牛津小学英语6B教案——Unit 3 Asking the way 第三课时精编4篇

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《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 6教学设计1

教学内容:f. play a game      g. listen and repeat









step1 warm up

1. greetings

2. listen to a song: i wish i was taller!

step 2 revision

1. listen and repeat(a部分)

2. read the text in groups.(分组分角色朗读a部分对话)

3. look and read.




4. look and write



5. look and say


step 3 play a game



3. groups work.

step 4 listen and repeat

1.指导看图,谈论图意,从而引出单词:bird, girl, skirt, t-shirt

2. listen to the tape.

3. read after the tape.


the sentences.

step 5 do exercises(b部分)

1. look at the pictures and talk about then.

引导学生讨论四幅图中人物的特征,告诉学生抓住人物的主要特征听录音,并进行判断,如:p1: the girl is fat. p2: the girl is short. p3: the girl is tall. the girl’s eyes are big.

2. listen to the tape.


3. listen and repeat.

4. listen and find.

5. listen and check.


词:bird, girl, skirt, t-shirt

句子:the tall girl in the yellow skirt and the blue t-shirt has a bird.



《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 1 第一课时2


牛津小学英语4b unit 3 what’s your job?  a read and say 前三个对话


1.能听懂、会说、会读waiter, waitress

2.能听懂、会说、会读句型what’s your/his/her job? how old are you?


1.能正确听说读句子what’s your /his/her job?

2.能正确听说读单词waiter, waitress




3.准备waiter, waitress 的单词卡


a warming up

1. sing a song: head shoulders knees and toes

2. play a game: touch your…

b  review

(通过free talk 的形式复习相关知识)


who’s that girl?  nice to meet you.

who’s that boy?

are you a…? yes, i am.  no, i’m not.

c  presentation


1.(t出示mrs brown 的图片,展示一部分,让学生猜是谁)

who’s the woman with big eyes?

she’s mrs brown. she’s a nurse.

yes. she’s a nurse. (板书:job: nurse)领读 job

what’s her job? she’s a nurse?(板书,同时把图片贴在句子后面)

2. (t:出示miss li 的图片,展示一部分,让学生猜是谁)

who’s the woman with long hair?

she’s miss li.

what’s her job?

she’s a teacher.

(t拿出自己的照片)i’m a teacher, too.(用自己的照片替换miss li的图片,并贴在前一张图片的上一排)

引导学生用what’s your job? 提问。

what’s your job? i’m a teacher.

3.(出示waiter 的图片)

what’s his job? he’s a waiter. (领读)(板书)(贴上黑板)

(出示waitress 的图片)

what’s her job? she’s a waitress.(领读)(替换nurse 的图片)


4. chant:  what’s your job? i’m a teacher.

what’s her job? she’s a waitress。

what’s his job? he’s a waiter.



1. look, he’s a waiter, too. (你想知道他的名字吗?可以问问他)

what’s your name?(连续三次)

(放录音)i’m jack.(板书 领读 模仿机器人的声音)

2. (想知道他几岁了吗?先猜一猜)

how old is he? (板书how old 领读 操练)

(问问他:)how old are you? (连续三次)

请一个学生扮演机器人,回答学生们的提问。i’m one.

