
网友 分享 时间:



1、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

2、当香烟爱上火柴时,就注定受到伤害。When a cigarette falls in love with a match,it is destined to be hurt。

3、我的爱,与你同在。My love, will always be with you.

4、Nothing seek ,nothing ftind.没有追求,就没有收获。

5、He exists now only in my memory.他如今只活在我的记忆

6、Love, living things, is you let me know!爱情,扯淡的`东西,是你让我懂得!

7、Everything is good when new, but friend when old.东西新的好,朋友老的好。

8、I can because i think i can.我行,因为我相信我行!

9、Nobody could ever replace you.从来没有人可以取代你。

10、I prefer forever to everday .

11、Well, not that emotional, but I move the heart.说好了不动情,我却动了心。

12、Taylor swift,大爱。

13、Because love you, so never mind-因为爱你所以没关系

14、I miss you,after I miss you .我想念你,在我错过你之后。

15、You are my first,you are my last.在你之前不曾有,在你之后不再有。

16、Like I never ever loved no one before you。在你之前从没这样喜欢过一个人。

17、Be profound, be funny, or be quiet.要么有深度,要么有趣,要么安静。

18、Miss not obedient, oneself ran out思念不听话,自己跑出来

19、Love at first sight the Silly love一见钟情那愚蠢的爱

20、I once thought we were friends.我曾经以为我们是朋友。


Love songs so much. Why only I am sad情歌那么多只有心酸适合我

Even if faking tough and cowardly.即使费尽心力掩饰怯懦胆小。

Every day I laugh at you.我每天都在笑你猜我过的好不好

Long time no see. Who do you like好久不见后来你喜欢了谁

All I need is you needing me.我最需要的。就是,你需要我。

I would have been,even if all pale我会一直在纵使一切苍白

Chase your dreams or let them go或执于你梦或坦然放手

I hope time will heal the wounds.我希望时间能抚平伤痕

There is always a lierso In my heart总有一个人常驻我心

If you love someone,set he free如果你爱一个人就让他自由

How are you better than I slowly walk (你好好过我慢慢走)

Time is forever, never take God时间就是永远的永远带不走上帝

No true heart,no broken heart.现在不掏心掏肺,是为了以后不撕心裂肺。

No meeting, no story.没有遇见就没有故事。

No purpose is to love you.没有目的只是爱你。

Afraid to touch the pain of the wound.害怕接触伤口的疼痛。

If I am the girl in your dreams如果我是你梦里的女孩。

Crowded I always not see you人潮拥挤我始终不见你

When you and I were forever wild.我们年少轻狂不惧岁月慢长。

Never mind I love far apart you.天各一方没关系我远远的爱你就行了

Each youth will be old每段青春都会苍老

Every day I miss you, I miss you.每天不管见不见得到我都好想你


一、Only miss the sun when it starts to snow.只有在开始下雪时才会想念阳光。

二、With malice towards none,with charity for all!勿以怨恨对待任何人,应以慈爱加给所有的人!

三、I think a lot, but I don't say much.想了太多,可话到了嘴边又怎么也说不出口。

四、Meet each other, don't waste this lifetime.遇见彼此,不枉此生。

五、You are my most adventure youth dream.你是我年少时最冒险的梦

六、Do not follow the crowd,let the crowd follow you.不要随波逐流,要引领潮流。

七、Everything Has Changed.一切都变了。

八、Easy to hurt others and self, always to the edge of the distance unclear person.容易伤害别人和自己的,总是对距离的边缘模糊不清的人。

九、I will give you all my love.我将给你全部的爱。

十、Save your heart for someone who cares.把心留给在乎你的人吧!

十一、When I am silent to say all in the eyes.当我沉默时,想说的话全在眼里。

十二、The less you give a damn, the happier you will be.你越不在乎,你就越快乐。

十三、One is easily fooled by that which one love.人容易被所愛的人愚弄。

十四、I loved you. I leave you. I’ll miss you.曾经爱过你。现在我走了。将来,我还会想念你。

十五、My love, in dreams and destruction in existence.我的爱,在梦和毁灭中存在。(.)

