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One of the most commonly-held beliefs regarding health and nutrition in the UK has been found to be untrue, according to a new scientific study.

For many years British people have been __1__ to eat at least 'five- a-day' – that is five items of fruit or vegetables every day__2__ improve their health and __3__ the likelihood of illness, __4__ cancer.

The recommendation was first __5__in 1990 by the World Health Organization which said that the 'five-a-day' diet could __6__ cancer and other chronic diseases.

__7__ the advice has been a mainstay (支柱) of public health policies in many developed countries, such as the UK, __8__ the population eat a high__9__ of junk food.

Many health campaigns have __10__ the advice, and indeed much food packaging in Britain states how the __11__ will constitute part of your five- a-day.

_12___, a study of 500,000 Europeans from 10 different countries refutes (驳斥) the commonly-believed __13__ that up to 50% of cancers could be prevented by _14___ the public's consumption of fruit and vegetables.

Instead the study, which is _15__ by researchers from a well-respected New Yorkmedical school, __16__ that only % of cancers could be averted by eating more fruit and vegetables.

It seems that the __17__ to avoiding cancers is to have an overall healthy lifestyle __18__ includes not smoking or drinking a lot of alcohol, taking exercise and avoiding obesity (肥胖症)。

But medical charities have spoken out to __19__ people that diet is an important factor in staying healthy, and that even a % reduction __20__ cancers is still a positive step.


A. compelled

B. recommended

C. proposed

D. required


A. in order to

B. such that

C. as to

D. so that


A. decline

B. undermine

C. destroy

D. reduce


A. in essence

B. in total

C. in particular

D. in depth


A. put across

B. put down

C. put forward

D. put up


A. prevent

B. check

C. escape

D. avoid


A. For the time

B. At present

C. Little by little

D. Since then


A. where

B. when

C. that

D. which


A. division

B. proportion

C. component

D. section


A. mentioned

B. declared

C. promoted

D. reflected


A. materials

B. contents

C. supplies

D. resources


A. Similarly

B. Though

C. Therefore

D. However


It was fifteen past nine as Marie hurried into the office building where she was going to work. Her bus had inched along through heavy morning traffic, making her a few minutes late for her very first job. She decided to start out half an hour earlier the next day.

Once inside the lobby,she had to stand at the elevators and wait several minutes before she could get on one going to the sixth floor. When she finally reached the office marked "Smith Enterprises", she knocked at the door nervously and waited. There was no reply. She tapped on the door again, but still there was no answer. From inside the next office,she could hear the sound of voices, so she opened the door and went in.

Although she was sure it was the same office she had been in two weeks before when she had the interview with Mr. Smith, it looked quite different now. In fact, it hardly looked like an office at all. The employees were just standing around chatting and smoking. In the front of the room,somebody must have just told a good joke, she thought,because there was a loud burst of laughter as she came in. For a moment she had thought they were laughing at her.

Then one of the men looked at his watch, clapped his hands and said something to the others. Quickly they all went to their desks and, in a matter of seconds, everyone was hard at work. No one paid any attention to Marie. Finally she went up to the man who was sitting at the desk nearest to the door and explained that this was her first day in the office. Hardly looking up from his work,he told her to have a seat and wait for Mr. Smith, who would arrive at any moment. Then Marie realized that the day's work in the office began just before Mr. Smith arrived. Later she found out that he lived in Connecticut and came into Manhattan on the same train every morning,arriving in the office at 9:35, so that his staff knew exactly when to start working.

1. Marie felt nervous when she knocked at the door because _____.

[A] it was her first day in a new job

[B] she was a little bit late for work

[C] she was afraid that she had gone to the wrong place

[D] there was no answer from inside the office

2. Marie could hardly recognize the office she went into as _____.

[A] she had been there only once

[B] Mr. Smith was not in the office

[C] nobody was doing any work

[D] the office had a new appearance

3. The people in the office suddenly started working because _____.

[A] they saw a stranger in the office

[B] their morning break was ended

[C] no one wanted to talk to Marie

[D] the boss was about to arrive

4. We can infer from the text that the employees of the enterprise _____.

[A] would start their work by listening to a joke

[B] were cold to newcomers

[C] were always punctual for work

[D] lacked devotion to the company

5. The best title for this text would be _____.

[A] Punctual Like A Clock

[B] A Cold Welcome

[C] An Unpunctual Manager

[D] Better Late Than Never


1. 答案B 解析:第一天上班迟到,所以紧张。故选B.

2. 答案D 解析:由第三段中"In fact, it hardly looked like an office at all. The employees were just standing around chatting and smoking."可以看出,办公室内雇员的表现使得Marie感到走错了房间。故选D.

3. 答案D 解析:段中"Then Marie realized that the day's work in the office began just before Mr. Smith arrived."可知选D.

4. 答案D 解析:而易见该公司职员对公司缺乏奉献精神。故选D.

5. 答案A 解析:标题的。选择应言简言骇,同时也可表达出作者的某种感情色彩,如讽刺、批评、赞扬等。B项中A Cold Welcome太过于平淡,未能表达讽刺意味;An Uupunctual Manager则转移了本文叙述的对象,以偏盖全;Better Late Than Never与文章内容无关。故选A.


