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è«ó¢³õöðó¢óï½ì°¸.txtîòºüïëöªµà£¬¶àéùèë·ö¿ªá룬»¹êçéî°®×å¡£©f×ô¼º¿þ×ô¼ºð¦×ô¼º¿´×å×ô¼ºäö¡£äãóãòþéíà´¶ã±üîòø¼îòóãòþéíà´³éè«ä㣡´ýµ½ò»èõè¨ôúêö£¬é±¾¡ììï⸺îò¹·¡£teaching plan be careful with numbers in listening cla: cla 12, senior two date: may 16,2007 teacher: ni yazhen school: zhi yuan senior high school teaching material: p75 s2b oxford english;additional material(the new star wars movie, be careful with numbers)teaching objectives: knowledge objectives: to enable students to listen and complete some exercises ability objectives: to encourage the students to have basic skills of n objectives: to cultivate the cooperation through peer interaction teaching aids: multi-media teaching and learning method: guiding for learning teaching procedures: tation today we¡¯ll have a cla on listening practice ¡°be careful with numbers in listening¡±: first we¡¯ll play a , we¡¯ll -in a game on number mance: quick and accurate response to numbers is very important in daily one numbers, addrees, prices, temperatures, time and dates all closely linked with the use of s, numbers also play a very important part in broadcast programmes such as reports now let¡¯s listen to some advice from 1 be careful with numbers(play the recorder twice)inspanidual work¡úpair work(check the answer with your partner)¡úgroup work(underline the important differences between million and billion, ¡°-teen¡¯s¡± and ¡°-ty¡¯s¡± are ¡-..¡°seventeen point five million.¡±¡-)whole cla read the key -done!numbers are all around us practice with numbers and learn to be good at numbers.(first read out the following numbers¡-watch the screen)task 2 listen to some statements about the brief history of films and check the answers in you have different opinion , please raise your ent:(first students give themselves a teacher does it)it seems no , we¡¯ll do challenge pay special attention to the numbers in the paage and select the correct answer from the choices listed teach the students new words in listening ask students to read out the numbers in star ion: challenge exercise star wars listen to the tape twice ¡úcheck the answers sion: what we learned today is ¡°be careful with numbers in numbers.¡± remember the following points when you are doing listening tasks: great care with the spelling of names and with addrees and phones numbers, prices, time and dates... find the right answer, you may need to do simple calculations or combine two sets of carefully for words and phrases such as these: half / twice as expensive as¡-it¡¯s shorter / cheaper / quicker than¡-the lightest / heaviest / newest not as long / cheap / good as¡-some useful abbreviations and symbols for note taking(see ppt.)nt: p6-7 ¨cfilling in forms p43¨c working with numbers t some information on listening skills

teaching plan be careful with numbers in listening cla: cla 12, senior two date: may 16,2007 teacher: ni yazhen school: zhi yuan senior high school teaching material: p75 s2b oxford english;additional material(the new star wars movie, be careful with numbers)teaching objectives: knowledge objectives: to enable students to listen and complete some exercises ability objectives: to encourage the students to have basic skills of n objectives: to cultivate the cooperation through peer interaction teaching aids: multi-media teaching and learning method: guiding for learning teaching procedures: tation today we¡¯ll have a cla on listening practice ¡°be careful with numbers in listening¡±: first we¡¯ll play a , we¡¯ll -in a game on number mance: quick and accurate response to numbers is very important in daily one numbers, addrees, prices, temperatures, time and dates all closely linked with the use of s, numbers also play a very important part in broadcast programmes such as reports now let¡¯s listen to some advice from 1 be careful with numbers(play the recorder twice)inspanidual work¡úpair work(check the answer with your partner)¡úgroup work(underline the important differences between million and billion, ¡°-teen¡¯s¡± and ¡°-ty¡¯s¡± are ¡-..¡°seventeen point five million.¡±¡-)whole cla read the key -done!numbers are all around us practice with numbers and learn to be good at numbers.(first read out the following numbers¡-watch the screen)task 2 listen to some statements about the brief history of films and check the answers in you have different opinion , please raise your ent:(first students give themselves a teacher does it)it seems no , we¡¯ll do challenge pay special attention to the numbers in the paage and select the correct answer from the choices listed teach the students new words in listening ask students to read out the numbers in star ion: challenge exercise star wars listen to the tape twice ¡úcheck the answers sion: what we learned today is ¡°be careful with numbers in numbers.¡± remember the following points when you are doing listening tasks: great care with the spelling of names and with addrees and phones numbers, prices, time and dates... find the right answer, you may need to do simple calculations or combine two sets of carefully for words and phrases such as these: half / twice as expensive as¡-it¡¯s shorter / cheaper / quicker than¡-the lightest / heaviest / newest not as long / cheap / good as¡-some useful abbreviations and symbols for note taking(see ppt.)nt: p6-7 ¨cfilling in forms p43¨c working with numbers t some information on listening skills

