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The Longmen Grottos

The Longmen Grottos are on the Yihe River bank, some 12 kilometers from ancient Luoyang city, about 30 minutes' drive. It is one of the three most important Buddhist sculptures and carvings in China. The Longmen Grottos enjoy a good location where two mountains confront each other between which flows the Yihe River.

The grotto was first carved in North Wei Dynasty, over 1500 years ago and expanded through the succeeding East and West Wei Dynasties, North Qi Dynasty, North Zhou Dynasty, Sui and Tang Dynasties and was finally completed in North Song Dynasty. Over 500 years' renovation and expansion have created the prestigious world cultural site. The most significant chiseling activities happened in the Tang and North Wei Dynasties, which lasted over 150 years.

Spanning a length of around 1 kilometer on the hillside along the Yihe River, the niches resemble dozens of honeycombs dotting the area. There are about grottoes and niches, over 40 crematory urns, 3,600 inscribed stone tablets and over 100,000 Buddhist images and statues. The largest one is 17 meters high while the smallest is a tiny as 2 cm. One third of the complex are works of the North Wei Dynasty. These masterpieces are the Binyang Cave, and Lianhua( Lotus Cave)。 The impressive Qianxi Temple, Fengxian Temple, Wanfo Cave( Ten Thousand Buddhist Cave) are the highlights of the Tang Dynast's carvings. The Longmen Grottos are of great value in world sculpture history and it has been listed in the World Cultural Heritage Site by the UNESCO. To protect such a valuable heritage site, the Chinese government as well as some influential world cultural organizations are trying hard to share this site with the whole word. A large-scaled renovation was undertaken in 2003 to keep the grottos in good condition.


Ladies and Gentlemn:

You have seen the three main halls of the Forbidden City.

Now I ` d like to show you around the hall of mental cultivation and the imperial garden .

The hall of mental cultivation is situated is in the western part of the innermost enclosure and is symmetrical to Fengxian Hall in the east.

This hall was built during the Ming Dynasty.

IT is a H-shaped structure consisting of an antechamber and a main building .

The hall is surrounded by corridors.

In front of the hall is the Office of Privy Council.

Before Emperor Kangxi of Qing the Dynasty came to power the Hall of Heavenly Purity served as the living quarter of the emperors.

Emperor Yongzheng chose to live in this hall and attended to every day state affairs from here .

For the sake of protecting cultural relics, this hall is not open to the public .

You can have a look at the inside from the door.

The central hall was the audience chamber where the emperor read memorials, granted audience to officials and summoned his minsters for consultation.

The western chamber of the hall was where the emperor read reports and discussed military and political affairs.

The hall consists of many inner rooms and is decorated with images of Buddha and miniature pagodas.

On the screen wall there hangs a picture of two emperors in the Han costume.

In a southern room there three rare calligraphic scrolls, hence the name of the room “Sanxitang” .

The room on the eastern side is of historical interst because it was here that Empress Dowager Cixi usurped power and made decisions on behalf of the young emperor .

A bamboo curtain was used to separate them .

Empress Dowage Cixi was born in 1835 in Lu` an Prefecture of shanxi province.

She` s of Manchurian nationality and her father was a provincial governor from south China.

When she was 17 years old ,she was selected to become a concubine of Emperor Xianfeng and moved into the Forbidden City.

She gave birth to a son when she was 21years old and was made a concubine the following year.

When the emperor passed away in the summer of 1861, her son ascended the throne and title of Cixi, meaning “Holy Mother” was conferred upon her and she became the Empress Dowager.

In that same year Empress Dowager Cixi carried out a count coup d` etat and ruled behind the scenes with another empress dowager, Ci` an, for 48 years.

She passed away in 1908 at the age of 73.

It was in reference to this situation that the term “attending to state affairs behind a bamboo curtain” developed .

In 1912 , Empress dowager Longyu declared the abdication of the last Qing emperor Puyi.

They were allowed to remain in the Forbidden City for the next 13 years .

The royal family was forced to move out permanently in 1924.

Behind the central hall were the living accommodation of 8 successive Qing emperors .

