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ABC 服饰有限公司

ABC Garments & Accessories Co., Ltd



日期DATE NOV. 02, 20xx

买方BUYER Arrabon Trading ,Unit 9, Central Office Park,

257 Jean Ave, Centurion

Tel: +357 27 664 0587 Fax: +357 27 664 0586




The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following goods on terms and conditions as set forth below :

(1) 货物名称及规格,包装及装运墨头| (2) 数量 |(3) 单价| (4) 总价

Name of Commodity, Specifications, QuantityUnit Price Total Amount

boy’s denim long pant boy’s twill long pant1000PCS : SPECIFICATION AS BELOW:

Fabric: 100% cotton, 8 oz denim/40s40s 133/72 twill

Size: 9 – 36 month,Long pant with front mock(fake) fly,

waistband stud opening,back elastic with belt loops.


One polybag per pc, 10 pcs a carton-box, solid color/

per carton-box, 5 moisture-proofing agentper carton-box,

an inner-cover-cardboard per carton-box







(装运数量允许有5%的增减 Shipping QuantityFive Percent More or Less Allowed)

(5) 装运期限Time of Shipment50DAYS AFTER THE SELLER RECEIVE THE L/C.

(6) 装运口岸Port of loading SHANGHAI

(7) 目的口岸Port of Destination LIMASSOL, CYPRUS


(9) 付款条件Terms of Payment IRREVOCABLE L/C AT SIGHT

该信用证必须在 45天 前开到卖方, 信用证的有效期应为装船期后15天, 在上述装运口岸到期,

否则卖方有权取消本售货合约并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权 .

The covering Letter of Credit must reach the Sellers 45 Days Prior to the Shipment Date and is to

remain valid in above indicated Loading Ports 15 days after the date of shipment, failing which the Sellers reserve the right to cancel this Sales Contract and to claim from the Buyers compensation for losses resulting therefrom.


(1) 异议 : 品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起30天内提出,数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起15天内提出。 但均须提供经卖方同意的公证行的检验证明。 如责任属于卖方者卖方


QUALITY/QUANTITY DISCREPANCY: In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be filed

by the Buyers within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination, while for quantity discrepancy claim should be filed by the Buyers within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at

port of destination. In all cases, claims must be accompanied by Survey Reports of Recognized

Public Surveyors agreed to by the Sellers. Should the responsibility of the subject under claim

be found to rest on part of the Sellers, the Sellers shall, within 20 days after receipt of the claim,

send his reply to the Buyers together with suggestion for settlement.

(2) 信用证内应明确规定卖方有权可多装或少装所注名的百分数,并按实际装运数量议付。 (信用证之金额应较本售货合约的金额增加相应的百分数)

The Sellers reserve the option of shipping the indicated percentage more or less than the quantity hereby contracted, and the covering Letter of Credit shall be negotiated for the amount coveringthe value of quantity actually shipped. (The Buyers are requested to establish the L/C in accordwith the indicated percentage over the total value of order as per this Sales Contract.)

(3) 信用证内容须严格符合本售货合约的规定,否则修改信用证的费用由买方负担,卖方亦 不负因修改信用证而延误装运的责任。并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。

The contents of the covering Letter of Credit shall be in strict accordance with stipulations of the Sales Contract; in case of any variation thereof necessitating amendment of the L/C, the Buyersshall bear the expenses for effecting the amendment. The sellers shall not be held responsible for possible delay of shipment resulting from awaiting the amendment of the L/C, and reserve the right to claim from the Buyers compensation for the losses resulting therefrom.

(4) 除经约定保险归买方投保者外,由卖方向中国的保险公司投保。如买方须增加保险额或 须加保其他险,可于装船前提出,经买方同意后代为投保,其费用由买方负担。

Except in case where the insurance is covered by the Buyers as arranged, insurance is to becovered by the Sellers with a Chinese insurance company. If insurance for additional amountand/or for other insurance terms is required by the Buyers, prior notice to this effect mush reach the Sellers before shipment and is subject to the Sellers’ agreement, and the extra insurance premium shall be for the Buyers’ account.