teaching plan----yang xuefen content: unit 4 he said i was hardworking.>, grade 8(¢ò)time: march 12th, the 1st period, place: cla 6, grade 8

teaching goals: dge goal: lary: hard-working, be mad at, not---anymore ns: what did marcia say? she said she was she was having a party for y goal: learn to report what someone said correctly goal: to teach students not to report wrong meage or they may cause be an honest and good kid, report what someone said ng aids: multi-media

teaching procedures: step 1: leading in by free talking with the students: ask several ss what they are going to do after their sentences on the are you? how is your mother? what are you doing? what is your mother doing? what do you do in the morning? what about your mother? what are you going to do after school? what is your mother going to do after work? i¡¯m mother is ¡¯m having a mother is have leons in the morning? my mother works in the am going to play sports after school my mother is going to cook after 2: pre-task t: now i¡¯m going to report what xx said to you: xx said he was he said his mother was fine, said he was having a cla and his mother was said he had leons in the morning and his mother worked in the said he was going to play sports after said his mother was going to cook after 3: while-task e the sentences on the blackboard, find out what is different in my report he/ she /1a: write the words soap opera on the to the picture and ask students what they think a soap opera out the tv screens in the one student to read what the person says in the first ask another student: what did she/he say? help to answer: she/he said she/he was having a surprise party for lana on friday with the other page 26 , and number the page 27 , 2a & some inspaniduals to read these the circle their the 5: grammar focus the grammar ss to say the n: in each case, the direct speech talks about present situations and the reported speech talks about past 6: practice: on what msyang said one to another, then the last one tell the whole cla: i love my yang said she loved her can speak said she could speak want to be a said she wanted to be a am playing games with my .yang said she was playing games with her can you do? what are you going to be when you grow up? how are you going to do that?----------report: xxx said he/she /she was going to be a// he was going to----xxx said------i hope-----step 7: homework grammar focus section a

