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Life is a journey,during which we are all in desperate need of a true friend. Books,to a large extent,are considered as the best friends of many contemporary society,due to the accelerated tempo of life,many people are so indulged in the internet that they do not read books any more,thus suffering from moral , the value of reading books is highlighted again.

Persistent attention should be paid to books for several reasons. First,with a broad coverage of subjects and topics,books enable one to become to a saying,there is no royal road and to 's more,since time-honored books accumulate the wisdom of ancient talents,it is books that offer people the possibility to attain an in-depth understanding of history and but not least,books assist people to fully enjoy their leisure time.

To sum up,it is imperative for people from all walks of life to read books-perpetual friends in human only should we read masterpieces to realize the ancient wisdom,we should also read all kinds of books selectively to learn human life.


Each individual is closely related to and bears obligations to others - that is what we call social responsibility. The sense of social responsibility is very important to us. If everyone has a good sense of social responsibility, we can build a better social and a more prosperous country.

How can sense of social responsibilty be strengthened? To start with, children should be taught about good moral outlook, so that when they grow up, they become law-abiding and responsible citizens. Furthermore, the humanistic education is vital, especially for university students because they are the future pillars of our country. Last but no least, it is necessary to encourage people to care for others, help others through all kinds of propaganda.

If all the citizens have a sound sense of social responsibility, it is hopeful that the world will enjoy a better future. Therefore, let's take our social responsibility and contribute to our society.


古筝(guzheng)是一种古老的中国民族乐器。它是一种弹拨乐器(plucked instrument),其发音清脆悦耳。古筝的历史可以追溯到公元前5世纪至公元前3世纪的战国(the Warring States)时期,经秦汉时代由西北地区流传至全国。古筝音色(timbre)高洁典雅、富有神韵(romantic charm)。从古至今,古筝音乐都深受各阶层人士的欢迎与喜爱,是一种雅俗共赏的艺术。古筝已经成为中国传统文化的一部分,也是世界各民族共同的文化艺术财富。

As an ancient Chinese national musical instrument, the guzheng is a kind of plucked instrument with a clear and pleasant sound. The history of the guzheng can date back to the period of the Warring States from the 5th century BC to the 3rd century BC, and then the guzheng spread to all over the country from the Northwest region during the Qin and Han Dynasties. The guzheng has a noble and elegant timbre full of romantic charm. The music produced by the guzheng has been welcomed and loved by people from all walks of life from ancient times to the present and it is an art form appealing to both refined and popular tastes. The guzheng has become a part of traditional Chinese culture as well as the treasure of culture and art shared by different nations in the world.



Nowadays, more and more people like writing, and most people think writing is interesting. Do you know how to improve your writing skills? First, you'd better know more beautiful words. Secondly, you'd better read more articles and accumulate more meanings and words.

Besides, you'd better recite more famous aphorisms, so what do you think.



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