d. consolidation

1. listen to the tape and read after it

2. open the books and read the dialogues

3. read in different roles

4. act it out

5. 如有时间,可提供图片让学生根据所学内容自编对话

d. homework


《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 7 第五课时3

第五课时(5th period)一、主要新授内容(new contents)let’s enjoy---song 二、学习目标(objectives)1.进一步巩固所学的动词词组brush my teeth, wash my face并在此基础上适当拓展一些与学生日常生活有关的动词词组:comb my hair, make my bed, set the table…2.学习句型:this is the way i do…early in the 在歌曲的演唱过程中,让学生体会到正确洗脸和刷牙的方法。4.通过歌曲的改编,发挥学生的想象力,进一步拓展学生的思维。 三、教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(pre-task preparation section)pre-task preparation是指我们要求学生运用目的语(即所学的语言)之前,呈现给学生的新语言材料。也就是我们常说的:input。在这个环节主要让学生获得对新语言材料的第一次感知。 activity 1(song)1、教学辅助(aids)1)录音机,磁带 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1song sing the morning song.(学生跟着录音机边唱边表演) 通过歌曲和问答,在引出新授内容的同时,创设良好的课堂氛围,激发学生学习的兴趣。2questions and answers t: what do you do in the morning?p: i brush my teeth/ wash my face…  activity 2(repetition)1、教学辅助(aids)1)单词卡片 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1new phrase: comb my hair 教师边示范边说: i comb my hair in the morning.   拓展词组,为学生自己创编歌曲做铺垫。2repetition 学生边动作边跟说:p: i comb my hair in the phrases:make my bed, set the table, bake my bread have breakfast 用同样的方法,教学这些词组。 activity 3(guessing game )1、教学辅助(aids)1)词组卡片 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1say and actread the phrases on the cards and act it out读一读,做一做,帮助学生理解意思。2guessing game请6位学生上来,每人抽取一张词组卡片,根据卡片上的词组做动作并提问:what do i do in the morning?下面同学则根据他/她的动作回答: you______ in the morning. 让学生在活动中进一步理解意思。 2、任务中期实施阶段(while-task procedure section)while-task procedure,这是指语言技能的习得过程。其中分为机械性操练和意义性操练两部分。机械性操练可以让学生准确地模仿、复说新授的语言,让他们经过从模仿到识记的过程,使新知识由感知、理解、模仿直到储存。由于本教时新授内容有词汇也有句子而且都在两个以上,在这个教学阶段也可以设计新授知识的二次或多次导入,并根据语言训练的需要设计相应的机械性操练和意义性操练。在这种情况下,建议每项activity形式尽可能不同,时间不要长,一个活动紧接着一个活动,容易抓住学生的注意力,维持学习兴趣。 activity 1(repetition)1、教学辅助(aids)1)一把牙刷,一块毛巾2)词组卡片 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1pattern:this is the way i…教师边示范边说:this is the way i wash my do you wash your face?通过动作帮助学生理解新授句子的含义。2repetition学生边做动作边说:this is the way i wash my face.学生在模仿与替换的过程中既复习了旧知识,有掌握了新授句型。3pair work教师将所学的动词词组贴在黑板上,学生可看着词组,边做动作,边说句子:this is the way i… activity 2(repetition)1、教学辅助(aids)1)电脑 (2b-u5-21)2)屏幕 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1pattern:this is the way i…say after mickey:hello, i am mickey. i brush my teeth every day. this is the way i brush my teeth.运用卡通人物,增强趣味性,同时让学生观察正确的刷牙方法。2group work学生在小组中操练上述句型。可模仿,鼓励学生自己造句。hello, i am________.i _________ every is the way i__________. 模仿操练,达到熟练运用句型的目的。 activity 3(dubbing)1、教学辅助(aids)1)电脑 (2b-u5-22)2)屏幕 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1dubbing:屏幕上显示画面,学生配音:hello, i am read books every is the way i read my books. etc.采用配音的形式,培养学生的语感,形成正确的语音、语调。2mimingt: what does mickey do every day?how does he wash his face/ swim…?不显示画面,学生模仿刚才看到的情景,边说边表演。在模仿过程中加深记忆。 activity 4(song )1、教学辅助(aids)1)电脑 (2b-u5-23)2)屏幕3) 录音机,磁带 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1enjoy the songlook at the boy. he is washing his ’s enjoy the song.学生在歌曲的欣赏过程中巩固所学的知识。2sing a songsing and act the song.  activity 5(song )1、教学辅助(aids)1)学生用书)录音机,磁带 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1let’s enjoy.学生用书 read the verse after the teacher.读一读,唱一唱,演一演,在语言学习的同时,展示学生的个性特长,增加语言学习的趣味性,加深记忆。2let’s enjoy.学生用书 listen to the the and act.  3、任务后期完成阶段(post-task activity section)   post-task activity,这是指经过机械性操练和意义性操练,引导学生运用他们所获得的知识与技能来完成一个交际性的任务“task”,也就是语言的输出:output。学生通过前两个阶段的学习,在知识和能力上已具备综合新旧知识进行交际的能力,教师可以根据学生的实际水平设计或选用提供的活动,使学生在相应的尽可能贴近生活的语境中,正确有效使用习得语言,完成交际性的任务。 activity 1(sing and act)1、教学辅助(aids)1)电脑 (2b-u5-24)2)屏幕 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1change the verse(group work )看屏幕,根据屏幕显示的内容创编新的歌词。学生在歌曲的欣赏过程中巩固所学的知识。2sing and act分小组进行表演,学生进行互评。在表演中让学生充分显示才能。在评价中,学会欣赏别人。  activity 2(sing and act)1、教学辅助(aids)1)单词卡片 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1questions and answersp1: what do you do in the morning?p2: i do…in the morning. 通过歌曲演唱的形式,帮助学生复习以前所学的内容,增加趣味性。  2sing and act学生根据卡片上提供的词组,改编歌词,进行表演。