step1 lead-in students: what year is this year? students the picture of twelve animals in chinese horoscope, and tell them different namestell them this year is in the year of the students: how old are you? when were you born?(what year were you born in?)what is your animal sign? what characters do you think it has? students: what month were you born in?(review twelve months in a year) students that everyone in western countries has his or her own star sign.(t: we know that animal signs are very popular in chinese culture, we are familiar with people in western countries have their own star signs according to the birth can tell you something about your abilities, talents and special qualities.)step 2 welcome to the unit students the picture of star signs.¡°how much do you know about them?¡± let students gue different star signs.(can be in chinese) the west, people use some creatures to represent the star you tell me their names? teach students new at the pictures and read the new words after the students finish part a on p7 and check the answers by reading the more exercises to see if students have known the star signs.(1)show students 6 pictures and name the star signs.(2)play a gueing game: fill in the blanks by using the names of the students there are 6 more star signs and let them gue what they are represented by using the 6 pictures in part b on the answers to part 3 oral practice students: when is your birthday? what is your star sign? students the twelve star signs and let them point out their own star sign in both english and the students to try to remember their own star work: let students ask and answer in 4 comic strips you interested in star signs? so are eddie and to their conversation and repeat it after the students some questions to see if they have known the dialogue.(1)who brings eddie the newspaper?(2)what does hobo ask eddie to read? why?(3)what do eddie¡¯s stars say?(4)what happens to eddie¡¯s breakfast at the end of the story? students read the dialogue by themselves(or practice in pairs) some more exercises after reading and check the answers do you think hobo¡¯s and eddie¡¯s star signs are? practice: try to act out this dialogue in pairs ask the students to make a new dialogue by adding their own 5 homework er the star up a new dialogue about star to find out how many clamates are under the star sign as 1 revision some the star signs: look at the star signs and name together after the game:(test who has the best memory)teacher will say the chinese name of the star sign;students try to find out the right picture and say the name in 2 lead-in talk:(1)what is your star sign?(2)can you tell me something about yourself?(abilities, special qualities, characteristics)(3)how many students are under the same star sign as you?(yesterday¡¯s homework)(4)what are they like?(clever, kind, generous, hard-working, brave, patient, polite¡-.)(5)do you share similar characteristics?(let students speak out as many adjectives about characters as poible.) you know these words? they are also used to describe people.(teach the new words, and finish exercise b on p10.) the new words after the let students read the sentences by themselves. some more exercises to see if students have known all the words¡¯ 3 reading : it¡¯s said that star signs can represent a person¡¯s ¡¯s check if it is listen to the tape and learn something about g task 1: after listening to the tape, do ¡°t¡± or ¡°f¡± g task 2: ask students some questions to check if they have known the main idea, with the books open.(1)is aries lazy?(2)which star sign likes saving money?(3)does sagittarius like telling jokes?(4)which star sign has the best imagination?(5)if your birthday is on 13th september, what is your star sign? students read the article paage by paage and try to find out the adjectives to describe people¡¯s characteristics with the picture of each star sign.( own star sign)t: whose star sign is aries? when is your birthday? what characteristics do you have/ do this star sign have?

aries: energetic, active, impatient, selfish taurus: stubborn, hard-working, patient gemini: curious, clever, outgoing cancer: kind leo: strong, confident, generous virgo: modest, practical libra: polite, fair, elegant scorpio: powerful, silly sagittarius: humorous, lucky capricorn: succeful, patient aquarius: kind, wise, strange pisces: generous, kind, gentle, easy-going, creative, imaginative

on: what is your star sign? do you have the same characteristics as the star sign says? do you think what the star signs say about people are facts?--so we can have a conclusion: what the star signs say about people are not can just learn about star signs for 4 some more exercises are your characteristics? write a short description of your own show your description to your with your partner whether or not you agree with each 5 homework the paage three er all the adjectives which describe a person¡¯s 1 revision students some questions while showing picture 1.(1)how many star signs are there in a year?(2)how do you know your star sign? what decides your star sign?(3)do the people under the same star sign share similar characteristics?(4)what characteristics do the people under your star sign have? n the language points while answering the above )a year is spanided into 12 different star )your date of birth decides your star )people born under the same star sign share similar more questions about reading 1)which star sign doesn¡¯t give up easily? 2)which star sign loves peace and doesn¡¯t like to argue with others? 3)which star sign is suggested to forgive others for their mistakes? 4)which star sign likes to dream about everything? the language points by answering the above questions.(1)you are patient and do not give up easily.(2)you love peace and do not like to argue with others.(3)sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes.(4)you like to dream about 2 group work students some pictures and paages about some famous students gue what star signs they are? part c2 on page11, and then check the on: what kind of friend do you like to make?(why?)what is his/her star sign?(let students talk about his or her own characteristics and his or her friend¡¯s.) star signs are suitable for these jobs? why? step 4 conclusion what star signs say about people are not should work hard to make our dream come 5 homework the paage again and again. some exercises.




