初中英语作文:my family rules【推荐5篇】

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中华民族素有“礼仪之邦”之称,向来重视家教。历史上见诸典籍的家训并非鲜见,为后人称颂的也很多。而“不成文”,也是我国家规家训的一大特� 去其糟粕,取其精华,一些家风家训中的精华融入新的道德建设中,许多脍炙人口的家训,已经是“家家之训”,形成家家之风。

家风是一个家庭在世代传承中形成的一种较为稳定的道德规范、传统习惯、为人之道、生活作风和生活方式的总和,它首先体现的是道德的力量。注重家风建设是我国历史上众多志士仁人的立家之本。从古至今,颜之推《颜氏家训》、诸葛亮《诫子书》、周怡《勉谕儿辈》、朱子《治家格言》、《曾国藩家书》、《傅雷家书》等等都在民间� 历史上的“孟母三迁”“岳母刺字” 等等,同样展现着良好的家风。“非淡澹无以明志、非宁静无以致远”“常将有日思无日、莫待无时思有时”“莫贪意外之财、莫饮过量之酒”等教子中的古训至今为世人尊崇。好的家风不但对自己有利、对子女和家人有利,也逐步影响着大众的道德水平与社会的风气。





The school has a school, a family is often hung in the mouth of a sentence can be asked "what rules is what rules do you have at home a lot of people immediately froze.

The rules. The rules of every household are different. My family should have eaten the phrase "eat without talking, sleep without words"。 After eating, you cant put your chopsticks on top of the bowl and put it on the table, which means you have eaten well. If you have fishbone, bones and so on on the table, you should sweep them into the bowl with chopsticks. You cant go through these things until you have finished eating.

We have a rule - shibuguosan. One after dinner in the park for a walk, because the stool was stepped on, so I pulled out a piece of paper, wipe the stool clean, readily lost. A cleaner came out and said, "Why are you so immature and litter everywhere?"。 "I hear her say so, my face immediately red."。 As I apologized, I ran away to pick it up and throw it into the garbage bin, which calmed the fire of the dustman.

Family is a family atmosphere, family once ruined the familys thoughts also follow the corrupt. This is a bad reputation for ten, ten hundred, and no one is willing to contact with the family, now want to change too late.

My family is "filial piety" as the saying goes, filial piety, filial piety to our parents and elders. When our parents are getting old, we cant talk back, we should always think about our parents. Talk to each other even when they are not right. That we do, dont refuse, try to help busy parents, so as to achieve the "filial piety"。

Family is family, have good manners to have a good tradition of everything in good order and well arranged, in order to better foothold in the society.



family rules

As the saying goes,”as a country has its state laws,a family also needs family rules。” Every family has its rules。My family rule is no matter where you go,you have to e back before ten o’clock at night。My family always obeys this rule。I know that my parents make this rule is for our safty。I remember that one day my elder sister break this rule,and then she was criticized for a long time。



My parents are very I have so many family rules. For example,i cant go out with my friends at school weekends, i have to go home before nine strict, but i think its necessary. And i must finish my homework in cant play puter have to wash clothes by myself. I have to get up at six oclock every i have to be in bed by ten to these can live i think to be in bed by ten oclock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep! And i think play some puter games is not badly. Soi think the family rules can make some change.


Family rules

My parents are very strict. Because I have so many family rules. For example,i cant go out with my friends at school nights. On weekends, i have to go home before nine Its strict, but i think its necessary. And i must finish my homework in time. I cant play puter games. I have to wash clothes by myself.

I have to get up at six oclock every morning. And i have to be in bed by ten oclock. Thanks to these rules. I can live i think to be in bed by ten oclock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep! And i think play some puter games is not badly. Soi think the family rules can make some change.



我的父母十分严格。因为我拥有如此多的家庭规则。 举例来说,夜晚我不能去我的朋友在学校。在周末,我回家之前,9时有严格的, 我务必完成我的功课的时光。我不能玩电脑游戏。我要自我洗衣服。我不得不起床六点钟每早晨。和我务必在床上的十点钟。由于这些规则。I能够生活健康。但是我认为要在床上的十点钟是不公平的!学生需要9个小时的睡眠!我觉得玩一些电脑游戏不严重。我认为,家庭规则能够作出一些改变。

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