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一、morals is to he thim his

二、D A A A B

三、B B A A


一 what' that? i'm tina. Nice to meet you Who's your sister No. it isn't it's name

二 略


一、 A) 1.不会 B) interesting book volleyball exercise 9.体育收藏 10.网球俱乐部 11.打篮球 12.擅长于… 13.感兴趣的

二、C C D A C D

三、 eat salsd and mike favorite fruit is apple i do i don't


一、 't 't us lot of

二、B B A A A C C A A A

三、C A C C



一、 many does jin's brothes? are not here he a teacher? is this pencil those boxes?

二、A B A D C B D A C C


一、A) are they you i'll take B)what's her this yes class

二、B B C B



二、 Are any How many birds What you which girl have try

三、 are her video cassettes? watch is on the table boy is next the to sofa

四、i have great sports collection. i have 8 tennis rackets 9 basketball and 7 baseballa …


一、C B B C C B A C A C

二、 have two hats and blue i do yuan don't


一、her his my his you her his your play your

二、is are am is are are are is is are ia are

三、自己写 我没写



一 helicopter abacus ferry ambulance handcuffs purse cycling trainer astronaut

二 one hundred and fifty-eight

two thousand and one

fourty-five percent

zero point twenty-five

six point zero three

sixty degree

six point fifty-nine

one thousand five hundred and seventy-one




一 play football wash his face play the violin make phone calls to sb. arguing fishing

二 (1)1,000、120、852 (2)15、79、17、27、2,005 (3) 3/10、3/5、3/7、7/9 (4) 50%、75% (5)25°、160°



(1)Sun is the only star in our salar system.

(2) It gives us heat and light.

(3) The moon is just 380,000 kilometers away.

(4) It looks much smaller because it is very for away.

(5) It takes four years for light to reach us from Alpha Centauri.


was/were cooked knew swam got taught leaved felt smelt drove ran thought kept bought began did

cost found throught stood spake came gave heard sold hurt saw steal took slept sit met brought flew

woke chose lost read rose wore


(1) Wat's your favourite sports?

(2) A man steal a purse from a tourist.

(3) They did cought the thief.

(4) Our class consist of 40 students.

(5) I aim the torch at his eye.

P49 (横着写)

1、 I attend school everyday. I attended church yesterday.

I will be attending a concert tomorrow.

I have to explain why I am late everyday.

I explained the question to her two days ago.

I will be explaining the details next week.

The thief steals everyday.

He stole the wallet last Sunday.

They will be stealing the painting tomorrow.

She likes to invite people to her house everday.

She invited me to her party yesterday.

She invited me to her party yesterday.

She will be inviting me to her party tomorrow.

2、 $75 $60 $15


1. 选择题。

(1) C (2) C (3) B (4) B (5) B

2. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。

(1) Can, I can

(2) class are

(3) How, spell

(4) likes, watches

(5) likes watching, on TV

3. 阅读理解。

(1) A (2) B (3) B (4) A (5) A




三。 consentrate about purpose up himself down down


一。 her diary her best frieng crazy about something to do with awake far too strong light to be upstairs me entirely in their power


三 they were discovered I came here ’t dare to open before very dusty windows



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