leon plan

nsefc module2 unit reading in teacher: period:period1 type:reading duration: 45minutes teaching ideology

the current theory view reading as a interactive proce which involves not only the printed page but also the reader’s old knowledge of the language in general, the world and the text the reading proce, these factors interact with each other and compensate for each on the understanding of reading as an interactive proce, teaching reading in the claroom is spanided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up techniques integrated to develop the students language efficiency in general and reading three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and ng material and learning condition the analysis of teaching material

the teaching material is the reading part from nsefc module2 topic of this unit paage mainly introduces the paage consists of first paragraph is a general introduction of .2 to last paragraph tells topic is not new to there is some new words and phases in the analysis of learning condition

the students are from grade1 in senior high high school students, they have achieved certain english level and they have the ability to get the basic idea of the they are in grade1, they are easily activated and want to air their own opinions on the are familiar with the topic of and know they may not know er, their vocabulary is limited so they may have difficulties in understanding some ng objectives ge skills ? at the beginning of the cla, can predict the content of the paage based on the title.? can scan the paage and find out the specific information such as the person related with

? can summarize the paage with the help of the clues of the ge knowledge

? can master the key words and phrases of the paage as follows,.? can learn , especially s

? will realize that and they will concern themselves with the iue of

al awarene

? will broaden their minds by knowing something about ng strategies

? will cultivate their ability inspanidual learning and cooperative learning by doing some

activities independently and some in groups.? will communicate with each other in english while doing the group ge difficulties

focuses and anticipated language focuses

this is a reading period so the focus is to cultivate the students’ reading many activities are designed to help to train their reading skills, such as predicting, skimming, scanning and is also important for the to master the new words and pated difficulties

as the have a limited vocabulary, so they may have some difficulties in understanding the the teacher will help them learn the new words and did not heard before, so the teacher will tell them some background knowledge about ng method

three-stage model: based on the understanding of reading as an interactive proce, teaching reading in the claroom is spanided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up techniques integrated to develop the students language efficiency in general and reading three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and ng aids

multimedia devices and ppt documents: in order to help to fully understand the whole paage, i adopt multimedia devices and ppt documents to bring the real-life situation into the ng procedures -in(6min)

ngs and free-talking(2min)

t leads into the topic by asking some they the name of the they know : hello boys and girls.(say hello to the teacher.)

t: when we say , what appears in your minds?(tell the things appear in their minds freely.)t: what are the ?(tell some names of.)


t shows some pictures about the in china and seeing the pictures, are expected to tell the similarities of : just now, you talk about some in , let’s see some pictures of some.(t shows the pictures and see them carefully.)

t: what do the have in common?for example, they are very are your opinions?

(t gives them some hints and tell the characteristics of)[aims]

? in this step, t first leads in the topic by talking with the freely about the which

is familiar to them and then see some pictures and tell the two activities aim to arouse the ’ interests in the topic and activate their old knowledge will be mentally prepared for the reading ’s more,when they are talking about the charateristics of, they will realize that theare rare and precious and they will concern themselves with the iue -reading(3min)

g something about(1min)t gives a brief introduction of know the t: today, we are going to you know what is?(t shows some pictures ofand get to know the.)ting(2min)

t asks to read the title of the paage and then ask them some predict the content of the paage with the help of the : please look at the title “”, what does “” mean?(if the can not give the answer, then t explain it.)

t: in search means that people are looking for are people looking for it? can you gue? what will the paage talk about?

(predict the content, but t will not give the answer here.)[aims]

in this step, the first know some information of the;the background information will make it easier for the to understand the n t asks to make predictions about the aims to help develop the reading skills of -reading(22min)ng(4min)

skim the whole paage and find out and check their : why are people still ? here is a multiple choice for ng(3min)

t presents several true or false statements and asks the to scan the paage and judge the right from the wrong.(keys: f,f,t,t,f)

activity3 close-reading(15min)

t designs various kinds of activities and do the activities to fully understand the .1

t: please read carefully and then take some note about .2-4

please read carefully and then find out the removal of the read carefully and then find out the person related with the amber room and the things them down with .5 please read carefully and then find out the the rebuilding of the amber room.篇2:小学三年级英语教学设计(全英文版)

say open your to the page“welcome to english”.what’s your known?