(5) 买方须将申请许可证副本(经有关银行副署)寄给卖方俟许可证批出后再即用传真通知 卖方,假如许可证被驳退,买方须征得卖方的`同意方可重行申请许可证。

The Buyers are requested to send to the Sellers authentic copy of the License-application

(endorsed by the relative bank) filed by the Buyers and to advise the Sellers by fax immediately

when the said License is obtained. Should the Buyers intend to file reapplication for License

in cases of rejection of the original application, the Buyers shall contact the Sellers and obtain the

latter’s consent before filing reapplication.

(6) 商品检验:产地证明书或中国有关机构所签发的品质数量/重量检验证,作为品质数量/ 重量的交货依据。

INSPECTION : The Certificate of Origin and/or the Inspection Certification of

Quality/Quantity/Weight issued by the relative institute shall be taken as the basis for the shipping Quality/Quantity/Weight

(7) 因人力不可抗拒事故,使卖方不能在本售货合约规定期限内交货或不能交货,卖方不负 责任,但是卖方必须立即以传真通知买方,如果买方提出要求,卖方应以挂号函向买方提供由中国国际贸易促进委员会或有关机构出具的证明,证明事故的存在。买方不能领


The Sellers shall not be held responsible if they owing to Force Majeure cause or causes fail to

make delivery within the time stipulated in this Sales contract or cannot delivery the goods.

However the Sellers shall inform immediately the Buyers by fax. The Sellers shall delivery to

the Buyers by registered letter, if it is requested by the Buyers, a certificate issued by the China

council for the Promotion of International Trade or by any competent authority, certifying to the

existence of the said cause or causes. Buyers’ failure to obtain the relative Import license is notto be treated as Force Majeure.

(8) 仲裁 : 凡因执行本合约或有关本合约所发生的一切争执,双方应以友好方式协商解决,如果协商不能解决,应提交北京中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会根据中国 国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会的仲裁程序暂行规则进行仲裁,仲裁裁决是终 局的,对双方都有约束力。

ARBITRATION : All disputes arising in connection with the Sales Contract of the execution thereof shall be settled amicably by negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case under dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration to the Foreign Trade Arbitration commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the ProvisionalRules of Procedure of the Foreign Trade Arbitration commission of the China council for thePromotion of International Trade. The decision of the Commission shall be accepted as final andbinding upon both parties.






This is to confirm the Agreement between us as follow:







Term of Agreement


This Agreement shall be effective as of and shall continue tin effect through and including with automatic one-year extensions thereafter unless terminated at the option of either party,other than for cause,upon at least sixty(60)days written notice prior to the expiration of the original term or,if applicable,any subsequent anniversary date.


Grade,Quantity and Quality:


Subject to availability and the production policies determined by the

Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,SELLER shall deliver and sell to BUYER and BUYER shall lift or receive and buy from SELLER a total of { quantity in numbers and words}

Barrels per day of Arabian Light crude oil, minus up to ten percent(10%)if BUYER s or SEELERs option,or plus up to ten percent (10%)if BUYER so requests and SELLER agrees. Additional volumes of crude oil of similar or different grades may be delivered under this agreement as the parties may from time to time agree.


The availability of each grade of crude oil specified in Paragraph will be advised by SELLER from time to time in accordance with the production policies of Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Subject to availability, and underless otherwise mutually agreed, the quantitied of each grade of crude oil to be lifted or received and purchased by BUYER during the term of this Agreement shall be spread over the term of this Agreement as evenly as practicable.


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained else where in this Agreement and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to SELLER hereunder if at any time BUYER,for at any reason other than force majeure(as defined in Paragraph )or a reason attributable to SELLER, fails

to lift or receive and purchase quantities of crude oil in accordance with this Paragraph 3, SELLER may at one time or from time to time thereafter, at its sole discretion, and upon notice to BUYER, reduce any or all quantities and grades of crude oil which BUYER would have otherwise been entitled to lift and buy.


The quality of each grade of crude oil delivered hereunder shall be the usual quality of that grade being made available by SELLER at the time of loading of the crude oil at the SELLER's loading port in Saudi Arabia. SELLER warrants that it has good and marketable title to the crude oil, free and clear of all charges, liens and encumbrances but THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS OR SUITABILITY OF THE CRUDE OIL, FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION OF THE CRUDE OIL AND ANY SPECIFICATIONS THEREFOR CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT.



