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1、 Radiant and platen superheater`s new method are more agree with the practice law.


2、 At present, the method for calculating the tube wall temperature in a furnace chamber is not exact.


3、 Methods By comparing several commonly used protein extraction methods, a method for the separation of proteome in human pancreatic juice was determined.


4、 The paper provides a method for rotor on-line dynamic balancing by using piezoelectricity effect principle to drive the balancing plate.


5、 The principle and method for the trishear model were introduced.


6、 The research on numerical method for hyperbolic conservation laws is one of the important directions in computational mathematics.


7、 After this lesson, I began using the Suzuki method again, but this time I applied it to my schoolwork.

从这堂课开始,我重新使用 Suzuki学习法,但这次我把它应用在学校课业上。


1. But it is the new " little telescope that could " method that has researchers buzzing.

2. China will change its method of cadre selection from appointment to open competition, according to a provisional regulation released Wednesday.

3. Apple earlier blamed the reception problem on a wrong method to calculate signal strength, and promised to fix the glitch with software updates.

4. The top statistics official's pledge to steadily reform the method of calculating the country's house sale prices in 2011 is welcome.

5. Sources said the tax authorities propose to adjust the method for calculating the resource tax to reflect the price of the products.

6. The administration announced in February that 10 municipalities and provinces had started experimental work to carry out the calculating method.

7. The parties may agree on the method of an overall calculation and one time payment, or of an overall calculation and payment by installment.

8. The NBS will release the country's property price index on Friday, the first time it will incorporate a revised method of calculation.


1. It is alsodifficult to build reliable relationship between test results and actual bearing capacityof single pile by indirect methods such as Dynamic Method, Standard PenetrationTest and Osterberg Method because of differences between load bearing mechanismsin reality and ones of those methods.


2. But for financial data of the listed companies, we should use the quantitative analysis method.


3. First of all, this paper establishes the simulation method for fluctuating wind with a multivariate normal distribution model and an autoregressive filter. On the basis of simulation results of the wind field, the time dispersion of the buffeting forces by turbulent wind is achieved.


4. OBJECTIVE: To establish a method of dosage regimen design of multiple dosing extravenous administration of one-compartment model.



英 [ˈmeθəd] 美 [ˈmɛθəd]


method 基本解释

名词 方法; 条理


1. A new training method was introduced.


2. His book is totally without method.


3. Our teacher is showing us a new method of writing.


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