To swim across the English Channel takes at least nine hours. It's a hard work and it makes you short of breath. To fly over the Channel takes only twenty minutes (as long as you're not held up at the airport) , but it's an expensive way to can travel by hovercraft if you don't mind the noise, and that takes forty minutes. Otherwise you can go by boat, if you forget your sea-sickness ills. All these means of transport have their problems and the weary traveler often dreams of being able to drive to France in his own car." Not possible", you say, Well, wait a are once again considering the idea of a Channel tunnel or bridge.

This time, the Greater London Council is looking into the possibility of building a Channel link straight to London. A bridge would cost far more than a tunnel, but you would be able to go by rail or by car on a bridge, whereas a tunnel would provide ar all link only.

Why is this idea being discussed again? Is Britain becoming more conscious of the need for links with Europe as a result of joining the EEC ? Well, main reason, though, is that a tunnel or bridge would reach the twenty square kilometers of London's disused dockland. A link from London to the continent would stimulate trade and re-vitalize the port, and would make London a main trading center in Europe. With alink over the Channel, you could buy your fish and chips in England, and be able to eat them in France while they were still warm!

of the following statements is TRUE?

across the Channel takes tess than four hours

idea of a Channel tunnel or bridge is a very new one

is considered to be more difficult to swim across the channel than any other means

tunnel or bridge would only reach as far as the coast

tunnel would be ( ).

expensive to be built than a bridge

expensive to be built than a bridge

expensive to be built than a rail

expensive to be built than a rail

they built a Channel tunnel, you would ( ).

take a train nor go by ear

take a train

take a train or go by car

take a bus

can be concluded that many of London's dockyards are ( ).





link would ( ).

us to buy fish and chips inFrance

the journey from Europe to England dangerous but easier and faster

more trade forLondon's dockyards

more prosperous again













Directions: Read thefollowing textfrom whwh lo words have been removed,Choosefrom the words A—-0 the most suitable one tofill each numbered gap in the text(46-55).There are FlvE extra words that you do not need to your answers on your ANSWER SHEET 1.

Just when you had figured out how to manage fat in your diet, researchers are now warning against another common mealtime pitfall--salt.

A study by researchers at the University of California,San Francisco(UCSF),Stanford University and Columbia University shows that even a 46 decrease in daily salt intake can lead to dramatic health authors 47 an annual drop of as many as l20,000 cases of heart disease,66,000 48 of stroke and 99,000 heart attacks 49 by high blood pressure after a 3-9—per—day reduction in salt.

The advantages,not surprisingly,were greater for African Americans,who ale more likely to high blood pressure than other ethnic groups,and for the elderly,since blood vessels stiffen with age,which Call lead to higher blood pressure

"Everyone in the consuming salt far in 51 of what is good for them," says lead author Bibbins Domingo of UCSF.“What we are suggesting is that a population

wide effort to reduce salt intake, even 52, will have health benefits.’’

The team conducted a computer—based analysis to determine the 53

of a 3-g--per day reduction in salt intake on rates of heart disease and also calculated the cost savings emerging from the amount of disease that would be 54 because of lower blood pressure. The conclusion:by cutting salt intake nationwide,the save$10 billion to$24 billion 55 in health care costs.







[O]undertakeannually caused develop dramatically




这样的结果对于非洲裔的美国人无疑更有利,因为他们比其他种族 更易患上高血压,这对老年人也是个福音,因为血管随着年龄增长老化 僵硬,也会引起血压升高。

“美国人食盐的摄入量远远超过健康需要的标准。”这项研究的第一 作者,加州大学旧金山分校的柯尔斯顿·罗宾斯·多明戈说。“我们所 倡议的,是一场全民范围的控盐运动,即便是微量的,也会让健康受益。”研究团队进行了一项电脑分析,来检测每天减少3克食盐摄入量对 心脏病患病率和死亡率的影响。他们还计算了这样做能够节省多少资 金,因为它使得人们能够避免由于血压升高而患上其他疾病。得到的结 论是:通过全国范围的控盐运动,美国每年节省的医疗费用为100亿到 240亿美元。


解析该处需填人形容词,修饰后面的名词decrease。意思为:即便将日常食盐的摄入量进行适量的减少都可带来极大的健康 益处,形容词considerable显然不符合句意,因此填入形容词 modest。


解析此处需要填入名词,和前面的心脏病例(cases of heart disease),本句的中风实例(instances of stroke)以及后面的心肌梗塞 (heart attacks)担当同样的句子成分,因此,应该填入名词instanceso。

解析此处需要填入过去分词作后置定语,因为心肌梗塞(heart attacks)是由于高血压引起的,分词和它做修饰的名词短语是被 动关系,所以填人过去分词表被动,根据句意进一步推断,该处填人caused。

解析此处需要填入动词原形,和be likely to do构成固定搭配,意思是:很有可能做某事。填入动词原形develop(发展,形成),非洲裔的美国人比其他种族更易患上高血压,正好符合原文意思。

解析此处需要填入名词,构成词组in excess of,意思是:超过;较…更多。故选I项excess,这句话的意思是:美国人食盐的摄入量远远超过健康需要的标准。



解析此处需要填入过去分词,由that引导的定语从句中缺少构成谓语的过去分词,组成过去将来时的被动语态would be + v-ed,填入过去分词avoided,意思是:通过血压的'降低,某些疾病将是可以避免的。


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