listen and learn an english song: teaching aims of unit 1:

the new words: pencil-box eraser pencil book ruler bag crayon pen sharpener

the main sentences: hello!i’m?./ hi!i’m?.what’s your name? my name is?.goodbye./ bye./see get the students to use these sentences to communicate with each the tpr activities in the part of “let’s do”.try to say these phrases and respond the actions to the part of “let’s chant”.understand the meaning of the chant and try to grasp the patterns “i have?.” and “ me too”. the students to understand the story in the part of “story time”.try to read and retell the 1: a: let’s talk let’s play

leon 2: a: let’s learnlet’s do

leon 3: a: let’s makec: culturelet’s sing

leon 4: b: let’s talk let’s play

leon 5: b: let’s learnl et’s do let’s sing

leon 6: b: let’s check let’s chantc: story time leon 1

teaching aims:

to make a self-introduction with the pattern “ i’m?”. to use hello, hi, goodbye and bye to communicate with others. to sing a song: hello

preparation: recorder and :

(1).warm-up listen to the song: hello.(2).presentation r shows and introduces a new friend: a bear.“’m

can call me teddy bear.” goes to the pupils seat and greets to them, shake the pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the front to act.(3).presentation

to the song: hello and pa a a child get the toy when the

song is stopping, he(she)say: hello(hi)!i’m?

children who haven’t got the toy stand up and introduce himself(herself):


teacher change the voice and make up like wear a pair of teacher goes with teddy bear into the claroom, greets to one pupil with the dialogue above, and at last adds up a sentence: goodbye!practice and act the conversation in asks some groups to act it.(5).add-activities

and read after the tape, imitate the a group of friends to make the 2

teaching aims:

the new words: pencil, crayon, eraser, ruler, pen and phrases: a pencil, a crayon, an eraser, a ruler, a d the tpr activities “show me your?”quickly and correctly.*try to use this phrase.* to say“i have a/an?” substitute the pattern with five new ation: teddy bear

and recorder

pencil-box with a pen, a pencil, a ruler, an eraser, a :


to the song: to pupils with: hello/ hug them or shake a conversation like last leon.(2).presentation a children gue : what is it in the pencil-box?

(in chinese)then introduces to everybody like: yes! have a this form, let pupils gue and learn the words: pencil, pen, ruler, eraser, crayon.(3).practice :

say what is it in your pencil-box.--i have a bear asks: what’s this in english? pupils say: as this.(4).let’s do

to the tape and teacher do it first t show the pupils to follow teacher to do it and say if they it after tape like:

--show me your pencil.--my pencil.(5).aement

play a bingo game with those words: crayon, pencil, eraser, ? leon 3

teaching aims:

to make a name the students to know some knowledge about teachers’ day and encourage them to say happy teachers’ day to other teachers. to sing a song: happy teachers’ day

* a teacher’s card and present the teacher you ation:

and recorder name card steps:


to the song: happy teachers’ day it: show me your?(2).practice

pupils a name card and asks pupils how can we make the name pupils how can they make the name card in make it by themselves and say how does he(she)make it in english.(3).enable the students to know some knowledge about teachers’ day: when is

teachers’ day and encourage them to say happy teachers’ day to other teachers.*make a teacher’s card and present the teacher you like.(4).let’s sing: happy teachers’ day listen and sing the 4

teaching aims:

the students to grasp the sentences: what’s your name? my name is?. to use the phrase see you to expre goodbye and try to use the word: ce and make dialogues about ation:

tape and recorder steps:

(1).warm-up/ review

the song: happy teachers’ day a greeting to each other.(2).presentation

to the tape and then asks them what they to the name in a pupil’s book so that lets pupils know what’s mean

of this pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the front to act.(3).practice

make a conversation, connect the texts in part a.(4).main picture back to the main picture, point and find what they are hand out the sortition paper to get it and find what picture it them imitate those visualizes, make a conversation according to the main picture: hello!i’m ’s your name? my name’s chen e!bye, mi white!(5).add-activities listen and read after tape and make the 5

teaching aims:

the new words: bag, pencil-case, book, sharpener, school and the phrases

abag, a pencil-case, a book, a d the tpr activities quickly and correctly.*try to say “open/ close/ carry/ your ?”and “go to school”.*tute the pattern “ i have a?”.learn to say and use the sentence “me

too!”. to sing a song: hello preparation:

and recorder

pencil-case, a bag, a book, a sharpener steps:(1).warm-up/review

a song: happy teachers’ day it(part a – leon 2)(2).presentation

children gue: what is it?

then introduces to everybody like: yes! have a this form, let pupils gue and learn the words: bag, book, pencil-case, sharpener, school.(3).practice

: what’s this in english? pupils say: as :

say what is it?

