比如,221“The chief benefit of the study of history is to break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history.” 正确的关键字决定了写作是否会跑题。
比如,130“How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.” 对于理工科的GF来说,平常的教学中忽视此类文科性知识是比较常见的。现在突然拿到”socialization” “better society“以及”education”,经常会出现大脑断电或短路,接下来的写作又从何说起?!
简而言之,担心自己对一问题会有看法,但不知道怎么去论证这一看法,更不要说让我们的论证persuasive, insightful.
The following is taken from a memo from the advertising director of the Silver Screen Movie Production Company.
“According to a recent report from our marketing department, fewer people attended movies produced by Silver Screen during the past year than in any other year. And yet the percentage of generally favorable comments by movie reviewers about specific Silver Screen movies actually increased during this period. Clearly, the contents of these reviews are not reaching enough of our prospective viewers; so the problem lies not with the quality of our movies but with the public's lack of awareness that movies of good quality are available. Silver Screen should therefore spend more of its budget next year on reaching the public through advertising and less on producing new movies.”
Although the reasoning in this arguement is logical, the writer failed to consider other reasons for the disparity between the percentage of people attending the company's movie and the percentage of favorable reviews. Perhaps the fault lies with the reviewers and not the production company; the public may not trust the critics' reviews. Another posibility for the attendance drop is that the general public does not find the subject matter of the movies enticing. If that were the case, spending less on producing new movies in an effort to re-direct funds to advertising could backfire by further limiting the types of movies available to the potential audience. Maybe the general public is simply not impressed with the critically-acclaimed qualities of the movies (such as eloquent screenplays, artful cinematography, and realistic acting) and and would prefer seeing flashy special effects and big-name stars. The possible reasons for the attendance decline are numerous; even aspects not directly related to the movie industry (such as the improving quality of television programming and the increasing popularity of home computer use) may play large roles. The company's management would be wise to consider and study the entire realm of possibilities before making drastic changes in its budget based on one statistical discovery.
This response identifies and analyzes some important flaws in the argument. Although the number of points mentioned is the same as that in the sample 5 paper, this response remains at the 4 score level because the points of the critique are only minimally developed or supported.
The essay identifies four points:
-- the public might not trust critics
-- the movies' subject matter might not be appealing
-- the public might prefer seeing special effects or big-name stars rather than good cinematography or realistic acting
-- perhaps improvement in TV programming or increased use of home computers has kept people away from movie theaters
Ideas in the response are conveyed well and clearly; the use of language is generally strong. But the paper's “bare-bones” analysis gives it a list-like quality. It is therefore merely adequate and merits a score of 4.
The following is taken from a memo from the advertising director of the Silver Screen Movie Production Company.
“According to a recent report from our marketing department, fewer people attended movies produced by Silver Screen during the past year than in any other year. And yet the percentage of generally favorable comments by movie reviewers about specific Silver Screen movies actually increased during this period. Clearly, the contents of these reviews are not reaching enough of our prospective viewers; so the problem lies not with the quality of our movies but with the public's lack of awareness that movies of good quality are available. Silver Screen should therefore spend more of its budget next year on reaching the public through advertising and less on producing new movies.”
The advertising director of Silver Screen should lose his job. It is clear that his analysis of the decrease in attendance in the past year was incomplete. A better qualified individual might have explored the issue further by doing several different things. First of all, surveys of the general population could provide a clue to the decreased viewership. They may find that people aren't as willing to pay the high prices anymore. A survey may also reveal that people are aware of Silver Screen, but opt not to see the films. An inspection of the nature of the films made by Silver Screen could also hint to the root of the problem. If Silver Screen produces a lot of the same type of movie, then the problem may be that they don't produce enough to appeal to the diverse interests of the population. For instance, if their movies typically contain excessive violence and foul language, parents won't take their children to these films. That is a significant portion of the potential viewing population lost.
The ad director mentions that reviewers liked specific films and gave more favorable reviews than in the past. But he neglects to mention the specific numbers- critics may have raved about 2 movies and turned their thumbs down the 10 others. If thats' the case, it's no wonder that viewership has declined.