Three of them actually passed away here.

The side rooms flanking the hall were reserved for empresses and concubines.

Now let` s continue with our tour.

It will take us to the Hall of heavenly purity , the hall of union and peace ,the palace of earthly tranquility, and the imperial garden.


Hello, everyone. First of all, on behalf of the youth travel agency,welcome to Tianjin. I'm your tour guide. My name is Qinxiang, and you can callme Xiaoqin. Next to me is our driver, Master Li. Master Li has many years ofdriving experience and is very familiar with the road conditions, which willmake you feel comfortable and safe. If you encounter any difficulties on yourjourney, you can feel comfortable and safe, Must tell me, I will serve youwholeheartedly, also hope you can cooperate with our work, let us share abeautiful journey! I wish you a happy journey, can be happy and return.

Today, we are going to visit Panshan, which is located at the south foot ofYanshan mountain, 90 kilometers east of Beijing, at the intersection of Beijing,Tianjin, Tang and Chengde. In ancient times, Panshan was called Panlongmountain, Sizheng mountain and Wuzhong mountain. How did the name of Panshancome from? At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao personally led ahundred thousand troops to attack Wuhuan in the north, and the troops marched toWuzhong country. It was midsummer, with heavy rain and muddy roads. Wuhuan armyoccupied the main road, and the small Wuzhong country was unable to raise foodfor one hundred thousand troops. When Cao Cao was in a dilemma, Tian Chou, wholived in seclusion in wuzhongshan, came to the army to offer advice, so that CaoCao won a complete victory. In memory of Tian Chou, later generations changedWuzhong mountain into Tian Panshan, later referred to as Panshan (it seems thatit has nothing to do with Tian Chou, ha ha).

Panshan is known as "the first mountain in the east of Beijing" in theworld, with the famous sites of "five peaks", "eight stones" and "three plates".The main peak, Guayue peak, is meters above sea level. It is surrounded byzigai peak in the front, Zilai peak in the back, Jiuhua peak in the East andWujian peak in the West. At the same time, it is especially famous for Songshengin Shangpan, Shisheng in zhongpan and Shuisheng in xiapan. It is called "Sanpanscenic spot" and is known as "scenery step by step and classic scenery". EmperorQianlong visited Panshan many times and wrote down the famous sentence "if youknew there was Panshan, why go to Jiangnan".

After listening to the above introduction, I believe you have a generalunderstanding of Panshan. How about Panshan? Please visit it in person and thenmake an evaluation. We have come to the parking lot of the scenic spot. Pleaseremember that our car is a white golden dragon, and the license plate is Jina1234. The car is parked on the left side of the parking lot. We are stillgathering on the car at 1 pm. Please take your valuables with you and get offwith me.

Now we have come to the entrance of the tourist area. There is a tall threehole memorial archway. On the front, there is AI xinjueluo puzuo's inscription:"the first mountain in Jingdong". On the back, there is fan Runhua'sinscription: "the mountains are Emerald". Now let's go inside and pass the threehole Mountain Gate with yellow tiles and red walls. On the huge stone facing us,there are four big characters of "three plates of dusk rain", which was writtenby Mao Chang, the former vice mayor of Tianjin. "Sanpan dusk rain" is a uniquelandscape of Panshan, which is one of the "ten sceneries of Jinmen". "Sanpan"refers to the "Sanpan scenery" of Panshan, and "dusk rain" refers to the cloudsin the evening.

Facing this huge stone standing in the air, it is engraved with two bigcharacters of "entering victory", which are five feet in diameter and is written by Rong Lu, the Bachelor of Wenhua hall, the Minister of militaryaircraft in the late Qing Dynasty. Entering victory means that we have begun toenter the realm of victory.

Keep going. Here are two lines of inscriptions on the cliff. One line is"sizhengmenjing". Panshan is also called sizhengshan, which means that it passesthrough the gate of Panshan. The other line is "Minglu entering the valley",which refers to the sound of chariots and horses of the rich. There is a hugestone not far away. What is it? Let's go and have a look. This is the famousyuan gem. It is named because it is wide in the top and narrow in the bottom,and it looks like a Yuan Bao. On the top there are several lines with big words:"there are mountains, strange rocks and rare pines here.".

