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you like to come to the party?

Oh yes, thank you.

hope you can come to the dance next Saturday.

I‘m sorry, but I can‘t.

3. Will you go dancing with us?

Of course. I‘ll be glad to.

you come to our English Evening?

Yes, thank you.

you please give us a talk on English Learning?

OK. When?

and your friends must come over to my house and see mooncakes.

OK. Thank you very much.


A:Do you do any sports?

B:Yes,I enjoy wrestling and skiing.

A:Where do you go skiing?There aren’t many places to go skiing in this country.

B:I usually go to Switzerland or ’s expensive,but the facilities and slopes are excellent.

A:Do you go alone or with a group of friends?

B:I usually go with some other we are a large group,we can get a group also gives me some other people to ski with and chat with.

A:How often do you wrestle?

B:There’s a club in the city usually do once or twice a ’m not very good but I enjoy people there are really sometimes meet and go out together in the evenings.

A:I go shooting most weekends. I only shoot at the targets,I don’t hunt wild course,we only use air rifles,not real guns.


A:Are extreme sports popular in your country?

B:They are not very a relatively small number of people do people enjoy watching them on ’s a very popular TV programme on each week,which looks at extreme sports and the people who participate in them.

A:Which sports are usually featured on the programme?

B: Bungee jumping, sky diving, and cliff diving are the most common, but there are other kinds of sports, such as motor racing and skateboarding.

A:I think that the people who do the skateboarding are very must take a lot of practice to stay on the skateboard while doing so many jumps and turns.

B:The kids who do it are so ,it’s better for them than sitting at home watching the TV all day.

A:Would you like to try any extreme sports?

B:I’m going bungee jumping on ’m very nervous about it,but my friends convince me to give it a try.

A:I’m sure you’ll be organizers have lots of safety I come and watch?

B:I guess might even be tempted to do a bungee jump.

A:I ’s something I’ve often thought about doing.


gordon: hey buddy, your english is improving by leaps and bounds.

molly: your english is not so shabby either.

gordon: thanks for the compliment.

molly: one compliment deserves another.

gordon: you praise me, so i praise you, right?

molly: that is correct. and today i will help you review and you will return the favor and help me review. is that cool with you?

gordon: of course, anything for you. when do we kick it off and begin?

molly: asap.


Jennifer: Give me a break. You've noticed how shiny and moist my lips look.

Billy: Well, they do catch the light.

Jennifer: I bet you've secretly wishing you could kiss me...

Billy: Oh! Come on! That's sick.

Jennifer: Look! Your mouth is watering! Come on, baby! (kisses him on the cheek)

Billy: That's not funny, Jen. Now I've got glitter on my face...

Jennifer: Oh, you loved it...

珍妮花: 得了吧!你看到我的嘴唇是如此温润有光泽。

比 利:嗯,嘴唇的。确是会反光。


比 利:噢!别闹了!恶心。


比 利:阿花,这不好玩。现在我的脸也有亮粉了……


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