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Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of portant as Spring Festival .It is usually celebrated in September or Ocotber. This festival is to celebrate the havast and to enjoy the beautiful moon some extent, it is like Thanks Giving day in western countries. On this day, people usually get together with their families and have a nice meal. After that, people always eat delicious moon cakes, and watch the moon. The moon is always very round on that day, and makes people think of their relitives and friends. It is a day of pleasure and happiness. Hope you have a wonderful Mid Autumn festival!


Mid-Autumn Day is Chinese traditional festival, I am so happy to have this day with my family; My whole family will stay together this night to celebrate it, enjoy the full moon and eat the mooncake,My mother and I like mooncakes with egg yolk. At last I wish every family a happy day on this day.




The Middle-Autumn Festival(中秋节)

The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is often held in September or October. During the festival, family members get united and have mooncakes together. There are various kind of mooncakes, such as bean paste, egg-yolk or meat. The shape of a mooncake is round as it symbolizes a big moon. Moreover, in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people get together in a vacant place, eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky. To conclude, the Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people.


1、借此机会我呈上对你衷心的祝福:祝你一切顺利,万事如意。 I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and every success.

2、试着寻找最华丽的祝词,我没能做到。Try to find the most beautiful message, I did not do.

3、East or west, home is best.金窝,银窝不如自己的狗窝。

4、Still remember the happy time on Mid-autumn Festival when we were children Best wishes for you!还记得儿时我们共度的那个中秋吗?祝你节日快乐。

5、Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.家是我们情之所系的地方,虽只身在外,但心系家园。

6、我用心做两个月饼,一个送给你、祝愿你节日快乐、事事如意、青春美丽,一个送给自己,祝福我认识了你。I carefully done two cakes, one gave you, wish you happy holidays and all the best, youthful beauty, gave himself a blessed I know you.

7、祝你的事业和生活像那中秋的圆月一样,亮亮堂堂,圆圆满满!wish your career and life as it phases of the Mid-Autumn Festival, bright bright, festive!

8、这个最美丽的节日,想送你最特别的祝福。The most beautiful holiday, you want to send a special blessing.

9、一句最朴实的话:中秋快乐!One of the most simple: a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

10、采一轮松间明月供你观赏,织一件秋日的凉爽为你披上,斟一杯月宫的琼浆醉你心上,做一份仲秋的祝福圆你梦乡。An inter-mining Mingyue for your viewing, weave a cool autumn you covered, as appropriate pieces of glass Moon Palace drunken your heart, and do a blessing Zhong Yuan your dreams.

11、To have a moonlight walk with you tonight is my best dream.今晚和你在月光中散步是我最大的梦想。

12、Without you, the moon is round though my heart is empty.没有你在我身边,天上月圆圆,我心却空落落。

13、Would you like to go and admire the beauty of the moon with me tonight 今晚能邀你一同赏月吗?

14、又是一年月圆夜,月下为你许三愿:一愿美梦好似月儿圆,二愿日子更比月饼甜,三愿美貌犹如月中仙。2001 is a full moon night, on three-under for you to: a child to dream of a round like, two days more than willing to sweet cakes, like beauty to three months cents.

15、10 、Wish you and yours a happy holiday on this gathering day.在这团聚的日子里祝你全家节日快乐。

16、The moon cake is eaten away, but the sweetness remains.月饼已吃,甜蜜犹存

17、My dear, can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight I miss you so.在月色廖人的夜里,我是如此的想念你,亲爱的你听到我的心跳了吗?



In China, Mid-autumn Day is considered to be a symbol of family reunion. On this day, all the family members gather together at home to celebrate this special occasion. Last year, I could not celebrate the festival with my family because I was in university. However, this special day left a deep impression on me.

I still remember the atmosphere of that evening. All the students who could not go back home assembled in our classroom, having a party to celebrate this traditional festival. We tried our best to show our own enthusiasm. As an ethnic minority, I performed a peacock dance, which received warm applause. After the two-hour party, we went out to the playground and sat together to appreciate the moon because it is a tradition on Mid-autumn Day. We ate moon cakes, played cards, and listened to romantic poems recited by one of our classmates. In that harmonious atmosphere, nobody felt lonely or homesick even though we were far away from our homes.

Thanks to our classmates, I experienced such a colorful and interesting Mid-autumn Day at my university. Thus, I learned to value all the festivals I spent during my university life.


The 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar is China’s Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节) - it is so named because it falls in the middle of autumn. This year, that’s today.

The moon is roundest and brightest at this time, and one look at the round, full moon on Mid Autumn Festival and people across all of China immediately want to sit down and eat with their closest family and friends, miss their hometowns, and get deluged by memories. Because of the tendency to sit around a round table with family and friends, Mid Autumn Festival is also called 团圆节 (Roughly ‘Gathering Holiday’). And there is no denying that Mid Autumn festival is one of the most important traditional Chinese holidays.

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