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Period 3

Integrating skills ---- reading and writing (snack)

Step 1. Warming up (pre-reading)---watch a video and answer:

Show a tape and get the ss to discuss

1. Which diet is healthier, Chinese or western? Why?

Chinese, it’s high in ….. while the western diet contains …

2. why do some of the British have no teeth left at the age of thirty?

They eat too much sugar and fat in the form of chips and coke.

Although chinese diet is healthier ,we still feel hungry between meals. So what will we have to do?

Eat some snacks.

Ok. Now listen what snacks are mentioned in the listening materials?

Step 2 listen and speak out

To learn the structure of how to write a recipe. including two activities.

Activity One:read and learn what the 1st para talks about.

Para 1 out what food is mentioned?

2. Read and answer

1) Which is healthier? Fruit

2) Why is fruit healthy?

It hasn’t too much fat and sugar. It gives us carbohydrates, which our body and brain use for energy? It also gives us fiber and Vitamin.

3) Why are the other two unhealthy food?

They have too much tat and sugar.

Activity Two

Para 2 Learn the outline of a recipe

Q1 : Besides these two snacks, the passage also mentions some other snacks. What are they?

Answer:---- Shaomai and Chicken roll-ups.

Q2 : How can we make Shaomai and Chicken roll-ups?.

Get Ss to give the outline of one of the two recipes (pair work)

Write an outline of a recipe:




Then deal with the recipe one by one.

Step 3: writing (group work) begin to write a recipe according to what you have learnt in the passage.

Discuss and write a recipe

Name Ingredients Directions

Key words:

Green onions, garlic, pepper, soy sauce, ginger, vinegar, sugar, wine, salt.

Peel, slice, dice, steam, fry, boil, stir, mix, add, chop, spoon., fill, cut… into pieces, fold, roll up

Discuss: 1) name your dish

2) talk about the ingredients of the dish and directions

3) list your steps of how to cook the dish.

Step 4 Evaluation

Share what the Ss have written in groups and in Class.

Teacher give some comments on the group works.

Sample 1 :

Golden delicious fish!


a fish, green onions, garlic, ginger, red peppers, pepper sauce, salt, vinegar, soy sauce


1. Cut the body of the fish.

2. Add salt to the fish before it is cooked.

3. Chop the bulb of green onions into small sections, and cut the green onions into pieces. Peel the garlic.

4. Mix the onions, garlic, ginger and red peppers. Fry them for a short time. Then get them all out.

5. Cook the fish and add vinegar and soy sauce.

6. Add onions, garlic, ginger and red peppers. Also add pepper sauce and water to boil the fish for some time.

7. Spoon the fish and add some fresh chopped green onions.

Sample 2:

Golden delicious fish!


a fish, green onions, garlic, ginger, red peppers, pepper sauce, salt, vinegar, soy sauce


First cut the body of the add some salt to the fish before it is cooked. Second chop the bulb of green onions into small sections, and cut the green onions into pieces. Peel the garlic. Mix the onions, garlic, ginger and red peppers. Next fry them for a short time. Get them all out. Cook the fish and add vinegar and soy sauce. Then Add some onions, garlic, ginger and red peppers. You can also add pepper sauce and water to boil the fish for some time. Finally spoon the fish and add some fresh chopped green onions. Now the golden fish is ready and you can enjoy it.






































一是观察日常生活: 鲁班

学生活动: 观察一次性饭盒和塑料杯;举生活中的实例


学生活动: 1、通过高佳佳同学的调查问卷来发现问题



案例分析: 伽利略与体温计























1、 品味诗歌富有表现力的语言。



理解诗中蕴涵和象征的社会内容,体会意象运用的特 点。

课时安排:20 分钟











生我是这块土地, 养我是这块土地, 祖国啊!我永远热爱你! 尽管你还清贫, 啊!我总觉得生活是那么甜蜜; 尽管你还有忧虑, 啊!我总坚信未来是多么美丽, 啊!亲爱的祖国, 无论我走向哪里, 我的心紧紧贴在你的怀抱里。

