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2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第40天 【第一篇】

i. 重点单词


2. civilization n. 文明,文化

3. coincidence   n.巧合

4. commitment    n.承诺,信奉

5. committee   n.委员会

6. compass  n. 指南针

7. consequence  n.后果,结果

8. consume  v.消耗,消费 consumer n.消费者





13. conventional adj.常规的,传统的

14. criticism n批评,批判

15. delicate  adj.娇嫩的,纤细的


ii. 重点短语

1. 处于贫穷境况in poor circumstances

2. 无论如何都不in/under no circumstances

3. 发生,产生come about

4.出现,形成,产生come into being

5.由于…的缘故as a consequence of / in consequence of

6. 当代文学/作家contemporary literature / writers

7.作出贡献 make a contribution to doing sth

8.对…挑剔be critical about

9. 对…作出决定decide on/upon

10. 不顾一切想要,渴望….be desperate for sth/ to do sth

11. 拼命努力 make desperate efforts

12.碰巧,巧合by coincidence

iii. 佳句赏析

1. 多么巧合的事啊! what a coincidence!

2. 你考试失败是怎么回事?..

how did it come about that you failed in the exam?


as a consequence of smoking, my father coughs frequently.


chinese athletes have also made important contributions to the olympic games.

5.我已决定到美国去度假。  i have decided on going to america for my holiday.

6.(谚语)绝境要用绝招。      desperate situations demand desperate remedies.


does not want to make a big emotional        (承诺) to steve at the moment.

can not            (传达) my feelings.

are just        (矛盾) yourself.

v. 短语练习(单项选择)

should all breathe more fresh air, which         good health.

a. contributes to   b. contributes   c. takes possession of    d. reminds us of

no circumstances        to move to a new place far away from her workplace, because it isn’t convenient for her family and herself.

a. karen will agree   b. will karen agree  c. karen will disagree   d. will karen disagree

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第75天 【第二篇】

XX届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案: 第44天

i. 重点单词

1. tolerate  v.忍受,容忍,宽恕

2. treatment  n.对待,治疗,疗法

3. typewriter  n.打字机

4. unbelievable  adj.不可相信的,难以置信的

5. uniform n..制服

6. universal  adj.普遍的,宇宙的,全世界的,通用的,万能的

7. variety  n.变动,变化,多样化  various adj.不同的,各种各样的  vary  v.变化,不同

8. victim 牺牲者,受害者


10. absolutely  adv.绝对地,完全地

11. abstract adj.抽象的  n..摘要 v.摘录,提取

ii. 重点短语

1. 容忍做….. tolerate doing

2. 学生会the students’ union

3. 成为…的牺牲品fall/ become a victim to

4.种种,多种多样  a variety of

5. 对….上瘾 be addicted to doing

6. 习惯于。be/ get  accustomed to

7. 确凿的事实an absolute fact

8. 从….提取 be abstracted from

iii. 佳句赏析

1. 她拒不接受被称为撒谎者。

she refused to tolerate being called a liar.

2. 微笑是世界性的语言

a smile is a universal language..


some young people have become addicted to smoking.

4. 我不习惯这么早起床。

i am not accustomed to getting up so early.


union gives strength.


1. our world is but a small part of the         (宇宙)

are several            (多样) of red roses.

3. he refused         (绝对).

is easy to           (滥用) one’s power.

v. 短语练习(单项选择)

1.--- they are quiet, aren’t they ?

--- yes. they are accustomed         at meals.

a. to talk      b. to not talk     c. to talking    d. to not talking

2.          to computer games, the boy has lost all interest in his lessons.

a. addicted    b. having addicted    c. addicting  d.  to addict

3.---do you think there is a possibility that they’ll get married?

----        . they don’t have any common tastes.

a. absolutely      b. certainly    c. absolutely not     d. absolute not

2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第40天 【第三篇】

i. 重点词汇

visual adj.视觉;视力

vomit n.呕吐

voyage n. 航海

wage n.工资;报酬

wasp n.黄蜂

wisdom 智慧n.

abuse v.滥用

acquisition n.获得;得到的东西

acute adj.严重的

admirable adj.令人钦佩的

adopt vt.收养;采纳

adore vt.崇拜;敬爱

advocate vt.拥护;提倡

album n.相册

allergic adj.对。。。过敏

allocate vt. 分配

almighty  adj. 全能的

ambiguous  adj.有多种意思的

ii. 重点短语

1. visual pollution 视觉污染

2. go on/ make/take a voyage 航海旅行

3. get good wages 拿优厚的工资

4. a man of wisdom 贤人

5. a worthy champion 当子无愧的冠军

6. go aboard 上船/飞机

7. an acute shortage of food 严重缺乏食物

8. advocate doing sth. 拥护。。。

9. against one’s will 违心

10. an ambiguous reply意思含糊的答案

iii. 佳句赏析

1. the teacher is worthy of great respect.

2. don’t abuse your power.

3. this car is my latest acquisition.

4. he is an advocate of cold baths in the morning.

iv. 词汇练习

had the      (智慧)to decline the invitation.

2. dogs have an       ( 敏锐的)sense of smell.

3. she       (非常喜欢)the cinema/ going to the cinema.

