
网友 分享 时间:





Tom is the tallest in his class./of all the students.


This apple is the biggest of the five. 



I jump (the) farthest in my class.




1、 What were you doing when the UFO landed?当不明飞行物着陆时,你正在干啥?

2、 While my mother was cooking ,I was watching TV.当妈妈正在做饭时,我在看电视。

3、 I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me.

4、 You can image how strange it was.

followed it to see where it was going.

6、 Isn’t that amazing!

7、 She didn’t thinking about looking outside the station.

was so tired this morning. It was difficult to get out of the bed.

Unit 4He said I was hard-working

1、 soap opera肥皂剧,电视(连续)剧

2、 on Friday night 在星期五晚上

3、 be mad at=be angry with 生……的气

4、 have a surprise party for sb


5、 not … anymore不再,再也不

not … any longer

6、 get nervous 变得紧张

7、 direct speech 直接引语

reported speech 间接引语

8、 first of all 首先

9、 do a homework project 做家庭作业

on 传递

pass sth to sb

Pass on the message to sb 向某人传递信息

on 从事,设计,演算,操作

12、 be supposed to do sth.被期望(要求)做……,


13、 be good at doing sth= do well in擅长……

15、 report card成绩单

16、 have a (bad) cold患(重)感冒

17、 be in good health=keep/ stay healthy身体健康

18、 end-of-year exams 学年考试

19、 have a big fight with 和…大打一架

21、 forget to do sth.忘记要做某事

forget doing sth.忘记做了某事

22、 get over克服,恢复,原谅

23、 a poor mountain village一个贫穷的山村

24、 sound like +n听起来像

25、 Graduate from 从……毕业

26、 In the mail 在邮箱里

27、 It's a good idea for sb to do sth某人去做某事是一个好主意

28、 China’s rural areas中国的偏远地区

29、 sea level海平面

above sea level海拔

30、 the thin air稀薄的空气

31、 agree with sb./sth.同意, 与……相符(一致)

32、 both … and …两者都

doing sth 完成做某事

34、 open up打开,展开,开发,揭露

open up one's eyes to 开拓某人的视野到。.。.。.

35、 a good start一个良好的开端

36、 care for=look after=take care of照料,照


37、 in danger处于危险之中

a bad habbit养成一个坏习惯

one’s homework抄袭某人的做业

one’s love 问好

science really difficult发现科学真的很难

a decision to do sth=decide to do sth 决定做某事

to do sth决定做某事

is no difference between 。.。and.。.


's just that.。.只不过,只是


the city of.。.。.。市

one-year program一个一年期的项目

who need help需要帮助的人

we can do for them我们能为他们做的事


转述他人话语:What did sb. say? He said I …She said she…They said…

1、 许老师告诉我徐梦蝶会说二种语言。Mr. Xu told me that XuMengdie could speak three languages.

2、 许老师说地球绕着太阳转。Mr. Xu said (that)the earth turns around the sun.

3、 许老师告诉我他将去北京。She told me he would go to Beijing the next day.

4、 许老师说欧洋正在做作业Mr. Xu said OuYang was doing his homework at that time.

5、 许老师说王硕研勤奋。Mr. Xu said Wang Shuoyan was hard-working.

6、 在英语上,与听相比,我更擅长于读。In English, I’m better at reading than listening.

7、 情况怎样?How’s it going?

8、 她不想再当我最好的朋友了。She didn’t want to be my best friend anymore.

9、 I said it would start a bad habit , and that she would do her own work.

10、 That’s about all the news I have now. Mum and Dad send their love.

11、 She said helping others changed her life.

12、 Young people today need to experience different things

13、 I can open up my students’ eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life.

Unit 5If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time!

