2) 职位 the appointment of a chairman 职位

10. behaviour n. 行为;举动

Everyone praises the children's good behavior. 每个人都赞扬孩子们的好行为。

11. obey vt. vi. 服从;顺从;听话

to obey an order 服从命令

They refused to obey. 他拒绝服从。

12. dare vt

1) 竟敢;敢 Don't dare do that again! 不要再这样胆大妄为!

2) 敢于;敢面对事物 He will dare any danger. 他敢冒任何危险。

3)(与to连用)挑战 He dared me to jump over the stream. 他激我跳过小溪。

13. emergency n. 紧急情况

The hospital has to treat emergencies such as car accidents.


In an emergency, telephone the police. 出现紧急情况时,请给警察打电话。

The patient was asked to ring the bell in an emergency.要求病人在有紧急情况时按铃。 14. whatever adj, pron

1) …什么就…什么

They eat whatever they can find. 他们找到什么就吃什么?

Whatever 常用来引导名词性从句或让步状语从句, 引导让步状语从句时, 可用no matter what


2) 无论什么,不管什么

Whatever(=No matter what)we said, he'd disagree. 无论我们说什么,他都不同意。

Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision.


College students are seen doing whatever work they can find.


Do whatever she tells you and you'll have peace.


Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool.


You may do whatever you want to do. 无论你想做什么事,你都可以做。

Whatever you do, I won't tell you my secret.


15. dial vt, vi


Put in the money before dialing.先投钱币再拨号。


How do I dial London? 怎样拨电话到伦敦?

16. unexpected adj. adj.想不到的, 意外的, 未预料到

unexpected guests 不速之客;unexpected results未料到的结果


1) 否定的,否认的 a negative answer 否定的答覆;a negative vote 反对票

2) 消极的;无用的;无益的 negative attitude 消极的态度

negative advice that only tells you what not to do 只告诉你不要做某事的消极劝告

3) 没有迹象的;结果为阴性的

The test for bacteria was negative. 细菌试验结果是阴性的。

4)〈电〉阴性的;负极的 negative pole 负极

5) 减的;负的;负值的 a negative profit 减少利润; the negative sign 负号 18. clone n.无性系, 无性繁殖, 克隆; v.无性繁殖, 复制

human cloning 克隆人;to clone sheep克隆羊

19. interview n. 接见;会见

I thank you very much indeed for this interview.非常感谢你这次接见。

2) 采访; 面试 to go for an interview 进行面试

20. department n

1) 部门;部;司;局;处;系

English department 英语系

2)(某些国家的)县; 职责;专长

Advertising is my department. 我负责做广告。

21. electricity n. 电;电力; 电流 make electricity 发电

Do you use electricity for cooking? 你用电做饭吗?

22. planet n. 行星 The earth is a planet.地球是个行星。

23. defeat vt


They were defeated in the football match. 他们在足球赛中输了。

2)使失败;使受挫 Our hopes were defeated. 我们的希望破灭了。

n. 失败;击败

The football team suffered a defeat. 该足球队被击败了。

24. force n.

1) 力,力量 the force of the explosion 爆炸力

You must use force to open that bottle. 你必须用力打开那个瓶子。

2) 暴力

The thief took the money from the old man by force. 小偷用暴力夺走了老人的钱。

3)〈物〉力 the force of gravity 地心引力

The force of gravity makes things fall to earth.地心引力使物体落向地面。

4)(pl) 三军武装力量

The air force is one of the armed forces.空军是武装部队的一种。

25. peaceful adj 安静的; 宁静的;安宁的; 爱好和平的

It's peaceful at home when the children are at school.


26. succeed vi, vt (常与in连用)成功;达到; 完成

He succeeded in the examination. 他考试及格了。

His business has succeeded, and is making a lot of money.


The astronauts succeeded in returning from the moon to the earth according to the plan.