十六、你是一场盛大的梦梦醒了我能怪谁You are a grand dream wake up I can blame

十七、You must know, in my world, you are the king.你必须知道,在我的世界,你是我的王。

十八、When I close my eyes, I don't see myself, but you.我闭上眼睛,看不见自己,却看见了你。

十九、Sorry,I have been used to the things which I'm not supposed to.对不起,我已经习惯了不该习惯的习惯。

二十、Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing.没有痛苦,没有牺牲,我们将一无所有。

二十一、The past can be unforgettable but it must be let go.过去的事情可以不忘记,但一定要放下。

二十二、Sometimes goodbye is the only way.有时候,除了说再见,无路可走。

二十三、Satisfaction doesn't come from the outside, but from the inside.真正的满足来自你的内心,而不是外界的`人和物。

二十四、There are something wrong with my head,so i love you.我的脑子有问题,所以我爱你。

二十五、Remember to look back at your mistakes from time to time, but never regret them.记得回头看看以前犯的错误,但绝不要后悔。

二十六、we are never ever getting back together.我们在也无法回到曾经。

二十七、I just want to cherish now.我只想珍惜好现在。

二十八、Pain changes people. Experience creates people.痛苦会改变一个人,经历能造就一个人。

二十九、Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.生活,就像骑单车。要保持平衡,就得不断往前走。

三十、You are not my lover How to know my deep.你非我良人怎知我情深。

三十一、Death is so life,ah life is so full of possibilities.死了什么都没了而活着就有无限可能

三十二、I love you, the ends of the earth, to does not abandon!我爱你,天涯海角,不离不弃!

三十三、Just don't give up, Russia are then buchibuqi.只要不放弃,俄们便不离不弃。

三十四、Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.生活一直都很简单,但是我们也一直都忍不住要把它变得很复杂。

三十五、Some people are worth melting for.有些人值得我融化。

三十六、Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street.爱他就像开着崭新的玛莎拉蒂冲向绝路。

三十七、Don't say you love me, unless you really mean it.请不要轻易说爱我,除非你是认真的。

三十八、Don't see my existence.不要看不到我的存在。

三十九、If I am the girl in your dreams.如果我是你梦里的女孩。

四十、But the market is the pursuit of friendship, mutual tired, I finally left.友情不过是场追逐,彼此累了,最终只剩我自己。

四十一、I forget that you're just a false impression.我忘了,你只是一个假象。

四十二、Something is a knot when you reserve it,a scar when it's opened.有些事情,不谈是个结,谈开了是个疤。

四十三、At least in my show time, I try my best to love you.至少在属于我出场的时间里,曾拼尽全力爱过你。

四十四、Is there a way never, never, ever change.有没有那样一种永远,永远永远不改变。

四十五、To annotate the essence of life with friendship.用友情诠释生命中的真谛。

四十六、Time is we do not come loose.时光不老我们不散好么。

四十七、Faded memories, painful reality.淡了回忆,痛了现实。

四十八、I get by.我还过得去。

四十九、I’ve finally found that life goes on without you.最后我终于发现,没有你,我的生活还是照样在转。

五十、I will loveyou with every beat of my heart.我会爱你,在我的心的每一分钟。

五十一、They have a loving person, password and my password only my own.他们密码里都有爱的人,我的密码只有我。

五十二、Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.勇敢说出你的想法,哪怕声音会颤抖。

五十三、As long as you're with me enough.只要沵和涐在一起就够了。

五十四、l love you to the moon and back .我对你的爱穿越亿万光年

五十五、wen you live for love.当你为爱而活。

五十六、Angel lips,I got my Iost in youth in the hickey







1、I don't know where I am going, but I am on my way. 我不知将去何方,但我已在路上。

2、In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness.在这个世界上,只有真正快乐的男人,才能带给女人真正的快乐。

3、All endings are beginnings, we just don't know it at the time.-Mitch Albom.所有的结局都是新的开始,只是当时不知道。

