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karaoke is a welcome and popular source of entertainment. people all over the world are familiar with it. it enjoys popularity in get together (聚会) and evening gala(联欢晚会。 common folks (平民百姓) can simply sit in the living room and sing songs that best suit their tastes. thus it enriches people's lives in a simple but creative way.

being an inepensive and convenient source of entertainment, karaoke is of various functions. firstly, it enlarges our social circle and strengthens our bond (纽带)。 secondly, karaoke can remove the ban of social walls between people. thirdly, it helps channel enthusiasm (热爱) into enjoyable and instructive pastimes (消遣)。 the list does not stop here.

however, it can also be a nuisance. for instance, some fans sing loudly late at night, which disturbs others. for another instance, some sufferfroma sore throatfromecessive practice. karaoke, in the final analysis, should be for the overall improvement of social civilization. itsenduring appeal should lie in the high quality of entertainment, not noise pollution.


Study has been an important part of our life. I study hard in school and even I graduate, I still keep reading books. Reading books not only brings me the knowledge, but also happiness. The knowledge I learn will be the greatest treasure of my life.


The basic things I learn from books teach me the way to see the world. When I was very small, I fell in love with reading. I read cartoon books, then I learn more about the world. For example, I know more about sports and the different culture of areas. So I know the diversity of the world. When I have conflict with others, I try to understand them instead of arguing with them.


The books show me the way to solve problems. I read about many inspiring stories about how great people get success. So when I meet difficulties, I tell myself not to give up, failure is the mother of success. So I can get over the difficulties and become stronger.


Study has been the long-life career for me and I enjoy the wisdom I get.




Myfavoritebookis(Italian:Cuore).Thisisadiarywrittenbyan ,themottostaughtbyhisparents,aswellasthewonderfulten"monthly""love".Frompatriotismtofriendship,andtothelovebetweenparentsandchild--reallytouching.








Failure is a common thing in ones life. Almost everyone experiences failure in his life. When one fails in his attempt in doing something, he often feels upset. Some people may yield to failure and flinch from it. But others will stick to and achieve the final success.

Success is what everyone expects. It may lead to fame and glory. When one succeeds in doing something, he gets so excited that he often neglects all theun successful at tempts he has done.

As the old saying goes, "Failure teaches success." It is true that failure is an important factor toward success. The way to success is full of various difficulties and obstacles. Many important inventions or discoveries were achieved after hundreds of failure. And only those successes which have been achieved after many failures are really valuable and praiseworthy.





it is very important to choose a right right choice usually leads to success and happiness,while a wrong one often brings about failure and ,we must get ourselves well prepared so that a right choice can be made when needed.

if i am to choose a career,my principles are as of all,it should be a real service to my fellowmen and not merely enable me to earn a ,it should offer scope for creativity and imagination because i want to live a rich or meaningful ,it should provide me with opportunities and challenges,engaging my in terest and allowing me to develop my abilities.

there are many professions for me to choose from:teaching,newspaper work,research on social science and so them,the work of a reporter may suit me most,because it is an eciting job and is full of challenges.

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