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character: 白娘子 许仙 法海hr总监 观音 小青


山ppt 许仙背着小书包做采药状 嘴里说着:“with the development of economy,people cut casually phenomenon more seriously。so,wild herbs more difficult to seek。look,there is a mini-snake。how pity.”(soft kitty worm kitty little ball of fur happy kittysleepy kitty purr purr purr)

bsz“benefactor,i will always remember wait again, i'll give you a surprise”

第二幕act ii


bai suzhen want to create one of the nation's largest, most authoritative got a well-known local hr director to help her recruitment of or of confession.经过艰难的前期准备,招聘开始了。她在茫茫人海中寻寻觅觅找到了当年救他的许仙。

after a tough pre-prepare ,recruitment the vast sea searching to find the year to save xu xian.主考官:白素贞 小青 hr总监

examiner: baisuzhen xiaoqin hrzongjian

被招聘者 许仙

were recruited by xuxian

x :good name is xuxian i want get a doctor’s study medicine more than 10 years ,and i have had the recognition of native people.白素贞开始提问 bai suzhen start asking questions

b:what is you the most proud of thing ?? x:i have saved a lot of people ,not only the old ,but also a mini-snake。(you are my only boy)q:why do our companyemploy you? a:i trust myself ,i can do what i want to do!i want to get the job!q:can you for us to bring what?

a:i accepted the medical training,now i can work.(我们为什么要雇请你呢?


我已经接受过microsoft access和word的培训,立刻就可以上岗工作“)

xq:what do you think of my sister?白素贞打小青 x:„

xq:please show you :英文情歌对唱。


finally xx past the he begin to take a training.许仙各种忙碌。xu xian variety of busythough a month training,xx got this a big superise.白素贞给许仙一碰聘书,详见ppt。

bai suzhen give her husband a letter of appointment。


two to enter the marriage scene。


法海出场 自述 :im fahai,because i study really hard,so i go to japan for advanced atpublic i came back to devote myself to 斩妖除魔the demon slayerand serve people

my biggest anemy is is a snake heard she married a man must help xx get ride of boat festival is get a idea„„

fh :阿弥陀佛 amitabhahey duke,你霉星高照mold star is shining,must have some troubles with are you kidding ?i just married a beautiful woman a few days :let me biggest trouble is your you don not believe me,please try will know thr truth after she is this ?

fhonly a cup of xionghuang one is snake monster’s(克星)nemesis

许仙回到家中将雄黄酒放到妻子的茶杯中,坐立不安状等待白素贞回来。her husband came home in realgar wine into the cup of his wife's,fidgeting like waiting bai suzhen back。

bszdear today is so give mea cup of tea xxenenenenenok

白素贞喝了,扭成一条大蛇,“dear,who give you the xionghuang wine i am a monster ,im really sorry but i love if i lie to you 坐下喝了杯水说do you rember what i say to you when we get merried.“to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part”.“而今而后,不论境遇好坏,家境贫富,生病与否,誓言相亲相爱,至死不分离。”are you regret to marry love youbsz : neverever

第四幕 法海的阴谋又一次粉碎在二人坚定的爱情之下、一气之下绑走了许仙要求白娘子到金山寺向他投降否则就把许仙变成和尚

fahai conspiracy again crushed under the two steadfast love ,and angrily abducted by the xu snake to the jinshan temple to surrender to him or put her husband to become a monk.这时 白娘子愤怒了她水漫金山寺要挟法海放了许仙ppt

at this time,white snake is angry,her stealing temple blackmail fahai put her husband

fh :妖孽 还不悔改 速速受擒

the evildoer not repent haste by the escapement

bsz 你做梦 我淹了你这金山寺 还我老公

are you dreaming ?i flooded jinshan me back my husband fh 放马过来吧

put your horse back!

xx 山无棱天地合 乃敢与君绝 娘子快跑,不要管我mountain ridge of heaven is to dare leave me alone and snake run leave me alone

