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How do you make a banana milk shake?

Peel three bananas.

Cut up the bananas.

Put the bananas and ice cream in the blender.

Pour the milk into the blender.

Turn on the blender.

Drink the milk shake.





first , next , then , finally ,shake , milk shake , blender , turn on , cut , cut up ,peel , pour , into , pour into


a.巩固祈使句的用法 b. 描述做某件事过程的词: first , then , next , finally

5、语言功能 描述制作食物的过程。

6、跨学科学习 社会实践:制作食物


采用多媒体教学, 小组讨论法 , 实物 操作法

四。Teaching procedures:

Step one. Lead in Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake? Using “ Did you ever eat dumplings? Did you drink ever fruit juice?” Who makes them for you? Now you should learn to make them by yourself. Today we are learning to make a milk shake。 It’s a banana milk shake. Let’s learn Unit Seven How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A 1a-1c can teach you how to make a banana milk shake.

Step two. First, we are learning new words. Work in groups to pronounce new words. After students learn to pronounce new words of Section A 1a-1c. The teacher asks a few students to read these words. The teacher teaches students to read them.

Step three. Next, what ingredients do we need? Please look at the MicrosoftPowerPoint4,5,6and7. Read them three times.

Step four. Now we know what we need. Then how to use them. Let’s learn 1a, work in groups to finish the teaching of 1a. Look at the Microsoft PowerPoint10 and check the answers.

Step five 。 Let’s learn 1b to know the correct instructions of how to make a banana milk shake. There are six instructions in making a banana milk shake. Listen to the tape and put the instructions in the correct order. Students look at Picture 3 on Microsoft PowerPoint and check their own answers.

Step six Let’s go over how to make a banana milk shake.

Look at Microsoft PowerPoint10 ,11,12,13,14and15 and read them three times.

Step seven 。 Ask two students make a banana milk shake by themselves, other students look at the pictures16,17,18,19,20and21 to give the instructions and watch the process 。 After the two students make a banana milk shake, ask a few students to taste it and ask “How do you like a banana milk shake? or What do you think of a banana milk shake?”

Step eight Sum up the process of making a banana milk shake.

1、 first , next , then , finally

2、 ingredients: bananas milk ice cream blender

3、 important words: peel cut up put…in/into pour… into turn on drink

4、 总结祈使句

Step nine. Work in groups to write down the process of how to make a banana milk shake on a paper and report their results, finish the teaching of 1c.

Step ten. Homework:

Our parents are busy working hard every day, they are too tired every day. Make a banana milk shake for your parents this weekend, and write down the process in your exercise book.









Step 1Warming-up and lead-in (5 mins)


用本单元的阅读文Marty’s story来导入,引出残疾人的话题。

T: Hello, class. Inthe last lesson, we learnt Marty’s story. What’s the problem with Marty?

(He has a raremuscle disease.)

Yes, he’sdisabled.

But is Martyleading a miserable life due to his disability?


He is leading afulfilling life due to his own efforts. The disabled can live as good andcomfortable a life as we do. But it calls for more efforts.



T: We are lucky tobe able-bodied and study in such a beautiful school.

But every now andthen, I find such students in our school. What are their problems?

(They havedifficulty walking and they have to move around with walking sticks orwheelchairs.)

T: This is SongYaoguang, our classmate. Yaoguang, what happened to you?

Do you find itdifficult to walk around in our school with a walking stick?

Do you think itnecessary to have our school reconstructed for the students with walkingdifficulty?


T:If you have some suggestions, you can write asuggestion letter to our headmaster. Have you ever written such a letterbefore?

So in today’slesson, we are going to

1、 read asuggestion letter

2、 discussproblems with the school facilities

3、 write a suggestionletter to the headmaster

2 Reading (15 min)




T: This is aletter to an architect. What information can we get in this part?

(receiver’s nameand address.)

What’s this partabout?

(sender’s name /signature)

From these twoparts, we learn that this is a formal letter. So a suggestion letter is aformal letter.

It is the mostimportant part in a suggestion letter, which is called the body.


T:The main body can be divided into three parts. What are they?

T: Whats thepurpose of the 1st paragraph?

(To give thearchitect the purpose of writing the letter.)

Whats the purposeof the last paragraph?

(To persuade thearchitect to adopt her suggestions.)




T: Now, let’s cometo the concrete suggestions that Alice has made. How many suggestions doesAlice make?

Why do you thinkthe writer numbered her suggestions and used italics?

(Highlight the key points so as to make iteasier for the readers to remember and understand her suggestions.)

So when you writea suggestion letter, you should number the suggestions and use italics.


T: We are going tolearn some more writing strategies of writing suggestions.

How should wewrite suggestions? Let’s take a look at the first suggestion, what are theproblems for those who use wheelchair?

(the lifts are atthe back of the cinema in cold, unattractive places. As disabled people have touse the lifts, this makes them feel they are not as important as othercustomers.)

And what is thesuggested solution?

(It would be handyto have lifts to all parts of the cinema. The buttons in the lifts should beeasy for a person in a wheelchair to reach, and the doors be wide enough toenter. )

From this part, wecan see that a suggestion should consist of two parts, the problem and thesolution.

Let’s see two moreexamples. Find out the problems and suggested solutions in these two parts.

When you writesuggestions yourselves, don’t forget to write both problems and solutions.


T: The thirdwriting strategy is about the the language. Suppose you were the architect,which one of these two statements do you prefer?