1、 have a great/good/nice/wonderful time

=have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得高兴

of year party年终晚会

… away拿走,取走

the time=always一直,始终,总是

6、 ID card身份证

7、 old people’s home养老院

8、 make money赚钱

9、 around the world = all over the world 全世界,世界各地

10、 go to college上大学

11、 work hard努力工作(学习)

12、 a professional athlete职业运动员

13、 a dream job理想的职业

14、 make a living (by) doing通过…谋生

do sth for a living做某事谋生

play sports for a living靠体育运动为生

15、 play sports进行体育运动

= get/do exercise

16、 get injured受伤

17、 in fact事实上,实际上

18、 mobile phone移动电话

19、 too much太多(修饰不可数名词)

too many太多(修饰可数名词复数)

much too 太。.。.。.(修饰形容词或副词)

20、 laugh at sb嘲笑某人


sb in/out让某人进/出

the class一半的学生

a difficult time with/doing sth做某事有困难

famous for因…。而著名

famous as作为…而著名


sth to 。.。 把某物带来。.。.。.

a video看录像

an education接受教育

rules for.。.。.。.。.的规则

for a test为考试而学习

a chance to do sth有一个做。.。.。.的机会



sb. pay some money for sth.某人为某物花了…(钱)。(pay---paid)

Sth. cost sb. some money/time.某物花了某人…(钱/时间)。(cost---cost)

Sb. spend some time/money on sth.某人花了…(时间/金钱)在某事上。(spend-spent)

Sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth. 某人花了…(时间/金钱)做

It takes/took sb. some time to do sth.花了某人…(时间)做某事。


1、 If you do, you’ll…2. I’m going to … 3. You should…

4、 Don’t you want to …? 5. Don’t you think …。?

①如果李老师去参加晚会,我们将会玩得非常高兴。 If Ms Li goes to the party, we’ll have a great time.

②如果你穿牛仔裤去晚会,李老师将不会让你进入。If you wear jeans to the party, Ms Li won’t let you in.

many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.

you become a professional athlete, you will be able to make a living doing something you love.

, professional athletes can also have many problems.

you are famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. This can make life difficult.

10、 If you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are.

fact, many famous people complain that they are not happy.

Review of Units 1-5

out = be careful = look out = take care小心,当心,注意

like to do sth.想要做某事

= feel like doing sth. = want to do sth.

dinning room餐厅

friends (with)(和……)交朋友

sb. doing sth.看见某人在做某事

see sb. do sth.看见某人做了某事


to do sth.希望做某事

= wish to do sth.

order to为了

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?

1、 how long多长(对for+一段时间提问)

how soon多久(对in+一段时间提问)




Since+ 一段时间+ago

2、 a skating marathon滑冰马拉松

3、 a pair of一双,一副,一把,一条

a pair of skates 一双溜冰鞋

a pair of jeans一条牛仔裤

a pair of glasses 一副眼镜

4、 raise money (for charity)(为慈善机构)募捐,筹钱

5、 the whole five hours=all the five hours 整整五个小时

6、 three and a half years三年半

= three years and a half

7、 thanks for (doing sth) 因……而表示感谢

8、 run out of 用完,用尽

9、 by the way顺便说一下,顺便问一下

10、 in Russian style以俄罗斯的风格

11、 fly kites 放风筝

12、 a talent show才艺表演

13、 finish doing sth. 结束做某事

14、 be interested in=take an interest in对…感兴趣

15、 Chinese dynasty中国的王朝

16、 famous characters著名人物

17、 think of考虑,想起

18、 in Russian style俄罗斯的风格

19、 tell sb. about sth.把……的情况告诉某人

20、 enjoy doing sth.喜爱做某事

21、 the Olympic Games奥运会

= the Olympics


hard to understand很难理解

a list列一个清单

most common/unusual hobby最普通/最不寻常的兴趣爱好

about Chinese history学习关于中国历史

of 数千

welcomed by受到…的欢迎

more…the more…越…越…


capital of…的首都/省会

certain to do确定做某事

my family想念我的家

my seventh birthday在我七岁的生日时

interesting city with a colorful history


’ club收集者俱乐部


to /with sb和某人交谈

with animals 带有动物的玻璃球

the first one to do sth第一个做。.。.。.的人

sb about.。.告诉某人关于。.。


a lot about了解。.。.。.很多











与have:own强调的是拥有,占有某物为自己的财产,但所占有的东西目前不一定是由人使用,强调所有权;have为普通动词,表示的所有关系。own+ Who owns the dog?;own+宾语+宾补;own+从句 owns that he is wrong.;ofone’sown完全属于某人自己的;onone’sown独立地,自愿地;withone’sownears亲耳

