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The chamber of Commerce

Casilla 593 Lima 100. Avenida Gregorio Escobedo 398.

Jesus Maria, Lima 11 Tel: (51-1) 4630000 Fax: (51-1) 46300001

3rd September 200#

Mr. Sun Xingwang

President & CEO

Huating Electrial Appliance PLC.

1112 Nanjing Road

Shanghai 200040


Dear Mr. Sun:

We thank you for your letter of the 23rd August requesting addresses of possible agents for your products.

On the attached list we have given names and addresses of three firms who in our opinion would be able to provide you with the required services, and would be interested in your proposition.

Very truly yours.

Oscar Olender

Executive Chairman



[关键词] 外经贸 英语合同 词法 句法




在英语合同中经常会出现由here, there, where 和介词in, under, of,to,by等组成的复合词,就是人们所说的旧体词,这些词语气庄重,具有法律文体风格。他们在现代英语中已很少使用,但在经贸合同中却频繁出现。

例1A ( hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as one party and B (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the other party agree to sign the contract under the following terms and conditions. 本合同以A为一方(以下称买方)以B为另一方(以下称卖方)按下列条款签订。Hereinafter 中的here 指this contract ,因此hereinafter即in the following part of this contract.

例2The Seller hereby is to warrant that the goods is up to the quality and is free from all defects. 卖方兹保证货物达到质量标准,没有瑕疵。Hereby 即 by means of this/ by reason of this,译成中文就是“兹”或“特此”。其他常用的旧体词还有:

hereafter =after this 在下文;

herein =in this 本文件/合同中;

hereunder =under this 在下面;

hereinafter =later in this contract 在下文;

hereinbefore=in the preceding part of … 在上文;

hereof =of this 于此;

hereto =to this 对此/至此;

hereupon=at this point关于这个;

thereof =of that 因此;

thereafter=later in the contract 以下/在下文;

whereas = considering that 鉴于;

wherein =in what /in which 在那方面;

whereby =by what /by which据此;

whereof =of what /of which 关于那事



例3Either party reserves the right to terminate this agreement upon negotiation. 任何一方需中止合同都必须经过协商。

例4This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China. 本合同受中国法律管辖并按中国法律解释。

上述两个例句中使用了party , reserve, terminate, construe 等正式用词,而未使用常见的side, keep, end, explain等词。英语合同中常见的此类词汇还有(括号内为一般用词和中文的翻译):

miscellaneous(other matters 其他事宜)

rescind(cancel 撤销)

prior to(before 在….之前)

obligation(duty 责任/义务)

certify (prove 证明)

expiry/expiration(end 期满)

commence(begin 开始)

inform (tell 告知)

revise(correct/change 修正)

proceed (go 进行)

consent (agreement 同意)


render(give 给予)

rescind (cancel 撤销)




例5The joint venture company shall repay the principal on loans that fall due and should be paid in accordance with the provisions of the loan agreement. 合营公司应(须)按贷款协议的规定偿还应偿还得借款本金。

例6Party A shall pay the interest…… 甲方须/应负担…的利息。

例7Party A shall not be liable for any losses or damages to the machinery caused by a fire, flood, strike, natural calamities or any other causes which is beyond the control of Party A and thus unavoidable.甲方对因火灾、 水灾、罢工、自然灾害或其他甲方不能控制或不可避免的原因给机器造成的损失或损害不负责任。

例8 The seller shall not be responsible for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a proportion of the goods under this contract in consequences of any accident of Force Majeure.卖方因不可抗力事故,对未能或延期交付本合同的部分或全部货物,不承担责任。



例9The whole set of documents must be sent to the bank for negotiation within three weeks after the date of shipment. 整套单据必须在装运日后三个星期之内送交银行议付。例句中的negotiation应译为“议付”,而不是“谈判/协商”。

例10Neither party hereto shall assign this contract. 合同任何一方都不得转让本合同。例句中的assign应译为“转让”,而不是“指派”。


action (诉讼)alienation (转让)

consideration (对价/约因) dishonor(拒付)

discount(贴现) dirty B/L (不清洁提单)

firm offer (实盘) general average (共同海损)

to order of (凭指示) limitation(时效)

said(该/上述) satisfaction(清偿/补偿)




例11All profits paid by the company to Party C, all salaries and allowances paid by the company to foreign personnel, all direct expenses incurred as a result of the technology transfer and which must be paid by the company to Party C in foreign currency and all other payments that must be made by the company in foreign currency shall be made in United States Dollars or some other freely convertible currency that is mutually agreed upon. 该公司支付给C方的利润,外来人员的工资、津贴和因技术转让而发生的应以外币支付的直接费用,以及所有其他应以外币支付的款项,应以美元或相互同意的可自由兑换的货币支付。


例 12Insurance shall be covered by the Buyer against all risks, including war and strike risks, for 110% of the invoice value. 买方应按发票金额的110%投保一切险,包括战争险和罢工险。



例13Each party of this contract shall perform and fulfill any of the obligation under this contract. 本合同的各方均应履行合同规定的义务。这是同义谓语的成对使用,perform 和fulfill 的中文意思都是“履行”,但前者强调主观努力,后者强调客观结果。

例14The terms and conditions of the contract ……

句中terms and conditions不宜分译成“条款和条件”,而应合译成“条款”,terms在合同中一般指与付款或费用、手续费等金钱方面有关的条件,而conditions则指其他方面的条件,如单据要求,装运要求等。




First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity. It's my pleasure to introduce myself. My name is Ayub Pasha, born in Raichur and bought up in Bangalore

My hobbies are listening to music, thinking, and playing cricket and chess

I pride myself in being a hardworker and a results-oriented person with very high integrity. In addition, I have e_cellent interpersonal skills

I have total 7 years of e_perience in sales & marketing. I am currently working in HDFC BANK as a senior sales officer. My duty is to handle daily sales activities. I have the ability to manage people and lead from the front;I always have a positive attitude towards my work and people around me.

with 7 years e_perience in the industry and I believe my strengths and skills make me a perfect fit for this position.

I believe that I'm able to become a part of a team and also to lead the team. It's my belief that I could easily settle down and make a contribution to the company.


Dear Jacques,

Lightweight batteries

I am writing to you because we have been having a bit of trouble with one of our suppliers who makes the lightweight batteries we use to power our vehicles. I am pretty sure you don’t have a local distributor of your products in this country, which I am writing to you direct to see if you can help us out. I did try to call, but you weren’t available

We require 4,800 units and delivery must be completely by 15 January, 20. A full specification of our requirements is given on the attached sheet, together with our technical brochure.

I would appreciate it if you could quote us your best CIF price, giving a full specification of your product and shipping date. Of course our technical department would need nto have some samples of the batteries to test in our laboratories before we would place a firm order.

71 2460314