--i have a bag.--me too!

(4).let’s do

to the tape and teacher do it first t show the pupils to follow teacher to do it and say if they and learn the word: school.(5).learn to sing a song: hello(6).aement

play a bingo game with those words: crayon, pencil, eraser, pen, ruler, bag, book, pencil-case, 6

teaching aims: se in the part of “let’s check”. to say the part of “let’s chant”.perform it and replace it in the

proper and watch a story about zip to understand the meaning and

try to retell the the new songs in the ation:

and recorder

pictures for sortition steps:


a song: hello to each it.(part b – leon 2)(2).practice

’s first and understand the chant in pairs and act it ’s the tape and do it.(3).story time

as me: teacher do an action and pupils do the same and say pupils finish saying, teddy bear and squirrel go into the claroom and

act that two pupils were teached yesterday by everyone to talking like the story two to practice the then act it.(4).let’s sing: hello


? 小学英语语法教学设计 小学低年级英语教学主要培养孩子学习英语的兴趣,注重课堂设计的真实性和实践性,因此在课堂教学中不能就语法而讲语法,对语法的教学应注重课堂活动和情景的创设,主要从以下几个方面来设计。


直观的教学情境能使抽象的知识变为形象的知识,静态的知识变为动态的知识。语法教学中语法概念和语法规则是抽象乏味的,对小学生来说没有太大的吸引力,如果单用教师的讲解去解释和说明语法现象,或者让学生死记硬背,久而久之学生学习英语的热情就会慢慢地消退。语法教学上,英国专家提倡让孩子在一个有意义的情景中理解所教语法项目的意义;然后,提供足够的机会让孩子在比较真实的语境中进行交际性活动,运用所学的语法项目;例如:教师再教助动词be的人称形式(am, is, are)+动词的ing形式构成时,可请几个男女同学上台和老师一起画画。

t: i’m drawing are you doing, tom?

tom: i’m drawing pictures, : what is she doing?(pointing to amy): she is drawing : what is he doing?(pointing to ben): he is drawing : what are tom, amy and ben doing?(pointing to tom, amy and ben): they are drawing pictures.教师重复之后板书:

what are you doing? i’m… what is he doing? he is…

what is she doing? she is…

what are they doing? they are…




小学生活泼好动,富于挑战性。教师可以利用小学生的这一特点,把语法教学融入其中,这样可以有效地激活学生思维、激发其兴趣。如在教学一般疑问句is he/she ?.?时,教师先随意叫一名学生上台描述自己心中的某个人,其他学生纷纷举手猜此人是谁。提出的问也必须是一般疑问句is he/she a boy/ he/she tall/short? is he/she in group1? 等等。回答的人也只能用yes 或no来回答。最后,教师对猜错次数少、很快猜中的学生给予表彰,对部分猜错次数多,但说话流利、语言准确的学生给予鼓励。在这样的竞猜活动中,学生不仅掌握了语法的结构和功能,学会了用所学内容表达意义,同时也增强了学生学好英语的自信心。b.在说唱中强化语法

音乐节奏给人以美的享受。在节奏鲜明,富于韵律感的歌曲童谣中学习语法,能起到事半功倍的效果。如在学习have和has的用法时,教师可提供下面的歌谣table and chair,让学生吟唱,帮助学生学习、理解、掌握。

i have a table in my little little table has a little have a table in my little little table has a little chair.再要求学生根据自己的实际情况,自己填词,在吟唱这首歌谣的过程中,学生不但轻松地掌握了本课的重点句型、语法结构,还陶冶了情操。