4. he is       (敏感)to penicillin.

v. 短语练习

are not many teachers who are strong      of traditional method in english teaching.

a. sponsors     b. contributors   c. advocates   d. performers

2.-excuse me, could you tell me the way to the british museum?


a. thanks anyway  b. it doesn’t matter    c.  never mind    d. no problem

directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.

a. ambiguous    b. complicated   c. arbitrary   d. inreicate

iv. 2. acute 3. adores 4. allergic

v. 2. a

2022届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第40天 【第四篇】


n. 官员 adj. 官方的,正式的

n. 意见;看法;主张

v. 组织;安排

adv. 在室外 n. 露天;野外

n. 轮廓;提纲

n. 节奏

n. 伙伴;合作者

adj. 和平的;安宁的

vt. 说明;劝说

n. 权利,势力;强国

v. 宁可,宁愿

n. 原则,信条


n.&v. 引用,援引

vt. 认出;辨别

v. 恢复;重新获得

n. 亲属  adj. 与……有关的

vt. 释放;发行

adj. 可靠的;可信赖的

n.&vt. 请求;要求

n&v. 援救;营救


1.故意地;有意地  on purpose             目的是,为了  with the purpose of

2.据某人的意见  in one’s opinion

3.算出;制定出 work out

4.跟上  keep pace with

5.把……装起来  pack away

6.说明某人做/不做某事  persuade sb into/out of doing sth

7.在……中起作用  play a part in

8.在某人的支配下  in one’s power

9.宁愿……而不愿……  prefer to do…rather than do…

10.原则上,大体上  in principle

11.认为某物……  recognize sb/sth as/to be

12.认不出来 beyond recognition

13.从……中恢复过来  recover from

14.应某人之请求  at one’s request/at the request of sb

15.援助/营救某人  rescue sb/sth from sb/sth

16.用……报答某人  reward sb with

17.使希望破灭  ruin one’s hopes              成为废墟  be in ruins



plain living and hard working are the fine qualities of the chinese people.


in my opinion, it is important to expose children to good books in their childhood.


nowadays, the internet plays an important part in our lives.


i prefer to work rather than sit there doing nothing.


his efforts were rewarded with good fruit.


true and r______ friend is one who knows the song in your heart and reminds you of the words when you forget them.

, i didn’t ________(认出) you—you’ve had your hair cut!

aim at ______(质量) rather than quantity.

tried to get his work _______ in the medical circles.



took her a long while to ______ ____(从…中恢复) her heart operation.

came here ____ _______(故意地) to discuss it with you.

_____ a child ____ drowning(援助;营救).

book ___ now ________ ____ the bestseller(认为某人/某物).

5.____ _______(原则上) i agree with the idea, but in practice it’s not always possible.

’s important for a firm to ____ _____ ____(赶上) changes in the market.



1. reliable  2. recognize  3. quality  4. b


1. recover from 2. on purpose ;from 4. is recognized as 5. in principle pace with

2023届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第75天 【第五篇】

i. 重点单词

1. calm vt&adj.镇静

2. community n.社区

3. concept n.概念

4. conduct vt. 实施

5. congratulate vt.祝贺

6. conservation n.保护

7. depth n.深度

8. destination n. 目的地

9. desire n&v.渴望

10. contradict vt同。矛盾

11. digital adj.数码的

12. disability n.残疾

13. counter n.柜台,计算器


15. comfort n&vt.安慰

ii. 重点短语

1. calm down平静下来

2. give comfort to sb.安慰某人

3. conduct an experiment进行试验

4. congratulate sb. on sth因某事祝贺某人

5. cut out切掉

6. in the depth of在。深处

7. stand on one's dignity保持尊严

8. desire to do想要做

9. day in and day out日复一日

10. declare war on对。宣战

iii. 佳句赏析

1. when facing the danger, one should keep clam; when take photos, one should keep still; when someone else is asleep, one should keep quiet; in class, one shouldn;t keep silent about teh teacher's questions.

2. the negotiations hace been conducted in a positive manner.

3. conservation of water is of great importance in desert areas.

4. compassion is a desire within us to help others.

5. your words contradict your actions.

iv. 词汇练习

1. he c__________ his back with something soft.

2. i c____________ myself on my having escaped.

3. the chairman d__________ the session closed.

4. he is truely rich who d________ nothing.

5. a small baby has no c_______ of right and wrong.

6. a man's d_______ depends not upon his wealth but upon his character.

7. we reached our d________, tired and hungry.

8. a group of young pioneers always accompany the d________ girl to the school.

9. we visited the chinese c__________ in san francisco.

v. 短语练习

1. congratulate//celebrate

① i ______ you on your great discovery.  ② we ________ the new year with a dance party.

2. declare//announce

① soon germany ______ war on france.   ② the bell _________ the end of the class.

3. cut off// cut down// cut up// cut out  ① the doctor told me to _______ meat for my fat.

② after the storm, they found elctricity __________.

③ ____________ the article so as to make it fit the space available on the paper.

④ ___________ the carrots before you put them into the pot.


iv. 1 comforted  2 congratulated    3 declared  4 desires    5 concept

6 dignity     7 destination    8 disabled   9 community

v.  1 congratulate//celebrated   2 declared//announced   3 cut out; cut off; cut down; cut up

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