生我是这块土地, 养我是这块土地, 祖国啊!我永远热爱你! 哪怕我是一棵小草, 啊!也要为你增添一丝新绿; 哪怕我是一滴水, 啊!也要为你荡漾起美丽的涟漪, 啊!亲爱的祖国, 无论我走向哪里, 我的爱深深埋在你的心坎里。


1、 “破旧的老水车”与“疲惫的歌”显示出祖国的落后与疲惫;

2、 “熏黑的矿灯”与“蜗行摸索”显示出祖国前进步伐的艰辛与缓慢;

3、 “干瘪的稻穗”与“失修的路基”显示出祖国的贫瘠与破败;

4、 “把纤绳深深勒进你的肩膊”则显示出祖国在痛苦中奋力抗争、顽强不屈的形象;

5、 “花朵”,给人以轻松而美丽之感,但“飞天袖间”“千百年来未落到地面”,又告诉我们“花朵”很遥远,无从触摸。但“花朵”毕竟是“花朵”,它代表我们古老的祖国的希望,即使有些微茫,但只要它存在着就会带给我们努力奋争的力量。

6、 “簇新的理想”“雪被下古莲的胚芽”“挂着眼泪的笑涡”“雪白的起跑线”“绯红的黎明”让我们看到了一个觉醒的祖国,一个崭新的祖国,一个充满希望和奋进精神的祖国。

7、 借“乳房”一词,把祖国比拟为母亲,“我”则是母亲翼下的一个渐趋成长的孩子,表现了“我”与祖国唇齿相依的关系。






Understanding of the teaching material(语篇分析)

本单元以世界性的体育盛会──Olympic Games 为话题,旨在通过本单元的教学,使学生了解奥运会的起源、宗旨、比赛项目以及古现代奥运会的异同。学会用英语表达自己的兴趣爱好以及如何向别人推荐某一种爱好,同时培养学生对体育运动的`爱好。


The 1st period: Warming up and listening

The 2nd period: Speaking

The 3rd period: Reading

The 4th period: Reading

The 5th period: Language study

The 6th period: Integrating skills

Teaching objectives:

一.Learning objectives:

Ability Objects:

the Ss’ ability of comprehending passages ,especially their ability of analyzing the structure of such kind of articles. Help the Ss learn how to scan the text and get detailed information

the Ss chances of self-culture by working in groups and seeking information about Helen Thayer’s of traveling alone to the Antarctica .

3.Enable the students to conclude Helen Thayer’s qualities by reading the context and find the suitable words to describe her .

to describe people

5. Learn to write an essay about people

Knowledge Objects:

the Ss further understand the passage and finish the relevant tasks correctly. And enable the Ss to master the grammarof Subject-verb agreement .

the usages of the following words and phrases: inspire, admire ,increase , value ,optimisticadj. 乐观的,generous adj. 慷概的;大方的be about to do. 即将,正要做某事,around the corner. 很近

struggle through. 艰难地渡过

find?doing. 发现---处于(状态)

increase to.增加到come to terms with 甘心忍受(不愉快的处境)

rise to fame 出名

lead?to? 通向,导致etc.

3..And help the Ss talk about the reason why they admire Helen Thayer .Let them have strong

wills and determination .

二. Emotional goals:




Teaching Approaches:

1. Task----based teaching method to finish the teaching assignment.

2. Activity---based teaching class work

individual work

group work

3 .Fast reading to find out some general information .

reading to find the details in the passage.

and answers for inducing.

method to make the Ss understand the text better.

Teaching difficult points:

1. . Help the Ss talk about the reason why they admire Helen Thayer .Let them have strong wills and determination

2.Know Helen Thayer’s qualify and describe her in the Ss’ own words .

3.To learn agreement

Teaching aids(略)。

Teaching procedures: Period3 & 4Reading

Step 1 : Warming up

1. an dictation of the new words learned yesterday.


T: What can you think of at the sight of the following pictures ?Good . the Olympic Games. In the last period I asked you to get as much information about Olympic Games as you can ,now Let’s see what you know about the Olympic Games?


欧洲 Africa


大洋洲 America 美洲 Asia 亚洲

The five rings stand for the friendship of fivecontinents


(1)How often are the Olympic Games held?

Ss :The Olympic Games are held every four years .

(2)When and where did the ancient Olympic Games begin?