(Screen) I hopeyou will not mind me writing to ask if you have thought about the needs ofdisabled customers.

You must thinkabout the needs of disabled customers.

Why? (It soundsmore polite and more acceptable.)

Exactly. When youwrite suggestions, you should use some polite forms to encourage the reader totake the ideas seriously and make your suggestions more acceptable.

Now let’s findsome more examples in the text.


It would be handyto have lifts to all parts of the cinema.

It would help tofit sets of earphones to all seats.。.

So I’d like tosuggest that the seats at the back be placed higher than those at the front …

For disabledcustomers it would be more convenient to place the toilets near…

And if the doorscould be opened outwards, disabled customers would be very happy.

I hope mysuggestions will meet with your approval.

Step 3Discussion(8 min)


T: Now let’s comeback to our topic today. Some parts of our school are not suitable for thosewith walking difficulty. Let’s discuss:

1、 What parts ofour school may cause problems for those with walking difficulty?

2、 What are yoursolutions?

Step 4 Writing(15 min)


Now that we havediscussed the problems and solutions with some school facilities, we can writea suggestion letter to our headmaster. Take out your handouts. The first partand last part are already given to you. What you have to do is write 2-3suggestions on the reconstruction of our school. When writing, do remember towrite both problems and solutions, and use polite forms.

Step 4 Emotionalattitude and values(2 min)


In this unit, wehave learned the difficulty of the disabled and how they face and conquer thedifficulty. But as able-bodies people, just making some suggestions or donatingmoney is far from enough. What else should we do?

( Care aboutdetails in their life.

Don’t look down upon them or laugh at them. )

Accept them as one of us,and invite them to join us in avariety of activities.)









师:1、“Hello Hello”是谁在和小朋友打招呼啊?(Mary)

2、出示红苹果What’s this?(这是什么?)苹果是什么颜色的呢?用英语怎么说?

3、出示绿橘子What’s this?那这个又是什么颜色的呢?用英语说。

4、小朋友真棒,表扬表扬自己。(Very Very Good)



Mary拿出黄香蕉,What’s this? 它是什么颜色的?黄色的英语叫“yellow”,全体幼儿看着香蕉跟着老师说“yellow”,走一圈请幼儿边摸香蕉边说“yellow”并采用变换高低请幼儿用不同音量读单词。


Mary出示蓝气球,What’s this? 它的颜色是什么?蓝色叫“blue”,全体幼儿看着气球跟着老师说“blue”,教师利用吹气球的方式请幼儿根据气球大小用不同音量来读单词,然后再放气慢慢变小来读,可请配班老师帮着吹气球,老师带着幼儿读,注意停顿,并读清楚。


一、活动内容:字母Y,短语Good night



Y for yellow,学习短语:Good night.复习Good morning.






(1) 师生问好。

(2) 引导幼儿向家长老师们问好。

2、热身:Hands up , hands down.


(1) 学习字母Y:

让幼儿Close your eyes, 出示字母卡片Y,说明Y很象拉链,引出YY拉链Y,并通过游戏“修拉链”训练幼儿的发音。接着出示黄色饮料,说明Y的好朋友是yellow,通过游戏“变魔术”训练Y for yellow.

(2) 学习短语Good night。

A、 手指游戏:手指变魔术很累了,要睡觉了,跟它们说:“Good night.” 天亮了,要起床了,说:“Good morning.”



我说的内容是九年义务教育小学英语六年级Book 4 Unit 4 Lesson 19




学生能够会说、认读本课对话并能够使用句型:What are you doing? I’m making a model me an egg,please,Give me two apples.






重点:1)理解并灵活运用句型What are you doing? I’m…

2)两个祈使句:Pass me an egg,please。

Give me two apples。

难点:knife、scissors、minute的发音。以及长句子:We‘ll go to the lake and try it on the water。






1、 Warm up

(1) Greetings师生相互问候,帮助学生自然进入英语学习状态

(2) Sing a song and dance: Front,back,right ,left


2、 Revision


3、 Presentation and drill

1)通过用纸叠船创设情景引出引出句型What am I doing? I’m making a model ship.然后板书,进行操练,通过CAI教学What are you doing? I’m…四幅情景图分别配上I’m watching TV. I’m listening to the radio. I’m talking to a friend. I’m playing with my doll.让学生边看边听边感知,老师在示范并辅以肢体语言,然后让发音准确的学生小老师教读。

继续进行纸叠船创设情景,师说:Who can help me? Pass me the knife,please。板书新单词pass 、knife。Give me two apples。板书新单词give、scissors。然后板书,进行操练,通过CAI教学展示Let‘s practise中的六幅图,让学生造句,加深学生对这两个祈使句的印象。

2)第二步让学生叠纸船。通过学生用纸叠船创设情景引出句子:Can I help you? Can it go on the water?看到学生有叠完船的,老师引出:Wait a minute 。After class。We‘ll go to the lake and try it on the ‘ll show you 。通过学生用纸叠船创设情景这样做也激发了学生的学习兴趣,使学生对本科教学任务有清晰地感知,并产生丰富的想象,带着浓厚的兴趣参与本课的教学中。




1)Pair work


2)Sing a song

把What are you doing? I’m …变成歌曲(曲调同“两只老虎”)



1)、Do workbook。进一步巩固所学知识。

2)、Fun time。学习Look out!告诉学生注意交通安全。


1) Listen and repeat。通过回家听录音,复习巩固所学内容。
