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Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitledHow to Solve the Energy Problem?

You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:

1. 有人认为解决能源危机的方法是节约;

2. 有人则认为开发新的能源是最好的方法;

3. 我的看法。


When asked about one of the biggest problems today, many people say that an energy crisis is approaching and is threatening mankind’s survival. They are afraid that the world is likely to run out of oil and metals and even to run short of food. To this problem, most countries respond with the demand for more rigid conservation of our natural resources. Indeed, this is urgently needed, since the present waste of energy is so serious. If the natural resources are used economically, we can certainly slow down the present drain on the limited energy supply. However, the problem cannot be solved by conservation only. I think another way is to develop new energy resources. Obviously, no matter how hard we try to save energy resources and how abundant they are,we will use them up sooner or later. I think we don’t have to depend only on the current energy resources. There are many other energy resources that we develop such as nuclear power, water power and solar power. If so, these resources can completely replace the conventional energy and thus solve the problem of energy http:// conclusion, we should each do our little part to save the limited energy resources. Let’s work together.


Directions:In this section, you should write an essay onHow to Bridge the Digital Gap for the Elderlybased on the following information:The digital gap(数字鸿沟) has reduced the social participation of the elderly in recent years. Many of them have difficulties in using smart device.

Your essay should include:

1. your understanding of this phenomenon;

2. Measures that should be taken to help the elderly.

You should write at least 100 words in English. Please write your essay on theANSWER SHEET.


How to Bridge the Digital Gap for the Elderly

In recent years,the increasing developmentpf technologies facilitates human digital gap for the elderly has aroused a heated discussion. But I do not think the elders should be neglected in using new technologies.

Multiple measures should be carried out to help bridge the digital gap for older people in the city to make sure they share in the benefits of a smart society. First,online medical services should be simplified and voice-led guidance should be ,payment systems for retail, catering, shopping malls, parks and other basic public services such as water and electricity must not decline to accept cash payments. Last but not least,as young people, we should help to teach seniors to use smartphones and become more familiar with the internet and related services.

Only by the above-mentioned measures,can we effectively bridge the digital gap for old people and help them learn more from technologies.



在意思表达都正确的情况下,句子用的词汇越好,结构越好自然可以得高分,但是这个需要我们平时的积累,而我们的同学多数英语基础不好,那我们的战略则是不求句子优美只求句子意思表达正确,所以我们要尽量用最简单常见的句型,可以是小学英语或者初中英语常见的句型,例如:I think/ feel that ……(我认为/ 觉得某事),I glad that ……(我很高兴某事),It’s good / OK/ very important / very lucky that ……(某事好/ 很重要/ 很幸运)。举例的这几个句子大家一定要记着,是万能句子,非常好用,80%以上的情况可以硬套进作文里,哪怕凑数也能得几分。



is completely/ totally/ different from

B. A和B完全不同。

and B are different in every way/aspect.


and B differ in..


differs from B in...


difference between A and B is/lies in/exists in...


with/In contrast to A,B....


it is generally believed that A..., I believe B..


their similarities,A and B are also different.


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