The price per barrel of each grade of crude oil to be sold hereunder shall be the average of the means of Oman and Dubai crude oil quotations (as

published in Platt's Crude Oil Marketwire under the heading "Spot Assessment") for the entiremonth in which the Bill of Lading date falls, plus or minus a differential for each grade to be provided by SELLER to BUYER as per Paragraph


On or before the fifth (5th) day of each month, SELLER shall notify BUYER of the differential to be used to determine the price per barrel of each grade of crude oil for sale under this Agreement during the following month ("Scheduled Month of Delivery"). Within five (5) calendar days after receipt of SELLER's notification as set forth in the preceding sentence, BUYER may elect to terminate this Agreement by delivering written notice thereof to SELLER. Unless BUYER elects to terminate this Agreement in accordance with the immediately preceding sentence, the price differential notified by SELLER shall apply. Termination by BUYER in accordance with this Paragraph shall be effective as of the first day of the month following SELLER's receipt of BUYER's notice; provided, however, that termination under this or any other provision of this Agreement shall not affect the parties' rights and obligations with respect to deliveries of crude oil under this Agreement which were made prior to the effective date of termination; and further provided that in the event of termination hereunder or expiration of the Agreement, this Agreement shall remain in effect with respect to all crude oil for which delivery has been confirmed pursuant to Paragraph 6. The differential applicable to such crude oil shall be the differential which was in effect during the month prior to termination.



If delivery is at Yanbu, BUYER shall pay, in addition to the price calculated in accordance with Paragraph , the East-West Pipeline transit fee, currently $ (twenty-five cents) per barrel.


Should issuance of the Bill of Lading occur before or after the Scheduled Month of Delivery, the price of such cargo shall be calculated using the differential that would have applied had issuance of the Bill of Lading occurred in the Scheduled Month of Delivery; however, the Oman and Dubai Prices shall be calculated with reference to the Bill of Lading date, as set forth in Paragraph




Payment for each parcel of crude oil sold shall be made in the full amount of SELLER's telexed or faxed invoice without discounts or deductions by BUYER to SELLER via electronic transfer in immediately available funds in Dollars to SELLER's account as follows:



签署日期 The date of signature

出让方(甲方): Assignor (Party A):

受让方(乙方):Assignee (Party B):


According to the law, on the basis of voluntary will, equality and mutual benefit, parties A and B conclude the contract with mutual agreement.

一、 域名情况及转让范围 The status of the domain name and the scope of the assignment

1、 甲方合法拥有下列域名: 在规定期限内的管理权,使用权,所有权。

Party A enjoy the managing, using and property right about the following domain name in prescribed terms.

2、 甲方同意将上述域名的权限完全转让乙方所有。

Party A agrees to assign above-mentioned right totally to Part B.

3、 以下是域名的详细信息:

Following is the details of the domain name: :

当前注册人(出让人)Current registered person

新注册人(受让人)The new registered person (B)

注册人(中文名称) Registrant(Chinese)

注册人(英文名称) Registrant(English)

地址 The address

国家 Country

邮编 Zip Code

电话 Telephone No.

传真The Fax No.

电子邮箱The email address

所属注册商Authorized agent

注册时间Registration time

二、转让价格及支付方式 The assignment fees and the payment

1、 出让总价:, The total assignment fees:

2、 乙方必须在甲方完成转让注册前一次性支付所有费用(即甲方将过户文件提交北京注册商总部前)

Party B should pay off the total assignment fees in one time before the completion of the assignment deed.

3、 甲方收到转让费用后办理转户手续。(以当地银行收到款项为准)

After receiving the assignment fees, party A would perform the transfer procedure. (The receipt time refers to the payment is received in local bank)

4、 其他费用: 甲方支付Other expenditure : It is paid by party A

二、 双方权利与义务、域名过户流程及其他

The liability of two parties and assignment procedure

1、 双方权利与义务: Rights and obligations of two parties:



The party A guarantees that it enjoys above mentioned property, managing and using right. If there were any fraud, it would bear the correlative civil or criminal liabilities.


The party A will proceed the assignment in 5 workdays after it gets the assignment fees and there is not any delay.


Concluded the assignment, any result and liability, which Party B will bring in the process of using of the domain name, is none of the business With Party A and should be born by Party B.