Facing this thousand year old pine, with a trunk circumference of eightfeet and a height of three feet, this is the welcoming pine in Panshan. Forthousands of years, many emperors and generals, noble families, faithful men andwomen, literati and poets have come here to have a rest, recite poems and praisePanshan.

If you go further, what we see now is Dashiqiao. Emperor Qianlong had arest here when he visited Panshan. Now I invite you to have a rest here. I'lltell you a story. One year, Emperor Qianlong came to Panshan and went toDashiqiao. Seeing the beautiful scenery here, he made a decree to have a wrote the first couplet: to visit Panshan and walk the road for several Yong took the lead in the second couplet: to visit Rehe and drink hot winefor a few days. As soon as Qianlong heard of Rehe, he immediately lost his turned out that before that, Qianlong had gone to Rehe to leave the palacefor the summer. At that time, there was a popular saying: the emperor's villa isreally a summer resort, but the people are in Rehe. This word spread into hisears, naturally greatly angry. Seeing this, Liu Yong quickly added: "long live,the scenery here is so beautiful, you should make another couplet to leteveryone be right." so Qianlong's mood got better again, and he added anothercouplet: bafangqiao, Bafang, Bafang, Bafang, Bafang, Bafang, Bafang, Bafang,Bafang, Bafang. This baffled several ministers, but Ji Xiaolan knelt down infront of Qianlong and blurted out: "long live grandfather, long live kneel down,long live grandfather, long live, long live Lord, long live, long live. SoEmperor Qianlong was very happy, and Longyan was very happy.

Well, after listening to the story and having a rest, please continue towalk with me. Our next scenic spot is Tiancheng temple. The old name ofTiancheng temple is Fushan temple, which is just like a natural design. It takesthe meaning of Tiancheng picture, so it's called Tiancheng temple. Well, now wehave come to Tiancheng temple. It was first built in the Tang Dynasty. It wasexpanded and rebuilt in Liao, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Since the reign of Kangxiin the Qing Dynasty, emperors of several generations have visited Tianchengtemple. Emperor Qianlong has visited Tiancheng Temple most frequently, and hisdouble monk Kong Hai has become a monk here. "Tiancheng Temple" on the templegate was mentioned by Qianlong. Before entering the temple gate, please turnaround and take a look at the building behind you - woyunlou, which is twostories high, six Ying, Huadong carved beams and high ridge cornices. It is veryspectacular. Every rainy day, white clouds often pass through the valley, orhide the building, or pass through the building. It is very interesting, so itis named woyunlou. At the foot of the mountain opposite woyunlou, there is aplatform, which is the site of a small stage. In the past, when Emperor Qianlongwas resting in woyunlou, the imperial troupe performed on the stage.

Now, let's walk into Tiancheng Temple together. The first thing we see isJiangshan Pavilion. These five words were also mentioned by Emperor follow me this way, through the winding corridor, we came to a high damplatform, facing the huge stone lying on the back, engraved with the word"quiet". On the east side of the hall, there is a stele made by EmperorQianlong, on which are his personal notes of traveling to Panshan and his poemsabout Panshan. Now let's take a look at the ancient Buddha relic pagoda ofWansong temple. It has thirteen octagonal stories and a delicate are 104 bronze statues hanging on the dense eaves of the thirteen pagoda is glittering with gold, and the mountain wind is blowing slowly. Thepagoda was built in the Liao Dynasty and rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. It is nowlisted as a key cultural relic protection unit in Tianjin.

Well, we've visited all the major scenic spots here. Now we can movefreely. We must pay attention to safety. We don't watch the scenery when wewalk. We don't walk when we watch the scenery. Now it's disbanded. Don't forget1:00 in the parking lot at the foot of the mountain. We'll get together on is waiting for you there.