,join,take part in:attend“出席,参加,上学”attendschool上学,attendmeeting出席会议;takepartin参加,是指参与某项活动takeanactivepartin积极参加;join参加,当join用于加入某个团体或组织,成为其中的一员,后面直接跟名词,当join表示参加某项活动时后面跟介词in.



amusement [???mju:zm?nt] n. 娱乐,消遣,游戏

amusement park 游乐场

somewhere [?s?mwe?] adv. 某处,在某处

camera [?k?m?r?] n. 照相机

invention [?n?ven?n] n. 发明,创造

invent [in?vent] v. 发明,创造

unbelievable [??nb??li:v?bl] adj. 难以置信的,不真实的

progress [?pr??ɡres] n. 进步,进展

rapid [?r?p?d] adj. 迅速的,快速的

unusual [??n?ju:?u?l] adj. 特别的,不寻常的

toilet [?t??l?t] n. 坐便器,厕所

encourage [in?k?rid?] v. 鼓励,激励

social [?s?u??l] adj. 社会的

peaceful [?pi:sful] adj. 和平的,平静的

tea art 茶艺

performance [p??f?:m?ns] n. 表演,演出

perfect [?p?:f?kt] adj. 完美的,理想的,完全的

tea set 茶具

itself [it?self] pron. 它自己,它本身

collect [k??lekt] v. 收集

a couple of 一对,两个,几个

German [?d??:m?n] n. & adj. 德语,德国人(的)

theme [θi:m] n. 题目,主题,作文

ride [ra?d] n. & v. 骑,乘;(短途)旅程

province ['pr?v?ns] n. 省,省份

thousand [?θa?znd] num. 一千

thousands of 数以千计的,许许多多的

safe [seif] adj. 安全的,保险的

simply [?simpli] adv. 仅仅,只,不过

fear [fi?] n. & v. 恐惧,害怕

whether [?we??(r)] conj.不管…还是,或者…或者,是否

Indian [??ndj?n] adj. 印度的,印度人的

Japanese [?d??p??ni:z] n. & adj. 日本人,日语;日本的

fox [f?ks] n. 狐狸

all year around 全年

equator [i?kweit?] n. 赤道

whenever [wen?ev?] conj. 无论何时

spring [spri?] n. 春天

mostly [?m?ustli] adv. 大多数地,主要地,通常

location [l???ke??n] n. 地点,位置


1. at night 在晚上

a more natural environment 在一个更加自然的环境中

3. all year round 一年到头,终年

far from 离。远

the dark 在黑暗中

6. in the past 在过去

been to sp 去过某地


museum 历史博物馆

park 游乐园

somewhere different 去不同的地方

skating 去滑冰

the subway 坐地铁

great way to spend a Saturday afternoon 一个过周六下午的好办法

the old movie camera 所有的古老的电影摄影机

16. learn about sth 了解有关。的情况

17. on the weekend 在周末

in the mountains 在大山里露营

up a tent 搭帐篷

such a rapid way 以如此速猛的方式

kinas of 各种各样的

of toilets 厕所的发展

groups 社会团体

tea art performances 茶艺表演

25. make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets.用漂亮的茶具沏一杯完美的茶

26. a nice place to enjoy tea 一个品茶的好地方

of 数以千计的

Museum of Toilets 国际厕所博物馆

Terracotta Army 兵马俑

Asia 东南亚

Safari 夜间动物园

quarters 四分之三

33. an English-speaking country 一个讲英语的国家

a problem doing sth 做某事很困难

the daytime 在白天

36. a couple of times 好几次

now 现在,目前

38. an amusement park with a special theme 一个有特别的主题的游乐园

39. Walk around the park 在公园里到处走

40. hear of 听说

41. take a ride 兜风

42. another province 另一个省

43. the Bird’s Nest 鸟巢

44. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

45. on the one hand....on the other hand 一方面,另一方面


1. Have you ever been to a science museum? 你曾经去过科学博物馆吗?

's go somewhere different today. 让我们今天去不同的地方吧。

3. It's unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way. 科技以如此速猛的方式发展真是令人难以置信啊!

4. Whether you like Indian food, Western food or Japanese food, you,ll find it all in Singapore! 不管你喜欢印度食品,西方食品还是日本食品,在新加坡你都能找到!