Ss: The ancient Olympic Games began around the year 776BC in Greece .

(3)What games did they compete at the time ? Ss : Some of the games the young man competed were running, jumping and wrestling .

(4)When and where did the first modern Olympic Games happen?

Ss: The first modern Olympic Games happened in 1896 in Greece .

(5) How many countries and competitors took part in the games?

Ss : There were over 10,000 athletes from 227 countries taking part in the games .

(6) How many gold medals did the Chinese athletes get in the 27th Olympic Games in


Ss: In the 27th Olympic Games in Sydney , the Chinese team got 28 god medals .

(7) What about the 28th Olympic Games in Athens in ?

Ss: We won 32 gold medals that year and came second in the Games.

(8) Why do people say that China won another great competition in ?

Ss: Because China will host the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing in .

(9)What’s the slogan for the 2008 Olympics?

Slogan for 2008 Olympic is “One World, One Dream!”

(10) Do you know the mascots(吉祥物) for the 2008 Olympic Games?

The five mascots are officially called the Five Friendlies. They are Beibei, the fish; Jingjing, the panda; Huanhuan, the Olympic flame; Yingying, the Tibetan antelope; and Nini, the swallow. The first syllables from their two-syllable names form a line that reads “Beijing Huanying Ni”, or in English – “Welcome to Beijing”。 The mascot’s colours were chosen in line with the colours of the Olympic rings. Step2. Pre-reading

T: Today we will learn a passage about the Olympic Games .First let’s discuss some questions in Pre-reading . You will discuss these questions with your partner then I’ll ask some of you to report your work .Are you clear ? Now who’d like to answer the first question ? Volunteer !

(1)Is it important to win in a sports match? Why or why not?

(2)Are the Olympic Games important to our society? Why?

Step3 Reading

Task1 .Skim the text and decide where in the text the questions below are answered.

T: You have done very well ,now let’s learn about the further information about the Olympics . Please read the text fast and then answer the following questions .

the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics happen at the same time ?

2. When did the old Olympic Games begin? What were the old Olympic Games like?

3. When were the first modem Olympic Games held?

4. How many gold medals did Carl Lewis win in the 1984 Olympic Games?

5. What does the Olympic motto mean? How many athletes took part in the Olympic Games?

6. How many different events are there in the 27th Olympic Games ?Give some examples .

’s the competition ,which is not for a medal ?

T: OK. Now let’s check the answers . The first Q .

Task 2. Scanning

1. Sum up every paragraph in one sentence

T: How wonderful work you’ve done ! Now read the passage again ,this time ,try to obtain

A general understanding of the whole passage .While reading ,try to find out the main idea of each paragraph .

T: Now let’s sum up every paragraph in one sentence . The first paragraph .

Para1:The Olympics are held every four years

Para2: Something about the old Olympic Games

Para3: Something about the Olympics in modern times and the 27th Olympic Games.

Para4The Olympic motto and something about the track stars: Carl Lewis and the Chinese team in Sydney Olympics.

Para5: Beijing will host and is making preparation for the 29th Olympic Games.

T: Well done ! I think you’ve read your text very well and carefully . Now we have known that the reading gives a brief summary of the history of the Olympic Games and its development over the years .It also emphasize the sprit of the Games and describe China’s success in resent Olympic Games .

3. Try to get the information of the following numbers.

T: What do the following numbers in the text refer to ?

1). Every four years2). 776 BC 3). 393 AD 4).1896 5). 2000(27,28) 6). 2008 T: Who'd like to have a try ? Well done !

Possible answers :

1). Both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games are held every four years.

2). The ancient Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC in Greece.

3).After about the year 393 AD the Olympic Games stopped.

4).The first modern Olympic Games happened in1896.

5). In 2000, the 27th Olympic Games were held in Sydney. The Chinese team got 28 gold ). In 2008, the 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.

Task3 .True or false questions

T: Please listen to the tape while looking at the sentences on the screen, you are asked to decide whether the following statements are true or false .

①( T ) In the early Olympic Games, only men were allowed to compete and watch the games. ②.(F )The motto of the Olympic Games is “FASTER,HIGHER,FURTHER”。

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