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小麦啤酒 wheat beer ; Weizen ; Weizenbier ; Weissbeer

喜力啤酒 Heineken ; quando quando quando ; happy together ; HEIA

金威啤酒 Kingway Brewery ; Kingway Beer ; Kingway Brewery Holdings Limited

淡啤酒 light beer ; lager ; small beer ; ale

麒麟啤酒 Kirin Brewery Company ; Kirin ; Kirin Brewery ; kylin beer

啤酒肚 beer belly ; pot belly ; beer gut ; Beer belly with brandy

嘉士伯啤酒 Carlsberg ; Carlsberg Breweries ; Carl ery ; Carlsburg Beer

啤酒历史 History of beer


One of the world's oldest stories, The Epic of Gilgamesh, is a lively tale of heroism and sacrificefrom ancient Sumer. It also contains one of the earliest references to beer. In the story, a female friend of the hero changes a wild, primitivebeast into a cultured human being by giving him seven cups of beer.


In reality, drinking that much beer is more likely to have the opposite effect. Nowadays, it is the beverage of choice among rowdy young people on a Saturday night out, and it has fueled acts of violence and destruction in more than a few societies. It is, nevertheless, the oldest known alcoholic drink in the world and is widely enjoyed.


Fermentedbeverages made from various types of grainappeared independently in different locations all over the ancient world from Africa to China. The word beer itself comes from a Latin verb meaning "to drink", and the ancient Romans were certainly no strangers to the brew. However, because they considered it the drink of barbarians , the Romans generally preferred wine.


In ancient times, people who made beer lacked the means to preserve and filterit properly, so the drink was cloudy and turned bad quickly. It was medieval European monks who introduced scientific brewing techniques in an effort to produce a nutritious beverage to supplementtheir meagerdiets.


The monks were not restricted to only brewingthe beer, and consumption of it within the monasteries reached astonishing levels. One report from Belgium said that monks were drinking as much as five liters a day. Monastery breweriesin Europe also ran their own pubs and enjoyed a tax-free status that came to be resented by the growing merchant class.


As the power and influence of the church declined, the art of brewing became an important commercial activity. Today, beer production is largely a high-tech process in the hands of huge corporations or government monopolies. However, recent years have seen a growth in the popularity of small-scale breweries, reflecting an increasing global demand for quality and variety.





1. He cracked jokes and talked about beer and girls.


2. They drink bitter on draught in the local bar.


3. He watched the barman prepare the beer he had ordered.


4. He was aware of the stink of stale beer on his breath.


5. He was short and fat, with a large beer belly.


6. He tossed Malone a can of beer, and took one himself.


7. They are pressing the Chancellor to reduce excise duty on beer.


8. Men were standing around, swilling beer and occasionally leering at passing females.


9. People are still hanging out drinking beer, maybe shooting some pool.


10. Wade walked quickly to the refrigerator and pulled out another beer.


11. The new invention ensures the beer keeps a full, frothy head.


12. I decided it wouldn't be tactful to order another beer.


13. His best selling line is the cheapest lager at £


14. He stood in my kitchen drinking beer, rambling on about Lillian.


15. This enzyme would make the filtration of beer easier.


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