2、 过户流程:Transfer flow:

a、 乙方在该域名的`注册商官方站下载过户资料表格,填好后签字盖章EMS邮寄到甲方;

Party B should download the data sheet for assignment from the official website of the authorized agent, execute and post it to Party A by EMS.

b、 甲方在收到乙方的过户资料后,经审核无误后签字并盖章;

Party A should execute the assignment data sheet after receiving and checking out it free from error.

c、 财务到帐后,甲方将完整的过户文件EMS提交至北京注册商总部;

Party A can submit the whole documents to the authorized agent once Party A gets the assignment fees by EMS.

d、 北京注册商总部收到过户资料后,在2-5个工作日内将把原注册内容替换成新注册人的信息;

Receiving the documents for assignment, the authorized agent would replace the original information of assignor as the new information about assignee in 2 to 5 workdays.

e、 完成过户手续后,乙方可在中国互联网信息中心官方站查询该域名的WHOIS,核对


Concluded the assignment, Party B can search WHOIS of the domain name on the official website of China Internet Network Information Center. After checking, Party B should send email to Party A for confirmation.


The two parties should take the principle of good faith performance of this contract. The use of any party in the performance of fraud, coercion or violent means, the other party may terminate the contract and the right to demand compensation for damages. Found in the performance of any party, or there is evidence that the other party have been, are or will default, may suspend the performance of the contract, but shall promptly notify the other party. Where party A early termination of the contract, no right to demand the return of the domain and should bear the liability for losses of party B, where party B terminate contract without valid reason, these costs should be compensated to A and the domain name should be returned to party A.

4、 其他: 其余未尽事宜双方协商解决。

Other matters: The remaining outstanding issues resolved through mutual consultation.

三、 合同双方签署后生效Contracts enters into force after execution.


The contact shall be executed in two counterparts, each party holds one.

出让方(甲方): 受让方(乙方):

Assignor (Party A) : Assignee (Party B):



反稀释条款 The Conversion Price shall be adjusted on a full-ratchet basis for issuance of any securities of the Company at a purchase price less than the then-effective conversion price. Additionally, the Conversion Price shall be proportionally adjusted for share splits, share dividends, recapitalizations and the like.


Protective Provisions

保护性条款 The consent of 75% of the CN holders will be required for any of the following actions of the Company and its subsidiaries:


1) Amendment to the Memorandum of Articles of Association


2) Make any material change in the nature of its business


3) Merger, consolidation, reorganization, liquidation, dissolution, or winding-up


4) Acquire, grant an operating right in relation to or otherwise dispose of any shares or securities or material part of its business or assets (excluding current assets)


5) Sell, mortgage, pledge, lease, transfer or otherwise dispose of a substantial portion of assets 重大资产的出售、抵押、担保、租赁、转让或处置

6) Issuance of equity or debt securities, repurchase or redemption of any equity security: re-classification of issued securities; increases, decreases or alters the existing issued share capital 股权或债权证券的发行,任何股权证券的赎回,已发行证券的重新分类,现有股本的增加、减少或改变

7) Declaration or payment of dividends


8) Enter into any joint venture, partnership or consortium arrangement


9) Termination, or material amendment to the terms of stock option plan including number of options, vesting period, and exercise price of options


10) Any loans to any director, officer or employee


11) Any related party transaction outside the ordinary course of business


12) Incurrence of any external borrowing by the Company which exceeds US$ [ ], or a series of external borrowing by the Company which in the aggregate over any 12 month period exceed US$ [ ].

公司超过[ ]美元的`任何外部借贷,或12个月内累计超过[ ]美元的一系列外部借贷的发生

13) Change the terms of employment of any employee whose base salary is in excess of US$50,000 per annum


14) Hire or dismiss key management staff


15) Enter into any contract or arrangement which involves a consideration or payment exceeding US$[ ] to be made within any one year

任何1年内须支付对价超过[ ]美元的合同或安排的达成

16) Change of the Auditors or any material change in accounting practices or policies


17) Select the listing exchange or the underwriters for an IPO or approve the valuation and terms and conditions for the IPO, whether or not the IPO is a Qualified IPO


18) Annual budget including capital expenditure.


Undertakings by Founders

创始人股东保证 The Founders undertakes with the Investors that, at all times after the Closing Date, they will not sell or transfer any of their shares prior to the completion of a Qualified IPO, unless the prior written consent is obtained from the Investors.


