
网友 分享 时间:



i. 重点词汇

n.  目击者vt   目击

vi, vt  大喊

3. abrupt adj  突然的, 鲁莽的

v  积累, 积聚

5.  acquaintance n. 相识,熟人

6. acute  adj   灵敏的, 严重的

7. alternative  adj. 供选择的  n.取舍

vt  使 吃惊

adj 明显的

10.  antique    n 文物,古董 adj  古时的

11. ample adj  充分的, 富裕的

ii. 重点短语

1. a good many   许多 很多

2. accelerate the fall of a government  促使一个政府倒台

3. make the acquaintance of sb   结识某人

4. acute eyesight   敏锐的目光

5. have no alternative but to do    别无选择

6. carry out comprehensive analysis of   对   作综合分析

7. a dead angle   死角

8. apparent cause  表面原因

9. iii. 佳句赏析

1 . there are abrupt weather changes .


2. never will they sell their antique furniture .


3. he quickly accumulated a large fortune .


4. these facts are a witness to his ignorance .


iv. 词汇练习

1. these days the government has issued several economic policies that will ____ prosperity of manufacturing industry .

a accumulate   b  accomplish  c access  d accelerate

2. you have the __ of working hard and being successful or of not working hard and being unsuccessful.

a  selection  b choice  c  alternative    d option

3. we were __ the most important scientific development of the century .

a  seeing  b watching  c   looking  d witnessing

v. 短语练习

1. to be frank, i'd rather you ___ in the case .

a will not be involved  b  not involved  c  have not been involved  d were not involved

2. ---- what did he come here for ?

----- he came here especially to ____ your acquaintance .

a take    b  get  c make   d produce


iv. 词汇1-3 dcd

v. 短语练习  dc



单  元:unit 2 language

板  块:project 1


如果“welcome”是一个单元的序曲,project则是单元的尾声。就像一首动听感人的乐曲,需要每个章节都有恰到好处的表现一样,单元的处理也要采取各种适当的方式来进行演绎。 project的设计通常由两部分构成:1篇阅读文本和学生的合作项目,要处理得得当,真正操作起来是有很高的要求的。这种要求体现在:学生方面,需要投入大量的时间、精力以及超出语言学习本身的各种社会交往、协调、工作能力;对于老师,则要有统筹、策划和全盘掌控、指导的能力。在很多学校,由于受到时间的限制或是应试的影响,“project”往往予以忽略,或者干脆作为“reading”来教,这与“project”设计的本源初衷是相违背的,对于学生终身发展也是错过了很好的锻炼机会。所以“project”还是要还其本来面目,当然我们不能否认从中国国情的实际出发,我们在具体操作上应该因时因地制宜,作出适当调整和取舍,这是符合客观规律的。本课时的设计为“project”的第一课时,主要是侧重于文本的处理。对于“project”的文本,我们在实际操作中达成了这样的认识:文本是用以阅读的,但是不同于“reading”的阅读,“project”的文本阅读不是单单以获取信息、了解文本为目的的,它的存在是以阅读为基础,为下一课时的图册文本设计提供信息与蓝本。

teaching aims:

1. get to know the development of chinese characters;

2. get informed of the formation of chinese characters;

3. learn to explain the chinese character by the way it forms.

teaching procedures:

step 1  lead-in

show the students a picture of a running horse. simplify the image using lines. and explain how it became the origin of the character “马”。 introduce the topic “the development of chinese characters”。


step 2  skimming

skim the text and discuss the structure of the text between partners. think about how many parts we can divide the whole text into.


step 3  listening

listen to the text and summarize the main idea for each part.


step 4  intensive reading


what makes the chinese language differ from many western languages?

the chinese language differs from many western languages in that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words. chinese character can represent ideas, objects or actions.

chinese words are formed by combining different characters.

part 2

who is said to have invented chinese writing?

cang jie.

give a short introduction of cang jie.


what fired his idea of inventing chinese characters?

footprints in the snow.

part 3

how are chinese characters formed?

1. line drawings of physical objects — pictographs (象形)

(show students a picture of examples of development of pictographs.)

(more pictographs are given for students to match with their simplified characters.)

2. combine two or more elements together to express ideas or directions and numbers (会意)

the teacher explains some characters.

examples: 家(有房有猪)采(手采摘草本植物)尖(上小下大)旦(地平线上的太阳)

more characters are given to the students. they are encouraged to use their imagination to explain them.


3. combine meaning and sound —— pictophonetic characters (形声)

the teacher gives examples: 砖 编 聆 骂

ask the students to have a discussion with the partner and try to find some more examples of pictophonetic characters.

part 4

when were simplified chinese characters introduced by the chinese government?

in the 1950s.

where are simplified chinese characters used?

in mainland china.


step 5  retelling

retelling the development of chinese character according to what we’ve learned today.


step 6  dialogue

make up a dialogue discussing the development of chinese characters.


step 7  homework

find more information on the internet about the development of chinese characters.