故事可以让枯燥、难懂的语法知识变得活灵活现,生动有趣。如在教学be 动词的时候,可以告诉学生be动词有一个绝活,那就是变脸。当描述现在的事情时,它遇见了i 就变成am,遇见you, we, they就变成are,遇见he, she ,it就变成is.是一个不折不扣的变脸大王。又如在教学助动词的用法时,告诉学生助动词时一个助人为乐的活雷锋。当一个句中没有be动词和情态动词的陈述句变成疑问句时,都会请助动词来帮忙,而助动词也会不遗余力的跑在最前面,因此助动词是最受大家喜爱的。通过这样生动有趣的讲解,非常的便于学生理解和记忆。


在语法教学中,教师设计贴近学生生活的任务,让学生在任务活动中运用语法知识解决生活中的问题,不仅可以让学生体会和领悟语言形式的表意功能、内化语言规则,而且能有效提高其语用能力。例如,教学how many句型时,教师设计如下任务型调查活动:教师先让学生写下自己感兴趣的问题,如how many people are there in your family? how many pencils do you have? how many storybooks have you read?等,并请学生自制调查统计表,可以是如下格式。mike lisa donna

how many people are there in your family? how many pencils do you have?

学生做好准备后,在班级中任意找采访对象进行提问,并填写统计表,最后汇报调查结果,并请全体学生选出班级之最;又如在教学句型“whose ?is this/are they? it’s/they’re?’s.”时,可设计一个“失物招领”的任务,先将一张桌子放在教室前面的一角,桌上放一块失物招领处的英文牌,然后把课前让学生带来的服装鞋帽一一放在桌子上,让学生在询问、辨认,找失主的过程中自然地引导他们学习口语:whose ?is this/are they? it’s/they’re?’s.在此过程中,不仅帮助学生区分be动词单复数的的使用,还培养了学生综合运用语言的能力。


what’s the matter, mike?

1.knowledge object: 能够听说读写单词和短语:have a cold, have a toothache,一、teaching aims and demands教学目标与要求 have a fever, hurt, have a headache, have a sore .ability object: 能够听说读句型:what’s the matter, mike? i feel have a fever.并进行关键词的替换操练。

3.emotional object:使学生学会关心他人,培养良好的人际关系。

二、teaching key point and diffcult point教学重点与难点


三、teaching aids课前准备(根据抽到的题而定)


2、教师准备本单元的挂图。 3.体温计一支

四、teaching procedure教学过程

1、warm-up (1)最好唱首歌 提起学生的学习兴趣.”(2)推荐使用情景导入

2、presentation and practice(这个部分建议略写,视自己的时间定)(1)教师出示let’s start的教学挂图,说:look!we have some new friends are they? what’s the matter with them?…帮助学生回答,并引导学生通过观察图片或教师的肢体动作来帮助学生熟悉答句中的新单词和短语。

(2)播放let’s chant的录音,重点领读句子:i have a have the flu.(3)教师出示一支体温表,说:this is a i have a fever, it will tell ’s see doesn’t feel has a fever.指着let’s learn的图片的mike,教学“have a fever”。让学生看图片,教授单词和短语:hurt, have a cold, have a toothache, have a headache, have a sore throat.注意headache和 toothache的共同之处,帮助学生简单了解构词法。播放录音,让学生跟读单词。

(4)教师让学生读单词,叫到的同学,给他图片(have a fever),问他:“what’s the matter, xxx?”引导学生说:i feel have a fever.解释sick单词。用同样的方法教授句型:what’s the matter, xxx? i


(5)“看病”游戏。将学生分成五大组,每组选一张短语卡片。教师提问:cold, cold, who has a cold? 如第一组选中的是have a cold,这组学生就边做动作或表情边吟唱:cold, cold, i have a cold.用同样的方法进行操练,各组调换卡片继续该活动。







unit 2 what’s the matter, mike?

have a fever


have a cold

have a toothache

have a headache

have a sore throat

what’s the matter, mike?

i feel……(sick,.i have a fever.)


have a fever


have a cold

have a toothache

have a headache

have a sore throat

what’s the matter, mike?

i feel……(sick,.i have a fever.)





i play are talking about our homework..2.宾语从句就是在宾语的位置上放一个完整的句子。 love that i can earn some coupons.板书:he knows knows what’s wrong with his wife.说出2个句子的宾语。


第一个句子的宾语是一个词构成的,第二个句子的宾语是一个句子,我们称这种做宾语的句子叫宾语从句。在句子中充当宾语的从句叫宾语从句。其中 he knows 叫主句,what’s wrong with him是从句。


a.he said that he had a very good journey .he asked if /whether they had .he told me that the earth goes around the .he asked me how he could get to the nearest post office.