Pre-emptive Rights

优先购买权 The Investors shall have a pro-rata right, based on their percentage equity ownership on a as-if converted basis, to participate in any subsequent equity financing of the Company on the same price and terms and conditions as the Company proposes to offer such new securities. The Investors will have a right to subscribe any portion of the new issue that is not subscribed by the existing shareholders.


Right of First Refusal, and Co-Sale Rights

优先受让权和共同出售权 The Investors shall have first refusal rights and co-sale rights whereby any holder of Ordinary Shares who proposed to sell all or a portion of his shares to a third party must first permit the investors at their option (i) to purchase such shares on the same terms as the proposed transferee, or (ii) sell a proportionate part of their shares on the same terms offered by the proposed transferee. Such rights of first refusal and co-sale rights would terminate upon the closing of a Qualified IPO.

投资人享有优先受让权和共同销售权,任何欲向第三方出售全部或部分股份的普通股股东须首先允许投资人 (i) 以与拟受让人同等条款购买该股份,或 (ii) 以同等条款按比例向拟受让人出售股份。合格IPO完成后,该优先受让权和共同出售权即终止。

Information Rights

信息获取权 The Company shall provide to all Investors:


1) audited consolidated profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and statements of cash flow of the Company within three (3) months after the end of each financial year;


2) monthly management accounts of the Company and individual company standard accounts for each entity within the Company, to be provided within 15 business days after each month end; 每月度结束后15个工作日内提供公司月度管理报表及公司内每一主体单独的标准报表;

3) quarterly consolidated management accounts within 30 days after each quarter end;


4) annual budgets and forecasts not less than 30 days prior to the commencement of each financial year;


5) all other information which Investors may reasonably require within 7 days of the Company’s receipt of a notice requesting such information, or a clear demonstration of best efforts if more than 7 days are required;


6) full details of any progress in relation to any IPO of all or part of the business as soon as practicable;


7) access to books and records, the facilities, properties, management, employees, and accounting and legal advisors of the Company at any reasonable time after reasonable prior notice by Investors;


8) prompt notification of any withdrawal of bank facilities of the Company, and the Company’s best efforts to restore adequate banking facilities;


9) prompt notification of any material litigation or any circumstances that would likely give rise to material litigation; and


10) prior notification of any change in the equity percentages of any subsidiary or affiliate, or any joint venture to which the Company is a party.


All financial statements shall be prepared to Investors in English and prepared in accordance with IAS.


These information rights shall terminate upon the IPO of the Company.


Registration Rights

注册权 1) Demand, S-3, F-3 or Equivalent, and Piggyback Rights: The specific terms of registration rights would include at least the following: (i) starting three years after the Closing Date, the holders of 50% of the outstanding CN may request a Form F-1 registration statement to be filed; (ii) starting one year after the IPO, two (2) demand registrations upon request of holders of 50% of the outstanding CN on Form S-3 or F-3 or equivalent if listed on a non-US stock exchange; (iii) unlimited piggyback registrations in connection with registrations of shares for the account of the Company or selling shareholders exercising demand rights; and (iv) cut-back provisions providing that registrations must include at least 25% of the shares requested to be included by the holders of registrable securities and employees, directors, etc. must be cut back before the holders of registrable securities would be cut back.

要求注册、按S-3、F-3(或相当的表格)注册和附带注册权:注册权的特定条款至少包括如下内容:(i) 本次融资完成3年后,持有50%已发行可转换债券的股东有权要求公司向美国SEC提交F-1注册申请; (ii) IPO后1年内,持有50%已发行可转换债券的股东有权向公司提出两次按S-3、F-3(或相当的表格,若在美国之外的股票交易所挂牌)请求注册; (iii) 次数不限的当公司或其他出售股票的股东注册时的附带注册权或与其相当的权利;以及 (iv) 注册削减条款:任何注册削减条款应规定,所有注册(除与IPO相关的注册)应至少满足原持有人要求注册数的25%,且股东要求的注册数被削减的前提是公司的董事、高管、员工、顾问和普通股股东要求的注册数首先被削减。

2) Expenses: The Company would bear the registration expenses (excluding underwriting discounts and commissions but including all other expenses related to the registration) of all such demand, piggyback and S-3, F-3 or equivalent registration.


