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用作动词,除表示“回答”“答复”外,还可表示“接(电话)”或对门铃等声响作出反应等(常与call, bell, telephone, door, door-bell等连用)。如:

I can’t answer the telephone. I am having a bath. 我不能接电话,我正在洗澡。

Nobody answered my call for help. 没有人理会我的呼救。

Don’t expect her to answer the doorbell at eight o’clock on Sunday morning. She won’t be up. 星期日早上8点钟时,别指望她听见门铃响会来开门。她那时还没有起床呢。



(1) answer to的用法:

① 对……负责,向某人解释。如:

Who do you answer to in your new job? 你做的新工作要向谁负责?

② 对……有反应,顺从。如:

The dog answers to his name. 这狗听到自己的名字就有反应。

③ 由……控制:The plane answered smoothly to the controls. 这架飞机操纵自如。

(2) answer for 的用法:

① 对……负责。如:

You’ll have to answer for your carelessness. 你得对你的疏忽负责任。

② 对……受责,承担……的后果。如:

All these things are to be answered for. 所有这一切都是要偿还的。

③ 代表某人或支持某事物而讲话。如:

I agree but I can’t answer for my friends. 我同意,但我不能代表我的朋友也同意。

Knowing her well I can certainly answer for her honesty. 我很了解她,当然能担保她诚实。

其后可接名词或代词,一般不接 that 从句,若要接这类从句,通常应先接形式宾语 it。如:

I can’t answer for his honesty.= I can’t answer for it that he is honest. 我不能保证他是诚实的。


现在分词: answering

过去式: answered

过去分词: answered



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