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In my mind, heroes are synonymous with courage and wisdom.

"Blood stained robe with armor red, who dares to compete with Dangyang! In ancient times, only Changshan Zhao Zilong was able to charge into battle and support the Lord in danger." This is a story praised by later generations for Zhao Zilongs rescue of Adou.

Everyone must have guessed that the hero in my heart is Zhao Yun. Those who have watched "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" know that Zhao Yun is a brave and strategic famous general of the Shu Kingdom. He once saved Ah Dou twice and made numerous contributions, earning him the title of General Yi among the Five Tiger Generals.

In the Battle of Changbanpo, Zhao Yun chopped down both sides of the flag, seized three spears, stabbed with a spear and sword, and killed more than 50 members of the Cao Camp General. Cao said, "The heroes of the past in Changban are still here!" Urgent message: "Wherever you go, do not underestimate the enemy." This is the story of Zhao Yun winning by the Han River. Liu Bei praised Zhao Yun for saying, "Zilong is full of courage."

Zhao Yun once advised Liu Bei not to embark on an eastern expedition, as he was capable of both literature and martial arts.

The hero in my heart has always been Zhao Yun. He is capable of both literature and martial arts, brave and strategic, capable of bending and stretching, and has a loyal and pure mind.

My hero asks who it is, only Changshan Zhao Zilong.









On the long river of Chinese history, how many heroic figures are forever remembered by future generations, and their spirits are forever worshipped by the world.

Some of them ask for orders from the people, are brave enough to eliminate corruption, some are loyal to the motherland and pursue justice, some care about the peoples livelihood, and their evil deeds are like enemies.

Yue Fei, who is disciplined and lenient, loves his mother and filial piety, bravely tops the three armies, devotes himself to the country, works hard and inspires himself. He has the style of a Confucian general, and is full of literary talent. His Little Heavy Mountain and Man Jianghong have become famous works in history. He is full of pride, and devoted himself to fighting against gold in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Wen Tianxiang, who sees the wise and thinks in unison, is a strict father and good teacher, steadfast in his character, loyal and courageous, and upholds his own integrity. His famous line "Who never dies in life, leaving a heart to reflect history" has been passed down from generation to generation, becoming the spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation.

Li Dazhao was an infinite loyalist of the Chinese peoples liberation cause, the belief in Marxism, and the intensity of proletarian revolution. He passionately said, "Because if the reactionary forces were hanged today, did they strangle the great communism?"? Communism is bound to achieve a glorious victory in China.

Dong Cunrui, he sacrificed himself to blow up the bunker for the victory of New China. Qiu Shaoyun, in the battle against the United States and aid to North Korea, never revealed his own goals. He devoted his life to the victory of the battle and the peace cause of the Chinese and North Korean people.

The stories of heroic figures are recorded in the annals of history, and their spiritual qualities make us live in contemporary peaceful and happy Chinese youth, always worthy of learning and worship.









Hero, a word that has been pursued by countless people throughout history. Everyone loves and admires heroes, and everyone hopes to become the hero in the hearts of others.

Throughout the long history, many images have long been remembered by people. Whether it is Wen Tianxiang, who fought on the battlefield in ancient times, Yue Fei, who was loyal to the country, Qiu Shaoyun, who sacrificed himself during the resistance period, or Lei Feng, who selflessly devoted himself, all have made us realize what a hero is and what a heroic spirit is. In my opinion, whether we are in times of war or peace, the spirit of heroism is an essential presence.

Looking at modern life, how many people have sacrificed their lives for their country, such as Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, who made others stay at home but went against the tide to Wuhan alone. There are also those young nurses who rush towards the toughest and most difficult places for the country. Zhang Dingyu, who is suffering from ADHD, is still saving people. Seeking benefits and avoiding harm is instinct, while "knowing that there are tigers on the mountain, leaning towards the tiger mountain" is courage and selfless dedication.

There is no hero in the world, it is only because of the needs of our country and compatriots that some people step forward, sacrifice themselves, and achieve success for everyone. Let us pay tribute to heroes.






Ha! Ha! Witch sister. The pirate said, "Hi, pirate brother.". The witchs sisters sharp voice came. Just as they were chatting happily, the invincible hero appeared. The first one is E Brother, Xiaofeidou Sister, Xiaoyanzi Sister, followed by Superman, followed by Cats, and finally Spider Man. They said, "You bad guys do all sorts of evil things. Today, were going to have a duel with you guys! The witch and the pirate said," Hmph! Dont be complacent, you should thank us. If it werent for us bad guys, Hmph! Hmph! Can you be a hero? "

The decisive battle began, and Superman exceeded the team and wanted to fly, but to his surprise, he couldnt fly and instead fell a big somersault. Sigh! He really disappointed the team members! Next, the cat appeared. He walked up to the pirates, they were such a playboy! He really wants to kiss the cat! But his iron hook was too scary, so the cat didnt like it, so he had to use his iron hook to touch the kitten! This makes the witch very angry! He wished he had eaten the pirates.

As they were arguing endlessly, the invincible hero regained his strength and energy and said, "Evil cannot defeat justice.". Suddenly, the pirates and witches were beaten to pieces by their subordinates, causing them to tremble all over their bodies. After hard work, the invincible hero finally defeated the evil witch and despicable pirates.

Invincible heroes are amazing! I believe you will all say in unison, "Invincible heroes are both powerful and brave!"!





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