3) Transfer of Rights: The registration rights may be transferred.


4) Termination: The registration rights would terminate on the earlier date of: (1) five (5) years after the closing of this financing, or (2) when any holder can sell all of such holder’s shares in any three-month period without registration pursuant to Rule 144 under the 1934 Act.

权利的终止:注册权在下述较早实现之日终止:(1) 本次融资完成5年后,或 (2) 任何股东可以依据美国1934年《证券交易法》第144条在任何3个月期内出售所有股份而不必登记之时。


排他性 The Investors will have the exclusive right to negotiate and complete the Investment for a period of eight weeks from the signing of this Term Sheet. During this Exclusive Period, neither the Company, nor the Founders, shall provide information, solicit or entertain proposals, or conduct any discussion or negotiation with any third party regarding the issuance of shares or other securities or instruments by the Company, or any other subsidiary or affiliate of the Company.



费用 The Company shall bear all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by the Investors in relation to the Investors’ investment contemplated under this Term Sheet including but not limited to the preparation, negotiation and execution of Transaction Documents and the legal, financial, commercial and technical due diligence undertaken by the Investors, up to a maximum limit of US$200,000.


In the event Completion does not take place, the Company and the Investors shall bear their own costs and expenses, provided that if the Company unilaterally decides not to proceed with Completion, the Company shall bear all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the Investors in relation to the Investors’ intended investment under this Term Sheet including but not limited to the preparation and negotiation of the Transaction Documents and the due diligence undertaken by the Investors, up to a maximum limit of US$200,000.



保密性 The terms and conditions stipulated in this Term Sheet, including its existence, and the information about the Company shall be confidential information and shall not be disclosed to any third party unless required by applicable law or regulations of any stock exchange. This restriction does not apply to employees, legal counsels, accountants, and other professional advisors of the Company, the Founders, or the Investors, on a need-to-know basis.


Language of Performance

履行语言 All notices, communications, and proceedings relating to this Investment and the exercise or performance of the parties’ respective rights and duties will be in English.



终止 The CN and CN Holders’ rights hereunder terminate upon the closing of any Qualified IPO, except for any public offering or registration rights, which continue for the respective agreed periods. In the event of a Qualified IPO, the terms of the CNs and CNs will have to be disclosed in the offering document / prospectus and therefore the confidentiality clause can no longer be able to complied with.



Labor Contract for Internship

甲方(用人单位): 代理人:

Party A (Employer):

Authorized Agent:乙方(实习生): Alex


ID Number:


The contract is hereby concluded by both parties to definite each other’s responsibilities, in the principles of fairness, legitimacy, equality, voluntariness, consensus through negotiation and good faith.

一、协议期限 Contract Term


二、实习岗位 Job Responsibilities

甲方根据乙方的实际情况和工作需要,安排实习学生在 英文编辑 岗位实习,乙方应按公司的工作要求,努力完成实习任务。 in accordance with both parties’ need and arrangement. Party B shall fulfill his job according to company’s business requirement.

三、实习补贴 Labor Remuneration

依照按劳取酬的'原则,按甲方现行制度确定实习生的实习补贴。具体支付方法如下:实习补贴 12 美元/小时,其他奖励: 根据实习生在岗工作表现而定 。

Party A shall pay off salary to Party B in accordance with current salary system and regulation:

四、工作时间及休息假日 Working Hours and Resting Hours


1. Party B shall work for 10 hours a week.


2. Party B shall review English essays with more than 1000 words per hour.

五、合同解除、变更、终止 Revocation and Termination of Labour Contracts


1. The contract could be revoked upon agreement between the parties hereto.


2. Party B cannot suspend the contract during the period of validity unless he informs Party A and explains the reason 1 month in advance and arranges the handing-over, or Party B shall take the responsibility of any loss of Party A.


3. Party A has the right to suspend the contract if Party B can not meet the demand of the job,even causes loss for Party A. Party A reserves the rights to investigate for legal responsibility

六、法律效力 Miscellaneous


The contract is in duplicate, held by Party A and Party B respectively. The contract comes into effect upon signatures or seals of both parties.

甲方(签章): 乙方(签字):

Party A (Signature and seal): Party B (Signature):日期: 年 月 日日期: 年 月 日

Date: Date:

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