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It's not your place to give advice.


On their advice I applied for the job.


They give advice for people with HIV and AIDS.


It's pot luck whether you get good advice or not.


Let me give you a piece of advice.

















Dear citizens:

The earth is our home, but also our mother. The earth generously provides us with all kinds of resources, but we still destroy her regardless of the consequences. As the article "only one earth" said, we can no longer expect to destroy the earth and move to other planets. If the earth is destroyed, then the fate that comes to the earth will come to mankind after all! Therefore, it's not too late for us to mend the situation, protect our earth and protect the environment. I suggest that you do the following:

1. Cherish every breath of air now. We should plant more trees. The trees can not only exhale fresh air, but also purify the air. We should stop deforestation and do less damage to nature.

2. Do not abuse all kinds of resources, such as coal, mine, wood, water If these resources are exploited endlessly, all kinds of resources will be exhausted. When people don't have resources, we can't survive.

3. Water is the source of life, but it is too little. Although the surface of the earth seems to be covered with water, less than one tenth of it can be used. Many cities are seriously short of water, so we need to save water.

Although one or two of us can't change the fate of the earth, unity is power. Let's start from the little things around us, protect and cherish our earth, so that the earth can show its youthful smile.

a good advice可数吗【第四篇】

This is a good piece of advice for us to follow.


Son, let me give you a good piece of advice.


He gave me a lot of good advice.


That sounds like a lot of good advice; hope I can remember it all.


Learn through practice@ is a piece of good advice for those who are learning a new language.



Dear students:

How do you do!

I'm a student about your age, just in sixth grade this year. We are on the same earth and under the same blue sky. It is our responsibility to cherish the earth's resources.

We all know that the earth is where we live. In the universe, there is no other planet suitable for human habitation within the 40 trillion kilometers around the earth. So we can't expect to destroy the earth and move to another planet.

Now, some people destroy the earth for their own interests, such as: uncontrolled water use, rampant cutting of trees, excessive development of arable land, endless discharge of sewage However, the earth's resources are limited. It took millions or even hundreds of millions of years of geological changes to form.

Students, the earth is selfless, she generously provides resources to human beings, but once these resources are exhausted, human survival will also be threatened.

We are the future of the earth. If our generation does not protect the earth and the earth's resources, then we will be extinct. Students, I suggest you save a piece of paper and use less water to make her better!

If you have wasted a lot of resources before, please remember my advice: save a piece of paper and use less water!

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