
网友 分享 时间:



1. How beautiful! 多美呀!

2. How funny! 多有趣呀!

3. Wow! It’s so nice! 哇!它太好了。

4. It’s a nice day! 这是一个很好的一天!

5. Oh, my god / goodness! 哦,我的上帝!

6. Wow! It’s so nice / lovely! 哇!它太棒了 / 太可爱了!

7. Nice girl / boy. 好女孩 / 男孩。

8. You are so sweet. 你是非常可爱的。

9. You look very smart. 你看起来非常聪明。

10. I wish you a Merry Christmas!我祝你圣诞快乐!

11. I wish you a Happy New Year!我祝你新年快乐!

12. Do you understand? 明白了吗?


1. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮!

2. You are clever! 你真聪明!

3. You are good! 你真棒!

4. Great! / Good! / OK! 好。

5. Very nice! 非常好!

6. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!

7. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!

8. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!

9. Thank you very much! 非常感谢你!

10. Wonderful! 太棒了!

11. I am the winner! 我是胜利者!

12. I am the first! 我是第一名!

13. You are welcome! 欢迎你!


are you going to do tonight? 今晚干啥去?

’m going to Disney’s English Club. 我要去迪士尼英语俱乐部。

’m going to learn Disney’s Magic English. 我去学迪士尼神奇英语。

’s on tonight? 今晚有什么节目?

’s watch TV. 我们看电视吧!

are going to the Pople’s Prk. 我们要去人民公园。



’t worry about it. 不要为这担心。

problem. 没问题。


1. Let's go back to the classroom. 让我们回教室去。

2. It's time for (breakfast lunch supper/dinner) 该吃早餐了/该吃午餐了/该吃晚餐了

3. P√阿拉文库★√lease eat up. Take your time. 把它吃完。慢慢吃。

4. Would you like some rice!来点米饭吧!

5. Help yourself. 请吃,别客气。

6. Please have some fish/vegetables. 吃点鱼/蔬菜吧。

7. Do you want anymore? 还要吗?

8. Anything to drink? 喝点啥?

9. I'd like to drink some milk! 我想喝点牛奶!

10. Today we are going to learn some new words.今天我们将学习一些新单词。

11. Who wants to try? 谁来试试?

12. Let me try! 我来试试!

13. It's your turn. 轮到你了。

14. Don't be afraid/shy! 不要害怕/不要害羞!

15. Try your best! 尽力做/尽力试。

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