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Waiting is life original old

WuShiXian movie alone waiting "and won a prize, saw the summer rain and LiBingBing collision, this is exciting. Movie describing the life is from Beijing, is also the contemporary young people, boring, fantasy, loss, decadent. But no one can live without struggle, struggle in life in the rules, struggling in secular comments in controversy, alone and waited.

The film is in my opinion is not simple love can be summarized, that kind of narrative real let me more reflections is struggling, loneliness, stray, disguise, vanity and simple, persistence, kind these more real and perceptual things. This is the movie charm, let us find their shadows, reviewing myself, then coat-of-arms back to life. At the same time in the lonely and helpless, waiting, waiting for the love, dream, the beautiful utopia.





People always thought that probably as a human on the planet Earth is the most senior animal owners who dominate nature. Can be wanton destruction of the earth, nature mutilations. Also for the immediate interests of the greedy nature and the blood drained 、 the nature of the skin stripped 、 nature of the meat-eating. With the thought this will be what kind of consequences. Also claimed ignorance 、 elated to conquer nature. Sing really ridiculous. If another Ice Age in front of us, the humanity will be caught unprepared? Human nature can conquer? No, summer 2004 opening large - 《acquired》 given us a loud and affirmative answer to the question. This terrible disaster films told us an irrefutable truth - always dominate the natural person.

"Acquired" the film depicts the United States as a representative of the Earth within one day suddenly nose-dive into glacial science fiction stories. In the story, climate scientists Jack. Hall observed in the study pointed out that prehistoric climate, the greenhouse effect brought about by global warming could trigger an unprecedented global catastrophe. Mainly refer to the destruction of the beautiful human nature, but by the serious nature of the punishment. Lightning 、 、 hail storm 、 tornado 、 hurricane 、 、 floods caused by global warming, such as the melting of Antarctic ice disaster befall humans, before human consciousness to know repentance may have been too late. In an instant because of the disaster emerged, floods, in the eyes; hail, in the eyes; all in the eyes of force majeure. Entry into the Earth's greenhouse effect will glaciation. Tornado 、 earthquake tsunami 、…… So you ask that the name will bee a natural part of human life. In the film, you can see New York City.

inundated lens: the confusion of the crowd the air vehicle broken glass, followed by the floor, as high waves… you can see in the seaside holiday resort in Hawaii hit by the hurricane scene. This is the destruction of the natural consequences, and this is the punishment of mankind. For thousands of years, continually engulfed in the natural human body, should now enjoy nature of the pernicious consequences of brewing.


In winter I watch a film,who is called Frozen,it is about two girls called Elsa and Anna.

They were very closed in kid,one day Elsa hurt Anna with her power carelessly.

Then Elsa start to scare her power,and not to propinquity anybody including in here ,in this film I learn two things 。

First love is importance to everyone,because love can make us be confidence can make everything be true,I think that not have any confidance you will be lose,just like Anna she have her confidant to find Elsa at last she did.






Reading the "Wizard of Oz" This novel, I understand the friendliness and mutual assistance among people should unite as one, is not afraid of all the difficulties and move forward the truth.

In the main text of more than Lucy gave a young girl aunt and uncle living in the Prairies, one day, the wind suddenly Vol dragon boat suddenly struck, she and her hut, a puppy with Guadao Meng Jin Renqing surprising places.

Accidental death of the hut where the evil witch in the East, more than Lucy as a noble woman was magic, and access to the evil Witch of the East Bank of shoes.

She very much like to go home, north of good witches guide her to go to the distant country Feicui Cheng Aoci find a magician Aoci help. Lucy has rescued more than the way the brain to find the scarecrow, tin and find the heart to find the courage of a lion.

Several in the way they help each other, overcome all difficulties, and the final realization of their own wish.

This fairy tale story of breathtaking twists and turns, praised the kindness, courage and the quality of fraternity and mutual help, ideal for the spirit of persistent struggle, is always worthy of our study.

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