牛津小学英语2b unit 5 第五课时 来自第一范文网。

《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 6教学设计4

教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 3 asking the way a listen, read and say


1. 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能初步朗读和表演对话。

2. 能正确地听、说、读词汇:miss, kilometre, away, only, city, road, far。

3. 掌握句型how far is it from here? it’s about a kilometre away。





step1 warm up

1. listen to the song: excuse me

2. listen and do:

show me your left hand. / touch your right leg with your right hand. / stand up. / turn right. / turn left…

3. chant: where’s the bookshop?

4. look and say:快速出示单词卡,说出卡片上的单词,并拼读。

step2 presentation and practice

1. 出示本地区交通图,师生对话,引入本课话题。

t:mr smith is new here.  he wants to visit hebing park. but he does not know the way. who can tell him how far is it from here? how to get there?

s:it’s about three kilometre away.

he can take bus

t:how many stops are there?

s:there are two stops.

2. 板书对话中出现的新授句型并讲解,领读。

3. 分段呈现a部分内容,引导学生学习。


a. 出示问题:

where does mr smith come from?

where is he living now?

what does he want to do?

does he know the way?

what is he doing now?

b. 听录音回答问题。

c. 跟读背景介绍部分的内容。

d. 齐读、个别读。


a. can you tell me the way to the history museum?

b. how far is it from here?

c. how many stops are there?



本部分重点围绕询问车站在哪里。可通过听录音请学生回答where’s the bus stop?引导学生学习,学习方法同上。

注意帮助学生理解every five minutes的意思,如出示一个当地某公交车的发车时间表等。

④学习对话教学的第三部分。(从i want to go to the city post office, too.至结尾。)


a. where else does mr smith want to go?

b. where is it?

c. how can he get there?

重点训练句型:you can take bus…and get off at the…stop.

4. 学生整体听读课文,利用挂图进一步理解对话内容。

5. 强调重点句型,分段表演对话朗读。

6. 在学生充分理解课文的基础上,指导学生完成对话后的练习。

step3 consolidation

教师在黑板上画交通图,根据图意同位看图编一段小对话“asking the way”并试着表演。

step4 homework

1. 听录音,用正确的语音语调朗读本课对话。

2. 同位练习表演问路。

板书内容:unit 3  asking the way

questions:1. can you tell me the way to the history museum?

2. how far is it from here?

3. how many stops are there?

4. where’s the bus stop?

5. where else does mr smith want to go?

6. where is it?

7. how can he get there?


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