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New Years eve is quite are all comings and goings of figure, some on his way to the market to buy some fireworks, fireworks, couplets,Some go to buy some meat dishes;And to meet the return of sons and daughters.

Our family came to the fair, finally in a sea of people crowded into a and dad in picking out couplet, my sister and I buy some firecrackers Chinese New Year with buy all, should have to buy to eat the rest of the time.

Turned a big circle in the supermarket and bought some meat dishes, finally and then stood in a "dragon" managed to fill their carts.

Home is at 3 o clock, mom and dad busy make things tidy up again, put them to good taking hurriedly go borrow ladder is more convenient in stick is at home with spicy and delicious dumplings.




1. 假期里多增强自我修养,注重与人交往。

2. 与家长好好相处,互相体谅,多帮父母做家务活,多体贴父母。

3. 注意自己身体,多进行锻炼。

4. 安全文明上网,尽量将网络的作用发挥到极致。

5. 给自己一点压力,完成当日的学习任务。

6. 适当进行课外阅读,扩展视野。































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呐喊 鲁迅杂文精选 子夜 繁星春水 朱自清散文选 家 围城 边城 青春之歌 雷雨 百年中国散文精选

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格列佛游记 老人与海 名人传 圣经故事 飘 呼啸山庄 小妇人 高老头 殴也妮 葛朗台 巴黎圣母院

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邓小平 诺贝尔 卓别林 歌德传 毛泽东传 于风至旅美五十年魅力普京 爱因斯坦 纪晓兰 午夜日记 纳仕传曾国藩 汉武大帝 假如给我三天光明 真心扬晨

哈佛家训 本领危机 思维与智慧 成功之路 人生的哲理读史学做人 人性的弱点 细节决定成败 新东方精神



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余杰系列 周国平系列 小故事大智慧系列

学生阅读经典系列 时文选粹 智慧背曩 金庸系列


When the winter vacation is coming, the Spring Festival is coming, everybody is very happy, and I am also very happy, because I dress well, play well and eat well.

Because this year do not participate in any class, winter vacation is just another new year, after new year I finished it and brother to table delicacies from land and sea to the balcony when I put the spark, fireworks, will send a direct voice touch touch the sky and a resounding, suddenly dark sky, resplendent with variegated coloration, become very beautiful.

After finished, we sit at home watching TV, waiting for their relatives to red envelopes, in a moment, mom and dad gave me a red envelope, and Grandpa also gave me money, I was delighted.

This year's winter vacation is really fun, the winter vacation is coming to an end, the new semester is coming, the new semester I have to work harder.


Time flies, like water, fleeting, imperceptibly, the last one semester. The winter vacation came again, and I didn't have the excitement. As in previous years, the teacher set water homework, now, sitting at the table: I think a leisurely, can write job on this thing.

Don't know what to think, go out for a walk.

The streets were crowded with people. Of course, as in previous years, it's nothing new.


After a cold winter is warm and comfortable spring, just like Zhu Ziqing wrote the spring, and this winter, but not written by Lao She's winter in Ji'nan, this is not Ji'nan, really not interesting.

Soon the new year, go close to visit is the custom of new year, as usual, to the elders to the younger generation of red envelopes, but then to test junior acting, said don't want actually not titus.

In fact, the new year is also very interesting. And there is one thing that determines our mood, and he is the hate of all the students' party. Do not think about it, of course, the examination and examination results, and some students who happen to do well in the large population of "other people's children", and this child has become the enemy of all children.

Don't say that.

In fact, the winter vacation is very boring, I do not know what these children's shoes are reluctant to part。


This is a fine day, I walked along a muddy creek home slightly walk. Around the small, small shrubs around me, warm and dry air, cotton like white clouds floating in the blue sky, bright sun lit up the house and car. People are wearing new clothes, they enjoy the work after the end of the leisurely, talking, pointing to what, sweet walking through the street. What a beautiful and peaceful sight it is!

It was the first day of the new year, and my heart was filled with joy. It's a new beginning, and life is so good. I walked a man and his son, the child just walking, his face wearing an innocent joy and curiosity, and looked at the rolling small bush, for him it is a brand new world. I silently bless him in my heart, and then continue to move forward.

Almost home, I walked past a row of graceful swing in the wind. The singing tree uploads to a burst of clear sweet bird. I went home, and it was my family and relatives who met me. I once again thank God for giving me the beauty, I took a long time to understand what is the real happiness, even though I can't always keep it with me. Now I know, no matter what the new year brings to me, but there are moments of joy and surprise that will help me through the difficult times I have to face in my life

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