Spending more on advertising, and less on production, as the ad director suggests, could drive the company out of business. If the media builds alot of hype over a new release that was poorly produced, people are more likely to be disappointed, and skeptical about future productions. This is certainly not in the company's best interests. What is in the company's best interest is a broader scope of the problem, and different approaches to solving i
This strong response begins with an attack on the advertising director of Silver Screen but quickly shifts to identifying major flaws in the argument. The main points of the critique are that
-- the real reasons for a decline in viewership have not yet been identified;
-- Silver Screen may not produce different kinds of movies to appeal to diverse interests;
-- the number of favorably reviewed movies may actually have been very low; and
-- spending money to produce a possibly poor movie could hurt rather than help the company.
Although more points are made here than are made in the sample 6 response on this topic, each of the points made in the 6 paper is developed. That is not the case here. In this response, each point is supported (by perhaps an additional sentence), but it is not further developed. The paper is smoothly organized with few but appropriate transitions. The writing is strong with some variety in syntax. For these reasons, this response earns a score of 5.
1. 单词数量有所减少,收录考试中出的重点单词,删除从未出现的单词,给学生减负。同时增加了近几年考试中新出现过的单词。
2. GRE红宝书为每一个重要单词配出了贴切、精练的记忆方法,正文中以“记”标出。其中包括:词根词缀法、联想记忆法和发音记忆法。
3. 给大量的重要单词配上了同根词、派生词、形近词和反义词,扩大了横向词汇量,达到了举一反三的效果。
4. 对单词进行了分类处理,凡是重点单词都标上。,考生可以分类记忆。
5. 给单词配上了简单明了的英文注解,同时,在英语注解后也加上了GRE常考的同义词,达到了单词联合记忆的目的。
1. 第一阶段开展GRE词汇练习,可以按杨鹏的17天全面背诵或按自己的情况量体裁衣,最好利用集中时间比如寒暑假,早中晚轮番轰炸,时间最好不超过1个月,有空多听GRE红宝书MP3的单词录音;
2. 第二阶段背GRE红宝书,时间要快,强化记忆,以提高效率,一定要记住重复再重复。这时大家可以利用红宝书(+逆序版+乱序版)进行词汇巩固。
3. 第三轮背高频词即常考的词,可以利用词汇串讲来背词频。
4. 在熟悉词汇的基础上可以做GRE真题了,多在实战中记忆单词,并在大量阅读中总结单词,比单纯记单词更有成效且有针对性。
1. 挑选正版书籍
2. 选正规的大出版社
3. 选自己看得下去的
GRE考试填空单词数有2999个,GRE考试阅读单词数有4191个。这里面包含了所有的单词数量,包括 on, in, by…等。把这里面去除四级大纲的词汇,还剩下5764个。根据预估,在这5764个单词中,去除六级大纲,还剩下4000词汇。再去除托福常用词汇,还剩下个词汇。若要顺利地通过新GRE考试,一般的中国学生需要准备8000个左右的新单词。
absolutism doctrine of government by a single absolute ruler; autocracy 绝对主义;专制主义
absurdism doctrine that we live in an irrational universe 荒诞主义
academicism doctrine that nothing can be known 形式主义
accidentalism theory that events do not have causes 偶然主义
acosmism disbelief in existence of eternal universe distinct from God 无宇宙论
adamitism nakedness for religious reasons 宗教裸露派
adevism denial of gods of mythology and legend 无神论
adiaphorism doctrine of theological indifference or latitudinarianism 不置可否论
adoptionism belief that Christ was the adopted and not natural son of God 嗣子论
aestheticism doctrine that beauty is central to other moral principles 唯美主义
agapism ethics of love 泛爱主义
agathism belief in ultimate triumph of good despite evil means 善学论
agnosticism doctrine that we can know nothing beyond material phenomena 不可知论;存疑主义
anarchism doctrine that all governments should be abolished 无政府主义
animism attribution of soul to inanimate objects 泛灵论
annihilationism doctrine that the wicked are utterly destroyed after death 灵魂寂灭论
anthropomorphism attribution of human qualities to non-human things 拟人论
anthropotheism belief that gods are only deified men 人神一体说
antidisestablish-mentarianism doctrine opposed to removing Church of England's official religion status 反对解散国教主义
antilapsarianism denial of doctrine of the fall of humanity 反预定论
the GRE Math Test, 2nd Edition
书中涵盖了考试中出现的近90%的内容,每章结束之后,都有Content Review的题目进行复习。最后还附了一套仿真题。这是一本不可多得的'新GRE数学备考资料。
ETS出版的Practicing to Take the Mathematics Test GRE, 3rdEdtion就不用买了,太贵了(140多美元,只有两套真题。而且书中的一套题目可以在ETS的网站上下载。另一套是谁也没见过的真题)。