1. stay in touch with = keep in touch with 和某人保持联系;get in touch with与……取得联系;

lose touch with… 与……失去联系; be out of touch with与……失去联系;be in touch with与


2. call for 需要;要求;值得:

The occasion calls for a cool head. 这种场合需要冷静的头脑。

3. in case(of) 万一……; 如果发生……; 假使……

in case假使; 以防(万一); 免得。in case可引导一个条件状语从句或目的状语从句,还可单独使用,


In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.如遇火灾,既按警铃。

In case he comes, let me know.如果他来的话,告诉我一声。

You’d better take an umbrella in case it rains.(=It may rain; you’d better take an

umbrella just in case.) 可能会下雨,拿把雨伞,以防万一。

4. according to prep. 据;按照; 取决于;视…而定

lives according to her means 按他的方式生活

According to my watch it is 10 o'clock. 按我的表是10点钟。

pay is according to quality 依照质量付费

over 接管;接替;继承

what is good and still useful should be taken over.好的有用的东西应当继承。

Our chairman has left, so Jack will take over (his job).我们的走了,因此杰克将接


6. break down

1) 破坏;拆散

Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.


The peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻)据说和谈破裂了。

2)(机器)损坏 Our truck broke down outside town. 我们的卡车在城外抛锚了。

The car broke down halfway to the destination.汽车在到达目的地的中途抛锚了。

3) 失败;破裂 Their opposition broke down.他们的反对意见打消了。

4) 精神崩溃;失去控制 He broke down and wept. 他不禁失声痛哭。

5) 起化学变化 Food is broken down by chemicals. 化学物质引起食物转化。


1. I should be home in about ten minutes. 再过大约十分钟,我应该到家了。

should 在此的意思为“应该”,但在不同的语境中should有不同的含义,注意下列句子:

You should not use your cellphone in class.你不该在上课时使用手机。(表示要求)

I think you should think it over before doing it. 我认为你应该三思而后行。(表示建议)

We’ve got everything ready. There should be no problem.我们已经准备好了一切。应该不 会有问题了。(表示判断)

2. Modern cellphones are more than just phones—they are used as cameras and radios, and

to send e-mail or surf the Internet.现代的手机不仅仅是电话机—它们也当坐照相机和收音机


use A as B 把A用作B。例如:

In ancient times, people used stones as tools for farming.在古代,人们把石头用作耕作的


use sth to do sth用某物来做某事。例如:

In ancient times, people used stones to kill animals for food.


3. The answer seems to be that we have a need to stay in touch with friends and family no

matter where we are or what we are doing.答案似乎是:无论我们在何处或正在做什么,我们都


1) seem 似乎,好像,其用法及搭配有:

seem + adj., 如:

This problem seems complicated, but actually it is simple.


seem to do

I seem to have seen him somewhere before.我好像以前在哪儿见过他。

It seems that…,

It seems that everything is going on well.好像一切正常。

It seems as if…,

It seems as if it’s going to rain.看来快要下雨了。

2) no matter无论,不管,后面常跟疑问词引导的从句,其意相当于疑问词后加ever。如 no matter

what=whatever; no matter where=wherever; no matter how=however; no matter when=


No matter when (Whenever) I meet him, he is always wearing that old hat.


No matter how (However) expensive the cellphone is, I’ll buy it because I need one



3. She says that her cellphone helps her do whatever she wants to do.她说她的手机能让她想



With the money, you can buy whatever you want.有了这些钱,你可以想买什么就买什么。

类似用法的词还有:whoever, whomever, whichever等。如:

Whoever leaves the classroom last should remember to turn off the light before leaving.


You may choose whichever you like.不管你喜欢哪个,都可以选。四、语法



is/am/are/ + being + 过去分词。例如:

A、computer center is being built for the students.

The phones are also being used as cameras and radios.




1. Mum will be back from work _______ half an hour.

A. in B. after C. later D. before

2. ______ the money for protecting wildlife _____ now?