4、actions speak louder than words.行动比语言更响亮。

5、Distance could make you forget about them, but the memories would always be there. 距离会让你遗忘,但是回忆却会永驻。

6、I understand you have called content, and you don't understand is th我懂有你叫知足,而你却不懂有我叫珍惜。

7、A true friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future.真正的朋友会接受你的过去,力挺你的现在,鼓舞你的将来。

8、Can’t sleep at night. Can’t get up in the morning. 晚上睡不着,早上起不来。

9、Happiness is to find someone who can give you warm and share your life together.幸福,就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子。

10、If you really love me, then why do I see is to breed.倘若你真的爱我,那

11、Everybody dies, but not everybody lives.人人最后都会死,但非人人都曾活过。

12、Blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth.有福之人,是因为他的真实比他的名誉更耀眼。

13、Emotion is the innate weakness of human.情感是人类的本质弱点。

14、He doesn’t even know I exist. 他甚至,都不知道我的存在。

15、Buried city, to shut all lights. 埋下一座城,关了所有灯。

16、If you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。

17、Every hour of lost time is a chance of future misfortune.一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。

18、Dream most deep place, only then the smile is not tired. 梦的最深处,只有微笑不累。

19、Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. ()岁月使皮肤起皱,放弃使灵魂起皱。

20、Before I met you I never knew what it was like; to look at someone and smile for no reason。没有遇到你之前,我从来没想到自己会这样,毫无缘由的对着一个人傻笑。

21、Every thing is gonna be alright. 一切都会好起来的。

22、Do not, for one repulse, forgot the purpose that you resolved to effort. 不要只因一次挫败,就忘记你原先决定想达到的远方。

23、Everbody will make mistakes, that‘s why they put erasers on the end of pencils. 每个人都会犯错,这就是为什么把橡皮擦安在铅笔后面的原因。

24、Love makes man grow up or sink down.爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。

25、Don’t be so hard on yourself. 别对自己太苛刻了。

26、I don't give a shit on your care the least about me.我不在乎你对我的不在乎。

27、I am on my way to future, where you are there. 我要去有你的未来。

28、Acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best 's all for myself to live better.若无其事,原来是最好的报复。生活得更好,是为了自己。

29、Being single doesn't mean that you don't know anything about love. 单身,并不意味着你不懂爱情

30、Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.属于自己的,不要放弃;已经失去的,留作回忆。

31、If the relationship doesn't make you a better person, then you are with the wrong one. 如果一段感情,没有把你变成更好的人,那么很遗憾你跟错了人。

32、He who has ability to be such a naughty guy and can be stronger more as well. 有本事任性的人,也会有本事坚强

33、I fear every lasting “typing” which finally brings me only“OK.=)”我害怕,害怕每次长时间的“正在输入”,换来的都是一句:哦。呵呵。

34、For a slim figure, share your foodwith the hungry.若要苗条的身材,把你的`食物分给饥饿的人。

35、I never wanted to be your whole life. Just your favorite part. 我从来就没想过要成为你的全部。我只想做你最喜爱的那一个部分。

36、Every story has an in life, every end is a new beginning――每段故事都有一个结局。但是在人的一生中,每一个终点同时也是一个新的起点。

37、I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you.我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

38、Blessedness is of comparative degree,you will feel it with more ease when there is something under you.幸福是个比较级,要有东西垫底才容易感觉到。

39、For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.若要优雅的姿态,要记住行人不只你一个。

40、For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.美丽的秀发,在于每天有孩子的手指穿过它。

41、For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.若要优美的嘴唇,要说友善的话。

42、Dream is like you have it,you can not show it to everyone you meet.理想就像内裤,虽然你有,但是你不能逢人就证明你有。

43、only want to pull your fingertip, circles Earth last!我只想牵你的指尖,绕地球最后一圈!