great thing about Singapore is that the temperature is almost the same all year round. 新加坡一个很大的特征是它的气温几乎一年到头都是一样的。

6. It is best to visit Singapore. 最好游览新加坡。



yard [jɑ:d] n. 院子

yard sale 庭院拍卖会

sweet [swi:t] adj. & n. 甜的,糖果

memory [?mem?r?] n. 记忆,记忆力,回忆

cent [sent] n. 分,分币

toy [t?i] n. 玩具

bear [b??] n. 熊

maker [?me?k?(r)] n. 生产者,制造者

bread maker 面包机

scarf [skɑ:f] n. 围巾,披巾,头巾

soft [s?ft] adj. 柔软的

soft toy 软体玩具,布绒玩具

check [t?ek] n. & v. 餐馆账单;检查

check out 察看,观察

board [b?:d] n. 板子,甲板

board game 棋类游戏

junior [?d?u:n??(r)] adj. 地位低下的

junior high school 初中

clear [kl??] adj. 清晰的,清澈的

clear out 清理,清除掉

bedroom [?bedru:m] n. 卧室

no longer 不再,不复

own [?un] adj. 属于自己的

railway [?re?lwe?] n. 铁路,铁道

part [pɑ:t] n. 部分,零部件

part with 放弃,交出

certain [?s?:tn] adj. 某一,确定的,无疑的

as for 至于,关于

honest [??n?st] adj. 诚实的,正直的

to be honest 说实在的

while [wail] conj. & n. 当。时候,一段时间,一会儿

truthful [?tru:θfl] adj. 诚实的,真实的

hometown [?h??mta?n] n. 家乡,故乡

nowadays [?na??de?z] adv. 现今,现在,目前

search [s?:t?] v. 搜索,搜查

among [??m??] prep. 在…中间;在…之中

crayon ['kre??n] n. 彩色铅笔

shame [?e?m] n. 羞耻

regard [r?'ɡɑ:d] n. & v. 致敬,问候;将…视为

count [kaunt] n. & v. 计算,计数;有价值

century ['sent??r?] n. 世纪,百年

according [?'k?:d??] adv. 依照,按照

opposite [??p?zit] prep. & adj. 在…对面,与…相对;对面的

especially [??spe??li] adv. 特别,尤其

childhood [?t?a?ldh?d] n. 孩童时期

consider [k?n?sid?] v. 仔细考虑,思考,注视,

close to 几乎,接近

hold [h?uld] v. 拥有,抓住


1. these days 目前,现在

with great interest 以极大的兴趣关注着

3. in order to 为了

far 迄今,到目前为止

5. in need 需要

6. not...any more 不再。

7. welcome to sp 欢迎来到。

out 察看,观察

9. board games 棋类游戏

10. one last thing 最后一样东西

11. junior high school 初级中学

out 清理

13. no longer 不再

monkey 玩具猴

15. part with 与。分开

16. to be honest 说实在的

17. ride a bike 骑自行车

18. have a yard sale 进行庭院拍卖会

19. one’s old things 某人的旧东西

20. bring back sweet memories 勾起甜美的回忆

21. give away 捐赠

22. play for a while 玩一会

23. do with 处理,处置

24. search for work 找工作

the last 13 years 在过去的13年里

26. the mid-20th century 20世纪中期

27. stay the same 保持原状

28. according to 依照,按照

29. in one’s opinion 依。看

30. in my time 在我那个年代


1. Have long have you had that bike over there? 那边的那辆自行车你买了多久了?

2. Amy has had her favorite book for three years . 艾米拥有她最喜欢的书3年了。

3. He has owned it since his fourth birthday. 自他四岁生日起,他拥有这个东西了。

4. Some people still live in their hometown. However, others may only see it once or twice a year. 有些人依然住在家乡,然而,另一些人可能一年只能回家乡一两次。

5. As for me ,I did not want to give up my football shirts,but to be honest, I have not played for a while now. 至于我,我不想放弃我的足球衣,但是,说实在的,我现在已经有一段时间没有踢球了。

6. Have you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your things? 你是否曾经想过要举办一个庭院拍卖会来出售东西?

7. What would you do with the memory you raise?


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