经过激烈的争斗 白娘子败于法海阴险计谋之下 被压于雷峰塔下。after fierce battles ,white snake defeated under the sinister plot of fahai ,she was under pressure on the leifeng tower.观音出现 ppt

goddess of mercy appeared

法海向观音跪下 : 阿弥陀佛 观音大士前来 有和要事?

buddha guanyin to come and events? 观音叹气 法海你潜心学术这么多年 为何在日本进修之后变得如此执偏 不一定所有的妖精都是坏的 他们也有善良的一面 经过这一年来的考察 我们发现你的360测评没有合格 无法晋级位列仙班 还需继续修行 等待下次考察

fahai you devote youself to academic formany years,why executive education in japan has become so partial ,not necessarily all of the fairies are bad,they also have a good side ,after this year's inspection ,we found that 360°feedback there is no qualified , can't ranked fairy to continue to practice ,waiting for the next exam.观音退场

guanyin exit

法海垂头丧气 ;都是我的错啊无颜面对天下有情人啊 fahai dejected :all my fault!discredited in the face of the world lovers 准备切腹 发现刀被锁上了 观音 :就知道你想不开,,prepare the ritual found that the knife was locked,goddess of mercy :know that you take things too hard-

法海豁然省悟,从此以后金盆洗手 专心直至成为一名优秀的打铁工人 fahai suddenly wake up to reality,since then quit ,concentrate until it

becomes an excellent blacksmith workers

法海打铁的场景 众人慕名而来 360牌照360牌照ppt fahai blacksmith scene,everyone admiring ,360 licenses.







d包头痛哭,师傅啊,你不能丢下我不管啊,你的银行卡密码是多少啊。旁白师傅:记住了,4008-823-823,哦,不对这是kfc外卖,再除以8888取整·· d:尼玛,师傅你教过我数学么






c:请问,有人在么(或者any body here?)








c:姐姐,今日我去民间造访,寻得一味良药,不知对姐姐的顽疾可有帮助? b:混蛋,你丫的又溜出去玩儿了吧···就知道女大不中留,没想到你都1000多岁了,也没收心。


b:(略带鄙夷得看着c)好吧,姑且再信你一次,反正这病—也没得治了—哎·· 打开瓶子一闻

b:这怎么有种似曾相识的感觉,(一皱眉头)喝了下去,身子一轻,晕倒在地 c:哎,姐姐···










旁白:(内心独白)a:不是吧,这不会是出师不利身先死的结局了吧,这不符合天朝的规定啊,电视剧都是happy ending的啊。
























t: emitofo,do you know where we are now?

s: ba jie,map!


s: look, master(凑近t)„„„(t、s一齐转向e)

x:how beautiful they are!i love,i love„„

t: ba jie!how many times i have told you, not to bring these pictures of beautiful girls with you!

e: oh, master!forgive me(伸手拿回)

t:(缩手)i’ll keep it for you until we reach the west

e: but„„

t: emitofo, nothing is lust, lust is nothing!map?

e:(递)„„ we have arrived in white tiger mountain!ah i can’t walk on any more!(坐)my stomach doesn’t allow : fat pig!

e: monkey ,if you dare to say these two words once again, i will ,i will„„„.s: you will what(凶相)?

e:(软禁)i will help you catch fleas(跳蚤).s: h m!

t:(轻咳)wu kong, factually ,i am a bit hungry could you go to get me some food?

x:go,i’m so you want to see your master die for hungry!e: you see , master is hungry, too!

t: ba jie!don’t forget who ate my last :fat you want to find a beautiful girl,you must lose weight!like ’m ha„„

j: but master, if a monster comes while brother monkey is away„..t: em„„.it is a , do you have any idea?

s: no problem!(安装)(b已躲在一旁偷看)

e: this is„..?

s: electric net!i have learnt the energy of electricity from master’s i made monster can approach you if you stay in it!t: em„„wu kong, you are becoming more and more scientific!emitofo, knowledge is power!

s: bye!(走)

t: let’s play cards!(三人开始打牌)音乐《斗地主》

b: hm!hm!electric net? you are too childish.(变成b1)

b1:hello,did you see my huaband?