44、However long the night, the dawn will break. 管黑夜有多长,天亮总会到来。

45、Destiny determines who comes into our lives but it’s the heart that decides who stays inside.命运决定谁会进入我们的生活,内心决定我们与谁并肩。

46、A successful relationship requires fall in love many times, always with the the same person. 一段成功的恋情,就是一次次的堕入爱河,与同一个人。

47、Create good memories today, so that you can have a good past。今天创造出一份美好记忆,明天就能拥有一段美好回忆。

48、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

49、Active long will be very tired, care about for a long time will crash! 主动久了会很累, 在乎久了会崩溃!

50、Every day may not be good…but there's something good in every day. 并不是每一天都是好日子,但每一天一定会有些好事会发生。

51、For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.若要可爱的眼睛,要看到别人的好处。

52、Happiness is about having each tiny wish come ture. 幸福是每一个微小愿望的达成。

53、Don’t waste your time on a man,who isn’t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。

54、Don't argue with me, every word comes out of your mouth would be the solid evidence of hurting me. 你不要和我吵,你的每一字,每一句,都 ]

4、If I forget you, you will not feel hard to breathe.如果我就此忘了你,你会不会觉得难呼吸。

5、I am waiting for a person to accompany me for a long time.我在等一个人,可以陪我很久很久的人。

6、I have no sense of security,because I love you too.[我没有安全感,是因为我太爱你]

7、True love never gets old -真正的爱情永远不会变老-

8、May our friendship grow more mature as time passes[愿我们的友情岁月的流逝而更加成熟]

9、渐渐让迩淡出涐的生活,一个人过Gradually fade out the E life let you, a person lead.

10、I really hate you do not really love me.我是真的。很恨你不是真的爱我

11、Eyes not to tears眼睛不是用来装眼泪的

12、You know you are my best love@*你可知道你是我的最爱@**

13、You do not know I am missing you.我在想你,你却不知道。

14、- To you unexpected persistence.对你出乎意料的执着

15、The world is not so much a fairy tale世界上没那么多的童话

16、Life is not a script生活并不是剧本

17、There will be an angel to love you for me会有天使替我爱你

18、I understand. I just do not care.我明白,只是,我不在乎。

19、Do not find excuses for failure, to chase success reasons!!不要找失败的借口,去追成功的理由!

20、I am not greed but I envy [我没有贪婪我羡慕海枯石烂]

21、You came into my mind that a maze with no exit.你走进了我心里那个没有出口的迷宫。

22、Any unhappy is a waste of time.——任何不快乐的时光都是浪费。

23、I am just have mood swings.我只是个平凡人,我也有我的小情绪。

24、- Caught up in your smile. (沉迷在你的微笑里)

25、The deep feeling and my lover can with very long time.深情与我的爱人能否伴得长久。

26、I hope I love people who love me.[我希望我爱的人也爱我]

27、even now there is still hope left.甚至到现在我还仍存希望

28、Grows more everyday丶你对我的爱一天比一天深

29、Time profound rather than shallow时光深刻而非浅薄

30、We love others too early, self love too late我们爱别人太早,爱自己太迟

31、not know what to do ?

32、Dont Leave Me Here

33、Recalled before, cry a little bit sorry for some happiness

34、I can see the colour of the rainbow..我可以看見彩虹的顏色。

35、Somehow I will show you that you are my night sky.

36、The darkness is no darkness with thee.有了你,黑暗不在是黑暗,

37、C. Dont let others have you(不想让别人拥有你)

38、ˋ★☆、World Cup Argentina - - 。 ╮

39、Dear, please stay with me until we get old

40、Love is a kind of poison.(爱情,是一种毒药。)

41、Not pretend to be silent but have no strength to complain.

42、Well maby Two is better than one,I need you now.

43、生日快乐,我对自己说。Happy birthday to me /

44、get out my oheart你這個不甘寂寞的男人

45、Accustomed, one day.(已经习惯了,一个人的日子。)

46、love you。。。Can you believe it??

47、℡ 、I am a schoolgirl cute girl ╰﹀(我是女生可爱的女生∞)

48、℡ 、Promises much is just a lie(承诺太多也只是骗人的)

49、My tears, my grief it can only prove

50、I want to forget everything 。关于你,到此为止。

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