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Our government is aiming to build an “economized society”。 I think it is every citizen’s duty to work hard to achieve this goal.

Firstly, we know that many restaurants have joined the “clear your plate” campaign against wasting food. We students should do the same in our daily life especially when having dinner with our friends and relatives. It is a good virtue for us to do so. Secondly, make sure that the lights and all the other electric facilities are turned off when we finish our work and leave the room. Also it is important to form the habit of turning off the tap after it is used. Saving energy isalso saving ourselves.

In a word,if we pay much attention to our everyday behavior and take actions to reduce waste, we can make contributions to an economized society.Let’s work together from now on!


On January, 2013, the public started a campaign called Clean Your Plate. This campaign aims to call on people to save food instead of wasting anything on the plates. The main theme of this activity is do not waste any food, starting with me. This campaign was first started from Sina weibo. Just a few days, tens of thousands people in China have joined in this meaningful activity.

In my humble opinion, everybody should join in this campaign. As we all know, the Chinese traditional virtue is to be thrifty even we are live in a better life. According to the latest survey, more than 50 million tons of food is being dumped in China every year. This wasted food can feed about 200 million people for a year. The old generation usually appreciates the leftover, if there is any food in the plate, they will eat them up; while the younger generation will dump the leftovers into the dustbin, they rather spend the money on other food instead of eating leftovers. I think such behavior is not only waste of food and money, but also broadcast the wrong idea that wasting food is acceptable. People should come to realize the importance of saving food. The governments should also take measures to reduce food wastage and encourage people to eat at home. What’s more, people should put an end to the expensive feasts and banquets.

I think this campaign should be moving on. Saving food for our offspring is everybody’s responsibility. Even if you’re a wealthy man, you still need to eat up the food on your plate. Waste is not a good habit.


Every year Chinese people throw away enough food which can feed 20 million people for one year. The wasted food is worth hundreds of billion yuan.

People often go to restaurants to treat guests. They always order more than they need as a way of showing respect or generosity to guests. There are other occasions where some people order much more food than they can eat because they will not be paying the bill.

Personally, I think measures should be taken to prevent such behavior. Firstly, people should become aware of the importance of saving food and the shame of wasting food. Secondly, if customers can’t eat the food ordered, they should pay extra. Thirdly, customers can pack up what is left on the plates. Thus, we can build an environment-friendly society.


As we all know that the love of economy is the root of all virtue, our Chinese culture in the past did also indicate the importance of thrift. However, with the huge change happening in China, Chinese dining behavior was proved more waste in food and money, which really concerns the public. Since the advocate action from weibo in “clear your plate” campaign, more and more people start to be aware of the waste in ordering the dishes at restaurants, which tries to avoid excessive capacity of food left.

I do really prefer to see this positive sign in our dining culture development. Many a little make a fickle. Especially many restaurants put advertisement on the wall and we all in this action. Thrift is not only a great virtue, but also a great revenue.


关键词 光盘;英语教学;英语词汇教学




建构主义认为,学习者的主动探索和发现有关。光盘是很好的工具来辅助英语词汇教学。90年代计算机的教学活动取得越来越多的优点。由于视频压缩技术的发展,存储空间所需的存储视频节目已经大大减少。多媒体计算机系统可以处理图形,声音,视频及动画,技术已从模拟到数字格式。皮亚杰的建构主义认为教师理解的关键在于发展儿童的心灵。老师可以播放光盘来教学。例如Teacher teach preposition “in” in the text. “There are many stars in the sky.”老师把它翻译为“天空里面有很多星星”。学生不能理解。他们往往认为应该用“on”。


老师:“Look, what’s this?”在这个时候,老师可以教他们新的词汇“sky”,在这个时候,光盘将发音为“sky”,学生可以模仿。这种方法可以帮助他们学习正确的发音。有三个“stars”出现在“sky”。

老师:“What can you see now?”

学生:“I can see star.”

老师:“How many stars can you see?”


在这个时候,光盘播放许多“stars”在“sky”,让学生数星星。几分钟后,老师说:“How many stars? Ten? Twenty? Many stars, many stars.”

老师:“Where are the stars?”

学生:“They are in the sky.”

最后,教师可以引导学生研究这一句:There are many stars in the sky.


(1)教师根据需要可以重复播放多次。从以上例子说明,老师通过“earth”,“ sky”和“stars”引导学生发现单词的意思。有时,老师可以重复多次。它可以帮助学生记忆单词。施特维克总结一些经典的研究表明,一个学习者通过我们激活这些知识,比只是听、说、读、和看翻译将更有可能获取它。


(3)光盘是学生在学习英语词汇过程中很好的学习工具。学生在家也可以使用光盘。今天,很多家庭都拥有电脑或光碟。学生可以通过光盘模仿发音。这种方法可以帮助学生牢固的记住新单词。教师在播放“stars”,“ sky”,和“earth”,学生能很快的记住这些单词的发音。光盘可以播放很多“sky”中的“stars”,它能够吸引学生的注意力。最后,教师引导学生学习这句“There are many stars in the sky”。学生可以更容易学习和理解。


(5)语境对于学习英语是很重要的。 光盘能够创建上下文,它有助于理解词汇的含义。建构主义的学习环境,包括地方,资源,问题,以及各种工具和指导,携手合作,学习是一个搜索的过程。因此,学习必须与周围环境相结合,光盘创建上下文,它有助于理解词汇的含义。




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