x: wo!a beautiful :no,beauty。

b1:honey,where are you? i haven’t see you for a few out,please!(眼神转变)

b1:(接近三人,望着)can i join you?

t: i’m sorry, are playing fighting against landlord and three people are :what i said!please don’t :let me see!i’m sure you will win the game!

t: really? i think so!i’ll invite you to dinner if i : master!you are so value lust, ignore your prentice!

x: fat pig!you know now, it’s too : emitofo!


b1:(在一旁观看)oh, chance!bomb!村姑:机会!快炸!

t: bomb?(打出)b1: double king!

t: oh„.i win!em„„,lady, you are a in and teach me!(准备开电网门)

s:(回来,看见b1)oh, monster!(上前就打)


t:(气愤)wu kong!look what you have done!she is my teacher!x: she is lovey too!

s: she is a monster!

t: nonsense!(深呼吸)

s: oh, please don’t„„

t: it’s too late!(唱)once more„„you open the door„(泰坦尼克主题曲,走音离谱)

s: please please, oh, no„„(痛苦抱头)

t:(呛住,咳)wukong, i’m disappointed with you!

b:(真身出现)hm!sun wu kong, i’ll teach you a lesson!(变成太婆)b2:子陵!where are you? my honey!(看到唐僧一行,便走向他们)excuse me, have you seen my daughter?

t: daughter?...(连忙挡住地尸体)no,sorry!(陪笑,b2想看后面是什么,t挡)

b 2: i haven’t see my daughter for a week!if you see her, please give me a phone number is :ok.(b2推开 e、j)

b2:oh,my daughter, my poor daughter„„what’s wrong with you?(摇b1)(看向t)what have you done?

t : i’m so sorry, that’s all my prentice’s fault!my biggest prentice have beat her into death!wu kong!come here, hurry up!make an apology to her!

b2: you killed my daughter!i will kill you too!(拿起拐杖准备打t)s:(躲开,咬牙切齿)you are monster, i’ll beat you into hell!(s追打b2,b2躲至t身后,s打,不想打到t头,t晕,s再打死b2)

e&j: are you ok, master?(扶t)

j: look,(伸食指)how many?

t:two„..(晕乎乎地)sun wukong, game over!


b3:(看到b1,b2尸体)oh„.,my daughter, my wife!who did it?!(哭喊)s: i’ll kill you, monster!(打)

t:(想阻止,未及)you, you.....(险些晕,e,j扶住)you have killed three lives!

s: no, they are not human beings!they are created by monster!t: monster? you are a real monster!never let me see you , go!s:(悲,离去)(音乐,营造 “假”悲伤气氛)《人鬼情未了》

e: master, brother monkey is.......t: scratch!don't mention that guy any more!


t:(惊)you are......b: how foolish you are, mr tang!(e,j去阻斗,被击退)

b:(抓住t)i'll enjoy your meat and blood, ha, ha......s:(悄悄走到b后,打b,b晕)

(放 only you这首歌)

t: wu kong?

e: oh, brother monkey!

j: our hero is back!

t: i„„i can't understand......what happened?

s: master, your iq needs increasing!this monster changed its appearance into three shapes in order to cheat you!

t: how, how did you find out?

s:(沉默).......monkey's intuition(直觉)

n: excuse me, where is theiminal?

s;ah......you are too late,ne zha!(对t)i've called the :(摇醒b)you are under arrest.(出示证件)you have the right to remain silent if you give up the right, anything you will say can and will be against you in

a court of law!(带走b)

t: wukong(s不理t)i admit my mistake this time(s仍不理)i'm sorry(小声)s: what?

t: i'm : em? louder, please?

t: i......am......sorry.....(s 捂耳)

x:monkey,you are right.(音乐响)《敢问路在何方》(这个放伴奏)

t: let's go,guys!(歌)

s: you are carrying the luggage, i am leading the : say goodbye to the sun, welcome evening : sleeping on the ground, again we set out set out, again we set : ah......ah......sleeping on the ground again we set : one after the other the seasons go by, and one after the other, the year go wonder where the road road is under your : you wonder where the road is, the road is under your feet......

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