Everyone is here, and our journey today is almost over. I'm reallyreluctant to be separated from you. Xiaoqin is here to thank you for yourcooperation in my work. If you have any comments or suggestions on our service,please let us know. We will correct in time to provide you with better wish you a happy life and good health in the future. If you are lucky, let'smeet again in Tianjin.


At a distance of 50 km northwest of Beijing stands an arc-shaped cluster of hills fronted by a s

At a distance of 50 km northwest of Beijing stands an arc-shaped cluster of hills fronted by a small plain. Here is where 13 emperors of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) were buried, and the area is known as the Ming Tombs.

Construction of the tombs started in 1409 and ended with the fall of the Ming Dynasty in 1644. In over 200 years tombs were built over an area of 40 square kilometres, which is surrounded by walls totalling 40 kilometres. Each tomb is located at the foot of a separate hill and is linked with the other tombs by a road called the Sacred Way. The stone archway at the southern end of the Sacred Way, built in 1540, is 14 metres high and 19 metres wide, and is decorated with designs of clouds, waves and divine animals.

Beijing served as the national capital during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Unlike Ming and Qing rulers who all built massive tombs for themselves, Yuan rulers left no similar burial grounds. Why the difference?

This has to do with people's different views on death. Beijing nomads came from the Mongolian steppe. Mongols who established the Yuan Dynasty held the belief that they had come from: earth. they adopted a simple funeral method: the dead was placed inside a hollowed nanmu tree, which was then buried under grassland. Growth of grass soon left no traces of the tombs.

By contrast, during the Ming Dynasty established by Han Chinese coming from an agricultural society in central China, people believed the existence of an after-world, where the dead "lived" a life similar to that of the living. Ming emperor, therefore, has grand mausoleums built for themselves. Qing rulers did likewise.

The stone archway at the southern end of the Sacred Way, built in 1540, is 14 metres high and 19 metres wide, and is decorated with designs of clouds, waves and divine animals. Well-proportioned and finely carved, the archway is one of the best preserved specimens of its kink in the Ming Dynasty. It is also the largest ancient stone archway in China.

The Stele Pavilion, not far from the Great Palace Gate, is actually a pavilion with a double-eaved roof. On the back of the stele is carvedpoetry written by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty when he visited the Ming Tombs.

The Sacred Way inside the gate of the Ming Tomb is lined with 18 pairs of stone human figures and animals. These include four each of three types of officials: civil, military and meritorious officials, symbolizing those who assist the emperor in the administration of the state, plus four each of six iypes of animals: lion, griffin, camel, elephant, unicorn and horse.

Yongling, built in 1536, is the tomb for Emperor Shizong, Zhu Houcong (1507-1566)。 He stayed in power for 45 years.

The Dingling Tomb is the tomb of Emperor Wanli (reigned 1573-1619), the 13th emperor of the Ming Dynasty, whose personal name was Zhu Yijun, and of his two empresses, Xiao Duan and Xiao Jing. The tomb was completed in six years (1584-1590), it occupies a total area of 1,195 square meters at the foot of Dayu Mountain southwest of the Changling Tomb.

Emperor Xianzong, Zhu Jianshen, and his three empresses are entombed within Maoling. Zhu Jianshen (1447-1487) was the first son of Emperor Yingzong. He stayed in power for 22 years.

We have covered some of the most significant tombs of the 13 Ming tombs in the tour. If you are also interested in the other tombs, the best way is to come and experience yourself.

Changling is the tomb of emperor Yongle (reigned 1403-1424), the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty whose personal name was Zhu Di, and of his empress. Built in 1413, the mausoleum extends over an area of 100,000 square metres. The soul tower, which tells people whose tomb it is, rests on a circular wall called the "city of treasures" which surrounds the burial mound. The "city of treasures" at Changling has a length of more than a kilometre.

The underground palace at Dingling Tomb consists of an antechamber, a ceniral chamber and a rear chamber plus the left and right annexes. One of the pictures shows the central chamber where the sacrificial utensils are on display. Two marble doors are made of single slabs and carved with life-size human figures, flowers and birds. More than 3,000 articles have been unearthed from the tumulus, the most precious being the golden crowns of the emperor and his queen.

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