单  元:unit 2 language

板  块:grammar and usage 2



teaching aims:

1. to learn all noun clauses and help students judge different noun clauses;

2. to learn question words in noun clause;

3. to learn how to use it as an empty subject.

teaching procedures:

step 1  lead-in

i. go over the different noun clauses such as subject clause, object clause, predictive clause, and appositive clause.

1. you know that i am a teacher of english. (object clause)

2. that i am a teacher of english is known to you all. (subject clause)

3. it is known to you all that i am a teacher of english.(subject clause)

4. the fact that i am a teacher of english is known to you all. (appositive clause)

5. i am worried about whether you can do well in the exam. (object clause)

6. what i am worried about is whether you can do well in the exam.

(subject clause)            (predictive clause)

ii. introduce all question words in noun clauses, such as what ,which, who ,whom, where, when, how, why, and whose. tell students to pay attention to the order of noun clauses and don’t leave out question words.

conjunctions of noun clauses:

连接词:that, whether, if, as if(as though)

连接代词:what, whatever, who, whoever,

whom, whose, which (作主语/宾语)

连接副词:when, where, how, why(作状语)

设计说明 因为这是语法名词性从句的second period,所以一开始先对上一单元语法的first period进行简单复习与回顾——名词性从句的种类及语法成分,然后对名词性从句的连词进行归类,过渡到本课内容——由疑问词引导的名词性从句。the teacher starts the lesson with a short introduction of herself. a competition is held to guess different careers. and the topic of ‘director’ is introduced.

step 2  noun clauses introduced by question words:

1)what was he doing ? his father was surprised.

what he was doing surprised his father.

subject clause 主语从句

2)what’s your first impression of him? i want to know.

i want to know what your first impression of him is.

object clause  宾语从句

3)how can i make a grammar lesson interesting?

that is my question.

my question is how i can make a grammar lesson interesting.

predicative clause 表语从句

4)how did peter respond to that question?

i have no idea.

i have no idea how peter responded to that question .

appositive clause  同位语从句


1. we change the word order in a clause after a question word into that of a statement.

2. we cannot leave out the question words in noun clauses in any cases.

check whether the sentences are true or false:


how he was successful is still a puzzle.  ( f )

how he was successful is still a puzzle.  ( t )


could you tell me what was the matter with me. ( t )

could you tell me what the matter was with me. ( f )

fill in the blanks using “that/ whether / where/ how/when

1. i have no idea __where _______ he comes from.

2. _how_______ he got the money is still uncertain.

3. he gave us many suggestions __ that ______ we should get up earlier and take more exercise.

4. i have no doubt ____ that ____ he will win.

5. i have some doubt _ whether _______ he will win.

6. the thing that troubles me is __ when ____ to head for europe.


step 3  “it” as empty subject and object

i. review the function of “it”:

1. it’s a book. (指代)

2. it’s ten o’clock. (时间)

3. it’s raining outside. (天气)

4. it’s a long way to the museum. (距离)

ii. empty subject “it”:

1. we can use it as an empty subject

a .when we use a noun clause as the subject of a sentence.

a. (preferable) it is certain that we would not be able to understand old english today. =

(correct) that we would not be able to understand old english today is certain.

b. (preferable) it is easy to answer whether english will continue changing in the future. =

(correct) whether english will continue changing in the future is easy to answer.

c. (preferable) it depends on the style of writing when we use certain words. =

(correct) when we use certain words depends on the style of writing.

b. when the subject is a to-infinitive.

a. (preferable) it is hard to master a foreign language. =

(correct) to master a foreign language is hard.

b. (preferable) it is important to know how to use a computer. =

(correct) to know how to use a computer is important.

c. when the subject is a v-ing form.

a. ( preferable) smoking is difficult to stop. =

(correct) it is difficult to stop smoking.

b. (preferable) travelling to beijing takes up a lot of my time. =

(correct) it takes a lot of my time travelling to beijing.


we usually use the empty subject it with a clause or to-infinitive (preferable), but with the v-ing form we prefer the real subject at the beginning.

ш. it can also be used before seem, appear, happen, chance, turn out and prove as the empty subject of a sentence.

a. it seems that he speaks two languages. =

he seems to speak two languages.

b. it happens that my new neighbor comes from my home town. =

my new neighbor happens to come from my home town.

iv. we can emphasize the subject, object, or adverbial in a sentence by using it +be+ the word/phrase you emphasize+ a clause introduced by that or who.

the part we emphasize:

1. it is prof. li who teaches us english. (emphasize the subject)

2. it is english that prof. li teaches us. (emphasize the object)

3. it was in shanghai that i saw the film. (emphasize the adverbial)

multiple choices:

1、___d___ is a fact that english is being accepted as an international language. (nmet1995)

a. there    b. this        c. that     d. it

like___c___ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.  (04全国)

a this b that  c it    d one

3、the chairman thought ___b___ necessary to invite professor smith to speak at the meeting. (05全国卷1)


it is ________________that keeps us healthy.