:。是主句,剩下的是由that,if,how引导的宾语从句。初步认识了宾语从句,下面我们开始了解宾语从句的三要素 引导词(连接词)语序 时态



a.he said that he had a very good journey .he told me that the earth goes around the )由从属连词 whether, if 引导一般疑问句的宾语从句,表示“是否”,比如上面的b就是由if引导的宾语从

1 句,b.he asked if /whether they had )由连接代词

who,whom,whose,which,what, whoever, whichever, whatever 和连接副词 where, how, why,when引导的宾语从句


d.he asked me how he could get to the nearest post office.注意:关于是否if/r,if 引导宾语从句:两词可互换,但是下列情形除外:

1).whether从句中有or not


3)whether后可以加or not,但是if不可以.4)在不定式前只能用whether.(如:i can’t decide whether to stay.我不能决定是否留下。)


asked her __________ she had a ’re worried about ________ he is don’t know ________ or not he is don’t know _______ to go.继续观察上面的四句话,请问宾语从句的语序有什么特点?(陈述句语序)不管原来的句子是陈述句,一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句,放在宾语从句里都是陈述句语序。(板书)改写宾语从句。陈述句doctor li is very

it is well-known that _____.一般疑问句is doctor li very patient? john wants to know __________(用if或者whether引导)特殊疑问句how is doctor li? john wants to know ____ 练习

part 1 课堂练习(paper)

mike gets up at seven in the says that---mike gets up at seven in the morning

the teacher asks--if mike gets up at seven in the morning..the teacher asks what time---mike gets up in the morning.我们已经了解了宾语从句的引导词和语序,下面我们来学习下宾语从句的时态。(卡片,贴在上面时态的旁边)口诀:主现从任意

主过从过去 从真理用现在 一张paper发 朗读并且分析主句从句的时态  主句用现在时,从句可用任意时态。可归纳为“主现从任意”

do you know what time the ship leaves? do you know when john was born? do you know if john has paed his exams?  主句用过去时,从句用过去的某个时态。可归纳为“主过从过去”

he said he had a very good journey asked if they had .主句用过去时,从句是科学真理、客观常识、名人格言时用一般现在时。

he told me that the earth goes around the sun.(自然真理客观现象)he didn’t know that summer comes after spring when he was five years old.注意:4情态动词could/would用于,“请求”,表示委婉、客气的语气时,从句不受主句的约束。

could you tell me where i can buy a pencil sharpener? 5主句是一般过去时,从句中有具体的过去时间状语,即使从句动作发生在主句动作前,仍用一般过去时。

  the teacher told me she was born in heard that he went to paris last night.宾语从句的一些特殊句式

 1动词think, find, consider, believe, feel, make等后it为形式宾语,后跟名词或形容词作宾补,而真正的宾语——that从句则放在句尾)

we think it our duty that we should help find it impoible that he should finish the work in two 否定转移

若主句主语为第一人称且谓语动词为think, consider, suppose, believe, expect, gue, imagine等,其后的宾语从句含有否定意义,一般要把否定词转移到主句谓语上,从句谓语用肯定式。

i think he won’t come here.()i don’t think he will come here.()2.当宾语从句的引导词正好做主语的时候,语序不变,比如常用的what和who could you tell me who knows the answer,please?

the small children dont know what is in their stockings what’s wrong?(what was wrong)

what’s the matter?(what was the matter)

what’s happening? what happened? eg:

i don’t know what’s the don’t know what the matter is.(f)

can you tell me who is over there?(who做主语)can you tell me who he is ?(who做表语)

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