A. Is; being collecting B. Are, collected C. Is, being collected D. Has, collected

3. The old machine _____ our difficulty to finish the work on time.

A. adds up to B. has added C. adding to D. added to

4. ______ home alone after 12:00 in the evening.

A. Do you dare go B. Dare you go C. Dare you to go D. If you dare go

5. He spent what he had _______ a cell phone.

A. bought B. to buy C. buying D. had bought

6. Although they’ve never met, they _____ by e-mail for years.

A. stay in touch with B. get in touch with C. keep in touch D. get in touch

7. Never give up, ______ great difficulty is.

A. whatever B. whoever C. however D. whenever

8. _______ danger, you may call 120 for help.

A. In case B. In case of C. When D. If

9. Mr White is one of the foreign experts who ______ in China.

A. works B. is working C. has been working D. are working

10. The secretary reminded me _____ there was a meeting that afternoon.

A. of B. about C. that D. on


1. A in + 一段时间常与将来时态连用,after + 一段时间或一段时间 + later多用于过去时态。

2. C 本题考查现在进行时态的被动语态结构is/am/are being done,D选项的正确形式应为has

been collected。

3. D “这台旧机器增加了我们按时完工的难度。”add to意为“增加”,在句中作谓语,add up


4. B句中dare作情态动词, 其后接动词原形; 若作实义动词, 答案为Do you dare to go. D选项不能


5. C “他倾其所有买了一手机。”本题考查短语spend…(in) doing/on sth.

6. C stay/ keep in touch (with sb.)意为“保持联系”;get in touch(with sb.)意为“取得

联系”。 get为瞬间动词,不能与for years 连用。

7. C “无论困难有多大,永远不要放弃”。本题的考查目标为no matter how引导的让步状语从句,

此时no matter how = however,修饰形容词或副词。

8. B in case of 接名词,其余选项接句子。

9. D 本题考查定语从句中的主谓一致。先行词为experts,谓语动词用复数。 10. C 本题考查remind的用法。that后接句子,其余选项接名词或代词。



1. 我爷爷70岁了, 却终日忙个不停。

My grandpa is _____ ______ ______ all day long though he is 70.

2. 你知道会上正在讨论什么吗?

Do you know _______ _______ ________ ________ at the meeting?

3. 成功需要勤奋。

Success _____ _______ hard work.

4. 无论我说什么,他就是不相信。

_______ ________ _______ I said, he wouldn’t believe me.

5. 听到这个消息,学生老师都高兴。

_______ ________ the students _____ _______ the teacher was happy at the news.

6. 王先生病了, 我已接管他的工作。

Mr Wang is ill, so I’ve ________ _________ his work.

7. 我苦思冥想,却未能想出一个好办法。

I kept thinking hard, but failed to ________ ________ _______ a good idea.

8. 在比赛中,Douglas成功地击败了其他的选手。

Douglas _____ _____ _____ all the other players in the match.

9. 竹子不仅仅用于建筑。

Bamboo is used for ________ _________ building.

10. 他似乎已经听说了这个坏消息。

He _______ ______ have heard the bad news.

电子教案 篇28


导入新课:生活不是处处都是笑声,面对挫折,你应该怎样处理? 讲授新课 一、  感受挫折 举例生活中的挫折 二、  面对挫折 中考失败现象调查 讨论:中考失败后,是否还要再考大专? 结论:积极乐观地面对生活中的'挫折。 举例:生活中的强者和被挫折打败的人 三、  战胜挫折 1、案例分析:跳绳比赛 2、情景剧:别再这样对我 3、小游戏 4、配乐朗诵 战胜挫折的方法 四、  笑对生活 最大的心愿 面对的困难 做法 成功宣言 课堂总结 布置作业         学生发言   分组讨论,代表发言       启发引导学生思考问题 学生参与   学生总结     学生填写 教学 后记 生动的案例,学生的参与增加了课堂气氛和学习效果,教学郊果较好。

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