人教pep六上英语 Unit 4 The fourth period第四课时教案

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The fourth period(第四课时)

Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk




Let’s try

·能够读懂Let’s try板块的题目要求,学会听前预测要听的重点内容



Let’s talk

·能够通过观察、谈论Let’s talk板块的图片,在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并能回答对话下面的问题


·能够听、说、读、写并在情景中恰当运用句型“—Does he/she? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn’t.”谈论他人信息,并通过对话简单了解澳大利亚的首都堪培拉和著名城市悉尼

·能够在语境中借助图片等帮助理解新词“Canberra, amazing”的意思,并能正确发音



2.能够听、说、读、写并在情景中恰当运用句型“—Does he/she? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn’t.”谈论他人信息


能够听、说、读、写并在情景中恰当运用句型“—Does he/she…? —Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn’t.”谈论他人信息。







Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in

1. Greetings.

Greet students. Divide them into several groups and tell them, “If you can read loudly, clearly and correctly in class, your group can get more points. The group which gets the most points will be the winner.”

2. A quick review.

(1) Present the pictures of the following activities. (课件出示:相关图片及相应的词汇) Let students review the words and the expressions they learned last class.

Activities: cook Chinese food, study Chinese, study English, do word puzzles, go hiking, write a letter/an email, climb mountains, do kung fu, play football, read stories, sing, dance, swim, run.

(2) Let students change the verbs into “-ing” forms. Help them review the rules of adding “-ing” at the end of the verbs. (出示课件)

3. Lead-in.

T: How can you connect with your pen pal?(课件出示)

Ss: I can connect with my pen pal by… (QQ, WeChat, emails, letters, phone calls…)

 Step 2: Presentation

1. “Let’s try”.

(1)T: School is over. Miss White is talking to Wu Binbin. Read the questions. Predict the key words we are going to catch during the listening. Then listen and circle the correct answers. (课件出示:分步出示教材P40 Let’s try 板块的问题、音频和答案)

2Let students listen again. Ask them to read the listening material after the recording. Highlight the key words “pen pal” and “11”. (课件出示:教材P40 Let’s try板块的听力材料)

 2. Make predictions.

Present the picture of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示:教材P40 Let\'s talk板块的图片) Lead students to make predictions through the picture.

T: Who are the two boys?

Ss: They are John and Wu Binbin.

T: What is Wu Binbin doing?

Ss: He is writing an email.

T: Can you guess what they are talking about?

Ss: They are talking about…(Ask students to make predictions.)

3. Watch and answer.

(1) Present the video of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示:教材P40 Let’s talk板块的视频) Let students watch it. Lead them to answer the question and get the main idea of the dialogue.

T: What are they talking about?

Ss: They are talking about Wu Binbin’s new pen pal in Australia.

(2) Listen again and answer.

Does the new pen pal live in Sydney?No, he doesn’t.

Write down the sentence “Does the new pen pal live in Sydney?” on the blackboard.

Is his name John?Yes, it is.

Does the new pen pal like doing word puzzles and reading stories? No, he doesn’t. He likes doing word puzzles and going hiking.

Write down the sentence structures “—Does the new pen pal like…? —Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t.” on the blackboard.

4. Get more details.

1T: Does the new pen pal live in Sydney, Australia?

Ss: No, he doesn’t.

T: Where does the pen pal John live?

Ss: He lives in Canberra.

Present the flag of Australia, pictures of Sydney and Canberra and famous animals of Australia. (出示课件) Get students to know something about Australian culture. Write down the words and the phrase “Australia(country, Sydneythe biggest city, Canberra (capital)” on the blackboard.

T: Sydney is the biggest city in Australia. Canberra is the capital. There are many famous animals. Kangaroos and koalas are famous around the world. These animals are amazing!

Write down the word “amazing” on the blackboard.

Teach the new words “Canberra” and “amazing”. (出示课件) Help students learn to read them in syllables correctly.

2T: Does Wu Binbin’s new pen pal like doing word puzzles and going hiking?

Ss: Yes, he does.

T: Does John like doing word puzzles and going hiking, too?

Ss: Yes, he does.

T: Wu Binbin’s new pen pal’s name is John, too. What do the two Johns like?

Ss: They both like doing word puzzles and going hiking.

T: What does John want to do?

Ss: He wants to make friends with Wu Binbin’s new pen pal.

T: Why does he want to make friends with Wu Binbin’s pen pal?

Ss: Because they have the same hobbies. They both like doing word puzzles and going hiking.

T: Good job! People with similar hobbies and favourites are more likely to be friends.

Step 3: Practice

1. Read and act.

(1) Students read after the recording. (出示课件) Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

(2) Practice the dialogue in pairs. Read in roles.

(3) Act out. Boys play the role of Wu Binbin. Girls play the role of John.

2. Let’s know more about Wu Binbin’s pen pal.

Present a set of pictures. Lead students to read them. Make a model first.

 (课件出示:给单词和词组sing, read stories, play football, do kung fu, climb mountains, watch cartoons配图。在每张图片右下角随机附上笑脸和哭脸,在PPT中以动画形式出现。呈现核心句型“—Does he like…? —Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.”。)

T: Does he like singing?