设计说明先简单复习“i()t” 的功能。在英语中为了避免头重脚轻,我们经常把主要信息放在句子后面部分,而用it作形式主语。然后讲解it的用途 :当 真正主语为从句或不定式时,最好用it作形式主语,当真正主语为v-ing时,还是把v-ing主语放句首。之后配上一定练习和造句进行巩固。

step 4  other important cases of noun clauses:




attributive or appositive

1) we expressed the hope that they had expressed.  (at)

2) we expressed the hope that they would come to china again.  (ap)

3) the information has been announced that more middle school graduates will be admitted into university.  (ap)

4) the information that he revealed at the meeting is of great value. (at)

ii.疑问词 + ever和no matter + 疑问词的区别:

①疑问词 + ever可引导名词性从句,在主从句中要充当一定的部分。

whoever breaks the rule must be punished.

you can choose whatever you like in the shop.

②疑问词 + ever还可引导让步状语从句。如:

whoever breaks the rule, he must be punished.

whatever you do, you must do it well.

③no matter + 疑问词只能引导让步状语从句。

no matter what you do, you must do it well.

no matter who breaks the rule, he must be punished.


1.在order、suggest、demand、request、advise、be anxious that等所接的宾语从句中用“should” 型虚拟语气,“should” 常省略。 在order、suggestion等名词后同位语从句、表语从句中用“should ”型虚拟语气,可省略“should”。

2.在as if、as though引导的表语从句中,在必要的情况下应用过去式虚拟语气。


he suggested that i (should)turn to my boss.

the expression on his face suggested that he was angry

the old man insisted that he was still young.

the police insisted that we should offer proof.

4. 在主语从句中:it is necessary/important/strange/natural/…that…

5. wish后,从句中的时态在原本的时态上退一步。


1、someone is ringing the doorbell. go and see _d___. (全国)

a. who is he   b. who he is    c. who is it   d. who it is

2、the photographs will show you __b__.(met1989)

a. what does our village look like

b. what our village looks like

c. how does our village look like

d. how our village looks like

3. it is strange that he ___b__ you this.

a. would tell    b. should tell   c. had told   d. has told

4. what the doctors really doubt is __b___my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. (  上海)

a. when   b. if      c. whether  d. why

5. great changes have taken place in that school. it is no longer ___a___ it was 20 years ago, _____ it was so poorly equipped. (安徽)

a. what; when       b. that; which

c. what; which      d. which; that

6. __c___ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. (met1988)

a. anyone    b. the person    c. whoever    d. who

7.  i was surprised by her words, which made me recognize __a_ silly mistakes i had made. (湖南)

a. what       b. that      c. how       d. which

8.  parents are taught to understand ____b__ important education is to their children’s future.  (广东)

a. that       b. how c. such  d. so

9. the teacher demanded that the work ___b__ before 4 o’clock.

a. finished    b. be finished    c. should finish    d. finish

10. his suggestion that you ___a__ once more sounds reasonable.

a. try     b. tries      c. must try       d. can try

11. scientists think that the continents ___c___ always where they _____ today.


a. aren’t; are   b. aren’t; were

c. weren’t; are   d. weren’t; were

12、— hurry up! alice and sue are waiting for you at the school gate.

— oh! i thought they ___d___ without me.  (江西)

going  gone  gone

13. i wish—i could work for the un_____(我能为联合国工作)。

14. how i wish—i had attended the opening ceremony yesterday__(我昨天参加了开幕式)。

设计说明通过讲解和高考题的训练,补充完善名词性从句考点,做到讲练结合。如同位语从句与定语从句的比较区别,引导词 “that” 与 “what、that if” 与 “whether”的区别、名词性从句的时态和语序问题等。

step 5  finish the following dialogue by filling in the proper words

jerry: i’m a journalist from china, congratulations on winning the election of president.

obama: thank you!

j:  i often wonder _why__you have so many fans and supporters.

o:  i am really grateful. it is their support and faith in me ___that_ make me successful.

j:  the fact _that__ your are the first black president brings hope to many people all over the world.

o:  i can imagine. i will try my best regardless of the result __whether_ i will make it or not.

j:   we all know you have a quite happy family and your two daughters are so lovely.

o:  oh, you bet(当然).  i enjoy the moment _when__ i’m with my family. _it__ is relaxing and pleasant to play with my daughters.

j:   and your wife also plays an important part in your whole life, right?

o:  that’s __what_ i feel and she’ also a good mother.

j:   my last question is _when_ you will take the post? (上任)

o:  in january, .

j:   thank you for sparing me so much time.

o:  you are welcome.

设计说明这是语法教学上升到语篇层面的运用, 也是把枯燥的语法知识运用到实际生活中,通过完成对话,再次复习本节课所授知识。

step 6  homework

finish the exercises on page 100. and preview the instructions in the task.


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