Ss: (Students guess the answer.) Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t.

Present the pictures and check whether the students guess the right answers.

Step 4: Consolidation & Extension

1. Design an ad for John on a pen pal website.

T: John is an outgoing boy. He wants to make more friends from different countries. Can you help him design an ad on a pen pal website?

(1) What message can we share on the website?

Ss: We can share his name, country, city, age, hobbies, favourite things…

T: Well done! If you share more, people can know him better.

(2)T: Work in groups. Design an ad for John. You can do like this:

Hi! My name is John I’m…years old. I’m from… I live in… My favourite…is…

(3)T: Share your ads. Let’s see which group does best.

2. Finish the message to John. (出示课件)

Lead students to go over the chart on page 40 and understand how to write it. Then ask students to complete the message and give a brief report.

3. A friends-making column.

Lead students to create a friends-making column in the classroom after class. Ask them to paste the messages on the column. Let them read the messages and choose their friends. They can chat with each other to get deeper understanding.

4. Summary.

Make a brief summary according to the blackboard design. Evaluate students’ group work and select the best group.






1. Practice the dialogue.

2. Remember the key words and expressions of this class.








Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims

Let’s try

·Be able to understand the questions and predict the key points of the listening part.

·Be able to predict the story by finishing the listening questions.

·Be able to understand the recording and finish the exercises.

Let’s talk

·Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the picture.

·Be able to answer the questions below the dialogue.Be able to read the dialogue correctly and fluently, and act it out in groups.

·Be able to use the sentence structures “—Does he/she? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn’t.properly to ask for information about others. Learn about the cities of Canberra and Sydney.

·Be able to understand and read the new words Canberra, amazing.

Teaching Priorities

·Be able to understand and master the key words and sentence structures of this class.

·Be able to use the sentence structures “—Does he/she? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn’t.properly to ask for information about others.

Teaching Difficulties

·Be able to use the sentence structures “—Does he/she…? —Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn’t.” properly to ask for information about others..

Teaching Procedures

Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students Activities

Teaching Purposes






1. Greetings.

Divide students into several groups.

Greet the teacher. Get to know the evaluation rules of group work.

Use pictures to review the words and the sentence structures learned last class quickly. Lay a language foundation for the upcoming dialogue.

2. A quick review.

Lead students to review the key points of last class.

(1) Review the words and the expressions.

(2) Review the “-ing” form.

3. Lead-in.

Talk with students about how to connect with pen pals.

Talk with the teacher about how to connect with pen pals.


1. “Let’s try”.

(1)Play the recording. Lead students to listen and complete the exercises.

(2)Present the listening material.

(1) Predict the key words. Then listen and circle the correct answers.

(2) Listen again. Read the listening material after the recording.

Lead students to predict the key words of the listening part. Cultivate their good listening habits of prediction.

2. Make predictions.

Lead students to make predictions through the picture.

Talk with the teacher and make predictions through the picture.

Lead students to observe the picture and predict the dialogue. Cultivate their logical thinking ability. Let them watch the video to get the main idea first and then listen to it and answer the questions to test their understanding of the details.

3. Watch and answer.

1Play the video.

Lead students to answer the question and get the main idea of the dialogue.

2Let students listen again and answer the questions.

(1) Watch the video of “Let’s talk”, answer the question and get the main idea of the dialogue.

(2) Listen again and answer the questions.





Teaching Stages

Teacher’ s Activities

Students’ Activities

Teaching Purposes


4. Get more details.

Lead students to get more information about the dialogue.

Teach the words and the phrase.

Talk with the teacher to get more information about the dialogue.

Learn the words and the phrase.

Talk with students to lead them to find out the common interests of two John’s, and realize that people with similar interests are more likely to be friends.


1. Read and act.

Play the recording.

(1) Read after the recording.

(2) Practice the dialogue in pairs and read in roles.

(2)  Act out.

Lead students to read the dialogue with the correct pronunciation and intonation.

2. Let’s know more about Wu Binbin’s pen pal.

Present a set of pictures. Lead students to read them. Then make a model.

Talk with the teacher to practice the key sentence structures.

Create some information about John based on the dialogue. Practice the key sentence structures and make language preparation for the next activity and extend their related expressions.




1. Design an ad for John on a pen pal website.

Organize students to work in groups.

(1)    Talk about the message they can share on the website.

(2)    Work in groups. Design an ad for John.

(3)    Share their ads.

Lead students to talk about their own information and hobbies skillfully. Permeate the emotional education of making friends with people who have the common interests.

2. Finish the message to John.

Ask students to complete the message and give a brief report.

Go over the chart and understand how to write it.

Complete the message and give a brief report.

3. A friends-making column.

Create a friends-making column in the classroom after class.

4. Summary.

Make a brief summary according to the blackboard design. Select the best group.

Have an overview of the class according to the blackboard design.


1. Practice the dialogue.

2. Remember the key words and expressions of this class.

3. Do the exercises.




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